:v : / .V ; ^ ■ '■ ^ TH E W BATBiat AVEBAOB DAILY iOIBOlTLATION roNMot of 0. tVaotbM-Borma. for tlM Month of Jono, 1988 fU rtfo rA 5,201 Partly oloody t^aight and Thnre> Member ol tbe Aodlt Bnreno day. SUf htly warmer. of dreolattonff. FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE rUKEB CENTS / VOL. U L , NO. 241 (Claaelflad Adverttalni on Pago 18> MANCHB8TER/CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 12,1988. U. S. RESERVE BOARD RUMORED O’CONNELL BANS BANK PARLEY W IU BE FREED TODAY VetoM Participation by TOWNS REQUESTED -R Albany Newspaper Heart American Delegates in Oklahoma Gets Beer; TO SEND REPORTS ' Kidnaperi Had Agreed to Debate on Central Bank Wets Win By 86,412 Accept $20,000 Instead Ce*operatien. First Quarter’s Federal Oklahoma City, July 12— (AP) Into action, traneportlng caeea o f of the $250,000 Demand^ Crant for Emergency Re­ Gtovarnor William H. Murray decid­ tba brew from rulroad care to London, July 12.—(AP)— Tbe wholeeale and retail dealere. American Federal Reierve Board, It ed today to let Oklahoma have Ite AppUcante fo-‘ beer llceneea ed— Family Keeps SOent waa underctood in authoritative lief Ready to Distribute. beer. ewarnMd tbe offleea of tbe tax com* quartern today, baa vetoed partlet> After 80 of tbe fovemor'i Na­ miaalon. nation by tbe United Staten delega* tional Ouardemen bad prevented Retume from 2,689 of tbe ctate’a Albany, N. Y„ July 12,— (AP) — lion at (be world economic confer* Hartford, July 12.—(AP)—With overnight unloading of tne t ew 8,318 predneta gave tbe wet aide a Reports were flying today that ence in diicuseion of a renolutlon raimbuntmont of 1857,994 for r«* legallied In a epecial election yee* rAjc/ity of 86,412, tba vote being young John J. O’Connell, Jr„ nep­ calling for central bank cooperation. ll9f MpfBdlturta of oighty-iix com* terday "Alfalfa BUr today ieeued a 19^,210 to 110,798. proolamation ^ announcing ealee Governor Murray eald bla martial hew of the upstate Demooratlo dlo- Tbia reaolutlon waa backed by tbe munlriM in tba first quarter of tbs Buropean gold bloc and ban been un* would not be Interfered witb. law order last nl^t wae “to pre* tatori, would be freed by hie kid* der connlderatlon by the nub*com* vsar sxpsctsd to bs mads sarly Tbe proclamation waa tbe eignal vent them from making a Joke of napers today after a ranzom wae next month, tbs stats emergency mlttee on permanent monetary for fleete of beer trucka to rumble the law ." paid. problemn. relist oommiasioo is now asking tbe It wan ntated that Senator Pitt* 1^9 towns and cities in tbe state to Tbe Albany Evening News beard man of Nevada told tbe aub*oom« turn in tbelr applications for Fed­ tbe abductore bad agreed to accept mittee that tbe Federal Renerve eral relief for the second quarter of 820,000, a small share of tbe 8250,* Board felt that tbe renolutlon wan tbe year. 000 demanded. Tbs paper also said Miss Eleanor H. Little of Guil­ TEXTILE MEN STRUGGLE tbs 24*year*old son of tbs eldest of “premature." Thin development immediately ford, executive secretary of tbe tbe three O’Connells would be re* created a nennallon. commission, stated today tbat leased In the historic Catskill moim* Some membern of tbe committee every effort was being made to ob­ An unuiual feature of tbe ThanksglvlDf aabbath in Berlin recently was the re-marriage of 60 couples under tains, south of tbe city. Nasi ritual. This was tbe picturesque scene as throtms saluted the couples entering the Lazarus church for WITH NEW COTTON CODE aenerted that thin attitude killed tain reports from every community Dan O’Connell, one of tbe undesi tbe mass wedding. All buti tw o of toe couples were already married. further connlderatlon of Senator so tbat the state may get tbe full and the father of the hoetage, were Plttman'n Important renolutlon call* amount to which it is entitled from away from D a ’s Helderberg moun* Ing for, among other tbingn, event* the Federal relief grant. Law Becomes Effecthre Next tain retreat all of tbe morning. A ual return to tbe gold ntandard, re* Tho response to tbe request for JOHNSTON ELECTED friend at tbe camp said they were duetlon of tbe gold cover to 25 per tbe first rroorts of expenditures for HOSPITAU TO PAY “out for a ride.” All at this remote cent and optional une of nllver for January, February and March, she WHAT INFLATION MEANS Mooda;— Seme ef Big spot, about 20 milee from Albany, one*flftb of thie cover. said, showed only jigbty*six re­ ENGINEERS'HEAD were confident the boy would be re^ Make Denial. turns from towns and cities repre­ lesMed today. American quartern, however, em* senting 80 per cent of tbe state’s TAXESOM WHEAT Mills Are Going to Ron Another Btunor pbatically denied tbat the Federal population, but tbe commission AND HOW IT OPERATES Renerve veto bad anything to do hoped that