PAGE 1 JJULY 2016-NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER 1 JJULY PAGE VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1 JULY 2016 AWARD-WINNING New York THE NEWSPAPER POSITIVELY FOR, BY & ABOUT PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER-JANUARY 2015 PAGE 1 REVVING UP IN THIS ISSUE Able is 25 Disability Voter Registration Week - July 11-15 PAGES 2 & 3 ADA is 26 he REV UP Campaign is PAGES 14 & 15 coordinating a National Disability Voter Regis- Obituary Ttration Week, July 11 through 15 Broadcaster and Advocate to increase the political power of Greg Smith, Dies at 52 people with disabilities while also PAGE 5 engaging candidates and the me- dia to recognize the disability com- Advocates Sue BOE munity. PWD Discriminated To help prepare for National Against in Online Voting Disability Voter Registration PAGE 5 Week, the REV UP Campaign recently hosted an organizing AHHA Legislation Passes webinar to aid organizers across Aides To Play the country to hold voter registra- Greater Role in Care tion events – both physically and PAGE 7 online – to increase the number of people with disabilities who are Best Colleges registered to vote and ultimately Tri-state Institutions Support the number of people with disabili- Students With Disabilities ties who vote on election day in PAGE 11 November and in future elections. The REV UP Campaign aims Sports to increase the political power of Basketball, Racing the community of people with dis- Clinic & Cyling Camp abilities while also engaging can- PAGE 20 didates and the media on disabil- ity issues. REV UP stands for Reg- ister! Educate! Vote! Use your Power! According to organizer Ameri- can Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), full political participation for Americans with VISIT disabilities is a top priority. AAPD ABLE'S works with state and national coa- FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE REV UP CAMPAIGN litions on effective, non-partisan AND TO START ORGANIZING IN YOUR STATE WEBSITE campaigns to eliminate barriers. VISIT WWW.AAPD.COM/OUR-FOCUS/VOTING WWW.ABLENEWS.COM ABLE’SA 25th ANNIVERSARY MARCH 1996 MAKE YELLOW CABS ACCESSIBLE Advocates Address City Council Hearing On New Medallions DECEMBER 1996 1991-2016 A Some of Able’s earlierMOVING headlines AHEAD demonstrate the progress EVERYONE’S MARATHON that Wheelchair Athletes Win Long Awaited Early Safe Start has been made, while others indicate the work still to be A done. NOVEMBER 2000 It’s been said that the three most important issues for people with disabilities are Transportation, Housing and Employment. These are still at the forefront and still being worked on. Caravan, Rally, CandlelightADA THREATENED Vigil Lead Up to Supreme Court Hearing NEW YORK ABLE DECEMBERNEWSPAPER- JULY 2016 PAGE 2 2000 OCTOBER 1999 PROTEST AT PRINCETON November MarkedIDEA Quarter BECOMES Century of Legislation 25 for Children Activists Demand Removal of Ethics Professor Singer FEBRUARY 2001 From The Publisher’s Desk Statue of FDR In His WheelchairFINALLY! Added To National Monument I am honored to have met Justin and Yoshiko Dart - perhaps there would be no ADA without them. I’ve been impressed by advocates like Sen. Tom Harkin, Terry Moakley, Jim Peters, Pres. Bill Clinton, Andy Imparata, Judy Heumann, Becky Ogle, Marvin Wasserman, Peter Zarba, Frieda Zames, Matthew Sapolin, Anne Emerman and so many others. And, those who have supported and encouraged start – John Bussani of the Mobility Team has been a constant Able staff members are, left to right Peg Wenzel, Debbie Simko, An- advertiser. Without our advertisers there would be no gela Melledy, Allison Howe and Ann Imbrogno. Staff not shown are have many long-time and loyal advertisers. As you read through Louis Melledy, Jenn Becker, Clem Buonocore and Mary Collier. the pages, please remember to support them. Able from the It hardly seems possible that Jim Weisman has written columns for years of bringing news to the community of people with disabilities. for EPVA as he moved up the ranks and is now the Exec.Able Dir.. ofWe the United Spinal Association (formerly EPVA). Starting the year after the ADAAble was Newspaper signed, it’s been an incred- ible journey. Able has seen so many changes in the community of Of course, our wonderful, efficient and dedicatedAble staff that has is celebrating 25 as General Consul people with disabilities. I, personally have been privileged to meet been together for many years – some for more than 20 years. and know many of the people who are so important to the move- It’s certainly been an