We are Equipped to do nil kinds of If You Want the People To Know Batter Grade Jnh Printing___ That You Are In Business Neatly, Promptly and Satafactorily Tell Them So Through The Times A5D THE SHOBE TIMES VOL. LXV. N o . 4 2 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1940 FOUR CENTS New Home Building Early M orning Fire THOMSON SUCCEEDS COUSE Stockton Chapter PUMPER, OVER YEAR OLD, AS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN IN FIRST LOCAL SERVICE Causes $2,500 Damage 1940 Call for Red Gross Recruits Receives M em bers Fund Now $408,000 William E. Thomson was The blaze which did exten­ ' Mrs. August Stoll, Arising To Memorial Services To Miss Joint Meeting of Committees named chairman of the Busi- sive damage to the Snug Har­ Care For Child, Discovers Blaze; Sharpe Also Held; Talk On Air Hears Announcement of Gains; , ness 'committee of the Oceari Photography Illustrated By bor, 28 Bath avenue early on Heavy Smoke Hampers Firemen Bishop McConnell Speaks, Grove Campmeeting Associa­ Motion Pictures Also Presented • Sunday morning, gave the ’ Fire of undetermined , origin tion a t: the regular meeting of members of the E. H. Stokes Gives Cooperation early Sunday morning causcd dam­ that body held yesterday. Mr. • Three new members were re­ fire company No. 3, their first ceived into the Richard Stockton age estimated at $2,600 to a room­ Thomson- succeeds William J. opportunity to use their new About $408,000 has been raised chapter, D. A. R., at the first fall ing house a t 28 Bath avenue and .Couse who retired from the 1,000 gallon capacity pumper ' to date toward the construction of meeting of the group held Tuesday at an Ocean Grove' fire. Al­ gave Ocean Grove firemen an hour committee- b e c a u a e of ill a new $000,000 Methodist Homo evening at the Ocean and a half battle before the blaze health, Howard Selby, another Grove Wom­ though the: machineis over'a' for the Aged in Oceah Grove, it' was extinguished. The building association member, was nam­ an’s club house. They were Mrs. year old, having been de-’. was announced Tuesday at a Joint was owned .by .'Mrs. Estelle M. ed to the committee taking Martha Woolley, M rs.. Louis Al­ livered in A u g-.u s t , 1939; it meeting: of the New Building and Clark, Deal, and has been leased ~M r. Couse’s place. The renew- '■ ; bertson, and Miss Virginia Clerk; -has-pumped-nt'-only- one-fire — Executive Planning committees of to Scott Hurst, Neptune. ' The ing of . leases and other routine of Long Branch. and that was the Main-Central, n the Methodist home. Following the opening, ritual; a hotel fire in Asbury Park. building, known! as the Snug Har­ business tobk up the remainder Following a luncheon at tho bor, had been closed for the win­ of the session. Mr. Thomson is memorial service was read by the - The engine at the Sunday - home, the members gathered to Chaplain, Mrs. Robert Fisher, foi- fire! was under the supervis­ ter season. also police commissioner of hear reports on the progress' of -The blaze was discovered a t'4:30 Ocean Grove and is president Miss Lydia Mae Sharpe, a member ion 1 of Dr, William A. Robin- the program, and were told of the : who died last mpnth. spn^ chief engineer of this com-., a. m., by Mrs. August Stoll,. 23 of the Auditorium Ushers As­ amount raised. The members were pany, and Wesley Nagle, as- 1 Bath avenue, when she awakened sociation. r | Mrs. Philander Betts,.: regent, addressed -by . Bishop Francis J. sistant.erigirieer. to attend to her young daughter. presented a good citizenship medal McConnell, of the Methodist church . to Master Burke, of Boy, Scout Tho woman smelled smoke in the = who pledged the cooperation of his houso and called her husband, a | Troop No. 7, for outstanding qual- | forces in the program to build the Resident Center | ities in good citizenship. He was lieutenant in the Stokes fire com­ Barbour Again Hits | new home. pany No. 3, who investigated and i presented by Mr. Oliver Wendell I The Home last year purchased Planned By N. Y. A. Holmes, -Scoutmaster, and will be sounded the alarm. Cromwell W riting ifrom the Ocean Grove association ! invited to speak on the' chapter Firemen were handicapped in Funds Allotted For Cor nty J two complete blocks between New broadcast over Station WCAP on Secs Democrat Disqualified Vrom j York aven»c and Pilgrim Pathway, getting to the sent .of tho blaze by Resident Center; Plan Industrial [ the 4th Tuesday of this month at heavy smoke and the fact that the Office iBy Own Statements; Tour and extending from Stockton-ave- Training In All Skilled Trades : 9 p. m . fire had mushroomed through the Of Hudson Continues J nue .to Fletcher lake. The new ! The regent spoke briefly of the -—— ] home will be constructed on this Walls of the structure. Four* lines As the result of the allocation of GOth Anniversary-of tho National of hose were brought -into play, Enthused over the large' crowds:J site, with a fronting on the lake, a federal grant of $3,000,000 to Society D. A. I!, arid the work ac- under the direction of Fire) Chiefs New Jersey, definite'plans for the that: have turned out to welcome J. Among those present at the Joint complished. She stressed the need oil his county tOui-rf,.