( 03/17/ ~CXJ)g .J/ ' ~UNITED.stA·TES'ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY /\3 . I . ... ',' --··~·wAi~INGTb~,·D.·C.204~O ..... MAR 1 7 2008 OFFICE OF PREVE;.rrIQ~;PE$TiC:IP.ES AND t6XICSUB~tA~CES' .. Dan H()llas '.' . NCH .CorporatioIi 2727 Chemsearch Blvd~ Irving, TX 75062 PearM!iHotiaS:' . SUbjectt" ....... ··;~~~%~~~f7~~tj7~lstet 'si1bhiis~rdri:-cl~t~dl0/26/2007',' '." .' .. : .' ,," . ", . .-' ~. :.., ~ .. :. The.lall~li11g ref~edtQ.~'b()Ye,subllli!te(i, i11' connection with registrationuilder the F eder~ . Insecticide~Ftinglcide,antl· RodeiltiCia~ A~t, as ~ended, is acceptable subject to the Comments listed below. One copy of the firrishedl~beling must be submitted prior to releasi11g the product for shipment. D.el~te~aIJYectot9f4i.$e~~¢~,clamt~:whiclli3;fenotsupPQrtedbythedatasub~tted. " .; " -'. '... ',', Q¢l¢t¢·ttQl1itp.~ .(fuJ4oQtJlipel· UleJQIlo\Vingpest Which js notsupported~y the data s4ljmJtt~: ". aOl1~¢tlies' Delete the following.heightenedefficl:(cy:c1aims wherever they appear on the label and instruction ttuuiuai: . Pef¢nd y()UtYIir(\ Pr9.t¢~t( s) 'Protect;: :6Ut"Qutd6ol'. oasis . :P'fov~~nf~ct··irisectidde ~JiiI,t:~~qlliW;free Delete tb,~;.fo1l9wing;clajm~and'44"~ctioIis from the label and dispenser i11struction manual-~ the)rdetr~ctfrom the precalltiQnary statements and directions for use: AYOid eyecpntact Tjps,for ~estys~ , ' .":~,::e~il.r'8;~to¢~t19~1~:a,p4}1~d,$"~fr¢e~. I ReCy~eciii:licyciabi8;"Prliiied WitIlVeg8tabi8 ~il Bas~ In.ks on lOci%ReCycie<'fPaper (40%poStconsumet) ." '.", .. ' .."' ' ..... : .."....... '. , . ..... :.' .' .' (, Tlie:istib~itl¢:'.,'~asY{Qlif;'_Siep: 4isp~et setup"am! all dfrec!1ons. under thi~ subtitle; '.' .,... Q~¢k.:Start:Gili4~ . dit~r¢aSoil.pe9jjl.e:19ve.th~J3e!icon dispenser is becalJSe it'ssoell,Sy to set up and maintain. ' .Observehowfuedispens~~rays andadjust accordingly for the best coverage iIi youryaid. : .. easy .to maintain. Wh¢u.~~x;L~dire9ted, the.:Sea~n.dispen~eroperates forles~ than 50 cents a day. Pc:6tcb,:6rq¥.e~:p· ',.. I ....,. 1'h:¢m()$q~·#t~rflisp~~ 'b9~ts aqautomateddu~k/<ia\Vll se.nsor to killmosquiioes· ea~iiy,:~tito.¢[email protected] fr,ee. .. ~ht¥sl~:'~p·,p.t~#~'WW~et,qof~#Pns, . ~ Qr~p aynlg.!ll yOl,lL, aqtcYar .' . Fishing' Beforec6okjrig orgrilljrtg outside. Works very weil in mostPuidoo(settings. I?el~te ~lW,e.l:>sit~s·£rom. tb.~Jab.~tMtheY; are(X)~latetallabeling whi"qh has not been ·.!)ub,nitte,d,f6rteVi~w.. .; Intlielngredieritsta\~ep.taH~ti11¢petcet1tages by fue decimal . Deleteth¢EiiyiroI)Ille~ta1 fIa?ardsstaten)ent from the indoor use label. In the directionsforti:eatingbed'pugs, a4d the following: Do not use treated mattress until spray has dtled. Inth~ dite~tioqsJ()tti,"~atihgbedpugs,d~lete thesttitetheIit "Also treat other areas whete . bedQ:tig~'llj.aYl>¢.ih~p.oiip:g~~-a.s@s:~aYlead.to misuse. , ..... :. ". ... Revise the, p6sph1t1c:iirec.tioIls~foUow:s:; ~.;~~~#~t.!fmMf~e.tcm:!()yedjl:oiJlirQQm pJjorto tr~atnicmt V~tilat~ rQQms. '$qrdtiglllY'for2"hQllfsaftet'sptaYmg :and befotereoccupying. .' .. ;.' .. In the dlre.ctions for:ti:eating foo(fareas offood handling establishments, revise the second and third sentences as follows: I>Q not1J;1~~:&P~c:~.~p-tay,apRlicat~o~ whep. facility is in oPeration. Duringspac:e ,spiay,appl1¢~tjoils~.:.