312 l'ENN, STAFFORDSHIRE. [ KELLY's Sparrow Mrs. Beckminster house Weller John H. Kelston house, Gold- Harley Wm. (Mrs.), aparts. Oak villa Spencer Mrs. Rose cottage, Penn road thorn hill Hint on Mary, Rose & Ellen (Misstls ), Start Harry, Milton villas Wilcock Robt. Alfred, Goldthorn hill school, Oxford lodge Steadman Joseph, 5 Spring Hill ter Wildman George Charleton,The Cedars Keay Fredk. Wm. farmer, Colway frm Stroud Charles, Penn road Wilke11 Thomas, 3 Milton villas Lowe Samuel, machine proprietor, The Taylor Frederick Davis, Leamcroft Wilkie Miss, Grosvenor house Old farm Taylor Samuel Robt. Worcester lodge Williams Edward, Fern cottage Monk Maryl (Miss), draper, I St. Thorn James, Ashcroft house Williams Thos. Vale ho. Goldthorn hl Phillip's terrace 1'hompson Arthur H. Willow cotta5!.' Witton William, Clifton villas Morris William, shoe maker Thompson James, Apsley house N ash Thomas J oseph, cab proprietor Thompson John, The Uplands COMMERCIAL. Palmer George, commercial traveller, Thompson William, Clifton villa Boucher Mary (Miss), dress maker Elford villas Thurston Chas. Fredk. 2 Church viis Bowdler Joseph, hay & straw dealer Scott Emily (Miss), private school, Tonks Thomas James, Redcliffe Bason Wm. David F.D.H.S. mushroom Clar~nce villas Townsend Mrs. 4 Church road spawn manufactur.. '?, Finchfield Smith Lacey, baker, Ladref house Trezise Mrs. Evelyn cottage Corfield Elizabeth (Miss),dress maker, Spackman Henry Rbt. L.R.C.P.Lond., Underhill Edward M.A. Springfield ho Fair view M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. surgeon & Vaughan Alfred, Leaholm Deam Joseph, decorator, Rookery cot m•3dical officer, Seisdon & \Vom­ Vaughan William Alfred, Blenheim Evans William, farmer, Finchfield frm bourn •listrict Wakefield Geo. Archibald, Milton viis Gri:ffi.ths John, builder & contractor, Stubbs Carolina (Mrs.), grocer & beer Webb Edward, Westbourne Tanbryn; works, Penn road retailer, Post office Wight J ames, 2 Spring Hill terrace , PERRY BARR, a suburb of Birmingham, will be found in Kelly's Directory of that city. PIPE RIDW ARE, see Ridwan>. QUARNFORD is a parish in the township.of Alston­ 'l'here is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel here. At Grad­ field, on an eminence among the Moorland hills, near the bach, in a beautiful valley 2 miles from Flash, there is a Buxton road and the iunction of the three counties of mill, formerly used as a silk mill, but not now in work. Stafford, Derby and Chester, 5 miles south-west from Charities :~Sir John H. Crewe bart. left £w to be dis· '!Juxton station on the Midland railway, 8 north-by~east tributed amongst the poor of this parish and Hollings­ fr:>m Leek and south-west from Longnor, and is in the clough; Mottershead's charity amounts to £2 Ios. and Leek division of the county, North Totmonslow hundred, Lady Crewe's £I IOS. annually for a similar purpose. Leek union, petty sessional division and county court Sir Vauncey Harpur Crewe hart. of Warslow B;all, is district, rural deanery of Alstonfield, archdeaconry of lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soi1 is Stoke-on-Trent and diocese of Lichfield. The church, re­ moorland, entirely in pasture; subsoil, stiff clay. The built on the site of t!J,e old chapel in 1901, is an edifice of area is 3,141 acres; the population in 1901 was 339, and stone, consisting of chancel, nave and small western tower, of the ecclesiastical parish, St. Paul, 640. containing one bell; the stained east window and other~ Flash 1s a village in this parish. were given by the Bestwick family, who contributed largely towards the rebuilding of the church. The pulpit Parish Clerk. William Brocklehurst. of stone was carved and presented by Mr. Edward .Ash, Post Office, Quarnford.-Thomas Henry Townson, sub- of this parish; the reredos of carved stone and Derby- postmaster. Letters through Buxton arrive at 9.30 shire marble, and also the communion table, were given a.m. ; dispatched at 4.20 p.m. Postal Orders are is- by Mr. Joseph Oliver, of Meerbrook. The font was given sued and paid. Burbage (Derbyshire) is the nearest by Lady Crewe in 1873. The carved oak eagle lectern money order & telegraph office, 4 miles distant was the gift of the Knowles family, and the silver corn- Letter Box, near the church, cleared on week days at munion plate that of Lady Harpur Crewe : there are 220 5.20 p.m sittings. The registers of baptisms, marriages