The original documents are located in Box 6, folder “3/25/76 - Radio and Television Correspondents' Dinner” of the Betty Ford White House Papers, 1973-1977 at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Betty Ford donated to the United States of America her copyrights in all of her unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 19, 1976 MEMORANDUM TO: RED CAVANEY P~ER SORUM FROM: S AN PORTER . SUBJECT: Mrs; Ford Attendance at the Radio and TV Correspondent's Dinner (Fay Wells), Washington Hilton Hotel, March 26th Mrs. Ford will attend the Radio and TV Correspondent's Dinner as a guest of Fay Wells of Storer Broadcasting Company. Mrs. Ford has attended this dinner as Fay's guest for many years and has been very fond of Fay through the years . She will travel to the dinner with the President (the cocktail period is 6:30-8:00 in the Georgetown Suite). Mrs. Ford then will break from the President and will join Fay and her guests in the Jefferson Room for dinner (I understand the President will be eating in the Ballroom) . Entertainment in the Jefferson Room will follow the dinner. Nightcaps in the Georgetown Suite will conclude the evening. Thank you. c: BF Staff William Nicholson Ron Nessen Mildre d Leonard Rex Scouten Staircase FAY GILLIS WELLS WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT £~~~_/ . ~ ~ ~ ~A-~~ . k'::Y~ ~ ~ ~r /9bJ- - )Jdb-~~~~ I< /,/ . ' ~ ~ /U,,_J1/ • FAV GI LLIS WELL WHITE H OUSE CORRESPONDENTS ·' <Jl~lf:D Betty Ford Husband Wins By Marie Smith rushing so hard I almost . THE FORDS, who have Waahtn1ton Post Starr Writer knocked bim down as I four children age 7 to 14, BLOND BL U El· E Y E D . turned ~ . corner. He was bring an attractive, young Betty Ford, a former Powers' coming to greet me. It was look to the Republican Party model, was pacing the floor wonderful t9 congratulate . leadership. in her h u s b a n d ' s office him." And she is willing to share when House Republicans · ' His victory was something the added responsibilities he · yesterday e 1 e c t e d Rep. : they had both wanted but has acquired. Gerald R. Ford,· a 51-year­ they didn't ccmnt on ii too Betty Ford likes politics and knew what she was get· old former football star at much or f..ake too much · over it so tihere would be ting into when she m:rnried the University of Michigan, her hometown sweetheart. as their new leader. no disappointment if he . failed. They were malITied in Oc· It was 25 minutes to 12 tober 1948, and he was first when the telephone in the THOUGH THE occll!sion office rang, bringing the elected to the House in No- might have called for a spe­ , vember 194;8. news of his victory in the cial luncheon to celebrate, race that she admits was "so "I helped him in the pri­ there couldn't be OJ).e be­ mary before we were ma·r- ' close it could have gone cause Gel'ry Ford had· to go either way." ried. I was working (as fash· . baclv to the floor to his lead· ion coordina·tor at Herpol­ "I had a strange feeling ei·ship duties, so Betty went because a great deal of re· sheimers in Grand Rapids) back to his office alone. but worked nights mailing sponsibility goes with the She ordered a hamburger job. But we've always been campaign literature. After busy and we can't be much: and glass of !llilk !or lunch we were mairried, I cam­ busier," she . mused as she · and ate it alone at his desk. paigned with him and have faced the question of what But they planned their cele­ helped him eve r y time the new job may, mean in bration for last night. since." their lives. "He promised to take me She recalled that, because Mrs. Ford, · was in the out to dinner before the of politics, they did not gallery to watch the opening night session," she smiled. even have a honeymoon. of the new session and see . "I'm glad he got rt, I'm "We· planned the wedding her husband occupy t!he seat glad f<>r him," she said. "He's on Friday so he could take that has been filled for the got a great deal of energy, me to Ann Arbor to a foot­ last six years by Indiana's you can't tire him out, and ball game on Saturday, and Rep. Charles Halleck. · he has a great