@yer' orreinoyefood. Dllringspace sprayapplicatioti,covet f9,q~:·pfq~~~$fu~ swt~~,¢s.;9I'c:J~ai1.1~er:Jkea:thi¢t:tf'Wifu'as\[email protected] 'ris~ 'wi$':pbt~bl¢:\v~terb¢f9ter¢sJl11ifug operations.. in the'~tQta,g~ati(fJ>~sPb~ili.st~J¢Jriep.ts,~~luciei1;lstructionsforstorag¢ai1ddisposal of ~&~~~. .', , 2 .... ,~.'., .; " ( ( \ The clispenserand remote control mustb.ear the following labeling when sold with the pesticide canister, and these statements must be visible when dispenser and remote are in use: Thepto~~ct.ria.t9¢, the EPA Reg. ,No. the EPA Est. No., tJlesignalw(),rci,·t.h.e s,t~t~tmt m~:'6-ut'Q(.t~Mh ()'f\~lPldrenand a.refer~cet9th¢:fu111al;elJor·· cqlilp1.e(~.dit"~¢ti()hS :a,nd. ptecautiqhs.· ... .... j\:~dtoth~·g~ttr,a.1.·pr~c.a~t10A~.. ai)d:l;estri#ions forihe dispenserus~the following: . DOl16t;use. indOorsor:mendosed. spaces. Delete fruit flies from outdoor use, as this may lead to misapplication. Clarify that the disp¢nser may riot be used around schools. :Reyis:eth~ 4thappli¢~tiQp.'insti¥¢t.iorLas foiiows: U$e thetiisp~rtserbeacoii .. dispen,S:eron1Y when listed pests are present. Deleiethe f<>1l6Wjhgrrom the dispeitser¥rectionS for use, as it may lead to j;nisuse: "Fotbes{r.~suhs. , /' . .' The following claims in the instniction manual are limited to six months: h1novative . Breakthrough Qripage.4Q{the,d,.i~pensei.irlstrl1~tion.manual delete "Wammg". You ~ay lise "importan~~;Qt"Aft.e~tiQIl" inst~.a9.; .dripages4 and 70ft.h¢ ,di.sP~i1$ei' iJ:lstill~tionman~,. modify tb,einfonnationabout mQsqwtoesin' wind,t,,' mducle' the infonnationthat the pesticide will also be carned off site .. Instructionsabollt the remote control must include the statement"Keep the remote .control olito(reachofdli14reri';. Oil.page S'ofthe ~:disp~set·itiS~cti()Ii'rii~tia1 delete the follow which is an nnplied ~afetyci~I1i: .' . you.WilI see,tb,e.sphiy.'in.1h¢airf9ra short time before it disappe~froiri site; . 011 page 6 of the dispenser instruction replace "serves as the ammo" with "provides the insecticide.'?" Delete the following implied safety claiIJl.: No.harshiM~ti¢id~Qdor; ." 3 ( ( D~lete "elsewhere" from the following r~ferra1 statements as iUs Pllclear where these t;equiJ,"~ ;st~t.emtmtswill.l?eJ<>,llD,4: .' ··~,e~$.ige:p@~l,:Oa.ckp@~l¢I$.~whpre foradditiorial pr~a.uti<>'Il,arystat~elltS; Ad<I.\t9themaPRr;~~*~Ei1. in·~~1!ti6J1sth.~. f9llowing: . .D()rio!:~lQ'y~4Y1t~cl:iildt¢po.rp~~s to eriteruptil sprays hav~ dried and spray .. riilstiia$.al§p~¢d~ . Delete"an(i Qtherar¢as" ·fromthe.directions for use w.herever it appears, as this may lead to misuse~ All dir~ctions. to Y~J1tilate/ventilationlven,tilating ~er application must incl~de ''thorou~y';. :bel¢ie;fI:Qfu;;th~fu.$t.ructtop., riial1u.al:4irectiQ~· ~dcl~$tbattb:e cylinder may be .' ·t~qv¢d fTQiQ,the',a{$i?~s(#:@aus¢:cllS ~;handheld insecti~ide.· ThiscQnti~dj¢t.s dlf¢.iioIlSfor~ll$e .9I) th({I~b~L. Directions· forrc;m}oyihg t.l1ea:~osoL¢anfromthe dispenser must include the dIrection to point the riQzzle away from .the user and to dispose of according to the dispos8I fustructjons onili~Jabel. ' ,NlpictUr.¢$ !iljd'gtaphl¢sJl}a,y~liot~¢traq from Pl'~ca.utionarystat~elits anggeneral pre~~litiqnsai!d.:li$~fr¢stricti()ii$~ . .' A:copyofth¢ effj.ca.