Separation of Tritiated Water from Water Using Composite Membranes Presenters: Jim Duncan, Westinghouse Hanford Company; Dave Nelson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory1 EM Focus Areas: contaminant plume containment ' a point source or groundwater containing HTO are and remediation; facility transitioning, decontamina- Hanford, Savannah River, Idaho National Engineering tion, decommissioning, and final disposition Laboratory (INEL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Brookhaven National Laboratory Task Description (BNL), and Mound Laboratory. Polymeric composite membranes are being developed Scientific Background to remove tritium from contaminated water at DOE sites. Industrial membrane systems are being devel- During earlier studies of barrier materials for hydro- oped that have proven to be energy efficient, and gen isotopes,1 it was observed that tritium had a membrane technologies such as reverse-osmosis lower permeability through brominated acrylonitrile- have been well developed for desalination and butadiene copolymer than deuterium or hydrogen. other industrial/municipal applications. Aromatic The authors proposed that this difference was a result polyphosphazene membranes are being investigated of tritium's lower diffusivity by virtue of its larger because they have excellent radiological, thermal, molecular mass. Hollow fiber polyimide membranes and chemical stability. The FY 1996 effort is directed have been used to separate tritium from moist air in toward delineating a potential mechanism, providing support of fusion research.2 Cellulose acetate mem- a statistical approach to data acquisition, refining a branes have been used to separate deuterium oxide mass balance, and designing a staged array module. (D20; 200 ppm enriched) from light water (H20) under pervaporation conditions (reduced pressure at 3 Technology Needs the downstream). Pervaporation was more effective (a = 1.08) at lower temperatures and pressures (20°C Although processes to remove tritiated water (HTO) and 6 torr). Transition to an ultrafiltration mechanism are available (e.g., combined electrolysis-catalytic was proposed for higher temperatures and pressures. exchange), most require intensive capital or energy A similar change in mechanism was shown to expenditures. Thus, the proposed remediation of occur with the separation of 50% D 0 from H 0 HTO from DOE sites frequently involves migration 2 2 with downstream pressures of 260 torr and tempera- with time through geologic formations. Although tures of 65°C.4 An extension of this research used this is logical because of tritium's short half-life polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membranes for both (12.3 years), regulatory agencies have requested hydrogen/deuterium and 160/180 separations within * more emphasis on separation technology because of water.5 Separation of the oxygen isotopes was greater concerns about groundwater movement; that is, the than those for the hydrogen isotopes, which suggests rapid groundwater flow that allows a plume of HTO different mechanisms for the pervaporation pro- quicker access to a river and ultimately to human cesses. For similar temperatures and pressures, the and animal ingestion. Sites currently having either hydrophobic membrane gave enhanced separation 1 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is operated by Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-ACOÓ-76RLO 1830. Short-Lived Radionuclides—ESP 15 compared to a cellulose acetate membrane. Prelimi- they will allow us to determine further design param- nary engineering calculations have been reported for eters for the staged array system. Once most of the the separation of D20 from H20 using the PTFE mechanism information and membrane property data membranes in counter-current cascades.6 are obtained, we will calculate the hypothetical sepa- ration of the HTO from water in the cascade. In the current investigation, polyphosphazenes were chosen as the polymeric material for the membranes because they have been shown tobe isothermally Accomplishments stable to 320°C,7 and selected types, especially The major milestones of this project are directed poly[bis(phenoxy)phosphazene] (PPOP), were per- 8 at several issues, including a statistical approach to meable to alcohol. Furthermore, these polymers are experimental design and mass balances, calculations chemically resistant to various solvents and are film- 9 from a designed module staged array, and a determi- forming thermoplastics. Polyphosphazenes with nation of the mechanism of the HTO separation. A aryloxy side groups provided very low scission statistical design of experiments has been completed, or cross-linking yields when exposed to gamma- 10 and work toward providing the necessary information radiation, especially if