deal of/ pa­ then to hear Tom Dewey After the first order of tience." make his opening blast in business was over - and The Fords came back from . Ossowa that night. Then we members were sworn in and an eight day skiing vacation drove to Detroit to spend the speaker of the House in Michigan to face what Sunday by ourselves." yesterday might bring them. For several years after elected . - her blond, hand· · / some husband looked u.p to The vacation, she said, they came to Washington, her in the gallery and . "was · somethini; we had Betty would come to her motioned for her to come promised . the children. So husband's office on Satur­ NEW HOUSE LEADER-Rep. Gerald R Ford (R-Mich.), down. sq1e ·said "I went out we went right ahead with day and Sunday and do his who was elected House Minority Leade·r yesterday, is and tore downstairs and was it," she said. See FORD, Al7, Col. 7 shown with his wife, ,_ Betty, dressed to attend a formal ) · ·-·- dinner recently. A former model and student of the dance, Mrs. Ford is now the mother of four children-- 1 three boys and a girl. , · ' \ ·-~ ~c=;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:.;;:::==.:::.=:;:::::==-=~=""-'--~ ( ; f FORD-Pr. Page Al.5 1 Politics Delayed I) Their Honeymoon filing. '·If I wanted to be · and her husband picked it with him, I had to come to out for her. the office ·be c a u s e he She and her husband like to dance, and since she has worked every .. day," she given up golf, he plays golf said. and tennis with their chi!- The ·Fords now live iri ' dren. There is no 1 o n g e r Alexandria in an Early time for football games ex­ American style brick and cept for the Little League variety when their boys play. white clapboard house they "Gerry will postpone catch­ built 10 years ago near ing a plane to l'llichigan un­ _Episcopal Seminary. til the last minute to go to BETTY FORD, who stud­ a game with the children. ied modern dancing at Ben­ He tries to be with the chil­ nington College in Vermont dren as much as possible." under the direction of Mar­ BETTY FORD is active in tha Graham, Doris Hum­ the Republican· Wives Club, phrey and Charles Weid­ U1e Congressional Club and man, had early ambiqons of the International Wives becoming a dancer. Group. She and Mrs. Lyndon But after two years in B. Johnson are members of ~ew York, where she ap­ the same International Wives peared at Carnegie Hall Group and have visited in with the Martha Graham each other's home. · concert group and did a / Gardening is Betty's hob· "great deal of fashion and by, nem to her :flamily_ /photography · modeling for She devotes the majority John Robert . Powers, her of her time to her children, mother persuaded her to re­ Mike, 14, Jack, 12, Steve, 8, turn home to Grand Rapids. and Susan 7.· · There she soon. began l teaching dancing and work- jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijj ing as a fashion director I and then met Gerry . Ford, , a rising young lawyer.. i Mrs. Ford likes to enter- · tain, es{l&ially at .informal buffets at home for 12 to 14 ''.5" people. or under? . Her wardrobe reflects her good taste in clothes but she See our admits .she · doesn't like to shop for something special KORELL but to buy what she· likes when she sees it and .tl1en FASHION save it for the right occa- sion. SHOW IF SHE GOES to the In­ THURSDAY .· augural Bail, she plans· to wear a d1·ess already in her 3 p.m. wardrobe. It is turquoise blue peau de soie satin with 7 p.m. a satin full length stole. She bought it on a visit Fifth floor. , to New York some time. ago, I • - .....__ .. ....__ .!r. ___ 1 , . BF Ac ce_;;. ~ ec.! f . .: ing Fay Well s March 25 , 1 976 Vt.at\ f1ty,, Jcu.t a M-U. ;fA Aay l httw. ~ Z s.th ~& oa MtJ eatudaA. I Look oc~ ~ jchtJ.Jtg you and I £'Jill pVUD"4lly kt.ttp " ~ye. on. .tite. f>AfA.i.dat' .& pi.pc.! fiJ.lth "''u.tionaU. bu.t ~hu. Sbte..eJ«14., SP/M e: v6'f Ac.c.e.pJ;W P~ (Mclltdt 25, 1916) e,y::. .6...-rv·-.-~ .... ) ·-· ··---- , R_EG..µ _;::.: --- ) ' . lVashington 1Vews Bureau ( .§!o~Is~;i:G I Suite 601, 1725 K Street, N.
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