Bromley (Kent)

Bromley (Kent)

B rom ley (K e n t), 10$ miles from Cannon Street B. S. Early Closing—Wed. Mkt.—Thur. Including Bicklej, Bromley Common, Farnborough, Green Street Green, Keston, Locksbottom. Shortlands, Sundridge Bark, Widmore, &c. The Initials denote the abore. ACCOUNTANTS Brown, Lane, & Co., 21 East st. Croome, J., 5 Market square Masters, F. W., 137 High st. ACC UMULATOR MAKERS S topes Engineering; Co., 59 Widmoro road; repairs to all ty p e s AMUSEMENTS Grand Hall Theatre, High st. Fatal* da Lux*. High *tr**t 777 ANTIQCTH DBA1 EBB Beale, E_, Oft High st. W h ile, T. L., 59 M aaO n’s h ill) workshop And showroom, Thu Garage*. To to phono No. P av One bourne, 0500 AE0SIT3 0 TS Coa<l, Percy. 90 N ig h t ingulu lane Clod hi II & Wijfmora, n$ Old Kent road, London, S.E. l. P h o n o NO. R orin oy, 3 340 Latter, H,, Town hall, Market square A R T S A3STD C B A P T S Painphilpn, 43 H igh st, StickUnd, E,, 63 Palace road ATHLETIC OT7TEITTEBS Pomary, A. E., IB East street. Phono No. Ravensbourno, l i e s AHCTIOHHERB Maxtor, Payne, & Leppor, oppo­ s ite G.P.O., B ro m le y ; 14 tackvlilp street, W. 1| al*o at Bockonham and Or- plngton, Phono Not. Ravent- bourne, 0231 and 0222; Beckenham, 3404 Beaveit, 3. Anthony, l t En^t «t .; alto estate aftent; valuation* for probate. Phono No, Ravcnsbourne, 4693 C a r t e r , l a w , * l e e c h , fig Eaat street, and at Bromley South, Shortlands, and Station ap­ proach, Chl*ichur*t, Phono Non, Haven*bourne, 0333 and 2189 L evon s, W., & So n, F.A.I., Broadway Haute (Phono NOB. ftavenebaurne, 0483 and 2926); Station buildings, Bromley North (Phono No. Ravcnebourne, 3305); Sta­ tion building*, BOCkenham (P h o n o n o , Beckenham, 0494); and station approach. Orpington (Phone No, 152) Monk, AhtO*, A Hambletan, 10 East street; Furniture Auc­ tion Room*, Went street Phone No. Ravaiubournc, 1424 Thoburn, Hugh P., F.S.1,, W oit Kent Estate Offices, SB High •treat (Phono No. Havana- bourne, 329 3); Kent House Station, Beckenham (Phono N o *- S y d e n h a m , 4 07 0 a n d 4071); and Main Beckenham road, opposite West Wickham Station (Phone No. Ravons- bourne, AT11) JJABY CAHHIAdR SPECIALISTS Hirris & Co., Ltd., 3 EftTcnsfeU pit. ; marwilactnrers Rimmlngton, F. G., 97 High at. Phone No. Ravensbourne, 3 2 4 4 Stanley Babv Carriage Specialists^ 81 Mason's hill BROMLEY LONDON SUBURBS MACDONALD’S BAKERS Darby, £4 Johnson road, B. C. Vickers, E. A „ ft Son, Ltd., 84 Heuth- Aekerm&nn, F. TV., 13 Broadway Dawes, TT X, 163 Widmora rued field road Andrews, L. St E., Knstoa Polei* Shoe, (.in., 1.54 High st. Walton, C, Laird, 51 Widmore road; also contractor. Phono Baker, J., 6S College road Eagle, H., 49 Oakley road, R, C. No. HavantOeu rno, 1T#B Batchelor, G., IjocV s bottara, F. Freeman, Hardy, ft Willi*. Ltd.. 4-j Boyce, 0., 49 East it. Market square Webb, T. H , 2S Pari: mod Burr, B. W „ 20 Chatlel'ton rd,, U. O, Fri.thy, C,. 