IRAQ Camp Standards Monitoring (FSMT) | March 2021 27 185,651 36,811 47% Number of Sites Total Individuals Total families % Children Overview Age and Gender Breakdown The Formal Site Monitoring Tool (FSMT) is conducted by the CCCM Cluster and camp management partners twice a year in all formal IDP Females Males camps in Iraq, to monitor service standards in the camps and highlight needs and gaps. This round of the FSMT was conducted in late 0-2 years 5K 5K March 2021 in all 27 remaining formal camps in Iraq: 25 administrated by the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, AAF in Al-Anbar, and Qayyarah- 3-5 years 7K 7K Jad'ah 5 in Ninewa. 6-11 years 17K 17K 12-17 years 15K 14K The tool contains core indicators monitored by each Cluster and is answered by the camp manager in each camp, with inputs from 18-30 years 26K 24K service providers when necessary. It also provides a detailed age & gender breakdown for each camp, for planning purposes. This 31-59 years 21K 20K document provides analysis of selected indicators for each sector, plus an overview of all service providers per camp. You can 60 or older 5K 3K download the full dataset,HERE. Key Highlights of Needs and Gaps Formal Camp Details Governorate Formal Site Name No. of HH No. of % Children % Older SAFETY Individuals persons - 6 camps report less than half of public latrines having lighting at night, incl. AAF (Anb.), Qayyarah-Jad’ah 5 (Nin.), Shariya (Duh.) - 8 camps report that not all public latrines have functional locks, including AAF, Shariya, and the three East Mosul Camps (Nin.) Al-Anbar AAF 522 2,758 25% 5% - Of the 11 camps with communal & public latrines: 4 report all latrines are gender-separated. 7 report less than half being gender- Al-Sulaymaniyah Arbat IDP 295 1,336 56% 2% separated: Hasansham U2, U3, Khazer M1, Berseve 1 & 2, Mamilian, Khanke (Duh.) Al-Sulaymaniyah Ashti IDP 1,848 8,796 51% 2% - No camps reported security incidents in or around the camp in the 30 days prior to data collection Al-Sulaymaniyah Tazade 199 987 53% 3% - A total of 57 fire incidents were reported from January to March 2021 Diyala Qoratu 112 508 53% 3% CCCM & ACCOUNTABILITY Duhok Bajet Kandala 1,664 8,318 46% 4% - 9 camps report not having block/sector leaders and 3 not having camp committees. Duhok Berseve 1 1,036 5,207 47% 4% - 2 camps report not having a complaint mechanism in place (Berseve 2, Mamilian) Duhok Berseve 2 1,425 7,028 46% 4% Duhok Chamishku 4,338 22,287 43% 5% SHELTER/NFI Duhok Darkar 637 3,357 42% 5% - All camps except Qayyarah-Jad'ah 5 reported that replacement NFIs are readily available Duhok Dawadia 508 2,536 42% 4% - 3 camps reported that some shelters are not connected to the electricity network Duhok Kabarto 1 2,316 11,743 46% 4% WASH Duhok Kabarto 2 2,244 11,199 43% 5% - 4 camps (Tazade & Qoratu (Sul.), Shariya, Baharka (Erb.)) reported presence of open defecation. Duhok Khanke 2,686 14,105 43% 4% - 16 camps have private (household) latrines, and 11 communal (shared between specific HH) or public. Private latrines have an av. of Duhok Rwanga Community 2,356 12,324 41% 5% 1:4 latrines to persons, and communal latrines 1:10. Camps with public latrines are: Shariya at 1:17, AAF at 1:19, & Jad'ah 5 at 1:13 Duhok Shariya 2,499 13,190 44% 4% - Average number of persons per shower is 15 for public, 13 for communal, and 4 for private. AAF has 26 persons per shower facility. Erbil Baharka 934 4,592 56% 3% - All camps reported acceptable colour, taste, and smell of drinking water Erbil Debaga 1 1,419 7,428 53% 3% Erbil Harshm 285 1,435 56% 2% HEALTH & COVID-19 Ninewa Essian 2,494 12,967 43% 4% - 11 camp managers reported the nearest secondary healthcare facility is more than 5km from the camp Ninewa Hasansham U2 879 4,038 61% 2% - In 2 camps, Qoratu & Tazade (Sul.), there is no primary healthcare provider in the camp Ninewa Hasansham U3 1,305 5,957 59% 3% - 20 camp managers reported not having procedures for COVID-19 quarantine, and 6 not having referral systems for suspected cases. Ninewa Khazer M1 1,074 5,566 57% 3% PROTECTION Ninewa Mamilian 172 867 51% 4% - 5 camps – AAF (Fallujah district), Debaga 1 (Makhmour), Khazer M1, Hasansham U2 & Hasansham U3 (Al-Hamdaniyah) – have movement Ninewa Mamrashan 1,475 7,146 42% 5% restrictions imposed Ninewa Qayyarah-Jad'ah 5 1,462 6,826 65% 2% - 15 camps report having inadequate facilities or services for individuals with physical and mental disabilities. Ninewa Sheikhan 627 3,150 44% 5% Please contact Kate Holland - Cluster Coordinator at holland@unhcr.org and Andrea Paiato - Cluster Co-Coordinator at apaiato@iom.org for further details and feedback. 