Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 1-17-1963 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (1963). The George-Anne. 2502. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne/2502 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Gymnasts Meet Ga. Tech— THE AEumni Building Anne Tomorrow Night Published By Students of Georgia Southern College VOLUME 36 STATESBORO, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1963 NUMBER 12 Two Proposals Drawn Homecoming Activities Planned; Dances, By Student Congress A “Blue Feather Drive” is The Student Congress propos- tentatively planned by the Stu- ed two recommendations. They dent Congress for winter quar- were quoted as follows: “(1) Parade, Athletics, "Miss GSC’’ Slated ter, according to Ray Bowden, The Frank I. Williams Center President. This will be a drive provides a most important and to raise money for several char- necessary service in the lives ities at one time in place of of GSC students. However, Eighteen Coeds small individual drives that have there are two distinct types of Campus Gears been held in the past, he said. activities that probably should Named To Vie Co-chairmen of the drive are be separated. First, the Dining Charles Warnock and 'Bob Hall, the Snack Bar, the Book Green. store, and Post Office are fiscal For ‘Miss GSC’ Several new members to the activities and are properly res- By HALLEY FENNELL For Big Event Congress were introduced at the ponsible to the Business Office. first meeting of winter quarter Second, student activities seem Eighteen contestants will com- last week. They are as follows: to be no one’s responsibility. pete for the title of “Miss GSC By MICHAELA DENNIS Cecil Martin who is replacing Due to this situation the of 1963” in the annual Alpha Charles Exley as senior class' Georgia Southern Student Con- Rho Tau Beauty Review, accord- Jam sessions, dances, pep parades, pep rallies, ball representative. Charles Exley gress recommends that a Stu- ing to Howard Williams, presi- games, a bon fire, and the crowning of “Miss GSC” — has been named second vice- dent Union Board comprised of dent. president to replace Don Nelson, the four class presidents, six all of these — and more — will be the highlights of who graduated fall quarter. residence hall presidents, two The Review, which will be judged on stage appearance and GSC’s homecoming, which will begin on Friday, Janu- Other new members of the Con- faculty members, selected by ary 25, according to Charley Exley, second vice-presi- gress are Patty Jo Aaron, music the Student Congress, a repre- poise, personality, and general division; Tommie Sandefur, sentative from the office of Stu- appearance, will be held Friday, dent of the Student Congress. business division; Larry Gordon, dent Personnel to be selected January 25, at 8 p.m. in the McCroan Auditorium. Exley announced that home- j At 6:30, a preliminary game arts division; and John Brun by the Dean of Students, the coming activities will officially j between the South Georgia Col- son, social science division. Director of the Frank I. Wil- Richard Mandes, Public Re- begin at 4 pm. Friday, January lege Tigers and the Columbus liams Center, and the Directors lations Director, will be Master 25, with a jam session at the Junior College Rebels will be of the Snack Bar and Bookstore. of Ceremonies. tennis court. held in the Hanner Building. The responsibility of the Williams announced that tic- At 8 p.m., Alpha Rho Tau will Georgia Southern College will Drew Pearson To Board would be to plan a pro- kets for reserved seats will be sponsor a beauty review in Mc- play Cumberland on Saturday gram of student activities for on sale Monday in the Dean of Croan Auditorium. The 18 con- night, January 26, at 8 o’clock Be Here Feb. 5 the Williams Center and to ap- Students office. The prices for testants for “Miss GSC” will be also in the Hanner Building. point appropriate student com- the advanced tickets are 75c presented, and from these con- A dance will be held in the mittees to implement these ac- Drew Pearson, Syndicated for students and $1.25 for testants, “Miss Georgia Sou- Alumni Gym from 10:30 - 12:30. newspaper columnist and na- tivities. adults. Tickets sold at the door thern College” will be chosen. The GSC Ccmho will furnish (2) The Georgia Southern will cost 50c for students and the music for this dance. Per- tionally known radio and tele- From 10 p.m. until 1 a.m. a vision commentator, will speak Student Congress recommends $1.00 for adults. nrssicn will be given for girls that the Student Congress Com- dance, sponsored by the