
September 18, 1969 Vol. 146 No. 38 REVIEW AND HERALD • GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Footprints Oh the Moon By MIRIAM WOOD . And now man, Created lower than the angels— But only a little lower— Has ascended to the silent moon. His footprints and his machines remain there, Mute testimony to his intellect, fashioned by God, As was the moon itself. Unbelievably, the "giant leap." Space (where God dwells), man now claims as his own. For what purpose then? Shall he praise computer gods of his creation And say, Behold what hath Man wrought? Or, shall he kneel in wondering awe, Considering not his own faint, mortal footprints, But transfixed by God's celestial ones, Feel His throne now nearer than before? Cry out, rocks from the silent moon— Brought to sinful, noisy earth— Cry out that God is Creator, Ruler of the universe, Ruler of mankind. Cry out that Christ will come, Threading His way through His own galaxies, Galaxies ablaze with glory, The moon silent no longer. TARGET: the OR many years one of Satan's petus to sexual aberrations of every premacy were seemingly impregnable chief attacks on the law of God kind. —were humbled to the dust. They Fhas been directed against the Magazines that a decade ago were collapsed and were overcome, not fourth commandment: "In six days of conservative viewpoint, slanted to- alone by the might of the military the Lord made heaven and earth; the ward traditional Judeo-Christian con- power arrayed against them but be- sea and all that in them is, and rested cepts of morality, have become little cause of moral degeneracy. the seventh day: wherefore the Lord more than sheets of pornography, A stream can rise no higher than blessed the sabbath day, and hal- blazing Freudian permissiveness. its source, and the source had become lowed it." In a report prepared for the polluted. Nations live by moral force, By popularizing the evolutionary twenty-second clinical convention of and their moral force had been spent. theory, the concept that man and the the American Medical Association, Although modern man, supposedly earth evolved through eons of time, held at Miami, Florida, Dr. Har- Christian, has built no outward Satan has attempted to discredit the old T. Christensen, of Purdue Uni- shrines to his passions, it is neverthe- Biblical story of a literal, six-day Crea- versity, said recently: "Today almost less clear who and what are his gods. tion, on which the Sabbath is based. anything goes . in print, in speech, Women of loose morals, married so Obviously, if man was originally a in entertainment, in behavior." often that they live in consecutive nucleated bit of protoplasm in ap an- polygamy, are the pin-up girls of the cient pool of water, the Sabbath was Cult of Sexology masses. For their theatrical portrayals not instituted for him on the unlikely Sex in America is fast becoming a of roles of immorality, they receive chance that the protoplasmic bit cult—the cult of sexology. higher incomes than do kings on might accidentally evolve into a ra- Indicative of this was the recent thrones. Their immodest fashions tional, upright being. gathering on Wall Street of more have become the fashions of the na- Now that Darwinism has almost than 5,000 male employees of the fi- tion's women, even of many who pro- universally supplanted creationism in nancial district. These men left their fess to be followers of Christ. Their the educational world, Satan can con- offices and rushed to a corner to standards of morality have become cern himself with other command- catch a glimpse of a highly publi- the standards of the multitudes. ments. It seems that he is intensify- cized secretary of unusual propor- Great indeed is Diana of the ing his warfare against the seventh: tions, who was reported to pass there moderns! "Thou shalt not commit adultery." on her way to lunch. It took a num- Further testifying to man's enslave- After Satan has made man believe ber of policemen to patrol the mob ment to sexuality is the fact that in that he has evolved from the jungle and a policeman to escort the young the United States the publishers of rather than that he was created by woman to safety. pornography now reap an estimated God, in the image of God, as the The cult of sexology flourished in annual income of more than $500 Bible teaches, it is not difficult to pagan nations in ancient days. Ash- million. These merchants of ob- make him believe that animal behav- toreth, the patron goddess of sexual scenity peddle their wares to almost ior is appropriate to humans. If man love—known to the Babylonians as every segment of society, and in all is nothing more than the highest step Ishtar—was worshiped throughout segments they find buyers. They par- in progressive animalism, then moral the ancient east. Aphrodite was wor- ticularly endeavor to reach the law is inimical