~ytevi~wj~enql9~~,· If YQuhavequestions~pl¢ase.ca1t ~Sibold at 703 305-6502. .-:. C- [EPA Reg. No. 1769-378; Master Label] [Indoor Master Label] WATCHTOWERTM INDOOR CONTACT INSECTICIDE Helps protect your family from mosquitoes that [may carry][may transmit][may carry and transmit] [West Nile Virus][and][St. Louis Encephalitis]. - Kills Mosquitoes that [may carry][may transmit)[may carry and transmit][West Nile Virus][and][St. Louis Encephalitis] Kills [Cluster Flies,] [Flies,][Fruit Flies,][Gnats,][Horn Flies,][House Flies,] [Mosquitoes (that [may carry][may transmit][may carry and transmit][West Nile Virus,][and][St. Louis Encephalitis,])][Small Flying Moths,] [Stable Flies,] and other flying insects fast. Effectively kills [Cluster Flies,][Flies,][Fruit Flies,][Gnats,][Horn Flies,][House Flies,][Mosquitoes (that [may carry)[may transmit)[may carry and transmit) [West Nile Virus][and][St. Louis Encephalitis)))[SmaU Flying Moths,][Stable Flies,] and other flying insects fast. Kills on contact No harsh insecticide odor Contains pyrethrin, a botanical pesticide KILLS Angoumois Grain Moths, Ants, Bed Bugs, Booklice, Carpet Beetles, Centipedes, Chocolate Moths, Cigarette Beetles, Clothes Moths, Clover Mites, Cluster Flies, Cockroaches, Confused Flour Beetles, Crickets, Drug Store Beetles, Fleas, Flies, Fruit Flies, Gnats, Grain Mites, Granary Weevils, Horn Flies, House Flies, Indian Meal Moths, Mediterranean Flour Moths, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Red Flour Beetles, Rice Weevils, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Silverfish, Small Flying Moths, Sawbugs, Spiders, Stable Flies, Ticks, and Wasps. FOR USE IN Apartments, Food Storage Areas, Homes, Hospitals*, Hotels, Motels, Nursing Homes*, Resorts, Restaurants*, and other Food Handling Establishments*, Schools, Supermarkets, Transportation Equipment (Buses, Boats, Ships, Trains, Trucks, and Aircraft - Cargo Areas Only), Utilities, Warehouses, and other Commercial and Industrial buildings. * See special instructions for 'these sites under Directions for Use ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Pyrethriris, (a botanical insecticide) ............................. ; ........................ 0.5% Piperonyl Butoxide, Technical * ........................................................... 4.0% OTHER INGREDIENTS** ...................... : ........................................ 95.5% TOTAL ........................................... ............................................. 100.00/0 *Equivalent to 3.20% (butylcarbityl) (6-propylpiperonyl) ether and 0.80% related compounds. **Contains petroleum distillate. -ACCEPTED KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN ;' ~th COI'11iJIENTS CAUTION In EPA :iLet~eT Baaed: MAR ,7 2008 ( l tTwlei" .t1.o Fedl!).~t!! I~ct!eide, I ~ l '- , l F~eidllt and Rod:mticide Aet, , : as emelitded, fOl" t~~ p::-:;,t.leide l , Il'f'~eered un1!el" [f'A neg. N0. ( - (- ) ~ It,' { '- L:2,,-q-31~ ( ( l ( , , } (. L • f. " ( Page 1 of9 t , ( ( r ( ( ( - , r ( ( [:EPA Reg. No. 1769-378; Master Label] FIRST AID IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a poison control center or doctor. Do not induce vomiting unless
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