Presi- to receive late permits for th at GSC’s McCroan Auditorium The first rehearsal will be to- dents’ Organization, will be held on Tuesday, February 5, at 8:15 mittee for naming campus night at 7:30 in McCroan Audi- dances during this weekend. streets meet with Dr. Zach Hen- in the Alumni Gym. Frances p.m. torium. Williams also stated Dell, of the President’s Organi- The different organizations Tickets will be made available derson to discuss this, (ie.) (1) that rehearsals will be held on campus are preparing them- which streets are presently un- zation, is the chairman of this to GSC students upon the pre- Monday through Thursday of dance. The band playing for this selves to decorate the cars and sentation of their identification named, and (2) appropriate next week, at 7:30 and at 4:00 make signs, etc., for the pep names for these streets. dance will be the “Top Cats”, cards to the Dean of Students o’clock next Monday and Wed- from Valdosta, Georgia. parade, wh'ch will be held be- office on January 22, which is In connection with Homecom- nesday afternoons. Mrs. Retoa hind the Student Center on Sat- the day for both GSC students ing the Student Congress will Barnes of the Physical Educa- Ummm . Das ist Gut!! Students living in the dormi- urday morning at 10 o’clock. and faculty to receive their sponsor the dances following tion Department is the director. tories will be admitted by their These organizations are receiv- Naturally, irosh Tommy Wilder couldn’t say this with half a pecan pie in his “oral cavity,” but GSC identification cards. Off- tickets. The tickets will be the Beauty Review and the On January 25, at 4 o’clock, ing financial assistance from made available to the public on Homecoming game.” a nickel says he was thinking it. The occasion? Dr. W. W. Powell of the English division bakes campus students must pay 50c, the administration. a tea will be given at Cone Hall stag or drag This is because of January 29. for the contestants and judges. pecan pies as a hobby. Following those “gruell ing” Saturday classes last week, the doctor in- Any organization interested Pearson has been described vited one of his freshman groups to a homemade “pie party.” Dr. Powell says he’s been doing the contribution each dormitory in being represented in this pa- The purpose of the tea is for gave for the band, Exley said. as Washington’s top reporter the judges to become acquaint- this for years. Who will have the longest line at registration next quarter? Any nominees? rade is asked to contact Charles by his colleagues, and is known 2,030 Students ed with the contestants. The Alumni will be given a Exley before Monday, January as one who “covers Washing- The contestants will make Coffee Saturday morning from 21. ton’s news and gets stories two stage appearances. During 9:30-11, in Veazy Hall. Any changes in these plans other reporters are unable to Enrolled At GSC the first appearance they will Democrat Club will be announced in next get.” Meanwhile, at 10 a.m., stu- wear cocktail dresses and on the week’s issue of the GEORGE- The topic Pearson will speak Backstage Play dents’ activities will resume with ANNE. on is “Behind the Scenes with This Quarter second they will wear formal Constitution a pep parade and a pep rally Kennedy and Khrushchev.” gowns. On the second appear- behind the student center, spon- The official enrollment fig- ance the judges will choose the sored by the “S” Club and the ures of Georgia Southern Col- top ten from which they will Ratified Mon. cheerleaders, with the Phi Mu lege, according to Dean Carroll, choose “Miss GSC” and her Alpha Sinfonia Pep Band par- RUBINOFF WEEKEND EVENTS are as follows. four attendants. “Miss GSC of The Georgia Southern Young Is A New Twist ticipating. Freshmen Women, 274; Fresh- 1963” will be crowned by Mari- Democrats Club ratified its con- Friday Night By MADELINE MISFELDT The Alumni Board of Direc- man Men, 217; Total - 491. lyn Hickox, “Miss GSC of stitution so that “everything He further added that the TONIGHT — Gymnastic Meet — Sophomore Women 232; Sop- 1962.” play would run for five days, tor’s luncheon will be held in the was in order,” at their meeting Frank I. Williams Center’s pri- GSC vs. Georgia Tech homore Men, 245; Total - 477. The contestants, their spon- Here’s a new twist—a Mas- Januray 30, 31, February 1, The famed violinist, Rubinoff, Alumni Building Junior Women, 218; Junior soring clubs, and escorts are: this week; they also set up sev- quer’s play backstage? “That’s 2, and 3, in their little im- vate dining hall at 12:30.
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