Israel Hasbara Committee 01/12/2009 20:53 Updated 27 November 2008 Not logged in Please click here to login or register Alphabetical List of Authors (IHC News, 23 Oct. 2007) Aaron Hanscom Aaron Klein Aaron Velasquez Abraham Bell Abraham H. Miller Adam Hanft Addison Gardner ADL Aish.com Staff Akbar Atri Akiva Eldar Alan Dershowitz Alan Edelstein Alan M. Dershowitz Alasdair Palmer Aleksandra Fliegler Alexander Maistrovoy Alex Fishman Alex Grobman Alex Rose Alex Safian, PhD Alireza Jafarzadeh Alistair Lyon Aluf Benn Ambassador Dan Gillerman Ambassador Dan Gillerman, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations AMCHA American Airlines Pilot - Captain John Maniscalco Amihai Zippor Amihai Zippor. Ami Isseroff Amiram Barkat Amir Taheri Amnon Rubinstein Amos Asa-el Amos Harel Anav Silverman Andrea Sragg Simantov Andre Oboler Andrew Higgins Andrew Roberts Andrew White Anis Shorrosh Anne Bayefsky Anshel Pfeffer Anthony David Marks Anthony David Marks and Hannah Amit AP and Herb Keinon Ari Shavit and Yuval Yoaz Arlene Peck Arnold Reisman Arutz Sheva Asaf Romirowsky Asaf Romirowsky and Jonathan Spyer http://www.infoisrael.net/authors.html Page 1 of 34 Israel Hasbara Committee 01/12/2009 20:53 Assaf Sagiv Associated Press Aviad Rubin Avi Goldreich Avi Jorisch Avraham Diskin Avraham Shmuel Lewin A weekly Torah column from the OU's Torah Tidbits Ayaan Hirsi Ali Azar Majedi B'nai Brith Canada Barak Ravid Barry Rubin Barry Shaw BBC BBC News Ben-Dror Yemini Benjamin Weinthal Benny Avni Benny Morris Berel Wein Bernard Lewis Bet Stephens BICOM Bill Mehlman Bill Oakfield Bob Dylan Bob Unruh Borderfire Report Boris Celser Bradley Burston Bret Stephens BRET STEPHENS Bret Stevens Brian Krebs Britain Israel Communications Research Center (BICOM) British Israel Communications & Research Centre (BICOM) Brooke Goldstein Brooke M. Goldstein Bruce Thornton CAMERA CAMERA Alert Cameron S. Brown and Asaf Romirowsky Carol Gould Caroline B.Glick Caroline B. Glick Caroline Glick Caroline Sevier Carol Ungar Cellu Rozenberg Charles Krauthammer Charles Moore Chedva Margolit Christopher Holton Christopher Watts Chuck Chriss Cinnamon Stillwell Co-developed by Richard Prince and Susan Marx Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) Compiled by the ADL Coordination and Liaison Administration, Erez Dan Diker Dan Freed Dan Gordon Daniel Gordis Daniel Henninger Daniel Johnson Daniel Lyons Daniel Maccabee and the Jmag Staff http://www.infoisrael.net/authors.html Page 2 of 34 Israel Hasbara Committee 01/12/2009 20:53 Daniel Pipes Daniel Pipes, Ph.D. Dan Izenberg Dan Senor Daphna Berman Daveed Gartenstein-Ross David A. Harris David A. Patten David Ashenfelter David Bedein David Brinn David Brooks David E. Sanger and Mark Mazzetti David Frankfurter David Frum David Harris David Hazony David Honaker David Horovitz David Horowitz David J. Rusin David Kimche David Koenig David Leigh and Rob Evans David Makovsky David Meir-Levi David Miliband David P. Farrar David Singer David Wilder David Wilder and Ben Bresky David Wurmser Debbie Schlussel DEBKA Deborah Weiss Dennis MacEoin Dennis Prager Dennis Ross Devorah Ebbing Diana Muir Diana West Dick Morris & Eileen McGann Dina Coopersmith Dina Kraft Don Feder Dore Gold Doron Halutz Dovid Ben