Connecticut Daily Campus Sewing Storrs Since 1896 & S>~--: VOL. CXVI. No. 104 STORRS. CONNECT1CUI FRIDAY, flffftCjt m, {Ml K £, *3 v LYING ON ITS BACK i.s UM plane that crashed yesterday on HorSfl Burn party for political advertising, to crash land. A long political banner it had Hill. It flipped over when It hit a stone wall after being; slid along: the ground been trailing was dropped before the accident—(Campus Photo). by a strong cross wind. Engine trouble caused the plane, hired by the USA CDC Editor Sworn In Engine Trouble Causes After Senate 'Protest' After a "protest" on the floor man further suggested that the •f the Student Senate Wednesday USA Plane To Crash Student Senate consider the pos- night, Joseph Marfuggi, the new sibility of no Junior Prom in fu- Between 11:40 and 11:45 a.m. Hill, behind the School of Agricul- the campus between 11:45-12:45 Editor-in-Chief of the Connecticut yesterday an airplane engaged by ture. The pilot, Stanley Krupin-'at a height ol 600 feet trailing Daily Campus, was sworn in as ture years .after seeing that the the USA parly for political ad- sky, reportedly climbed out of a political sign. The banner read, »n ex-officio Senator. The protest Prom has lost the Student Sen- vertising crashed on Horse Barn the plane without help and was|"Elect Dunne and Dunn, Vote *as in reference to the editorial ate money for several years in a not hurt. USA," and had been let out by printed by the Connecticut Daily row. Political Stunt Krupmsky at nearby Windhara Campus on Wednesday, the day Election News The Constitution of the Class Krupin.sk>-, who owned the Airport. before elections. of 1965 was approved by the Sen- The turnout for Thursday's Before Krupinsky had a chance Senator Ralph Palmesi (USA) ate. After approval, the Senate election was the largest turnout to cross the campus once a moved that the Student Senate passed a budget of $276.00 for the in five years. Three thousand, cracked gasket leaked oil into an ■uspend I he rules to swear in Frosh Steaknic to be held in the!eight hundred and seventy seven Rev. Wiles engine cylinder causing smoke Marfuggi. A vote of two-thirds of Fall, and $49.45 for the "Battle I Uconn students turned out to and a possible engine failure. He the Senate is necessary to suspend of the Bands" to be held tonight elect those students they felt best decided to crash land after drop- the rules. During the voting, be-'and for operating expenses for qualified. For the Senate posi- ping the long trailing banner. fore the results were announced,! the past year. Finance Commit- tions, as of 11 P.M. Thursday it UCF Speaker Krupinsky approached the a roll call vote was requested. |tee also looked as of Kevin Dunne were hill from the southeast aivd as . recommended for pas- The Reverend Gordon Pitts Five senators voted not to sus- sage a budget of $789Q preso£cd elected President of Associated; he landed a cross draft caught the Wiles, Chairman of the Depart-", P.nd the rules, f.fteen senaors,bv the skitsofunia Committee, Student Government. No inform- grazeil a tree and the voted in favor of suspension (four The budget was passed. ment of Religion and Director ':,.," 'ri ation was available as to the Vice of Chapel at Connecticut Col- age hit a stone vail •I these changing their vote from President of ASG. causing the craft to Hip over on abstentions to affirmatives), and Academics Committee lege, New London, Connecticut, Senator Joan Marino (ISO) Kevin Dunne was also elected will be the speaker at the Sun- its hack into the next Held. two senators abstained. The roll Senior Senator. No other Senior The dropped banner became fail vote is printed on page ■made'■""« "a report from the Aca- day Evening open House of the demics Committee, reporting that Senators were elected on ',lejUniversity Christian Fellowship. tangled in the trees and wires it tight." first ballot. the bottom of the hill along H MariugKt Sworn In the Committee would soon start I Following supper at 5:30 p.m.. work on the Faculty Awards, Victor Sehachter was elected Mr. Wiles will speak on the VA Barn Road it shorted out some The vote was announced Junior Senator on the first ballot, i RIKTIKS OF APPROACH TO oi the wires resulting in a trans- the (She would like to receive the ap- rules suspended and Marfuggi plications before the Spring vaca- THE DF.VINK former blowout WR4 Results Manj students in the Tower vvas sworn in. In explaining the tion in order to present the KimlM-rly -Native reasoning behind the "protest," awards after vacation. Fran Wilson was elected Dres- plane, was supposed to By over Senator Vic Sehachter (ISO) den! of the Women's Recreation Born in Kimberly, South Afrl Dorms heard the plane approach, ca of English parents, Mr. Wiles stated that he felt "it was in poor al Association. Dot