YOU ALWAY5 scc new bwrgnlns ivheh- ever you rend tho Tco- pnmt Dce Want Ads. TIITS DISPATCH TOUNDED 1850 PRICE TWO OENT& THE T1MK8 FOUNDED 18S8. WHOLE NUMBER 16,682. RICHMOND, VA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 0,1004. THE REPUBLICANS REJOICE IN A NATIONAL LANDSLIDE NEXT HOUSE VIRGINIA'S ROOSEVELT BE STRONGLY VOTE WAS ELEGTED IN REPUBLICAN SMALL ONE A LANDSLIDE The Returnsto 2 A.M. In- Wysor Was Defeated by Republicans Score Sig- dicate a Majority of Slemp in the-Ninth nal Victory, Carrying Some Filly. District. - Doubtful States. , MANY SURPRISES FI.OOD SEGURES GET BIG MAJORITY TO THE DEMOCRATS A FINE MAJORITY JN NEW YORK STATE They Have Lost in Instances The Eiection Gonditions Were Parker's Plurality in City Smallet Where They Expected to Ideal and There Were No Dis- Than Was Expected.Mary¬ land and West Make Gains . Chairman turbances Anywhere in the Virginia Cowhcrd Among Those State.The Democrats Are Both in the Who Suffered Have Nine Gon- Republican Defeat. gressmeri.' Column. from every CBy Assoclated Prens.) (By Asaocliitwl Press.) Incomplete returns \ almost NEVW YORK, November 8..The WASHINGTON, D. C, November S.- ln- tno State, wlth, the Repub¬ clty and county lican natlonal tlcket has been eleeted by Presldcnt Roosevelt Is assured of the co- complcto flgures frdrn.many. countles and a voto ln tho electoral collego-that wlll operation of a Republlcan Congrc.-'s. Tho cltles, lndlcatcs that'less'tha a flfty per exceed that of 292 glven Mr, McKlnley present Republlcan majority ln that body cent. of thc reglstered vote" of .Vlrglnla ln 1000. ls 84, and there need no surprlse If was east iri yest'erdaj-'a eiection "for Presi¬ Tho result of to-day's ballotlog waa thls flgure ls ahnoat doubled, and lt dent and' members astoundlng, e.ven to the most sangulne ls yice-Presldent:';an_ reaeonably certaln to reach a majority of the House of' Repres.entatlves.' Tho of Ihe Republican managers. Confldent of at leust flfty. / will ac thoy were of nuccess, they were not ln practlcally all dlstrlcls the Repub¬ iDemoorartlc majority'"ln''ihe S_it- prepared, for the nstonishlng- flgures licans have held thelr own, whlle ln some approxlmate 30,000, If the .estlmates .based whlch followed tho closlng of tho polls. lnstunces the Democrats have lost, Prob¬ on partlal returns are-worth anythlng. brlnging Into tho Republican column not' ably the most marked of tliese caseB aro PERSIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Every corigTesslohai 'dlstrl-t ln the State only all of thosG States they had* clulmea the Fourth and Flfth Dlstrlcts as safe for thelr but wlth of Call- eleeted a Democrat save the Ninth, whlch candldates, fornla (Sun Francisco), now the posslble exceptlon of Maxyland, every representod re-elected Colonel Campbell Slemp by a by Repreaontatlves Llvernash and "Wynn, 900 The Re¬ State classed as doubtful. Democrats, whlch returns indlcato havo majority of from .io 1,200. Dcmocratic successes nre. conflned to publlcans ln the dlstriot clalm .a .much FAIRBAIMKS, Vlce-Presldent-Elec In whlch la baen gained by tho Republicans. In iho CombletB n-__res alone SENATOR the solld South, Kentucky Twelfth Ohio Dlstrict. Taylor, Republl¬ hlgher majority. Included, and- Mr. Parker has not car¬ i ROOSEVELT