ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 CONTENTS PART 1. OVERVIEW 1 • FEATURES 2 • APPROVAL OF THE ANNUAL REPORT 2 • CORPORATE PROFILE AND ACTIVITIES 3 PART 2: EXECUTIVE REPORTS 4 • MESSAGE FROM THE MEC 5 • BOARD CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT 6 • BOARD MEMBERS 7 • INDEPENDENT AUDIT COMMITTEE 10 • MESSAGE FROM THE CEO 11 PART 3 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES 13 3.1 OPERATIONS SERVICES 14 • UKHAHLAMBA DRAKENSBERG PARK 14 • ISIMANGALISO WETLAND PARK WORLD HERITAGE 30 • HLUHLUWE IMFOLOZI PARK 32 • DISTRICT CONSERVATION 35 • RHINO SECURITY 36 • GAME CAPTURE 41 • HONORARY OFFICER CORPS 43 3.2 CONSERVATION SERVICES 44 • COMMUNITY CONSERVATION UNIT PROGRAMMES 44 • KZN BIODIVERSITY ECONOMY STEWARDSHIP PROGRAMME 45 • REGULATORY SERVICES 46 • BIODIVERSITY SPATIAL PLANNING & INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 47 • CONSERVATION PLANNING 48 • ECOLOGICAL ADVICE 52 • CONSERVATION RESEARCH AND ASSESSMENT 55 3.3 ECOTOURISM 58 3.4 PROJECTS AND PARTNERSHIPS 65 3.5 LEGAL UNIT 70 3.6 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 71 3.7 INTERNAL AUDIT 76 PART 4: CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 78 REPORT OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL 80 ANNEXURE - AUDITOR GENERAL’S RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE AUDIT 84 GENERAL INFORMATION 85 ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY’S RESPONSIBILITIES AND APPROVAL 86 AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE REPORT 87 ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY’S REPORT 88 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT 91 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 96 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 97 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS 98 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 99 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT IF COMPARISON OF BUDGET AND ACTUAL AMOUNTS 100 CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTING POLICIES 101 CONSOLIDATED NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 110 KWAZULU NATAL NATURE CONSERVATION BOARD ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 1Part OVERVIEW EZEMVELO KZN WILDLIFE ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 FEATURES 2 APPROVAL OF THE ANNUAL REPORT 2 CORPORATE PROFILE AND ACTIVITIES 3 KWAZULU NATAL NATURE CONSERVATION 1 BOARD ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 FEATURES APPROVAL OF THE ANNUAL • Ezemvelo’s mandate is derived from the KwaZulu-Na- REPORT tal Nature Conservation Management Act (Act No.9 of 1997), which is to direct the management of nature Ezemvelo is committed to integrated reporting and disclo- conservation within the province, including protected sure. This will be enhanced in subsequent years to enable areas (PAs). This includes the development and promo- stakeholders to make an informed assessment of our abil- tion of ecotourism facilities within the PAs. ity to deliver services in a sustainable manner. • Ezemvelo manages more than 120 Pas, which are ter- restrial, coastal and marine reserves. • Ezemvelo, as a state-owned entity, remains committed SCOPE AND BOUNDARY OF THIS to deliver on the priorities of Government, which in- REPORT clude job creation. This is achieved by the organisation The Annual Report covers the performance, financial and either entering into partnerships or implementing pro- non-financial, of Ezemvelo for the year ended 31 March grammes that enable job creation. These programmes 2018. The entity operates in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal are also aligned with further conservation efforts. within the Republic of South Africa. • Community development has been high on Ezemvelo’s agenda as conservation must create tangible benefits Our financial reporting complies with Generally Recognised for people, especially for those who reside in the buffer Accounting Practice (GRAP). Management has also con- zones i.e. adjacent to PAs. sidered the draft guidelines on integrated reporting provid- • Management plans continue to be implemented by ed by the Integrated Reporting Committee of South Africa. Ezemvelo to stabilise key species, many of which have been considered vulnerable or were once on the brink of extinction. Examples of such species include vul- ASSURANCE Assurance of this Annual Integrated Report is provided by tures, white and black rhino, loggerhead turtles and the accounting authority and management of Ezemvelo. wattled cranes. The Auditor-General has provided external assurance on • Ezemvelo is entrusted with the responsibility of man- the financial and non-financial performance reports and aging the South African component of Maloti-Drak- the report appears on page (91-139) ensberg Park World Heritage site as well as perform- ing conservation and ecotourism activities within the iSimangaliso Wetlands Park World Heritage Site. The APPROVAL OF THE ANNUAL organisation also manages a number of Ramsar sites (wetlands of international importance), such as Ndumo INTEGRATED REPORT The accounting authority acknowledges its responsibility Game Reserve, Kosi Bay and Lake Sibaya. to ensure