and Public Elementary School, built in 1873 by the late Sir burials date from the year I744· The living is a vicarage John Harpur Crewe bart. & enlarged in 1895 & endowed with Ramshaw annexed, and pursuant to a bond dated with £4 15s. yearly: it will hold 120 children; average I744 the inhabitants pay yearly £10 to the incumbent; attendance, 6o; Thomas Henry Townson, master net yearly value £I6o, including 4 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Sir Vauncey Harpur Crewe hart. County Police, John Bennett, police constable and held since I899 by the Rev. Thomas Henry Peate. Carrier. Joseph Oliver, to Leek, on wed Peate. Rev. Thomas Henry, Vicarage Brunt James, farmer, New cottage Poyser Ralph, carpenter & cowkeeper, Wardle William, New lodge Coates John Smith, cowkpr. Wolf edge Flash bar Cooper Clement, cowkpr. Flash head Salt Henry, farn:ter, Hill top COMMERCIAL. Day George, farmer, Burchin Booth Slack Albert, farmer, Flash Ash Edwin Y. farmer, Farbrook Goodwin James, farmer, Middle edge Slack James (Mrs.), frmr.Middle edge Baker William, farmer, Round hill Goodwin Philip, plasterer, Cross side Slack Ralph, farmer, Baldstone Balshaw Elcanah,jun.cowkpr.Cross side Goodwin William, farmer, see Hill & Steele Isaac, farmer, Mill farm Balshaw James, farmer, Wilson knowl Goodwin Tunnicliffe Henry, farmer, Flash bttm Barber 'l'h:>mas, farmer, Sprin~head Grindy John, farmer, Goldsitch house Tunnicliffe Jn. farmer, Summer hills Belfield William, farmer, Knotbury Hill & Goodwin, fa1mers, Manor house Turnock Thomas Edward Oliver, frmr. Beswick Isaac, farmer, Underhill Kirkham Isaac, farmer, Old Corners Gradbach mill . Beswick John, Travellers' Rest P.H J\fellor Philip, farmer, Tumedge Wain Isaac (Mrs.), cowkeeper, Hill top Beswick Maria (Miss), farmer, North- Moss Abraham, farm~r, Gradbach \Vain Isaac, cowkeeper, Dove head field farm Naden Albert, farmer, Little Hill end Wain John, farmer, Back-o'-th'-cross !BirchenallEdwin,cowkpr.Sneedle's head Naden John, farmer, Flash bar Wain Wm. cowkeeper, Axe Edge green Bradley George, farmer, Sneedles Newton Geoli'e, farmer, The Green Wardle Thomas, New inn,& shoe makr Brocklehurst James, farmer, Knot bury Oliver Chas. (.Mrs.), farmer,Greensitch Warrington .John, farmer, Wickin walls Brocklehurst William, shopkeeper & Oliver James, farmer, Culvert farm Wood Jas.Chapel HouseP.H.& plasterer parish clerk, Flash Oliver Joseph, carrier lVood Samuel, cowkeeper, Colshaw Brown Samuel, farmer, Knotbury Percival Geo. Hy. farmer, Lower ho I :RANGEMORE is an ecclesiastical parish formed Dec. and children and the parishioners: a new chancel was • 30, I884, from portions of the parishes of Scropton, Taten- erected in I895 at the expense of Lord Burton: there are hill, Duns tall. and ecclesiastical parish of Anslow; it is 240 sittings. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value about 5 miles west from Burton-on-Trent station, in the £360, with 3 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Burton division of the county, hundred of North OfHow, Lord Burton, and held since I882 by the Rev . .Alfred Burton-on-Trent union, petty sessional division and county Lowe M.A. of Lincoln College, Oxford. The club and court district, rural deanery of Tutbury, archdeaconry of reading room here was opened in I887, at a cost, includ· Stafford and diocese of Licihfield. The church of All ing furniture, of [2,8oo, defrayed by Lord Burton, Range· Saints, erected in I866, by the late Michael Thomas Bass more Hall. The seat of Lord Burton D.L., J.P. in the esq. is a building of stone in the Early English style, con- forest of Needwood, is a mansion in the Italian style, sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a western tower standing in a picturesque and well-wooded park, sur· with lofty spire containing 5 bells : stained glass was placed rounded by tastefully laid-out pleasure grounds. The in all the windows in I883: in 1886, a new south aisle, population of the parish in I90I was 398. with choir vestries and sacristy, was built, and a new Sexton John Stokes organ introduced at a total cost of about [4,ooo, defrayed ' · by Lord Burton, as a memorial to the founder, to whom Post, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., E. D., P. P., S. B. & A. also memorial windows have been erected by his widow & I. 0.-George Frederick Nicholas, sub-postmaster. .
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