no halogen or alkyl-groups is under way. Thus far, we have deionized and dis- were substituted on the aryl-group. tilled 10 gallons of K-East Basin water (3 p.Ci/L) and used this as a source of HTO for initial experiments. Technical Approach Twenty gallons of N Basin water (39 p.Ci/L) will also be prepared for similar use. In FY 1995, we showed that the poly[bis(phenoxy)- phosphazene]-based membrane can consistently Experiments were conducted with 10% achieve 30% reduction in a single pass, from 3 (iCi/L carboxylated poly(diphenoxy)phosphazene and (K-East Basin water). The FY 1996 work is directed poly(diphenoxy)phosphazene, unannealed, using primarily at a basic understanding of the HTO sepa- distilled K-East Basin water (3 |iCi/L). The experi- ration. Thus, a series of mass balance experiments ments indicated that HTO separation is quite variable will be conducted to confirm the preliminary FY 1995 and reached 18% depletion with only one carboxy- results. Experiments will follow statistically designed lated membrane under deionized water conditions. parameters. The designed experiments will examine This confirms the variability from many previous factors that might impact the HTO separation, such experiments with unannealed membranes. The as pH, ion type/concentration, and temperature. annealed membranes have also been examined under similar conditions (4°C and distilled K-East Staff at the University of Idaho and the University Basin water), but the scintillation results indicate of Washington will provide spectroscopic data on the little, if any, HTO depletion. However, the pressure possible mechanism of the HTO separation. SpinTek stability required to maintain permeation with the Membrane Systems (Huntington Beach, California) annealed membranes was more consistent in will assist in the study of water permeation through contrast to the continual pressure fluctuations the membranes. Several critical factors must be deter- needed for the unannealed membranes. mined if the system is to be implemented. We expect to examine N-Basin water (39 |iCi/L) during FY 1996 The same set of experiments (two membranes and as well as water with a much higher tritium content. 4°C) was performed with distilled K-East Basin HTO Experiments with water in the milliCurie per liter or containing 0.001 M Na2S04. Both membrane types higher range will require coordination with regulatory provided HTO separation, with the carboxylated and technical personnel and possibly other DOE sites. membrane showing up to 17% HTO depletion, after The data from this experiment are crucial because 4 hours of operation. We are currently conducting 16 Short-Lived Radionuclides—ESP 16 membrane experiments with 0.01 M and 0.1 M also contains increasing concentrations of tritiated Na.SO, solutions as well as with similar calcium water (HTO and related species) in a similar ppm 2 4 salt concentrations. Although the initial experiments range due to neutron emission/capture (uranium fis- have not been completed, the current data suggest sion). This technology would go far to mitigate HTO that hydration shell involvement may be a significant as a point source pollutant for light water reactors. part of the HTO separation mechanism. Also, there is a possibility that this membrane separa- tion process would be of use in the future fusion effort. Liumar Technologies Corporation of Ottawa, Ontario, is determining the coating conditions of the poly- (diphenoxy)phosphazene with material from Ethyl Technology Transfer/Collaborations Corp. They are also attempting to establish the This work is a collaborative effort between Pacific nanofiltration characteristics of the membrane using Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Westinghouse various molecular weight polyethylene oxides. We Hanford Company, and SpinTek Membrane Systems. are collaborating with the University of Idaho and Atomic Energy Canada, Limited, has also expressed the University of Washington (Center for Process interest in the membrane process and has entered into Analytical Chemistry) to help further define the HTO a proprietary agreement with PNNL. Two meetings separation mechanism spectroscopically. with Ontario Hydro personnel have been conducted. Benefits PNNL has expanded the involvement of interested industries, including collaboration with Desalination Waters containing unacceptable tritium concentrations Systems, Inc., during FY 1995. Liumar Technologies (above environmental release limits or drinking water Corporation has examined the polyphosphazene standards) are released at DOE sites, including Hanford, membranes for their proprietary applications and Savannah River, INEL, LLNL, BNL, and Mound. continue to provide us information about aqueous One example involves the C-018H Treatment
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