education for me and has brought special ment - many of whom have passed on, but not until they made meaning into my life and even after all these years I am pleased to their mark for the cause. say, I do what I love for a living. Congr In Honor of the 26tha Anniversarytula of the ADA tions Distr Able Newspaper’sand 25th Anniversary ibute Free 1 C J o U p N E i e 2 VOLUME 26 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2016 0 s 1 6 from - o A B f L E A G N N I E b M N W l IN S e W P - i A D n P R E e A R r W va T A A Accessible Travel Specialistrav t You el THE NEWSPAPER POSITIVELY FOR, BY & ABOUT PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES r At Upcom M/W/DBE Certified KEYNOTE IN THIS ISSUE You ing Read About Athletes of the r Empire State Games For The B Ev Physically Challenged u e O MOPD Commish Speaks at Games to Disabled Kids PAGES 4 THRU 6 sin nt f See Able’s e fe IGLTA member Product and Service Guide ss rin FOLLOWING P AGE 8 or g Lowe’s Agrees to Settle O hi Home I mprovement Chain ff gh Agrees to Payment & Reviews ic Tel: 718 377-2071 l yE-mail: p [email protected] PAGE 3 e e Home Drugs rs Nursing o Antipsychotic Meds Still n ilities a Overprescribed in Fac C lized PAGE 7 all 5 t BLIND VIEW COLUMN 1 Could Help 6 ra Google Cars to 9 1053 E 40th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11210ve People Who Are Blind h 3 l s PAGE 10 av 9-2 er e 2 vi Rev Up Voter Registration Ab 53 c National Campaign Plans d e Commissioner of MOPD and all- e le Sign Up Week In July l s around sportsman Victor Calise is iv N pictured, clockwise from top left, PAGE 13 er e coaching a youth sledhockey ed ws team; in work attire; handcycling Sports p ftball t in Central Park; playing so o a Baseball, Marathon, p on the United Spinal Mets team y e Golf & Powerlifting r and skiing. (f ou PAGE 16 or r hile riding a mountain the sport of sled hockey. His dedi- tor of Sports Marketing. In Oc- y b 06 Calise took on a new u Wbike in Forest Park in cation to the sport took him to tober, 20 ou s 1994, Victor Calise Japan in 1998 where he repre- challenge, joining the New York r in e City Department of Parks & Rec- e sustained a spinal cord injury. As sented the United States on th cu s e reation as ADA Coordinator. s a result of his injury he is a sled hockey team in th a st paraplegic and uses a manual Paralympics. The New York City parks sys- nd om wheelchair. In 1997, he began working tem is a historic collection of VISIT e e Calise embraced this chal- with United Spinal Association properties, most of which were r ABLE'S m s lenge. He got involved with as Recreation Coordinator. He designed and built prior to acces- p WEBSITE l adaptive sports through United was promoted up the ranks un- sibility requirements of the o oy COM Spinal Association and took up til he reached the title of Direc- Continued on Page 15 WWW.ABLENEWS. r ee for yo s) At N ur ev o Cha ent rge T o You PAGE 3 JJULY 2016-NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER 3 JJULY PAGE AABLE’S 25th ANNIVERSARY1991-2016 A A ABLE’S ORIGINAL FRONT PAGE N.Y. ABLE NEWSPAPER P. O . B OX 395, OLD BETHPAGE, NY 11804 TO THE 516 939-2253 LETTERSEDITOR FAX 516 939-0540 www.ablenews.com An Open Letter to N.Y. Assem- damning. Total NYS nursing mal Harm level (D-F rating, as bly Health Committee Chair Ri- home fines annually imposed by allowable by the Public Health chard Gottfried & Senate Health the DOH have decreased from Law and CMS), especially for Committee Chair Kemp Han- $628,000 in 2011 to $50,000 in those facilities that demonstrate non, N. Y. State Legislature, Al- 2015. a pattern of repetitive citations.” bany, N. Y. At the very time that there The comparison shows the DOH Re: Nursing home fines, OSC are many documented cases of changing from total rejection of Nursing Home Surveillance re- fraud and abuse, few fines are the recommendation. “However Published By port and NYS Department of given and fewer are collected in the Department maintains that Melmont Printing Health Response. a timely manner. In Monroe other remedies (such as Directed Publisher Dear Assemblyman Gottfried County, with 34 nursing homes, Plans of Correction) may be Angela Miele Melledy and Senator Hannon, The NYS only $121,500 in fines were im- more effective means of ensuring Department of Health has al- posed during a ten-year period. quality care and service deliv- EDITORIAL STAFF NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER- JULY 2016 PAGE 4 lowed nursing homes to go To the nursing home owners and ery.
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