to his innate nature: shiped by the Greeks. Diana, by the young, realizing that the younger the moral restrictions are repressive to in- Romans. age of addiction, the longer the stinctive promptings and, as such, In honor of these goddesses the an- period in which to reap profits. frustrating to personal well-being. cients built temples. In these shrines With such concentrated warfare be- The extent to which Satan is suc- they worshiped the sex symbols and ing waged against the seventh com- ceeding in making void the seventh participated in festivals of immoral- mandment, it is little wonder that commandment and the rapidity with ity in their honor. there has been a radical shift in the which he is effecting its abrogation The Noachian world was destroyed sexual norm of our culture. The play- is astounding. This commandment, and Sodom and Gomorrah were boy philosophy has for many become magnified by Jesus to include per- turned to ashes because of their im- the behavioral norm. Illegitimacy has sonal purity in thought and deed, for- morality. "Every imagination of the more than tripled in the past 25 years. bidding sexual expression before thoughts of his [man's] heart was only According to Dr. Christensen's report marriage and enjoining faithfulness evil continually" (Gen. 6:5). to the American Medical Association, afterward, has all but been obliter- "Every emotion, every impulse and "in the neighborhood of one sixth of ated. imagination, was at war with the di- all brides are pregnant at the time of Almost every medium of commu- vine principles of purity and peace the wedding." a Other authorities nication has become a purveyor of im- and love. It was an example of the give a much higher percentage. morality. Almost every phase of e*ist- awful depravity resulting from Sa- Venereal Disease Epidemic ence is permeated with it. The thea- tan's policy to remove from God's ter, television, popular music, mod- creatures the restraint of His holy Also indicative of the shift in the ern dance, modern art, and the law."' sexual norm is the fact that the printed page are literally saturated Babylon, Greece, and Rome—na- United States is in the grip of a seri- with sex, glamorizing and giving im- tions which at the height of their su- ous teen-age venereal disease epi- 2 REVIEW AND HERALD, September 18, 1969 ( Seventh TIM SOLT demic. The disease has increased 78 per cent in the past six years.' The sex worship of the ancients has NOT been implanted in men's hearts. Ironically, the religious and educa- tional intelligentsia have done the By planting, uprooting the God of COMMIT heaven from the "fleshly tablets." RUTH They have tested the seventh com- mandment by the chaff of their own JAEGER opinions, and have attacked it because ADULTERY it does not coincide with what is in BUNTAIN their hearts. Much of their philosophy is perme- ating the public-school education courses that are mushrooming all over the nation—now the in thing in edu- cation. Teachers' manuals, prepared under the direction of sex specialists, ners to engage in extramarital rela- The situationists consider them- instruct teachers not to use such tions.' selves modern, but their words betray words as "good," "bad," "wrong," William Simon and John H. Gag- them. The piffle of their utterances is "right" in discussing illegitimacy, non, of the Institute of Sex Research, nothing more than the teachings of lest a guilt complex be instilled, lest Indiana University, coauthored an the ancient Greek Sophists, who it unfavorably affect self-image. article entitled "The Pedagogy of taught that man is the measure of all Today a contrite King David who Sex" in a nationally known magazine. things. So discredited did their teach- pleaded, "Purge me with hyssop and In discussing the role of sex educa- ings become, overpowered by the I shall I shall be clean: wash me, and tion in the schools the authors com- rapidly spreading teachings of Jesus be whiter than snow," would be told ment: "The more viable assumption of Nazareth, that the word sophist is by the "experts" to "evaluate the in- behind an interest in sex education is still used to describe a person who cident in terms of the situation: per- that it should work to make sex a tries to "make the worse appear the haps for you it was the right thing to more rewarding part of people's lives better reason." This is what con- do." —to make sex education serve com- temporary Sophists are doing: They In an article written for educators, petence and not necessarily con- "call evil good, and good evil; that relative to sex instruction in the pub- straint." put darkness for light, and light for lic schools, published in a nationally darkness; that put bitter for sweet, known educational journal, Ashley Situation Ethics and sweet for bitter" (Isa.
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