WILL NOT RUN AGAEV. can or refute thelr claims. ;. ls to havo verify a whlch not can, reported defeated Badser, f _ _;_ the Te-nth Dlstrlct, ia returned ried single State flld glve the Democratlc who was Flood, ln lts voto to Mr. Bryan four ago, sltting member, a handsome over Revercomb. years a candldate for re-elcctlon. Z-. (By Ansociated Press.) by majority roturns Indlcato that ho lost somo after the Ople, Independent,Democrat, dld Official The most surprlslng of all the reports, T WASHINGTON, November 8..President Roosevelt to-nlght Captain -ln the of thoso whlch tho Nebraska candldate. statement: not'cut any a-ppreolable figu__ however, come from the Flfih and Fif¬ 4- eiection returns clearly Indlcated the result, Issued the fo'llowlng .:*'-. O- PARKER CONGRATULATES ROOSEVELT. held for hls pnrty. teenth Mlsfiourl both voUng. I Dlstrlcts, strongly done me the Amerlcan In Dls¬ T "I am deeply senslble of the honor by people Congressman Olass, of the Sixth ""''. How the Vote Stands. Democratlc, and the former represented hls from flve (By Assoclated'Presa.) T thus thelr confldence In what I have done and have trled to do. trlct, claims re-elecUon by N. November 8.8:30 P. M..Judge Parker sent thls tele- Offlclal flgures fro mthe Northwest by Mr. Cowherd, chairman of the Dcma- expresslng to'six thousand. Mr.. Swanson, ln the ESOPUS, Y., the craUc Commlt¬ l to the full the solemn responslblllty thls confldence Imposea cltles may sllghtly. chnnga totals, CongresBlonnl Campaign i appreclate Flfth Dlstrlct, wlns agsiin by a hfthdsomo gram to the Presldent: but based* on the returns avallable *t a tee. Tho claim to have car¬ that Is In not toforfelt.lt. On the Republicans f . upon me, and I shall do all my power majoTlty. The opposlMpn ln other dls¬ "Rosemount, Esopus, N. Y., November. 8th, 8:30,P. M. tha voto ried both and late hour to-nlght, electoral dlstrlcts. 4-th of March next I shall have served three and a half year-, thls three trlcts was not formldfibTfe,, "The.Presldent, Washington, D. C: ..-.'.- v'"- stands ras follows: X or wera re- Have Majority of Fifty. T and a half years constltutes my flrst term. Thls wise custom whlch llmlta Complete parti-al.Jret_rn_ "The people by thelr votes have.emphatlcally approved^yeur admlhiiitra- -'-.-¦.'r..-,.----*-.FOR ROOSEVELT. In the llght pf .these, renjjrts.a.RepublJ.-,. to two terms regar'ds the substance and not the form. Under tlon, and 1 heartlly congratulate you. Estlmnted Electoral can majority bf' fiffy ln !.he "Houso ls ^"'¦"¦'We'"President "ALTON Q. PARKER." for or anothernomlnatlon." Plurality. ., a cstlmate. Re¬ I no clrcumstances wlll I be a candldate accept (Slgned) State. Vote, consldered conservatlve Roosevelt's ........... 5,000 5 turns from the Southern States show thnt WASHINGTON, November 8..Presldent reply to. Judge Colorado i++++++++-H-++++4r+4 TMI.HMH*f was as follows: California (conceded Rep.). 10 they havo roiumed the usual Democratlc iltMMt Parker's telegram Connectlcut. 25.000 7. majorltles on congressraen as on other 'Alton B. Parker, Rosemount, N. Y.: 3 candidates. The State3 of Alabnma. Ar- Delaware.,. 2,500 "I thank you for your congratulatlons." Idaho (conceded). ....... 3 kansas, Florlda, Georgla, Mlssisslppl, . "THEODOREROOSEVELT." 