- United: meeting were Sandford C. Flint, David H. O’Reilly and Warren establishment of a National Youth of patriotic education, as a means ■ • ■Brown, to quench the fire which administration resident canter in States Senator \V. Warren Bar-’ president of the board of trustees; of national defense. • bour’continued, his drJve this week , Frank B. Smith, Rev. J. Edgar destroyed floor beams and walls in Monmouth county wore to be com­ Illustrated Talk Given the structure. pleted this week. William Oliver, with new aHricksoilJanies H.-'R. J Washaboiigh, former superintend-. ■ The chapter was to have been Cromwell, his Democri!'ratic oppon-1 ent of the Newark district; Rev. C. After chopping holes in the walls P ort Monmouth, regional N; Y. A. | addressed by. Lt.. Col. Melvin Gil­ ent, for his , views on the Airiori D/ V/hittnn, Bridgeton ,District Su­ of the structure, firemen wer« able director, stated the only problem lette, -fiont’ from Washington to perintendent; Dr'. A: L. BaneiyNew to direct their streams at the blaze still confronting the establishment can Constitution.- | teach aerial photography at Fort In his talks Senator Barbour Brunswick District Superintendent; and soon had the fire under con- is the selection of a-site for the Monmouth. He was unexpectedly quoted directly from Cromwell’s Dr. W. R. Ravfcr; Dr. P. B. Hollo­ tsol. A large quantity of furniture, center. .• • J recalled .to Washington .arid ap- book, “The Voice of Young Ameri­ way, Paterson District Superin. stored on the first floor for the The resident center, which would . pointed Mr. W. Joyce to give his can,” in •which the Democratic can­ tendent; • Iiev. H. L. L»mbdin, also winter, was heavily damaged by probably be set up in Long Branch, The 1940 Poster of The American Red Cross sounds the call to the nation. f luctu,.c JJ,,-. Jdyce 'explained the didate -ridiculed ,the American sys­ a District-Superfcteridcnt; Rev. G. fire and water. The fire apparent­ the director said, will provide the to serve humanity within the ranks of this army of mercy. I many phases of the work, illustrat- G. Vogel, .Dr. K. K. Quimby, Jersey ly in the cellar and, when firemen training in industrial work for the tem of government. Senator Bar­ . I^EEPING - step with the boys do so by sharing in, the vitally im-' ing the talk with 'motion.-pictures, , arrived, was burning in that en­ youths of the county. Two maJor bour averted that. Cromwell’s City District Superintendent; Lot -'^ n called to the colors ir. Airier- portant work of the Red Cross. Join 1 Music was furnished by the ves- views “disqualified” him from R. -•Ward, Ji -oph Thoma, Ocean tire section, • trades may be selected by the stu­ as a member of tho local Chapter,! ted choir of the Grand Avenue Re- , nubile nffiee dents, and a course of one year will lea’s hew defense army and navy,‘ Grove Assort&tion Manager; Rev. W ill be the American Red Cross, during tho .roll call, November U nformed Church, under the direct- . Senator Barbour said:s E. A. Conover, New Jersey Confer­ bo provided in these skills, Oliver to 30, and through your support you : ipn of Mrs. Anno Parker. They M iss Banger t W eds fulfilling its riiisslon ot service to “In ..'Chapter 1 Cromwell says ence representative for the Home; said. Differing from vocational will strengthen tho Red Cross army , > “Recessional" ; the men in the line and to their of mercy. ' |»WW W " * s. , tu ‘Our sacrosanct, outworn nnd de­ Rev. B. F. Dickisson, Newark Con- schools in that the trainees must loved ones at home, Chairman Nor­ Robert A. Patterson produce some useful article of a . “Recruits ; are- needed not 'alonc J Go.tl Bless America’’ and othey se­ moralizing Constitution, is a riiill- f ererice representative for the man H. Davis announced In Wash­ as members, but— ----also —as volunteer ........... i lections. stone around the necks of the Home; Harold II. Boynton, of the type assigned,’ the center will riot ington. Miss Gertrude Bangert, daugh­ specialize in one type of work and workers In tho Red Cros3 Chap-| Announcement was made of the .
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