Union Yorkshire Number 1096 Volume 142 December 2017 December 2017 Volume 142 Number 1096 Yorkshire Union Photo: Ken White White Ken Photo: Photo: Ken White White Ken Photo: Back cover: Back Back cover: cover: Back YNU members in a colourful field on the Excursion to Eastrinton Ponds (VC61). (VC61). Ponds Eastrinton to Excursion the on field colourful a in members YNU YNU members in a colourful field on the Excursion to Eastrinton Ponds (VC61). (VC61). Ponds Eastrinton to Excursion the on field colourful a in members YNU by Ken White. Ken by by Ken White. White. Ken by Photographed on the YNU Excursion to Aysgarth Freeholders’ & St. John’s Wood-Riddings Field (VC65) (VC65) Field Wood-Riddings John’s St. & Freeholders’ Aysgarth to Excursion YNU the on Photographed Photographed on the YNU Excursion to Aysgarth Freeholders’ & St. John’s Wood-Riddings Field (VC65) (VC65) Field Wood-Riddings John’s St. & Freeholders’ Aysgarth to Excursion YNU the on Photographed Front cover: Front Front cover: cover: Front ) assaulting a hoverfly. a assaulting ) Fly Dung Yellow the (possibly fly Dung A A Dung fly (possibly the Yellow Dung Fly ) assaulting a hoverfly. hoverfly. a assaulting ) Fly Dung Yellow the (possibly fly Dung A stercorea Scathophaga Scathophaga stercorea stercorea Scathophaga An asterisk* indicates a peer-reviewed paper peer-reviewed a indicates asterisk* An An asterisk* indicates a peer-reviewed paper paper peer-reviewed a indicates asterisk* An Notice: Notice: Notice: Notice: YNU YNU YNU YNU p239 p239 p239 Book review: review: Book Book review: review: Book p218 p218 p218 Calendar Calendar Calendar 240 240 240 Retraction Erratum Erratum Retraction Retraction Erratum 239 and and 239 239 and Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union Excursions in 2017 in Excursions Union Naturalists’ Yorkshire Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union Excursions in 2017 2017 in Excursions Union Naturalists’ Yorkshire 221 221 221 Ellen and her frogs her and Ellen Ellen and her frogs frogs her and Ellen 215 Millard Andy Andy Millard 215 215 Millard Andy Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union Conference 2018 Conference Union Naturalists’ Yorkshire Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union Conference 2018 2018 Conference Union Naturalists’ Yorkshire 214 214 214 rot-holes) artificial for methodology methodology for artificial rot-holes) rot-holes) artificial for methodology Ken Gartside Ken Ken Gartside Gartside Ken - The first Yorkshire record (including (including record Yorkshire first The - hoverfly The The hoverfly - The first Yorkshire record (including (including record Yorkshire first The - hoverfly The 211 211 211 Callicera rufa Callicera Callicera rufa rufa Callicera YNU Bryological Section Report for 2016 2016 for Report Section Bryological YNU YNU Bryological Section Report for 2016 2016 for Report Section Bryological YNU 205 Blockeel T.L. T.L. Blockeel 205 205 Blockeel T.L. YNU Conchological Section Report for 2017 2017 for Report Section Conchological YNU YNU Conchological Section Report for 2017 2017 for Report Section Conchological YNU 204 Norris Adrian & Crawford Terry Terry Crawford & Adrian Norris 204 204 Norris Adrian & Crawford Terry Field Note: Red-veined Darter in a Flash Flash a in Darter Red-veined Note: Field Field Note: Red-veined Darter in a Flash Flash a in Darter Red-veined Note: Field 203 P.Hinks P.Hinks 203 203 P.Hinks Colin A. Howes A. Colin Colin A. Howes Howes A. Colin Yorkshire Naturalists at War: Part 2 - on the Home Front Home the on - 2 Part War: at Naturalists Yorkshire Yorkshire Naturalists at War: Part 2 - on the Home Front Front Home the on - 2 Part War: at Naturalists Yorkshire 196 196 196 Dales Dales Dales Michael Pearson Michael Michael Pearson Pearson Michael A survey of the flowering plants found on drystone walls in the Yorkshire Yorkshire the in walls drystone on found plants flowering the of survey A A survey of the flowering plants found on drystone walls in the Yorkshire Yorkshire the in walls drystone on found plants flowering the of survey A 191 191 191 Richard Shillaker and Martin Roberts Martin and Shillaker Richard Richard Shillaker and Martin Roberts Roberts Martin and Shillaker Richard Mass mortality of adult Common Toads at two breeding sites in Yorkshire* Yorkshire* in sites breeding two at Toads Common adult of mortality Mass Mass mortality of adult Common Toads at two breeding sites in Yorkshire* Yorkshire* in sites breeding two at Toads Common adult of mortality Mass 178 178 178 Formation at South Cave Station Quarry, Yorkshire Yorkshire Quarry, Station Cave South at Formation Formation at South Cave Station Quarry, Yorkshire Yorkshire Quarry, Station Cave South at Formation Kenneth J. Phipps J. Kenneth Kenneth J. Phipps Phipps J. Kenneth An ichthyosaur vertebra from the Cave Rock Member of the Kellaways Kellaways the of Member Rock Cave the from vertebra ichthyosaur An An ichthyosaur vertebra from the Cave Rock Member of the Kellaways Kellaways the of Member Rock Cave the from vertebra ichthyosaur An 176 176 176 England 4: an overview overview an 4: England England 4: an overview overview an 4: England R. Goulder R. R. Goulder