November 30, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9561 Law enforcement officers have stress- My resolution, H.R. 625, I believe, body loved him. We all did, we all do, ful jobs. They are exposed to higher would do just that. we regret his passing, and may he rest levels of violence and death than the f in peace. average American. f One in five officers has PTSD. One in b 1715 NATIONAL ADOPTION MONTH four officers have thought about sui- REMEMBERING GARY LEWIS cide at one point during their career, (Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given (Mr. CARTER of Georgia asked and and the suicide rate for police officers permission to address the House for 1 was given permission to address the is four times higher than the rate for minute and to revise and extend his re- House for 1 minute and to revise and firefighters. marks.) We can do more, Mr. Speaker. That is extend his remarks.) Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, Novem- why I am glad the House passed the Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- ber is National Adoption Month, which Law Enforcement Mental Health and er, I rise today to remember the life of is an opportunity to remember the Wellness Act earlier this week. Mr. Gary Lewis who passed away on more than 400,000 children across the This legislation will provide law en- November 20 at 65 years of age. country who are waiting for a family forcement’s agencies with the re- Mr. Lewis was well known in Jesup, to provide them with a loving home, sources they need to address mental Georgia, for serving his community one they can call their own. The back- health issues faced by officers. It will with his dentistry practice. For years bone of American society is the family make grants available to departments in Jesup, he served all corners of his unit. The children in foster care sys- across the country and it will study the town with quality dental care, and, tems around the country deserve to effectiveness of regular mental health after his retirement, Dr. Hugh Arm- know the love and warmth of a sup- checks and crisis hotlines. strong continued his legacy of den- portive family, and more and more I have had numerous conversations tistry. across the country are promoting with law enforcement leaders and po- Mr. Lewis’ dedication to his commu- awareness of adoption and the children lice officers in my district, and this is nity is exemplified by his work with waiting to be shown support by adop- a priority for them. It is supported by Help a Child Smile Mobile Dental Pro- tive families. The best way to help children grow the Fraternal Order of Police, the Na- gram. In this program, Mr. Lewis up to be good citizens, hold jobs, invent tional Law Enforcement Officers Asso- would go into schools and use his ex- new technologies, discover cures for ciation, and the National Association pertise as a dentist, free of charge, to diseases, and become role models for of Police Officers. serve students whose parents may not other children is to provide them lead- Mr. Speaker, I am glad that the have the funds, the time, or the ability ership, love, and support as they grow House is working to improve the men- to regularly take their child to a den- up. tal health of those who are charged tist. Mr. Speaker, adoption brings so with protecting us. I thank the men Outside of dentistry, Mr. Lewis en- much joy to so many children as well and women who put on the blue uni- joyed hunting and fishing and was an as their new families. During National form each day to keep us safe. active member of the Jesup Primitive Baptist Church. Adoption Month, let’s continue to de- f I know the entire Jesup community vote resources to ensure we can con- RECOGNIZING PREMATURITY will miss Mr. Lewis’ bright spirit and tinue spreading this joy. AWARENESS MONTH helping hand. f (Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- f REMEMBERING FORMER sylvania asked and was given permis- REMEMBERING FORMER CONGRESSMAN MAURICE HINCHEY sion to address the House for 1 minute CONGRESSMAN MAURICE HINCHEY (Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of and to revise and extend his remarks.) New York asked and was given permis- (Mr. NADLER asked and was given Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsyl- sion to address the House for 1 minute permission to address the House for 1 vania. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- and to revise and extend his remarks.) ognize Prematurity Awareness Month. minute and to revise and extend his re- Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of Today, we think of infant mortality marks.) New York. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor as a problem of the past, but according Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise a giant of the Hudson Valley, former to the World Health Organization, com- today to remember a great champion of Congressman Maurice Hinchey. plications of pre-term birth now out- the people who passed away last week Mr. Hinchey passed away last week, rank all other causes as the world’s at the age of 79. Maurice Hinchey was, but 21 years ago, I had the opportunity number one killer of children under the indeed, a great champion of the people, to be a young volunteer on his cam- age of 5. a great patriot, and a great leader. paign for Congress. A few days ago, I Prematurity is a serious global prob- I served with him in the State As- attended his wake with hundreds of my lem affecting families from every na- sembly in New York for 16 years and neighbors in the Hudson Valley. tion and every facet of society, even here in the Congress for 20 years. He When you met Maurice Hinchey, you here in the most developed nation in was perhaps one of the foremost envi- met, first and foremost, a real, live, the world. ronmentalists of his generation. He led flesh-and-blood human being who was In the 2017 March of Dimes’ Pre- the successful fight to get General strong, principled, and passionate. mature Birth Report Card, the United Electric to clean up the PCBs in the That person became a real hero to States was awarded a C grade due to Hudson River, to clean up that river many of us in the Hudson Valley. the persistence of high pre-term birth and make it not quite drinkable yet, We celebrate his life of service in the rates. but make it environmentally safe. Navy, in the New York Assembly, and, However, up to 75 percent of all He led every environmental battle. of course, here in the Congress. deaths due to pre-term birth can be He is one of those people who made it I am blessed to represent a district prevented through relatively low-cost easier to serve in Congress because you that includes many of the same com- interventions. We have the resources to could always check and say, ‘‘Did I do munities that Maurice Hinchey rep- address this problem, but we must also the right thing on an environmental resented. When I took office, I heard have the will. vote,’’ by looking to see how Maurice the same thing again and again: if you Let’s recognize November as Pre- voted. want to succeed, just do what Maurice maturity Awareness Month by sup- Maurice was a liberal in a conserv- Hinchey did. That advice is easier said porting efforts at home and abroad to ative area, and everyone loved him be- than done, but I have tried. reduce the impact of pre-term births, cause they knew what a wonderful man He was one of a kind: a leader, a honor those working on this issue he was, and they knew how much he fighter, a gentleman, and a statesman. around the globe, and promote policies cared about his constituents and about He was a tireless advocate for the Hud- that will prevent pre-term births and the country. It didn’t matter whether son River and for the larger environ- improve outcomes for affected infants. he was liberal or conservative. Every- ment. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:28 Dec 01, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30NO7.086 H30NOPT1 H9562 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 30, 2017 We are all blessed to have been Congressman Hinchey inspired and For those lucky enough to have served by him, and he will be sorely influenced not only a generation of healthcare, their premiums in Texas, missed. public servants and community lead- for example, will go up, on average, f ers, but also those of us who had the $1,700 a year. We will see 1 million of good fortune to serve alongside him in our fellow Texans lose their health in- MOVE THE U.S. EMBASSY TO this body. We will miss him deeply. surance if this bill passes. JERUSALEM My thoughts are with Congressman Now, many people have called my of- (Mr. GAETZ asked and was given per- Hinchey’s wife, Ilene; his children, fice to ask what they can do to help. mission to address the House for 1 Michelle, Reese, and Josef; and the The number for the Capitol switch- minute and to revise and extend his re- countless people in the Hudson Valley board is 202–224–3121. It will be the pub- marks.) and beyond whose lives he enriched. lic pressure that will help to form the Mr.
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