" " " i ' <1 l-V fi Ï' i 'iV I ' i . ,'( • : “. i , - ■ ' Л VOLUME XXVIII "АИ The County News For Everybody** MOCKSVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, JUNE 1,1945 "All The County Newi For Everybody” NO. 31 Name Teachers At . REV. SPRINKLE Junior Baseball 19 MORE DAVIE BOYS ENTER DAVIE PASSES HALFWAY GOAL Bible School Prospects Good Mrs. J. H. Fulghum has an­ ROTARY SPEAKER Prospects ia t a «ood Jiunlor MILITARY SERVICE ON MAY 25 IN SEVENTH WAR LOAN DRIVE nounced the 'personnel of the Legkn baseball iteam in Davie iDavle ^counity has passed tihe day and he also announced fur­ Baptist Vacation Bible school, of Declaring 'that the world needs county are progressing nicely. Overseas Duty The following 19 Oavle county halfway marie in Jits quota of ther wopkere in ithe county. which £he is general superin­ the inew motive of bulkUng Both new lunlfonns and practice boys left here last (Friday for The Ceniteir granse is him - Ithe Seventh W ar Jjoan. Bales tendent. character so that nations end unlfonns have «rrived and quite Ft. Bragg where they entered dillng 'the drive In 'that seotion reported lare $116,000 lagatoat a They Include: junior depart­ individuals may live together in a number of boys are reporting military service: and 'they have J. N. Smoot aa quota of $220,000. m ent: superlnitendent. Miss WlUa peace and freedom, Rev. H. G. regutaaily to r practice. Sam Winfield Blckett Steelman, Rt. dhatenan with other workers be­ Marks, teachers. Misses Ruth Sprinkle wias the speaker at Swwite of aallttoury Is assl^ g 2, Yadkinville. The Federal Resemre bank re ­ ing Wade Dyson, T. R. C№een, Wagner, Marietta Smtih, and Tuesdayls meeting of the Rotary Dr. Mason in coaching the team. Clyde Gilmer Bailey, Rt. 1, Ad­ pot^ ithrough May 23 showed Ohxlstlne Bameycaatle and Bill Mra. Clayton Moretz; helpers, club in Goforth liall at the Some of ffihe boys who have le- vance. Davie was teadlmg ithe 11 coun­ Seaford. Clarabel LeOrand, Martha Ma­ Methodist church. ported for ibryouts for th e team 'William OhaiOes Anderson, Rt. ties to region 5. The FJno grange is also head­ son an d Janie Sue Naylor; music, Rev. Sprinkle said that man Inchide: 1, Mocksville. Knox Johnatone, comity chalr- ing up ithe eoliciitatlon in their Betty Honeycutt. had been infleunced geratly by 0№nntaieiton: Joe White, Gene Robert Lee Robertson, Rt. 3. miam, lannounced ithat’ithe Coo­ territory, having Шэ. Duke Pope Prlmiary department: superin­ three motives ithrough the years Dull, Oeaa Dull, Charles L a^ey Tobe sW nkling HeUord, Coo­ leemee drive was opened Tues- ais chairman. ‘ leemee. tendent: Mrs. Roy A, Orlfftoi of and 'that they were insufficient and WlUiam Davte MOcksviUe: Hartsvllle, S. C.; iteachera, Miss to meet the needs of today. Handd Bcidin, Bob Greene, Vir­ Henry Clyde Ratiedge, Rt. 1. GASOLINE ALLOTMENT UPPED Clair W allW d Mrs. Alvls Chesh­ These motives were money, gil W ^t, Wade Wyatt, Gene William Corbett Bramlett, ire; helpers, Jane Markland, Lu- power and pleasure. The speaker Wyatt and Guy OoUette Coolee­ Mocksville. clle Anderson, Ramona HOots, expressed his' belief that the mee: Bobby Jkmlan, Sid Carter, Ralph OdeU Smith, Rt. 1, Ad­ FOR A AND В CAR DRIVERS Bobby Jean Smith and Dorothy world needs á lowering of stand­ BOb Rldentaour, Oray Eveohardt, vance. •Automobile driveris irt Daivle ore not guaranteed for any cer­ Benson; music, Miss Wall, ards In the emphasis on m aterial Handd 'Wlaeoner, Htod, Woods Alfred Groce, Mocksville. ore ithe beneficiaries of an in- tain period of time but must Clyde Cornelius Peacock, Rt. Beginners de^pa^tment: teach­ forms lof aoccmpUshinenits In'and Jordui Advance: Barnhardt, oreaw In {gasoline niutlons, ef­ always remain dependent upon Above Is Miss Kathleen 2, StatesvlUe. ers, Miesdames Harley Sofley, fine churches, college degrees Mock and Bowden fective dn June, OPA Dlstriot Dl- changes in the milltairy demand. Graven of Mocksville aboard Hallbuiton Cranfm, Mocks- OUmer Hartley and Ouy Mc- and blind politici party offlUa- Alwut ISOO iwUl be icquired to (rectcff in Ohairtotte isaid. The val­ The military haa always hod, and a Coast Ouc^-manned trans­ vlUe. OieUan; helpers. Marlon Horn, tion. He would subsUtute to t f inainoe 'tto itaom an d some $390 ue of "A” coupons will be Jn- must always have (Unst call, he port enroute to liberated Ernest Jacob Cope, Rt. 1, Ad­ Betty Ann ТЧитег, Ann Martin, ithese outward signs of progirees basolieMly been ndaed oreased Urom foiiir to six gallona explained. « Europe. She Is with the Amer­ vance. Nancy D urh^ w(fii Mbrgaret a deeper attachment to thè in- Dr liBson, Smnta