1 / CCCM, Accountability, Shelter, WASH General Information CCCM AAP Shelter / NFI WASH Governorate District Formal Site Name No. of Camp Sector or Complaints Shelter Type Replacement % of Shelters w/electricity Open Defecation # of Latrine # of Shower Individuals Committees Block mechanism NFIs available evidence Persons Types Persons Types leaders per Latrine per shower Al-Anbar Al-Falluja AAF 2,758 Yes No Yes MoMD Type of Tents Yes All (100%) No 19 Communal 26 Communal RHU Al-Sulaymaniyah Al-Sulaymaniyah Arbat IDP 1,336 No Yes Yes RHU (Refugee Yes All (100%) No 3 Private 3 Private Housing Unit) Al-Sulaymaniyah Al-Sulaymaniyah Ashti IDP 8,796 Yes Yes Yes MoMD Type of Tents Yes All (100%) No 3 Private 3 Private Al-Sulaymaniyah Kalar Tazade 987 Yes No Yes Caravans Yes About half (~50%) Yes 4 Private 4 Private Diyala Khanaqin Qoratu 508 Yes No Yes UNHCR Type of Tents Yes Don’t know / Yes 5 Private 5 Private Unsure Duhok Sumail Bajet Kandala 8,318 Yes Yes Yes UNHCR Type of Tents Yes Don’t know / No 8 Communal 8 Communal Unsure Duhok Zakho Berseve 1 5,207 No Yes Yes AFAD Type Tents Yes All (100%) No 6 Communal DNR Duhok Zakho Berseve 2 7,028 Yes No No UNHCR Type of Tents Yes Don’t know / Don't 8 Communal 8 Communal Unsure know Duhok Zakho Chamishku 22,287 No No Yes MoMD Type of Tents Yes All (100%) No 4 Private 4 Private Duhok Zakho Darkar 3,357 Yes Yes Yes Caravans Yes All (100%) No 4 Private 4 Private Duhok Al-Amadiya Dawadia 2,536 Yes Yes Yes Caravans Yes All (100%) No 3 Private Private Duhok Sumail Kabarto 1 11,743 Yes Yes Yes MoMD Type of Tents Yes All (100%) No 4 Private 4 Private Duhok Sumail Kabarto 2 11,199 Yes Yes Yes MoMD Type of Tents Yes All (100%) No 4 Private 4 Private Duhok Sumail Khanke 14,105 Yes Don't Yes UNHCR Type of Tents Yes Don’t know / Don't 9 Communal 18 Communal know Unsure know Duhok Sumail Rwanga 12,324 Yes Don't Yes Caravans Yes All (100%) No 4 Private 4 Private Community know Duhok Sumail Shariya 13,190 Yes Yes Yes AFAD Type Tents Yes All (100%) Yes 17 Public 19 Public Erbil Erbil Baharka 4,592 Yes Yes Yes UNHCR Type of Tents Yes All (100%) Yes 4 Private 4 Private Erbil Makhmour Debaga 1 7,428 Yes Yes Yes Constructed Structure Yes All (100%) No 4 Private 4 Private Erbil Erbil Harshm 1,435 Yes Yes Yes Caravans Yes All (100%) No 5 Private 5 Private Ninewa Al-Shikhan Essian 12,967 Yes Yes Yes MoMD Type of Tents Yes All (100%) Don't 4 Private 4 Private know Ninewa Al-Hamdaniya Hasansham U2 4,038 Yes Yes Yes UNHCR Type of Tents Yes All (100%) No 10 Communal 10 Communal Ninewa Al-Hamdaniya Hasansham U3 5,957 Yes Yes Yes UNHCR Type of Tents Yes About three Don't 12 Public 12 Public quarters (~75%) know Ninewa Aqra Mamilian 867 Yes No No MoMD Type of Tents Yes All (100%) No 5 Public 5 Private Ninewa Al-Shikhan Mamrashan 7,146 Yes Yes Yes Caravans Yes All (100%) No 4 Private 4 Private Ninewa Al-Mosul Qayyarah-Jad'ah 5 6,826 Yes Yes Yes MoMD Type of Tents NO All (100%) Don't 13 Public 14 Public know Ninewa Al-Shikhan Sheikhan 3,150 Yes Don't Yes MoMD Type of Tents Yes About three Don't 4 Private 4 Private know quarters (~75%) know 2 / Protection, Education, Food Security General Information Protection Education Food Security Governorate District Formal Site No. of Individuals Movement Adequate services for PSS services Functional Primary Functional Secondary Market Distance WFP distribution frequeancy MoDM distribution frequency Name restrictions people with disabilities available School School Al-Anbar Al-Falluja AAF 2,758 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Once per month Less than once a month Al- Al- Arbat IDP 1,336 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Once per month Once per month Sulaymaniyah Sulaymaniyah Al- Al- Ashti IDP 8,796 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Once per month Once per month Sulaymaniyah Sulaymaniyah Al- Kalar Tazade 987 No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Once per month Once per month Sulaymaniyah Diyala Khanaqin Qoratu 508 No No No Yes Yes Yes Once per month Once per month Duhok Sumail Bajet Kandala 8,318 No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Once per month Less than once a month Duhok Zakho Berseve 1 5,207 No No No Yes Yes Yes More than once per More than once per month month Duhok Zakho Berseve 2 7,028 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes More than once per More than once per month month Duhok Zakho Chamishku 22,287 No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Once per month Once per month Duhok Zakho Darkar 3,357 No Yes No Yes More than 5 km Yes Once per month Once per month Duhok Al-Amadiya Dawadia 2,536 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Once per month Once per month Duhok Sumail Kabarto 1 11,743 No No Yes Yes Yes Within 2 km Once per month Once per month Duhok Sumail Kabarto 2 11,199 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Once per month Once per month Duhok Sumail Khanke 14,105 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Once per month Once per month Duhok Sumail Rwanga 12,324 No Yes No Yes Yes Within 2 km Less than once a month Less than once a month Community Duhok Sumail Shariya 13,190 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Once per month Once per month Erbil Erbil Baharka 4,592 No Yes Don't know
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