g OJ DRINK ~ I Billy Baxter Club Soda :i Billy Baxter Ginger Ale $700 the case- --~ -del. to your home 48 to-oz. bottles Phone -- Chase 1729 g C. C. HALL, Inc.- ~ 347 Blossom Road / When you need ., Timing Gears C7 " ~Ct1ESTER AUTO PAR..TS. INC. 135 CULVER R.OAD "R. A. P..I.(D)"1 PHONE, CHASE 3030-3031 ROCHESTE~. N.Y. "THE HOUSE OF A MILLION PA~TS" THE COMPASS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE ROCHESTER YACHT CLUB VOL. 2-No. 6 NOVEMBER 1925 $1.50 PER YEAR Annual Meeting of the L. Y. R. A. ARKED by a complete absence of with undying enthusiasm through lean M axe-grinding and blessed with a spirit years and fat to hold the Association to- of progress that bodes well for the great gether. Coupled with his faithfulness he sport of yachting on Lake Ontario, the brings a fine air and manner to the office annual fall meeting of the Lake Yacht of President and he cracks a parliamentary Racing Association was held at the Roch- whip that speeds business and keeps the ester YachtClub October 17th. Enthusiasm lads on the edge of their chairs. Frank thrown up in a great stern wave by the Herrick of the Crescent Yacht Club was tremendously successful active season of chosen vice president and Blake Van 1925 swayed the thirty odd delegates repre- Winkle, secretary. g senting nine of the member clubs and the Most of the constructive legislation came six hours session was crowded with more from Toronto. The three delegates of the constructive legislation than the past 20 Royal Canadian Yacht Club, Thomas years have launched. Wade, Major Walter Windeyer and W. J. Delegates to the L. Y. R. A. at the Rochester Yacht Club Leading the list of highly successful T. Wright brought with them a list of moves that graced the meeting was the amendments to the constitution and racing election of Thomas A. E. World of the rules suggested by the Canadian club after Queen City Y. C. of Toronto to the office several preliminary round table discussions of President. In the opinion of all the in Toronto. Most of their motions were delegates, speaking for their 5,000 yachts- carried without a dissenting vote. men constituents, no more happy choice for Leading in importance is the accepted the office could have been made. Tommy change in the rules regarding the Regatta has been as much a part of the sport of Committee of the L. Y. R. A. and appoint- sailing on the lake for the past decade as ment of a committee to revise the constitu- boats or water or wind and with his co- tion and rule book. The Regatta Committee partner, Blake Van Winkle, has toiled will, in the future, be composed of three III " 2 T H E C 0 M P A S s members, appointed by the Council of the The suggestion that itemized certificates Association. They will be corinthian of measurements for each entering boat in yachtsmen of racing experience and shall the George Cup races be submitted subject not be participants in the races. to a re-check on request of any contesting No light sails shall be carried during club, was also approved. the cruising races after sunset. Rule 8A A suitable measurement rule for veteran under the heading "Night Sailing" reading classes was deemed a necessity by the as follows, was approved-"The regulation delegates and the problem handed over to lights when a yacht is under way must be a committee for study. The question of the kept visible between the hours of sunset advisability of the Association taking active and sunrise; and between such hours only part in the world-wide controversy over regular WORKING CANVAS may be used. the Universal Rule was also doled out to a The use of head sails, spinakers, balooners, committee for study. reaching jibs or spinaker booms in con- Henderson Harbor was named the loca- nection with any head sail is prohibited. tion for the 1926 regatta. The Freeman -- For the purpose of this rule the hour of Cup race will start from Rochester on sunset is fixed at 7 :00 o'clock p. m. Eastern Monday, August 2nd and finish in Hender- standard time, and the hour of sunrise at 5 :00 o'clock Eastern standard time and be- son Bay. The dates for the regatta were set for August 4, 5, and 6. The date for the tween these hours all yachts must observe - George Cup races was not announced but g the foregoing regulations as to canvas and it is understood that the Crescent Y. C. lights. " plans to stage them prior to the regatta. A green flag instead of the previously William P. Barrows