nnd Grady on June 22, when ithe new A-16 In explaining ithe increeae in ican Red Cross. The transport CJlcero Virgil Potta, Rt. 1, Ad­ Roberts. breedlng of isuch vlrtuea as so- Wtard wUl « ttrn d a meeUng in ooup(^ become valid. The limit 'the “B” card celling, L. V. Dris­ Albemarle ИЫ week of lepresen- she is on Is engaged in carry­ vance. The school will begin claases brlety, hòne^y, wlUlngness to 1 8 (for card holders who can coll pointed out ithat a peraon cooperata one wlth another Ir- taiUves of ittae m Udle district ing troops to Europe and re­ Everett Groce Rogers, Rt. 1. Monday, June 4, at 9 a. m. and i^ow i&n actual need for more who needs only 200 mllea a month respeotlve of creed or laos to Junior Legion toasefcaU execu- turning with battle-hardened Edward Lawrence Freeman, will close each m orning a t 11:30 gasoline wlU be naiaed to 650 miles will continue to receive only ttiat ttves veterans and casualties, home­ Rt. 4. o’clock. the end that people ^ y Uwe per monrth on June 11. amount. But a person who uses without recurring ’wmn. A nrimber of 'pmoUoe games ward ibound for weia-eamcd Norman Eugene Cook, Rt. 1, "I ‘¡ftiaire with Chester Bowles hl3 oar In bis busineas and who During June the Indies Wes­ WlU be idagvd by «be Davie leaves and rehablllitatlon. She Advance. needs more than he Is now re­ land the Fetitnleum Admlnlstro- Receives Honors leyan class of the . Methodist team and otber teams In the ■was lormeriy employed in the James WilUam Hay, MoeksvlUe. itlon ithe pleasure of announcing ceiving will be abto to get od- church 'wlU serve ithe meals. The cninty. beginning itbls week AAA office here before Join­ John Melvin Bailey, Rt. 1, Ad­ dltloiuil iroitkinis up to per Given His Son ithis Increase In gas natians for «0 club exipKssed Its eppceelaitkm ing the Red Cross. vance. civliian motorists,” he continued. month. In iboth oaaes they will J. Frank atonestreet of Mocks­ for th e fini^ neiUs which th e U. WINS .А т BBDAL Elbert Helsabeck Smith, Rit. 1, "The additional quanitltles to receive ithe SO per cent Increase Jn ville received (the Air Medal and p . -C. MTT^ par- МШ agt BaaUn Sgt. Howard Advance. tiha. .;!A” .m tlon i' he- «aniired..^.^. be mode: fiyallable.to civUlon^UM Oak Lei^ OhMter last 8aitu«*W ttoulaiay the Bents, son of Mr. « И Mn. Bur- Liberated In ' Oirecaulboro. The presenta­ crganlMtton InchuUnc ICn. J. K. too eents of Itemlnetan, was tion was made at ORID Big Top Tech. Sgt. Hugh ТЬотш How­ Sheek, Mrs. J. H. Tbompacm, aiwanled tb e Air Medal, April 26, DAVIE PILOT by Col. Paul R. Younts, post ard, son of Mr. and Mra. Albert HERE AND THERE Miss Macy Heitman and Mn. W. “for merttntous ndhievsment In HOwiard of Advance, Route 1, has ATTEND FUNERAL o a n n in o s u g a r comimander.. B. LeGrand. aerial oombnt.” He Is an aerial been 'liberated from a Gemían GETSD.F.C. Mra. T. &. WoQsley of Clem­ The local War Price and Ra­ Mr. Stonestreet received the Twenty-four memibeiB attend­ gunner on n B^7 Flying For- prison camp. His parents -had a Air Transpc^ Commiand Base, mons an d Mr. nd Mrs. B. G. Booe tioning board again reminds aU medal and award given his son, ed Tuesday. tresB. He Is baaed tai England cable f rom him ’Tuesdp.y stating India—Second Lt. Chester 'A, of Winston-Salem attended the citizens that Frlda^, June 1, is Te(di. Sgt. Gordon Stonestreet, with itbe BWbtb air forces. Ser­ that he wias In France awaiting Hughes, pilot, of MoeksvlUe, N. funeral in Charlotte last Mon­ the final date for iiling appli­ who has been reported missing geant Sente went overseas In to be transporbed home. G., has been awarded the Dis­ day of their nephew, Lt. James cations for canning sugar.. They in action a little more than a FIVE STUDENTS January. Be took his bask: train­ tinguished -Flying Croas, it was W. Alexander, who was killed state ithat ithis date will be en­ year. The award was made Ser­ He was first reported missing ing n t Keesler SleikI, Mississippi announced by Brig. Gen. Wil­ S^y 15 somewhere in Indiana forced and no applioationis made geant Stonestreet for iparticl- in action over Cologne, Germany, and wias awnrded his wings at liam H. ’Turner, commanding pating in bomber combat mis­ GIVENAWARDS last Oct. 15 land 'later was re­ when his plane crashed in mak­ after June >1 will be considered. Las Vegaa lAomy Air FiekI, Las ing a cross-eountry flight. He sions over enemy occupied Eur ported to be a (prisoner of war. general 'Of the India China di­ The valedictorian ifirom each Vegas, Mevada. vision, air transport command. was ithe only son of S.
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