Mikolajcik w ere outdooi - taste to take a stand just before was elected vice president. graduated from the University ol Security Police from the Uni- flic election . ." He further said South Africa (M.A.), University ritj. state Police, and lira that the "protest" was "an ex- WSGC Results c.r Cambridge, England (M.A.), equipment from the nearbj area pression of opinion, . not Westminister Theological Col- were on the seen,- shortly after Jan Ingram was elected presl- |ege, Cambridge, England, IK- against one person." denl of the Women's Student I spent a year doing graduate work the accident. Civil Aeronautics Senator Ralph Palmesi fUSA^ Government Council. | at Princeton Theological Semin- Administration authorities from stated in reference to Schachter's No other information was ary. Mr. Wiles was I Chaplain Hartford arrived by helicopter by statement that it "is always a available as of 11 p.m. ' in the South African Army dur- 1:30 p.m. to investigate the matter of taste" to suspend the| ing World War II at which time crash. They will write a report rules and swear in the heads of he received the Military Cross tor the CAA. as i.s done for all the various organizations as ex- and Membership in the Order of air accidents. olficio Senators. Frondizi Ousted British Empire. He questioned whether or not 'he Connecticut Daily Campus Holds Many Posts Inside Poses should be under the Senate "if From Presidiency As a pastor. Mr. Wiles has served in several churches in I.' ilpli 1'endletons I iue Vns this can happen," referring to Buenos Aires. March 29 -(API Manchester and London, Bag' the "protest" action taken by the Argentina's President Frondizi Festival talk on the modern land. South Africa, and for three tlicalre . see page 3. Student Senate. He further stated has finally been ousted from years was Secretary of Student that "personal reelings have been Office, after days of barclv Bicycle Theif will IN- shown Christian Movement in South toalgM at the Community hurt, and it has been in poor clinging to power. The armed Africa Before leal ing the coun taste- Mouse . se,. page S. fores sent Frondizi to Martin ,ry ta1951. he was active in op- Finance Report barcia Island in the River Plat- position ,„ racial policies of the A pielorial presentation „f u,, In his Finance Committee Re- IConn araatcal, "Oklahoma" JOE M MCI I (.<.! was sworn In for detention after arresting him I Nationalistic government under Port. Senator Joe Hamerman at his residence early today. The Dr. Malan. He settled in Ameri- . see pages I and .V ISO) reported that the Junior an ex-offlc.io senator at Wednes- military chiefs announced that ca in 1964 as Associate Pastor I*hi I psilon I'i wins intramur- from has cost the Student Sen- day's Senate meeting despite al liaskethall championship . Senate President Jose Maria lot the Second Presbyterian SSe pane fi. ile $132.00 so far. with reports some protest from a group of Guide would succeed Frondizi, I church in Newark, N.X Ha baa »f expenses still being turned In Senators. Who's out for the Deo— tennis but Guido has not yet Indicated been the chaplain at Connecticut team . see page *. >o Finance Committee. Hamer- (Campus Photo— How land) whether he'll accept. I College since September, 1957. PACE TWO CONNECTICUT DATTY CA^PPS FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1962 Connecticut LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To The Editor: people are on committees. A lot of peo. This letter is long overdue. It is in no pie have offices. But a lot of people dont <s* way meant as a retaliation against the work. The best-structured organization right of the CDC to endorse candidates. (which our Senate is not) can tail if n0| Daily Campus bolstered with ideas and vitality from We as students claim freedom of the press as contributors; the editorial board within. of the newspaper has the same right. Bet- One thing which is in danger of being ter that their views are stated overtly overlooked is that unlike national elec- FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1962 rather than implied or hedged on. How- tions, here the voters can split their ticket ever, this does not make their opinion, be- one from each party. This is not to focus, cause it IS an opinion, any more right between President and Vice-president -a than any other except in so far as facts- necessarily, on Miss Dunn as Miss M6> are overlooked. rino's direct opponent, but rather to en> Change In For four years the cry "apathy" has phasize that Miss Marino's qualifications, been taken up at every party convention, ability and sense of judgment make her up and down classroom halls, and in every the most capable of the quartet Unfoi* campus wide issue.
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