68 Chattcrton td., B. C, Willson, W. H., & Co., 128 Cook, W. F„ 65 London road; Oihbi, T. H., High it., Farnborongh Maton'i hill. Phono No. alio confectioner and tea Ginns, P., 10 I<ondoa road Raventhourna, 0348 r o c m i Haylook, J. W., Ltd., 16 Market *q. W o o d ha m * A Tyler] ofllc* and Copping Bros., GO Homesdale road H o a d , e .. 131 M aion'i hill work*, 6 Sundrldte parade, Oopnj, William, 6a Bromley common Liley, H. W„ 1a Tylney rcl,, Wld- Sundiridgo Park; and at Page Drake, W „ S3 Bromley common more; bootmaker a net re- Heath lane, Widmore. Phone p a ir e r No, Ravenebovmo, 2 000 Eweni, B,t 6 Wldnmre road Follett, J., & Sons. 14 London road Mane ini, p. (late J. Skinner), 5 5 Woodhams. W ., 141 Mason’s hill anti 55 , Oakley road [Inches. V.. 84 High st. Logon, P „ 8 Bromley Hill EflohoUs, F., 41 College road Mnndav, H., 43 CtoWci'tOn rd., B. C- Phillips, A., £6 East st. Manr.der, W., Ltd,, 2 Market square Pollard, W., 103 Palace road BUILDERS' KBBCEAB18 Partridge, 191 Widtuorp rd., W. Baud all, H E .. Ltd., 8 Aberdeen. build­ Richardson T., ft Son, 89 Palace road ings, High street Buchanan, W., A Co., Ltd., Shepherd, B.. 6 Tylneiy road, W. Rudd, W. B., Widmore road Sherman road. Phone No. Taylor, W. E., 39 Freeland* road Russell A Bromley, Ltd., 7 E.u-ensfel) Ravensbourne, 1082 Warren, W. E,, 8 5 Mason's hill; parade Darby Bros. (Bromley), Ltd., Tweedy al«o confectioner, phono No, Bussell. A., ft Son, 140 Hiiih st. road Bavorisboe rno, t898 Sear* ft Co., Ltd., 13s High *t Roberta, Ad lard, A C o. (B r o m ­ Weeks, Charles, ft Sons, 1 Stanley rd. S m ith Sc Wood, 31 Tyincy road, ley), Ltd,, Babbacombe road, W id m o r e Widens. W,T Fornlwrongh also roofing contractor*, Smith, H., 1 Wharton road Phono No. Ravenebourne, Stall worthy, V,, 1 Morgan road 2602 »AVX 8 Tester, O. 0-, &C London raid Smith A Owen, Ltd., T London Barclays Bank, Ltd,, 34 Market square Upson, Ltd-, 74 High st, road; glaring contractors, Lloyds Bank, Ltd., 0 Market square Walmaley, 3,, 22 Ilomegdalo road glass, paint, and will I paper Martin's Bank, Ltd., 126 High -t. Woods, G., Farnhorongh m e r c h a n ts Midland Bank, Ltd., High at. Woods, H„ 4 Broadway, Creen Rational Provincial Rank, Ltd., 93 Street Green High street Wright ft Sons, 178 Widmore toad, W. Westminster Bank, Ltd., 141 Cigh st. B B I O S 1 M BEAUTY SPECIALISTS BUILDERS Bradshaw, 11., 3 Broadway, G. S. G. British and Argentine Meat Co., Petrie, Mloeee Kay A Phoebe Bailey, P., 16 Glebe rssil L td ., 7 Chatterton rd,, Brom­ (Diplomas, Phyllis Earle Insti­ Baugh, W,, 6 Broadway, G S. G, ley Common, J. Dolg, man­ tute, Paris), 5 5 Widmore road Bloomfield, J. H., ft Son, 4a Tylney ager. Phone No, Ravens- road, Widmore bourne, 404 3 BEER RETAILERS Clark, Henry, A S o n s, 27 Dewhurst, J. H., Ltd., 23 The Simpson'* road Birr*. F„ 60 Beckenham lane, Broadway. Phono No. Ravens- Colley, C, A., 61 Son, £3 Backen- ahortlands; beer, wine, and bourno, 1499 ham lane, Short I and*. Phone general stores. phone No. Elphick ft Soil, 7 Tvluey rd,, Widmore No. Ravenebourne, 2844 Raventbou me, 2 9 SB E van e, C. H,, 5 P a rk p a r a d e , Conker, G.