Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-8-1995 The BG News November 8, 1995 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 8, 1995" (1995). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5920. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5920 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. "Celebrating 75 years of Excellence f/ Inside the News City CcWipUS • Former Quayle aid gives speech 4 \ 95 h More election coverage. V £ Opinion • Kim & Dan argue against the abortion bill 2 o J ?o *-> # M* SportS • Men's and women's swimming lose at home O PageS c: NEWS 3 /» Wednesday, November 8, 1995 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 82, Issue 41 City wards ruled unconstitutional Jay Young over yet, because the court has The BG News still reserved jurisdiction to re- U.S. magistrate orders BG to redraw districts view the proposed new plan." There's a new city council In Kevin Vaughn, SLS chairman, town, and it's unconstitutional, resented on City Council. The ruling is the result of a suit system is unfair to students. The the victory. helped make the initial decision according to a federal judge. Armstrong ruled Monday that filed against the city by Univer- University, which is located in "I wasn't surprised. I thought to sue the city last summer. United States Magistrate her court will have jurisdiction sity Student Legal Services. The Ward 1, is home to 45 percent of all along that the Constitution re- Vaughn said he was pleased with Judge Vernelis Armstrong over the new plan, which must be city argued the current ward the city's population, according quired this," Fleming said. "This the decision. ordered the City of Bowling proposed within six months. system is fair and is Important to to the 1990 census. is a compilation of several years' "We had the Constitution on Green to develop a plan to What the new plan will do to the provide municipal services. Stu- Rodney Fleming, SLS manag- work by the student body and change the way citizens are rep- new council members is unclear. dent Legal Services argued the ing attorney, said he expected Student Legal Services. It's not See RULING, page five. Hoffman dominates polls in mayoral race Amy Johnson Hartman said Hoffman's re- with the railroad crossings," The BG News election as mayor was a tribute to Hoffman said. "The problem his performance as a city admin- about the courts and the addi- Wes Hoffman was re-elected istrator as well as a mayor. tional space is something we will as mayor of Bowling Green for "I congratulate Wes Hoffman," have to discuss with the new another term Tuesday night in a Hartman said. "Nobody has con- Judges." 3,929-1,191 vote over democratic tributed more to the government Two current city council mem- candidate Jack Hartman. in this city in the last 45 years bers said the mayor deserved to According to Hoffman, his vic- than Wes Hoffman." Hartman be re-elected as mayor. tory shows the citizens thought said he will continue to work on "Voters look at what he has he was on the right track during the Bowling Green Board of Ed- been doing and how the city has his term. ucation. Hartman did not rule out changed during the time of his "I believe I ran a good cam- running for mayor in the near fu- term," said Robert McGeeln, paign," Hoffman said. "My cam- ture. "Perhaps my contribution current city councilman at-large. paign was a very positive and in this campaign is not as a suc- "The citizens said yes ~ this is dignified campaign." cessful candidate, but as what I like." Hoffman said the first issue he someone who cared enough about "I think he has done an excel- will concentrate on as the re- this community to put it on the lent job," said Rebecca Hansen, elected mayor is redistricting. line," Hartman said. re-elected 3rd Ward city coun- "We won't be able to do much Hoffman said he will announce cilwoman. "He deserves another with the issue until the new city the most important issues he will term because the residents council takes office," he said. concentrate on at the first city agreed with what the mayor has "We'll have two new council council meeting next year. promoted for the city." members and we'll have to see "We will have to obviously Another issue Hoffman said he The BG NcwiUon Raiback how they want to deal with the is- concentrate on the west side fire will concentrate on is building a Mayor Wes Hoffman stands with a crowd at the Ice Arena lounge as the precinct voting results come sue." station and to settle the problems community center. In. Hoffman was declared the winner of the mayoral race. [;' Tf TaPi* tf&i N ■ Ogdahl snags \ ■ Ju ;•»« V-*. ■""U 1 fee 1st Ward seat H'< . m Jay Young and Joe Boyle the door-to-door campaign as a ...