E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1999 No. 111 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was (Mr. MATSUI), the gentleman from Or- lion in bonding authority for commu- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- egon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) and I, along nities across the country to buy up pore (Mr. STEARNS). with a number of our colleagues, have threatened farmland or to purchase f filed this legislation to establish the downtown waterfront property to con- Better America Bonds program. vert into a park perhaps, like the great DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Mr. Speaker, we believe that the Fed- hike and bike trail we have along Town TEMPORE eral Government should be an active Lake in my hometown of Austin, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- partner with local communities sup- Texas. In Austin, we have a number of fore the House the following commu- porting their efforts to build more liv- new projects that are under consider- nication from the Speaker: able communities as we approach the ation, including a project along Waller WASHINGTON, DC, 21st century. Creek, and a project for an additional August 2, 1999. I believe that there is strong, broad- Town Lake park, both to preserve I hereby appoint the Honorable CLIFF based support for these locally devel- green space. Additional green space STEARNS to act as Speaker pro tempore on oped, ``smart growth'' or sustainable provided through these projects means this day. growth initiatives. The Better America not only more fun but more oppor- J. DENNIS HASTERT, Bonds program would assist State and tunity for economic development in Speaker of the House of Representatives. local governments in their efforts to some areas that have been neglected f plan for their future growth and devel- and not properly used in the past by MORNING HOUR DEBATES opment. the city. Through the issuance of this new My constituents back in central The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- type of bond, one that carries a Federal Texas have realized the importance of ant to the order of the House of Janu- tax credit as opposed to a small additional green space acquisition and ary 19, 1999, the Chair will now recog- amount in interest payments, local of clean water by approving local bond nize Members from lists submitted by governments would be enabled to make initiatives through which the City of the majority and minority leaders for purchases to preserve green space, cre- Austin has already purchased some morning hour debates. The Chair will ate or restore urban parks, or simply 15,000 acres of land towards this objec- alternate recognition between the par- to clean up land or water. tive. These new land purchases will ties, with each party limited to 30 min- I believe that the preservation of protect our sensitive environment in utes, and each Member, except the ma- more open space, more green space in central Texas and provide additional jority leader, the minority leader, or which families can enjoy life, is becom- parks. the minority whip, limited to 5 min- ing a leading environmental issue They have also provided a unique op- utes. across this country. Both property val- portunity for some groups that have The Chair recognizes the gentleman ues on homes and the basic quality of warred against each other to work to- from Texas (Mr. DOGGETT) for 5 min- life that we all expect are improved gether. In Austin, the Save Our Springs utes. with additional open space and parks. Alliance, the Greater Austin Chamber f It really is not that hard to under- of Commerce and the Real Estate stand why that is so if we are coming Council were once opposing each other BETTER AMERICA BONDS, H.R. 2446 or going from Washington, D.C. along over some of the environmental efforts Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, it has the George Washington Parkway or the in the community. Now they have been said that the only means of con- Rock Creek Parkway. Or if, as my wife united in what is called a ``Vast Open servation is innovation, and I believe and I like to do, one is enjoying bicy- Spaces'' project to acquire additional that is what Vice President GORE had cling along the trail that leads beside land and in the process of uniting over in mind in recommending an innova- the parkway down to Mt. Vernon, one this issue, they have come to achieve tive proposal called Better America recognizes how much the beauty of the some common ground on a number of Bonds. I joined him back in January of green space and the opportunity to other issues toward improving the this year over at the American Insti- walk and play in that green space adds quality of life in central Texas as well. tute of Architects with a number of to the quality of life. I believe that the Better America outstanding planners and conservation- Mr. Speaker, the Better America Bonds program, by supporting that ists to announce this initiative. Now, Bonds legislation has some 110 Mem- kind of effort, will allow them to do an the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. GEP- bers of this House now as cosponsors. even better job, reach more parts of HARDT), the gentleman from California We would provide up to almost $10 bil- our community, and provide more b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6761 . H6762 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE August 2, 1999 parks and green space, not only along The ``Weed and Seed'' program began education for young people, drug abuse Town Lake but throughout central with three pilot sites in 1991. As of resistance education, and of course Texas. today, there are over 200 pilot sites and dealing with the gangs through edu- Mr. Speaker, I think the same kind one of those, of course, Mr. Speaker, is cation and training. of thing can happen around the coun- in my hometown of Ocala, Florida, Mr. Speaker, this morning I am try, whether it is along the Anacostia which is in my congressional district. pleased to be here. I commend the here in Washington, the Chattahoochee The article, as I mentioned earlier, is Ocala Police Department, the local and in Atlanta, or along the Los Angeles written by Ken DeVilling, a lieutenant State officials, and all the organiza- River, these bonds provide the oppor- with the Ocala Police Department, the tions involved in this dramatic, dra- tunity to reinvigorate downtown areas, Crime Prevention section. I would like matic success achieved in crime pre- make them more livable, and reinvigo- to share what Lieutenant DeVilling's vention. As we here in Congress at- rate the economy in some of these observations were and actually the tempt to find solutions to the violence areas. eminent success of the Ocala Police that is sweeping this country and this The Better America Bonds initiative Department and the surrounding com- Nation, it is comforting to know that has received support from the Amer- munity in their fight against crime. our local law enforcement and commu- ican Institute of Architects and the As Lieutenant DeVilling mentioned nity organizations working hard to National Realty Committee because in his article, the City of Ocala was, of combat this problem at its source and they support strong neighborhood plan- course, not immune to the effects of it is happening in my hometown of ning and this program provides the crack cocaine and the subsequent surge Ocala. They are succeeding. means for communities to do just that. of crime. Additional resources were Mr. Speaker, I will submit to enter Communities and local governments needed and the Ocala Police Depart- into the RECORD Lieutenant are also supporting the Better America ment had the foresight to recognize the DeVilling's article as it appears in the Bonds program because these bonds are newly developed ``Weed and Seed'' pro- Department of Justice's spring 1990 re- much less costly to a local government gram as a viable solution to rising port, ``Weed and Seed and Best Prac- for them to use than the traditional in- crime in my hometown. So myself, and tices Report.'' For brevity, Mr. Speak- terest bearing ones. with the help of my other colleagues in er, I will submit only that section deal- As Vice President GORE said earlier Florida and the Florida delegation, ing with ``Taking it to the Streets,'' this year, ``Plan well, and you have a they assisted me in getting Ocala as a which is a small part of this article ex- community that nurtures commerce site designated as a ``Weed and Seed'' plaining how the Ocala Police Depart- and private life. Plan badly, and you program. ment actually reduced crime in my have what many of us suffer from first- A number of initiatives were created hometown using the ``Weed and Seed'' hand: Gridlock, sprawl and that by the Ocala Police Department using program. uniquely modern evil of all, too little the funds that were provided by this My efforts this morning are also to time.'' ``Weed and Seed'' program. One initia- recognize the fine things being done by We incorporated this concept of Bet- tive was the creation of a community the Ocala Police Department to reduce ter America Bonds in the Democratic organization called the Community and eliminate crime in my hometown tax substitute.
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