( Ltd., 43 Mamn's hill. Lock-s bottom, FarnbOrough; Phone Ho. Ravenahourno, 6306 family butcher; alt moat of B 0 OXSELLERS Orossley. H.. 16 Mason's hill choicest Quality; speciality— Cromley, T., & Son , 6 8 T w e e d y Burnside's Library (Burnside, Scotch beef; prompt per­ road. Phone No, Ravens- Ltd.), 11 and 12 Broadway. sonal attention; orders called bourne, 024S Phono No, Ravensbourno, for daily. Phone No. Farn- OG84 Day, G., 84 London lane, S. P, boreugh, 41S Hammett, W., 166 Mason's hill; Out ho it, Frank P„ A Son , 2 Graham ft Withers, 80 Collage rood also lending; library. Phono Westmoreland (road. Phone Greig, Ltd,. 76 Beckenham lane No. Ravnmbcurno, 3 724 No. Ravenebourne, 0419 Hammett, Lid.. 9 Karensfell parade Hancock, C., Crectt Street Green Elliott, A,, ft Son, 3D Newbery road Hawker, F., 165 Homesdul* Toad Last, G. H., 3 8 The Broadway Granger, Robert, liy? Widmore ro*d Head ft Soil, 3 Ayleabury road Hall, H., 67 Beckenham lane, Lit-i-le Book Shop. 6T London road Hearn ft S*ns, Ltd., 18 Bromley hill S h o r tla n d s Smith, W. H., ft Son, Bavsnofell ■teyes, T., 26 Chatterton rd., B. C. p*t*(le, High street iTurwnod, G,, G Exmonth toad Ltdatono Ltd., 23 Widmer* rd. Henha.ui ft Son, B9 Beckenham la., S. Phone Noe. Ravens bourne, Hill & Curr, 15 West street; aleo 37TB and 3779 BOOTMAKERS pa intern and decorators. Mtatthewa. E-, Farnboroagh Adnoy ft Bawlina, 16 London road; te- Phone No. Rave ns bourne, Moss, L. J3,, 14 Plaistow lane, S, P. p u iw * 0 6 2 5 Parham, A., 15 Mason’s hill; Angle Shoo Co., 70 High afreet. Hill, Wm. H.i 72 Tweedy road. purveyor of high-class meat. Phono No. Ravcnsbeurne, Phone No. Ravonsbourno, Phone No, Raventbourne, 3 9 3 8 2 8 6 5 1042 Apliu, F., 57 Chatterton road, B, 0. Linwb»«r. A., 58 Pop* road patcen ft Son, 69 Homvsrlsle Toad Aineli, W., 62 Moarelattd road Owen, W., ft Sons, The Briar*, F. tluii'kpndou ft Son, 41 Freelands road Ay ling, T. 3,. 16 E roadway Page ft Wright, Bickley road, B. Read & Cooper, 1 0 2 a H ig h *t.| Barnes, ft Sort, 10 Flaistw lane, S. P. Pearce Bros., Sherman road family butcher*. Phono No. Barratt, W., A Co., Ltd., 149 Poingdestre Bros,. 11 Gwyder road, S. Rnveiubaurn*, 0755 High street Pi entice, A,, 22 Bloomfield road Sales, E, W., 3 SutVdrldK* pa­ •eokwlth, B. It., 133 Southland* Simmons, F. A., 21 East street; rade, Plaletow la-, Sundridge road, Bromley Common; also heating; enginoer. Tele­ Park. Phone No. Ravens- bootmaker and retailer phone No. Ravengbourne, b o u r n * , 13 7 4 Booth, A., 43 Napier road 1761 flkilton, W.

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