even those communities There were pereletent rumors that with tbe Pittnoan renolutlon, the who feel they do not need Federal DenUe Shifts. Defeats Trogresshre Candi­ the kidnaped youth woulc be given gold nection of which ban already aid will submit reports of their re­ Hartford Learns There Will hie freedom in New York Qlty, an been approved by the nub-commlt* lief expenditures for April, May Aaother of a Series of individual high in the d’Connell tee. and June so tbat Connecticut might INDUSTRIAL CODES Boston, July 12— (AP) —^ Uncer­ date b ; Vote of 503 to family council, however, discounted Tbe American maintained tbat take full advantage of the law Be Few Exemptions for tainty was general among cotton thi. report. tbe Federal Renerve autboritlen were m which entitles tbe state to reim­ Articles Explaimng textile manufacturers of New Eng­ ' 383 at Clereland. Young O’Connell was kidnaped referring only to cooperation of bursement of one-third of tbe total UNDER ONE ORDER land today as they struggled with last Friday morning as he returned central banka an proponed in an* relief expenditures of its towns and State Instiintions. home from a "date” with Miss Mary other renolutlon offered by a Eyro* Simple Terms the New new problems arising from the cot­ cities. Cleveland, July li.—(AP)—Al- Fahey, his particular young woman pean ntate a few dayn ago. Auditor’s Report ton textile code of the National Re­ friend. Another development waa tbat Miss Little reported tbat Edward vanley Johnston was re-elected Laws Passed by Congress. Hartford, July 12—(AP)— That covery Act, which becomes effective The O’Connell brothers returned gold bloc quartern exprenaed indig* H. Reeves of Madison, field repre­ President Considers Phn to grand chief of tbe Brotherhood of hospitals, state, municipal and next Monday. to Dan’s summer home shortly after nation and declared that tbia atti­ sentative of the commission, will charitable institutions heretofore Locomotive Engineers at the tri­ noon. They would ngt comment upon tude brought the conference much probably be able to report on his Tbe chief question confronting tbe issue Blanket Order for annual convention here today over the case. nearer acomplete etandatlll. One audits of at least thirty towns and EDITOR’S NOTE: Thie le exempt from taxation by tbe gov­ manufacturers, wsui whether tney non*gold country's delegate agreed cities within a few weeks so that aaother of a eeriee of etorlee by ernment, will be forced to pay the would run their plants on a single 1. O. Ehiders of Columbus, Ohio, the The family has never discussed with this view. tbe commission may begin its pay­ ateff writers of the ’Aeeodated tbaPresenL or douMe shift basis. “Progressive” candidate. the ^idtuqiing and has refrained tax m wheat, amounting, in the The. veteran,administrative lead­ Bank Cooperation. ments to tbe ^qwns. She expects Frees eaqrtalnlng tbe new laws. „ An>ri«lmately 120,000 operatives from aldl^ the police, New York Central banH cooperaiAnw.waa one, k. M O'/ . •• oasirof most flour,-to flJ fl'a barrti.' be*inreeted by the new code, tbe er of the engineers received 503 (31t^ detectives, state and Federal of three subjects which the bureau, Washington, July 12.— (A P)—^The was learned this m orning ui>on e - first of'the RooSevelt administra­ votes agalnM 883 fox Enders. * (Cootlniied On Pkge Four.) Washington, July 12 —(AP) — Operatives. Ed, Dan and John,' Sr., tbe. steering committee decided yes­ object of inflationary powers voted ceipt of a communication from tion’s program for industrial recov­ Thus, Johiuton won bis struggle steadily have relied on direct nego­ terday could be usefully discussed President Roosevelt, while pleased against the self-styled Progressive Wsuahington by income Tax Col­ ery. tiations with tbe abductors. without creating dissension. The to President Roosevelt was to enable group, which came to the conven­ Vi ;h the progress -toward establish­ lector Robert O. Eaton. Regulations The new law will reduce the work None of the 11 intermediaries bureau’s decision was tbe climax of him to put more money Into circula­ tion with the avowed Intention of ing indxistrlal codes, is considering relating to the processing of wheat week from 56 to 40 hours in Ver­ named by the O’Connells yesterday a battle which waged for many days HASTEN RECOVERY, unseating him on tbe ground that tion in the campaign to raise com­ for tbe producer and the refund of mont, 55 in Connecticut, 54 in New have been located today. At Buffalo. between the gold coimtrles, which a blanket order to-provide minimum he bad permitted the Brotherhood modity prices ana spur re-employ­ wages and limited hours until ti.e the tax on wheat product delivered Hampshire, Maine and Rhode Is­ Joseph J.
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