Chaim Dr. Alex Grobman Dr. Andre Oboler Dr. Dore Gold Dr. Joel Fishman Dr. Jonathan Spyer Dr. Michael Anbar Dr. Mordechai Kedar Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld Edited by Roger Guth Editorial Editorial, The Jerusalem Post Ed Lasky Ed Morrissey Efraim Inbar Efraim Karsh Efraim Karsh and Rory Miller Ehud Zion Waldoks Eitan Ingall and Sasha Gribov Elaine Sciolino Elaine Scolino Elan Journo http://www.infoisrael.net/authors.html Page 3 of 34 Israel Hasbara Committee 01/12/2009 20:53 Elazar Levin Eli E. Hertz Elizabeth Samson Ellen Horowitz Ellis Weintraub Elyakim Haetzni Emanuel A. Winston Emanuel A. Winston, Mid East Analyst & Commentator Emanuele Ottolenghi Emanuel Feldman Eran Benedek Eric Hoffer Eric Lichtblau and Mark Mazzetti Erik Arnold Etgar Lefkovits Ethel C. Fenig Eugene Narrett Eugene Volokh Evelyn Gordon Eyal Zisse Eye on the Post Ezra HaLevi Farid Ghadry Flemming Rose FM Livni Foreign Ministry Foreign Ministry Spokesman Foreign Ministry Spokesman's Bureau Fouad Ajami Fox News Francisco Gil-White Frank J. Gaffnewy Jr. Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. Frank J. Gaffney Jr. Fred Burton and Scott Stewart Frederick W. Kagan Fred Thompson Front Page Magazine Gaddy Weissman Gary Bauer Gary Cooperberg Gary Cooperburg Gary M. Cooperberg Gary Rosenblatt Gary Selikow Gary Tobin GAUTAM NAIK Georg Bonisch and Klaus Wiegrefe George Friedman George Michael Gerald A. Honigman Gerald B. Steinberg Gerald M. Steinberg Gerald Steinberg Gideon Schmerling Gideon Shmerling, Jerusalem Municipality Spokesman Gila Kanal Gilead Ini Gil Ronen Glenn C. Altschuler Gordon M. Hahn Gordon Thomas GPO Greer Fay Cashman and Herb Keinon Greg C. Reeson Greg Myre Guy Rolnik H. David Kirk Haaretz http://www.infoisrael.net/authors.html Page 4 of 34 Israel Hasbara Committee 01/12/2009 20:53 Haaretz Editorial Hal Lindsey Hamma Mirwaisi Hana Levi Julian Hannah Amit Hannah Meyers Harold M. Waller Hassan Daioleslam Haviv Rettig Henry Kissinger Herbert Zweibon Hershel Shanks Hilel Neuer Hillel C. Neuer Hillel Fendel Hillel Halkin HILLEL NEUER HonestReporting Honest Reporting Honest Reporting Canada Howard Jacobson IDF Spokesperson IDF SPOKESPERSON IDF SPOKESPERSON ANNOUNCEMENT Ignacio Russell Cano Igor Khrestin and John Elliott IHC Book Review by Gary Selikow IHC Staff Interview by Aron Hirt-Manheimer Ira Stoll Irvin Farber Irwin Cotler Isabel Kershner Isi Leibler Israel21C ISRAEL21c Staff Israel Antiquities Authority Israel Government Office Israel Government Press Office Israel Hasbara Committee Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs Israel National News Itamar Marcus Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook J4JPnews Jack Khoury Jackson Diehl Jacob Laksin James Barron James Kirchick James Kirchik James Lewis James Werner Jamie Glazov Jan Willem van der Hoeven Jared Shelly Jay Solomon Jeanette Friedman Jeff Jacoby Jeffrey Azarva Jeffrey Imm Jennifer Rubin Jenny Hazan Jerome S. Kaufman Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies Jerusalem Post Jewish Agency Press Release Jock (Joshua) L. Falkson http://www.infoisrael.net/authors.html Page 5 of 34 Israel Hasbara Committee 01/12/2009 20:53 Jock L. Falkson Jodi Levy Joe Kovacs Joel Brinkley Joel Fishman Joel Greenberg