| Autumn 2011 | Autumn Number 3 CITAR Journal CITAR Number 3 2011 Autumn REVISTA DE CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA DAS ARTES DAS DE CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA REVISTA CITAR Journal | Number 3 Portuguese Catholic University CITAR | Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts Centro de Investigação em Ciências e Tecnologias das Artes School of Arts Rua Diogo Botelho, nº 1327 4169-005 PORTO Portugal |T| +351 226 196 200 |F| +351 226 196 291 [email protected] www.artes.ucp.pt/citarj ISBN: 978-989-95776-0-2 ISSN: 1646-9798 “Listening and Remembering”: participants improvise with their voices Universidade Católica Editora.Porto “Listening and Remembering”: participantes improvisam com as suas vozes CITAR | JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF THE ARTS | OF THE ARTS | JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CITAR Editorial (PT) Editorial (EN) Caros leitores e leitoras, Dear Readers, É com grande entusiasmo que assumo este novo It is with great enthusiasm that I am taking on this new desafio enquanto coordenador editorial da Revista do challenge as coordinating editor of the CITAR journal. CITAR. As minha primeiras palavras, de agradecimento, I would like to use my first words to thank Professor vão para o professor Álvaro Barbosa, editor dos dois Álvaro Barbosa, editor of the first two editions and primeiros números e impulsionador incansável da tireless promoter of the journal, for placing his trust in revista, pela confiança que depositou em mim para dar me for the continuation of this editorial project. continuidade a este projeto editorial. The CITAR Journal is pursuing its effort to publicise A Revista do CITAR prossegue o seu esforço de the research conducted by the different departments disseminação da investigação realizada no âmbito do of our centre, specifically in the area of Arts Science nosso centro, nomeadamente na área da Ciência e and Technology. It brings together important and Tecnologia das Artes, reunindo nas suas diversas áreas high quality scientific articles on both the theory and de especialização tanto teórica como prática, artigos practice of the various specialisation areas of the científicos de relevo e de alta qualidade. centre. No campo das artes digitais, João Castro Pinto This third edition presents five scientific articles and apresenta uma proposta que nos encaminha para um critical summaries of two international conferences. “novo” estatuto da arte interativa; e Ximena Alarcón In the field of digital arts, João Castro Pinto presents descreve um projeto sobre memórias coletivas de a proposal that moves us towards a “new” status viagens de metropolitano que resultaram na criação for interactive art; and Ximena Alarcón describes a de novas narrativas durante uma performance áudio, project about subway memories and experiences that coletiva, assistida por computador. Na área dos resulted in the creation of new narratives in a collective estudos musicais, Florian Pertzborn descreve as computer-based audio performance. In the area of diferenças mais significativas no ensino e na prática do musical studies, Florian Pertzborn describes the most instrumento contrabaixo do ponto de vista do aluno, significant differences in teaching and playing the do professor e do performer; Maria do Rosário Sousa double-bass instrument from the points of view of apresenta, sintetizando a sua investigação doutoral, students, teachers and performers; Maria do Rosário novos modelos didático-pedagógicos na educação Sousa presents a summary of her doctoral research intercultural da música e das artes; e Rui Cruz e into new teaching-educational models in inter-cultural Sofia Lourenço procuram analisar as diferenças e/ou music education and the arts; and Rui Cruz and semelhanças entre modelos críticos de performance e Sofia Lourenço seek to analyse similarities and/or escolas de interpretação do piano. differences between critical piano performance models and schools of interpretation. Dois resumos críticos de conferências internacionais fecham o presente número: Maria José Távora sintetiza Two critical summaries of international conferences como decorreu o Primeiro Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de bring this issue to a close, Maria José Távora Conservação e Restauro que teve lugar nas instalações summarises the events at the First Luso-Brazilian da Universidade Católica do Porto, e Helena Figueiredo Meeting on Conservation and Restoration, held at sumariza as apresentações mais significativas do the facilities of the Universidade Católica do Porto, Segundo Fórum Internacional Itinerários Musicais, a and Helena Figueiredo outlines the most significant cargo da Universidade Nova e que decorreu no Centro presentations at the Second International Forum of Cultural de Belém, em Lisboa. Musical Itineraries, run by the Universidade Nova, held at the Belém Cultural