Goulder R. Freshwater plants and SSSI canals in the East Midlands and North of of North and Midlands East the in canals SSSI and plants Freshwater Freshwater plants and SSSI canals in the East Midlands and North of of North and Midlands East the in canals SSSI and plants Freshwater 161 161 161 Contents Contents Contents Page Page Page Vol. 142 No. 1096 December 2017 December 1096 No. 142 Vol. Vol. 142 No. 1096 December 2017 2017 December 1096 No. 142 Vol. The Naturalist The The Naturalist Naturalist The Union Union Union Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire White Ken Photo: Yorkshire Back cover: Back YNU members in a colourful field on the Excursion to Eastrinton Ponds (VC61). (VC61). Ponds Eastrinton to Excursion the on field colourful a in members YNU Union Union by Ken White. Ken by The Naturalist The (VC65) Field Wood-Riddings John’s St. & Freeholders’ Aysgarth to Excursion YNU the on Photographed Naturalist The Vol. 142 No. 1096 December 2017 December 1096 No. 142 Vol. cover: Front 2017 December 1096 No. 142 Vol. ) assaulting a hoverfly. a assaulting ) Fly Dung Yellow the (possibly fly Dung A stercorea Scathophaga An asterisk* indicates a peer-reviewed paper peer-reviewed a indicates asterisk* An Page Page Contents Contents 161 of North and Midlands East the in canals SSSI and plants Freshwater 161 of North and Midlands East the in canals SSSI and plants Freshwater Notice: Notice: YNU YNU p239 R. Goulder R. overview an 4: England Goulder R. overview an 4: England Book review: review: Book p218 176 Kellaways the of Member Rock Cave the from vertebra ichthyosaur An 176 Kellaways the of Member Rock Cave the from vertebra ichthyosaur An Kenneth J. Phipps J. Kenneth Yorkshire Quarry, Station Cave South at Formation Phipps J. Kenneth Yorkshire Quarry, Station Cave South at Formation Calendar 178 Yorkshire* in sites breeding two at Toads Common adult of mortality Mass 240 178 Yorkshire* in sites breeding two at Toads Common adult of mortality Mass Richard Shillaker and Martin Roberts Martin and Shillaker Richard Roberts Martin and Shillaker Richard Retraction Erratum and and 191 Yorkshire the in walls drystone on found plants flowering the of survey A 239 191 Yorkshire the in walls drystone on found plants flowering the of survey A Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union Excursions in 2017 in Excursions Union Naturalists’ Yorkshire Pearson Michael Dales 221 Pearson Michael Dales Ellen and her frogs her and Ellen Andy Millard Andy 196 Front Home the on - 2 Part War: at Naturalists Yorkshire 215 196 Front Home the on - 2 Part War: at Naturalists Yorkshire Colin A. Howes A. Colin 2018 Conference Union Naturalists’ Yorkshire Howes A. Colin 214 methodology for artificial rot-holes) rot-holes) artificial for methodology 203 P.Hinks Flash a in Darter Red-veined Note: Field Gartside Ken 203 P.Hinks Flash a in Darter Red-veined Note: Field - The first Yorkshire record (including (including record Yorkshire first The - hoverfly The 211 204 Norris Adrian & Crawford Terry 2017 for Report Section Conchological YNU rufa Callicera 204 Norris Adrian & Crawford Terry 2017 for Report Section Conchological YNU YNU Bryological Section Report for 2016 2016 for Report Section Bryological YNU 205 205 Blockeel T.L. 2016 for Report Section Bryological YNU Blockeel T.L. 205 Blockeel T.L. 2016 for Report Section Bryological YNU YNU Conchological Section Report for 2017 2017 for Report Section Conchological YNU 204 211 (including record Yorkshire first The - rufa Callicera hoverfly The Norris Adrian & Crawford Terry 211 (including record Yorkshire first The - rufa Callicera hoverfly The Field Note: Red-veined Darter in a Flash Flash a in Darter Red-veined Note: Field 203 Gartside Ken rot-holes) artificial for methodology P.Hinks Gartside Ken rot-holes) artificial for methodology 214 214 Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union Conference 2018 Conference Union Naturalists’ Yorkshire Howes A. Colin 2018 Conference Union Naturalists’ Yorkshire Yorkshire Naturalists at War: Part 2 - on the Home Front Home the on - 2 Part War: at Naturalists Yorkshire 215 Millard Andy frogs her and Ellen 196 215 Millard Andy frogs her and Ellen Dales Michael Pearson Michael 221 2017 in Excursions Union Naturalists’ Yorkshire 221 2017 in Excursions Union Naturalists’ Yorkshire A survey of the flowering plants found on drystone walls in the Yorkshire Yorkshire the in walls drystone on found plants flowering the of survey A 239 Retraction and Erratum 191 239 Retraction and Erratum Richard Shillaker and Martin Roberts Martin and Shillaker Richard Mass mortality of adult Common Toads at two breeding sites in Yorkshire* Yorkshire* in sites breeding two at Toads Common adult of mortality Mass 240 Calendar 178 240 Calendar Formation at South Cave Station Quarry, Yorkshire Yorkshire Quarry, Station Cave South at Formation Kenneth J. Phipps J. Kenneth An ichthyosaur vertebra from the Cave Rock Member of the Kellaways Kellaways the of Member Rock Cave the from vertebra ichthyosaur An p218 review: Book 176 p218 review: Book England 4: an overview overview an 4: England p239 Notice: YNU Goulder R.
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