9 tnencatt. I >EC EMBER 31, 1896. j "*gS,I Number 53^ aoorrusruuntB. LOCAL AFFAIRS. ley, secretary ; W. A. Alexander, c haplain ; Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest TJ. S. Gov’t Report F. L. Mason, warder; Thomas E. Brown, NKW A I»V I ICTIsKM KNTX THIS IVHKK sentry. These officers will be installed on •• •• F-iday, Jan. 15. , Com. of Inland Fisheries and Game—Notice. INSURANCE. Krnc-t D stmw—Messenger’s notice. A working team frotn Donaqua lodge, M Gallert— rood*. I>ry K. of of to Statement—Condition of the First national P., Ellsworth, went Sullivan bank. Monday to assist in instituting L. M. FI,". K J Walsh—Shoe store. Siewns The new has 125 0 t; Blt ]| ]{| ljL & A II (»eiin—Me«* nger’s notice. lodge. lodge SON, It . --- - Kxee notice Kst Geo Nichols. charter members, said to be the largest orr.-.,.'.;,.'; MAINE. Annual Shoe Co. ELLSWORTH. meeting—Union Mgf number in K F Koldnaon—Jeweler. in the history of the order F A Coomhs—Stationery. Maine. fcf (jet our terms before insuring elsewhere. Telegraph or telephone for insurance AB3OLUTE1.Y RUBE at our expense. Donaqua lodge, K. of P., will elect Charles E. Woodward, of Bangor, is in officers this (Wednesday) evening. The below the window. A feature of ! SCHOOL NOTES. the cily to-day. officers nominated are as follows: Uev. standing First-class Investment Securities. the device is a spring which is tightened A. J. Long, of Bluehill, was in town I. H. W. Wharff, C. C.; A. L. Friend, V. The school as a and draws the high opened Monday with A. P. person descends, rope Tuesday on business. C.; John I.#ord, prelate; G. Wiswell, the same teachers as last term. STATIC STREET, ELLSWORTH, ME. back to as soon as the of There R. and position weight Miss Frances Grant is home from Bos- M.ofW.;M. Y. McGown, K. of is a full attendance. tiie person is removed. The escapes are of ton for the 8.; I.. M. Moore, M. of E.; E. C. Osgood, holidays. simple construction, and there is nothing The Beechland school closed this morn- M. of F.; W. T. Doyle, J. G.; Roswell Miss Lucy R. Osgood, who is teaching to get out of order. will be inex- ing till Jan. 11, on account of so many of O. G. They Murch, the Err HAS BEEN WELL SAID at Mount Hope, is home for the holidays. pensive. One of t he escapes is now being pupils having the measles. The literature club met witli Miss Clio made for the I’nion shoe factory. The W. C. T. U. w ill meet to-day There are two new teachers in the city Not only by the prophets of old, but by modern philos- A'. Chilcott Haturday evening and began (Thursday) at 2 p. m. at Mrs. Isaac M. A barn on the Stabawl near schools this term, William K. the of Lowell. Rev. W. R. road, Kinney, that there is a time and a for study Hunt, IS> ophers, place everything, Grant’s. the Back meadow, was burned early of Alfred, takes charge of the east side of the club, gave an interesting president and Miss Mira r So at this season of the it seems lo be a time F. Carroll Burrili is home from the Bos- Tuesday morning. The barn was owned grammar, Jackson, of year special s' etorh of Lowell as a man and as a poet, ton university law school for the holiday by John Maloney, and was comparatively Morrill, takes the Falls intermediate. r' for the of thanks. It is recorded in the book of i ami also outlined historical events which giving vacation. new. It contained hay, farming ma- Both teachers come with the best of Rffected Lowell’s writings, some know- r' books that it is more blessed to than to receive ; so .J chinery and tools, and a quantity of un- recommendations, and have had excellent give Frank C. Stetson and wife are spending ledge of which is necessary for an under- threshed grain. The cause of the tire is success in other places. i r at THIS TIME we wish to direct the to THE J the holidays at their former home, Whit- standing of many of his poems. The next public but incendiarism is Miss Charlotte S. Dorman has been man, Mass. of the club will be held on Fri- unknown, suspected. » meeting 1’LACH where for the giving of a few dollars you can Building and contents were insured transferred from the Shore Road school to ^ Presiding Elder H. W. Norton preached day evening of this week, with Miss through George If. Grant for about $500. the Pine street intermediate. Miss Wil- receive the most value, quality