Centre in Lisbon. Em meu nome e em nome da equipa editorial desejamos-vos uma boa leitura e esperamos que Both the entire editorial team and I hope that you desfrutem deste terceiro número da Revista do CITAR. enjoy reading this third edition of the CITAR Journal. Carlos Sena Caires Carlos Sena Caires Editor da Revista do CITAR Editor of CITAR Journal CITAR Journal Number 3, Autumn 2011 Table of Contents EDITORIAL NOTES ........................04 RESUMOS/ABSTRACTS ........................06 Featured Articles THE STATUS OF INTERACTIVITY IN COMPUTER ART: FORMAL APORIES. CONCEPTUAL CONSTRAINTS IN THE PRODUCTION OF ARTISTIC WORKS VIA COMPUTING SYSTEMS WITH INTERACTIVE DEVICES. JOÃO CASTRO PINTO .........................10 “LISTENING AND REMEMBERING”: NETWORKED OFF-LINE IMPROVISATION FOR FOUR COMMUTERS XIMENA ALARCÓN ........................20 THE PROFESSIONAL LEARNER AND PERFORMER. INVESTIGATING THE FIELD OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND EXPERTISE DEVELOPMENT FOR LEARNING AND PERFORMING THE DOUBLE BASS - A GLOBAL SURVEY - FLORIAN PERTZBORN ........................32 MUSIC, ARTS AND INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION: THE ARTISTIC SENSIBILITY IN THE DISCOVERY OF THE OTHER MARIA DO ROSÁRIO SOUSA ........................38 ANTAGONISM AND MUTUAL DEPENDENCY. CRITIAL MODELS OF PERFORMANCE AND “PIANO INTERPRETATION SCHOOLS” RUI CRUZ and SOFIA LORENÇO ........................50 Reviews I LUSO-BRAZILIAN MEETING ON CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION (PORTUGUESE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY) MARIA JOSÉ TÁVORA ........................56 2ND INTERNATIONAL MUSICAL ITINERARIES FORUM: MUSIC AND GESTURE (CENTRO CULTURAL DE BELÉM, LISBON) HELENA FIGUEIREDO .......................62 Information for Authors ........................72 Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts Editorial Board Revista de Ciência e Tecnologias das Artes ISBN: 978-989-95776-0-2 | ISSN: 1646-9798 Editor Portuguese Catholic University | Porto Carlos Sena Caires - CITAR/UCP [PT] Associate Editors Sofia Serra - CITAR/UCP [PT] The Journal of Science and Technology of the Vitor Teixeira - CITAR/UCP [PT] Arts is a peer-reviewed publication that results from a commitment of the Research Center for Editorial Assistant Science and Technology of the Arts (CITAR) to Jorge Cardoso - CITAR/UCP [PT] promote knowledge, research and artworks in the field of the Arts. It covers a wide range of topics Editorial Board related to the study and practice of Artistic work Álvaro Barbosa - CITAR/UCP [PT] approached trough Science and Technology, Ana Calvo - CITAR/UCP [PT] including: Carlos Villanueva- USC [ES] Cristina Sá - CITAR/UCP [PT] Aesthetics; Art Theory; Audiovisual Design; Dimitra Kokotsaki - University of Durham [UK] Conservation and Restoration; Cultural Heritage Gonçalo Vasconcelos e Sousa - CITAR/UCP [PT] Studies; Cultural Management; Digital Arts; Jenny Feray - UCP [PT] Digital Culture; Music Technology; Musicology; Joaquim Azevedo - CITAR/UCP [PT] Performance Studies; Psychology of the Arts; José Abreu - CITAR/UCP [PT] Perception and Creativity. José Ferrão Afonso - CITAR/UCP [PT] José Guilherme Abreu - CITAR/UCP [PT] The Journal is published (in hard copy and on-line) José Paulo Antunes - CITAR/UCP [PT] by the Portuguese Catholic University, providing Luís Gustavo Martins - CITAR/UCP [PT] a distinctive forum for anyone interested in the Nicole Everaert-Desmedt - FUSL-Bruxelles [BE] impact which the application of contemporary Paulo Ferreira-Lopes - CITAR/UCP [PT] Science and Technology is having upon the Arts. Roger Van Schoute - UC- Lovaina [BE] Sofia Lourenço - ESMAE [PT] This third issue of the Journal of Science and Yolanda Espiña - CITAR/UCP [PT] Technology of the Arts is 78 pages long and includes: Publisher (CITAR) Gonçalo Vasconcelos e Sousa (Director) • Editorial and institutional notes; Luís Gustavo Martins (Sub-Director) Laura Castro (Sub-Director) • Five feature articles covering diferent fields, spanning from Interactive English Translation and Revision Art, Digital Art, Music Studies and CALITEMA, Gabinete de Traduções, Lda. Performance; (http://www.calitema.com.pt) • Reviews of two events (Second Editorial Design ITINERARIES and First LUSO-BRAZILIAN Carla Almeida MEETING ON CONSERVATION AND Carlos Sena Caires RESTORATION); email: [email protected] • Information for Authors. url: http://artes.ucp.pt/citarj/ CITAR JOURNAL 4 Contacts and Information about the Publisher About the Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts (CITAR) The Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts is published by the Research Center for Science Founded in 2004, the CITAR is an academic and Technology of the Arts (CITAR) from the Research Center of School of the Arts of the Portuguese Catholic University. Portuguese Catholics University who foster Please
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