Joel Mowbray John D. McKinnon JOHN DORSCHNER John Perazzo John Podhoretz John R. Bolton John Tagliabue Jonathan Dahoah Halevi Jonathan Lis Jonathan Margolis Jonathan Mark Jonathan Rosenblum Jonathan S. Tobin Jonathan Schanzer Jonathan Schanzer and Asaf Romirowsky Jonathan Spyer Jonathan Tobin Jonny Paul JONNY PAUL Josef Federman Jose Maria Aznar Joseph Farah Joseph Lieberman Joseph M. Hochstein Joseph Yudin Joshua Muravchic & Charles Szrom Joshua Muravchik JPost.com Staff JTA Judea Pearl Judith Colp Rubin JUDITH MILLER Judy Lash Balint Judy Montagu Judy S. Balint Judy Siegel-Itzkovich JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICH Justice4JPnews Justus Reid Weiner and Diane Morrison Karin Kloosterman Katie Green Kay Daniels Kenneth R. Timmerman Kenneth R. Timmerman. Kevin Mooney Kimberly Kagan Laina Farhat-Holzman Lana Gersten Larry Cohler-Esses Larry Derfner Larry Derfrner Larry Miller Larry Neumeister Larry Rich Laura Gold Laura Wiessen Lauren Frayer Laurie GOODSTEIN Lawrence Uniglicht Lee Kaplan Lee Smith Lela Gilbert Lenny Ben-David http://www.infoisrael.net/authors.html Page 6 of 34 Israel Hasbara Committee 01/12/2009 20:53 Leo Rennert Lily Galili Liz Cheney Lorenzo Vidino Lorna Fitzsimons Lorne Gunter Louis Ren? Beres Louis Rene Beres Louis Rene Beres & Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto Louis Rene Beres and Clare M. Lopez Louis Rene Beres and Isaac Ben-Israel Louis Rene Beres and Maj. Gen. Paul E.Vallely Louis Rene Beres and Paul E. Vallely Louis Rene Beres and Thomas McInerney Louis Uchitelle Lt.-Gen. (ret.) Moshe Yaalon Lydia Weitzman MABAT, Israel's Intelligence Center Mahmoud Abbas Manfred Gerstenfeld Manhigut Yehudit Marc Ballon Marc Rice-Oxley Marc Sheppard Marian Lacy Mark Drajem Mark L. Goodman Mark Mazzetti Mark Steyn Marla Braverman Martin van Creveld Masha Rifkin Matthew Kaminski Matthew Wagner Matthias K?ntzel Matthias Kuntzel Matthias K�ntzel Maurice Ostroff Max Boot Media Relations, Yad Vashem Melanie Morgan Melanie Phillips MEMRI Menachem Persoff Meron Rapoport MICHAEL B. OREN Michael Freund Michael Jordon Michael Makovsky Michael Oren Michael Petek Michael R. Gordon Michael Rubin Michael Rubinkam Michael Young Michelle Marcello Middle East Quarterly Mijal Grinberg Mike Fegelman Mike Huckabee Milena Uhlmann Ministry of Defens Ministry of Tourism Miryam Yerushalmi Mitchell Bard Mladen Andrijasevic Mona Charen Mona El-Naggar http://www.infoisrael.net/authors.html Page 7 of 34 Israel Hasbara Committee 01/12/2009 20:53 Moran Zelikovich Mordechai Abir Mordechai Ben-Menachem Moshe Arens Moshe Burt Moshe Feiglin Moshe Phillips Mr. Salomon Benzimra Mr. Shimon Peres, the President of Israel Myra Kaye N. Leonard Tolkan Na'ama Shefi Nadav Shragai Naomi Chazan Naomi Ragen Natan Sharansky Natan Sharansky and Bassem Eid Nathalie Szerman Nathaniel Popper National Post Nazila Fathi Nazila Fathi and David E. Sanger Nefesh B'Nefesh New York Post New York Sun Editorial NGO Monitor Nicole Stracke Nidra Poller Nimrod Raphaeli Nina Shea Nissan Ratzlav-Katz Nitsana Darshan-Leitner Noah Pollak Noam Arnon and David Wilder Noam Bedein Ofer Aderet Olivier Guitta Onion Staff Opinion Journal Or Honig Orthodox Union P.David Hornik P.
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