considered, in a Car- X at the Methodist church last Sunday, Sylvia Davis. * The Dirjgo hose boys have commenced helminn S. Frost has been transferred KiAi.i.. Sleigh, IT n<.. Fur Coat, Robes, Blankets, j morning and evening. Officers of W. II. H. Rice post, G. A. R., t lie practice of basket ball. The old Odd from the position (if assistant in the Falls The county commissioners are in ses- will be installed Monday evening. Past Harnesses., Winrs, Mats, &c. Fellows’ hall has been secured for practice. grammar to the Shore Road school, and j sion at the court house, closing up the Commander Irving Osgood will act as in- The windows have been covered witii Miss Mabel A. Bridges g'\»s up the officer, it is that the nml -II-ljAl X.. 1 bV \ year's business of t he county. stalling expected school Url'ii.lt.ir. Sjilesrooin, wire to t lie or at Doll irdtown (Xo. ID) to accept officers of the Woman’s relief will netting keep ball, possibly Frank 11 ii M., I llsworlli, Me. Original lluck-hoard >1 annfacl of E. W. corps the Ex-Sup* rintcmleiit Schools one of the from position of assistant, in the Falls nrer^ j | be installed the same Past Pres- players, going through Lord is home Boston evening. from university them. Perkins is as trainer grammar school. Following is a liHt of ident Mrs. James A. McGown has been Harry acting for a the in short holiday vacation. and instructor. Two teams wilj he or- teachers the graded schools for the invited to act as officer. This weather will make you think of installing winter term: surely Harry Osgood, who is a student in the ganized from among the members of the The house on Spruce street owned and G rammnr. medical department of Boston university, company for practice, ami from th ^c 1 have occupied by W. B. Sullivan, caught tire School street- William K. nney, prin- xtt them! is noire iur ne nuiiuiiy \mcuhoii. teams will be selected a team of t he Christmas afternoon. The lire originated cipal; Miss Annie F. Mu! .in, th and Carlton H. Thomas who has been at- j best players to represent t tie Hirtgns FROM rib near the in the attic, and had seventh Miss M> -ry i as- #5 chimney other teams. it should he a grades; Begins, tending t he Worcester ( Mass.) Polytech- against j it will also make you feel the net d of burned through the roof when discovered. sistant nic Inst it ute since is home. strong team, as there is good metal September, work the firemen saved the Bridge hill Miss A. Guvnor. Prompt by in the J)irgos. A team will also be Mary Fleeced ITnderwejir. Miss Lizzie Lynch, a former valued The loss is about fTo, which is Falls—Mi'.s KHa F. Miss Mabel A Heavy bu’Miug. organized from tlie Senator Hale hos«- Jordan, in THE American* has G. 11. — employee olfiee, cov red insurance assistant. -All from 50 cents up: by through team. The to !> aide to Bridges, sizes; in Dirigos hope returned from an extended visit Bos- Grant. Sub-Gramma r. give an exhibit ion game in Hancock hail ton. State* s’reel -Miss ii. B; ek. "COM FORT" Mittens nml (doves. in about three weeks. Mary SOMKT^<\„N^i.,e '• Miss Mary Higgins, who has been phut* last Tuesday. The day was mild Water street Miss Leonora I. Higgins. GO cents per j>nir. her vacation in Massachusetts and A Infant street Mrs. Lizzie S. M hjiv. spending the ice-boating good. merry party ( IK Ki ll NO 1 KS. Bridge hill Miss A. StoGc.-; and Pii ulc island, returned home Tues- of children rode ouL in a Mary idge. j hay-rack—a Suore road -Miss Wilhelmina S. Frost. HATS aixl ( Al’S in nil the latest styles. even ride —with li. J. CO N G R EG AT IO N A L. day ing. genuine straw Capt. Joy Intermediate. on one end and 11. E. Davis on the other. Sacrament of the Lord’s will be Of the thirty teachers in Ellsworth’s j supper Pine street —.Miss Charlotte S. Dorman. 15 Y a went observed at the close of ( > \V I vX X , city schools, t\\eiity-seVen are from Ells- In tlie afternoon large party out, Sunday morning Falls—Muss Mira Jackson. as the service, in of the us- ----- with Hollis C. of their morning place 5 WATER STREET. ELLSWORTH. worth. How many cities in the State Joy, Ctiieugo, n Primary. ual t his eve- can show a like record? glK'St. prayer-meeting ( Wednesday) Pine street -Mrs. L. J. Backus. ning, at 7.30, there will be a preparatory Falls—Miss Lena K.
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