the integrity of the Annual Integrated Report. The • Ezemvelo is considered by its peers to be one of the members of the accounting authority are satisfied with the leading conservation authorities in South Africa. content and have approved this Annual Integrated Report. • Ezemvelo is forging a distinctive identity in the field of community conservation as part of its integrated ap- proach to enable job creation as well as environmentally sensitive land use activities. • Ezemvelo is cognisant of the fact that conservation is a land use in direct competition with other land uses. Dr L.W. Mngoma Chairperson KWAZULU NATAL NATURE CONSERVATION 2 BOARD ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 CORPORATE PROFILE AND CORE VALUES • Passion – We shall be passionate in what we do • Respect – We shall perform our duties in a profession- ACTIVITIES al, ethical manner • Trust – We shall act transparently with integrity and BRIEF HISTORY honesty in all we do The history of Ezemvelo is a source of considerable pride • Innovation – We shall embrace a culture of learning, for all associated with it. This organisation has been at the adaptation and creativity at all times forefront of South Africa’s conservation efforts for many • Excellence – We shall strive to apply best practices to decades and its reputation has a strong international achieve the highest quality and standards at all times standing as well. The success of Ezemvelo can be attribut- ed to a pioneering history as well as an ongoing adherence to strategies and plans that are in line with international best practice. AIMS OF EZEMVELO Ezemvelo, in terms of the KZN Nature Conservation Man- VISION agement Act 9 of 1997, is mandated to: “To be a world renowned leader in the field of biodiversity conservation.” a) Direct the management of i. nature conservation within the province; ii. protected areas; and MISSION iii. the development and promotion of ecotourism facilities “To ensure effective conservation and sustainable use of within the protected areas. KwaZulu-Natal’s biodiversity in collaboration with stake- holders for the benefit of present and future generations.” b) Ensure the proper, effi cient and effective management of the Conservation Service. KWAZULU NATAL NATURE CONSERVATION 3 BOARD ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 Part EXECUTIVE 2 REPORTS EZEMVELO KZN WILDLIFE ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 MESSAGE FROM THE MEC 5 BOARD CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT 6 BOARD MEMBERS 7 INDEPENDENT AUDIT COMMITTEE 10 MESSAGE FROM THE CEO 11 KWAZULU NATAL NATURE CONSERVATION 4 BOARD ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 MESSAGE FROM THE MEC HON. NOMUSA DUBE-NCUBE, MPL Executive Authority: Member of Provincial Legislature MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs It is again my pleasure to table the 2018/19 Ezemvelo an- nual report. I read with excitement what this entity achieved during the year under review, and I am fully aware that it was not easy. During the year under review we welcomed additional I would not be doing justice if I do not compliment the men board members to the Kwazulu-Natal Nature Conservation and women who put their lives in danger, day and night, Board. Their arrival followed the departure of some Board caring for our protected areas. Through their unflinching members at the end of their term. The current Board has commitment, the year under review indicates that there has to manoeuvre through a maze of possibilities where one been a drastic decline in the number of rhinos poached in wrong step could have a debilitating result on our conser- protected areas within KwaZulu-Natal. In 2017/18 we lost vation efforts. These members have my full support and I 222 rhinos while in 2018/19 we managed to keep the fig- trust they will make prudent decisions during their term of ures down to 142. Well done to all of you. office. The Department will continue to support biodiversity con- The integration of Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife and the Sharks servation in the province: we are convinced our lives de- Board is at an advanced stage. The two organisations pend on goods and services provided by our ecosystems. continue to meet to discuss how the whole integration pro- cess will be implemented. These meetings happen through what has become known as the Joint Management Com- mittee, comprising senior managers drawn mainly from ___________________________ affected entities as well as the Department. It is important HON. NOMUSA DUBE-NCUBE, MPL to note that the decision to integrate these organisations Executive Authority: Member of Provincial Legislature emanated from the national government decision to review MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and the functionality and efficacies of state-owned enterprises Environmental Affairs in terms of implementing government strategies to accel- erate socio-economic transformation. It is our plan to see this process completed within the next financial year. KWAZULU NATAL NATURE CONSERVATION 5 BOARD ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 MESSAGE
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