representing the customary blue peter will be the signal Rochester Yacht Club officially tendered sending boats over a course, buoys to star- board in the future. the Lipton Trophy trusteeship to the Asso- ciation with the understanding that the cup Membership in the Association is eligible is to be the prize for the Class R. boat to "Any yacht club in good standing on the having the best score in the three days' lakes or tributary waters and not members racing at the annual regatta. The associa- of another association with the Yacht tion unanimously accepted the big trophy Racing Union and having not less than and it will be raced for next August. fifty members and five yachts of 15 feet 1. The first half of the meeting was con- W. 1., and upwards. In qualifying for ducted by William Barrows retiring presi- membership only those yachts regularly dent and upon the election of President sailing with and for the applying clubs are to be considered." World he relinquished the chair. At the close of the meeting Bill was given an Protests of fouls d,iuing official races enthusiastic vote of thanks for his work as must be submitted before 8 p. m. the day president during 1924-25 and Blake Van of the race instead of 6 p. m.- the day fol- Winkle's work as secretary was given a lowing. - warm vote of thanks. Approved as suggestions to be brought After the meeting the delegates were before the trustees of the deed of gift of entertained by William Barrows at a dinner the Silas George Cup for Class R boats are at the Genesee Valley Club. It was a bub- the following: bling session with sailing; past, present and "That the trustees of the George Cup future; the subject of much uproarious con- amend the deed of gift so as to provide versation. With the official meeting the I that all yachts racing in the George evening gave eloquent testimony that the cup contests shall be resident members cl ub-againi?t-cl ub, you-ni p-me-and- I'll-ni p- of a club in good standing belonging you period of yachting legislation on Lake J to the association. Ontario is over. Sailing, the sport, is on That the trustees of the George Cup the pedestal. What will best aid the sport amend the deed of gift so as to pro- in the abstract instead of what will aid one vide that the races for the George Cup or two particular clubs was the aim and be sailed in the open waters of Lake goal of the 1925 fall meeting and promises Ontario." to be the aim of the meetings of the future. .. T H E C 0 M P A S S 3 A Great Race for the INVITATION AMATEUR U CHAMPIONSHIP CUP I AFARA, given an excellent sail by sailed for a mile on this tack and when S George Bonbright, her amateur skipper Safara and Rogue came about they crossed I ~ of the day, led the rest of the Class R fleet the stern of M. E. S., showing that Sibley home to win the Invitation Amateur Champ- had put his boat into the lead against the l ionship Cup, September 28. M. E. S., with two best windward boats in the fleet. He Harper Sibley at her tiller as second one was sailing her as well to windward on this minute and 40 seconds astern and Rogue leg as she has been sailed this summer. skippered by J. c. Dryer was third. Mybar, Safara came lip well in the last quarter handicapped by a late start, due to a mis- take of her skipper, Craig Powers, was last, six minutes and 57 seconds behind the leader. g The race was one of the most unique Lake Ontario has seen in a decade. The skippers and crews were recruited from the ranks of every other sport, save sailing. They drew for boats and chose up for crews. With Bonbright on Safara were Eric Moore, Mortimore Anstice and Harold Townson. James C. Dryer sailed Rogue with W. Peck Farley, Douglas' Townson and W. V. Castle as crew. Rob Roy Con- verse, Sam Durand and William B. Macomber sailed on M. E. S., with Harper Sibley at the stick. Gus Cunningham, Sam Weller, Ted Pickering and John Barrows, with Craig Powers as skipper, made up Safara Winning L A. C. Cup Mybar's list. The race lived up to expectations and mile of the leg and they turned. M. E. S., furnished some of the choicest bits of sea- 3 :27.30-Safara, 3 :28.04-Rogue, 3 :29.40 manship the Port of Rochester has seen in -My bar, 3:40.30. years but it was also marked by some ex- Easing sheets for the broad reach for the cellent sailing and the contest was hard second mark Sibley layed off too far and fought and exciting throughout.
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