-- - The BG News member of council. K^is^^nuBs .■ '-■■•■> - ^^^^^>^' "I think we do need more KX^^IV w Sarah Ogdahl was elected to community involvement, on all ■ ity ' wr$m BJBV HP ■■* MW ^^^^ represent most University stu- levels," Ogdahl said. "I intend to dents on the city council Tues- make regular door-to-door ■ ^^^^V ^^JV' «H % ^ *■?■ - Co^^^B day. rounds around the ward and also ~..,-A ■ Ogdahl, a sophomore honors hold meetings." jfl - <W jl^^^Hl student at the University, Ogdahl said safety concerns , .. .. ■ defeated republican John Miller will be one of the first things she <gm■i^H ' ■ '. ■ ■" ^^H^^^ ' *--flfl^^H ri^^^^^H 489 to 295 votes. will address. "I can't believe It," Ogdahl "I think the safety issue needs ML' m / "V^^^H said. "It proves that the door-to- to be addressed immediately," - door campaign paid off." she said. "I will do whatever I ■ K~^--'** " Ogdahl said she began cam- can to strengthen the women's paigning in February and contin- safety program." - J I Kelly Rlgo/Thc BG New. ued knocking on the doors of res- Current 1st Ward City Coun- ■ A University student votes Tuesday afternoon at the idents up until election day. cilman Todd Kleismit said Og- University Commons. "I'm tired," Ogdahl said. "This dahl can expect a challenge when whole campaign has been going she takes over the council seat. i '■'. ':*-'.'ili3 on nine months. It's been gruel- "I think the next council mem- ing." ber will have to very carefully Student voter Miller, a first-time candidate, weigh the interests of a diverse was happy with how the election constituency," Kleismit said. mjki- J went. "You have to weigh the problems fcltM "It was a hard-fought cam- of both permanent residents and turnout is low paign and Issue-oriented," Miller students and make the right said."As it stands, it just looks choices for everyone. Joe BoyliTThc BG New. John Wenzel and Lee Buse [student] turnout for the presi- like things didnt go my way." Ogdahl's mother, Suzanne, said First Ward City Council winner Sarah Ogdahl directs students to vot- The BG News dential elections, which isn't Ogdahl said she will continue she Is very pleased. ing locations at University Commons Tuesday evening. wrong, but other elections can Low voter turnout and a lack be just as critical and just as of knowledge about candi- important." dates characterized Tuesday's Tom Gary, a University student voting, according to alumnus and voting official, Marcin awaits absentee count voting officials. said the reason most fre- "I really have no desire to use of the emergency clause to Lalne Crabtree, presenting quently cited by students for Lee Buse and David Woessner was only Judge at the Commons voting The BG News four votes at press time. The ta- make large changes in the city pass legislation In City Council. not voting is the threat of Jury "I don't think it should be location, said the number of duty. lly was 2,493 votes for Marcin council," Marcin said. Although he favors the Idea of overused," Marcin said. "But students who voted was ex- "This seems to be a system- Democrat Chester Marcin had and 2,489 for Woessner, but the tremely low. won the at-large city council seat, absentee ballots had yet to be redistricting, Marcin said he sometimes time plays a big role atic flaw that needs to be cor- wants to keep the ward system. in getting something passed, "We feel the students might rected," Gary said. "There's a according to late results Tuesday counted. evening. However, the final re- Marcin said if he does end up "I dont think an at-large that's when it should be used." not know the issues," Crabtree See VOTING, page five. said. "There's a much higher sults were not all in. being elected, he really doesn't system will work out," he said. The margin between Marcin have any big changes in mind. Marcin also commented on the See AT-LARGE, page five. 1 1 . « -<-.»> • ion The BG News page two Wednesday, November 8,1995 The BG News lAbortion bill causes harm Last Wednesday, while we a position where they have no you would call "top of the line." criminal code does not mention "Celebrating 75 years of Excellence' were all toiling away in classes, choice, but to put their lives or Many women died as a result of orange juice.
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