27 North Carolina, South Carolina and (Slgned) Illlnols .......... 15,000 . 60,000 15- Texas. all send solld Democratlc delo- Indiana SEES lowa ...,.;. 125,000 13 gatlons, whllo those from Kentucky and GREAT CROWD 10 Vlrglnia probably each wlll send only ono Kansas. 30,000 Malno . 37,000 6 Republlcan rcpresentatlve, maklng no S change from the present complcxlon. Ten¬ Maryland (probably Rep.). 80.000 1C. nessee wlll contlnue to send two Repub¬ OF RETURNS Massachusetts 14 DISPLAY RECEIVES NEWS Mlchlgan . 100.000 llcan congressmen. PARKER 100,000 11 There are several solld Republlcan delo- Mlnnesota. from northern Montana (conceded). 3, gallons already reported Women Now Jersoy .50,000 12 Statea, Includlng lowa (wlth one posafble Thousands of Men, AND SENDS HIS GREETINGS .8 exceptlon), Kansas, Minnesota, New Nebraska . 30,000 and Children in New Hampshlre . 20,000 4 Hampshlro ana the two Dakotas. To Capital 3 these must be added tho delegatlons from FOUR PERISH Not Dovvncast, "Nevada (probably Rep.). Though Dcplor- 89 Miilne. Oregon and Vermont, ln whlch Square. New York . 185,000 Defeat North Dakota . 25,000 4 Statos electlons were held prlor to yea- ing Ovenvheiining Ohlo.10COOO 23 terday. in Own 4 States, such as llll¬ JUDGES State. Oregon. 30,000 Other Mlchlgan, TWO AND MOVING PICTURES 34 Ohlo, Pennsylvania. and even Indi¬ MUSIC WITH Pennsylvnnla .. 300,0,00 nols, HOTEL Rhods Island .- 5.00° **.'¦ ana and New Jersey, from whlch the CAMPBELL SLEMP, 4 Democrats hoped for much in .he way of CONGRESSMAN South Dakota . 30,000 Was Re*elected From the Ninth GRIEF FELT AT ESOPUS "Utah .:..-.¦. 8.00l) 3 gains, ngaln send to Congress dclegn- Projectoscopc and The Silver in Texas Oil Who -4 whlch aro Mcgaphone, Queen Dlstrlct. KILLED Vermont . 30,000 tlons preponderatlngly Repub¬ ARE llcan. Scarch Display Fields Burns- While Full "West Vlrglnla (Rep. major¬ Liglit Friends of Democratic Candidate ity unknown. "f Where Gains Are Made. 30.000 5 the Returns. of Guests. celved from almost overy city and county in Connection With "Washlngton In New York the Republicans wlll ln the lUaUa last nlght, a-thlng never Fatal Aftray Especidllv Grieved That He Wisconsln.. KO.OOO 13 suffer no los* and wlll galn several con¬ before ln tho of Wyomlng (largely Rep.). 3* a aocomplli'hed history Election at Cripple Did Not the gressmen and thoy will mako galn of Jllchmond's Interest ln the natlonal eiec¬ State polltlcs. th« Carry Village. Thls glves Roosevelt a total of 325 at least two In New Jereey and othor electoral votes. shown in a most interestlng way THREE ARE CARRIED DOWN Tho flgures for tho countles are to bo Creek. gains aro reported from Maryland nnd tion was found below: FOR PARKER. V/est Vlrglnia. Among tho early dis¬ last nlght when thousands of men, wo- (By Assoclnted Press.) Estlmated Electoral was ono Indlcatlng tho certaln stood The vote by countles ls as follows: Plurality. Vote.- patches mon and chlldren ln Capitol Squaro The on Dom- Re- ESOPUS, N. Y. Novombor S.-Judgc Stated of Cannon. Cable Buggy .... 37,500 11 return Speaker and watched the returns as they wero Suspension ocratic. ORDERED THE DEPUTY OUT Parker conceded the olectlon of Presl¬ Alabnma lt ls probable the Republlcan majority Oountles.
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