PDF Output of CLIC (clustering by inferred co-expression) Dataset: Num of genes in input gene set: 14 Total number of genes: 16493 CLIC PDF output has three sections: 1) Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) Heatmap shows pairwise correlations between all genes in the input query gene set. Red lines shows the partition of input genes into CEMs, ordered by CEM strength. Each row shows one gene, and the brightness of squares indicates its correlations with other genes. Gene symbols are shown at left side and on the top of the heatmap. 2) Details of each CEM and its expansion CEM+ Top panel shows the posterior selection probability (dataset weights) for top GEO series datasets. Bottom panel shows the CEM genes (blue rows) as well as expanded CEM+ genes (green rows). Each column is one GEO series dataset, sorted by their posterior probability of being selected. The brightness of squares indicates the gene's correlations with CEM genes in the corresponding dataset. CEM+ includes genes that co-express with CEM genes in high-weight datasets, measured by LLR score. 3) Details of each GEO series dataset and its expression profile: Top panel shows the detailed information (e.g. title, summary) for the GEO series dataset. Bottom panel shows the background distribution and the expression profile for CEM genes in this dataset. Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) with Dataset Weighting Scale of average Pearson correlations Num of Genes in Query Geneset: 14. Num of CEMs: 1. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 H2-K1 Fcgrt Hfe H2-Bl H2-Q2 H2-Q10 C920025E04Rik H2-M3 B2m Mr1 Azgp1 Ulbp1 Procr H2-D1 H2-K1 Fcgrt Hfe H2-Bl H2-Q2 H2-Q10 C920025E04Rik CEM 1 (14 datasets) H2-M3 B2m Mr1 Azgp1 Ulbp1 Procr H2-D1 C920025E04Rik Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:14.Predicted1049.SelectedDatasets:Strength:0.2 CEM 1,Geneset"[G]MHCclassIproteincomplex",Page1 AA467197 Lgals3bp Hsd11b1 H2-Q10 Ifi27l2a Phf11d Psmb8 Psmb9 Dram1 Casp1 Casp4 Tapbp Azgp1 H2-M3 H2-Q2 Fxyd5 H2-Aa H2-D1 H2-K1 Icam1 Parp3 Pilrb1 Ulbp1 P2ry6 Irgm2 Tor3a Ifitm3 Procr H2-Bl Gbp2 Emr1 Fcgrt Slfn8 Cd74 Cd44 Cd68 Lcn2 Rtp4 B2m Ifi47 Ifi27 C1s Igtp Grn Ifit3 Mr1 Hfe Irf7 Irf8 0.0 1.0 GSE5891 [6] GSE30488 [52] GSE45619 [6] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE43899 [12] GSE28389 [20] GSE24793 [8] GSE21137 [16] GSE23895 [18] GSE15794 [6] GSE38831 [7] GSE6223 [13] GSE19194 [14] GSE13103 [8] GSE29241 [6] GSE9330 [8] GSE18460 [16] GSE51213 [16] GSE15872 [18] GSE38074 [39] GSE33134 [31] GSE40260 [6] GSE5298 [8] GSE4029 [10] GSE23925 [6] GSE32386 [13] GSE34423 [40] GSE26299 [108] GSE22381 [12] GSE16675 [72] GSE16496 [102] GSE13753 [10] GSE6837 [8] GSE18586 [9] GSE3554 [6] GSE8039 [32] GSE14395 [24] GSE19616 [16] GSE42548 [29] GSE7342 [12] GSE43242 [10] GSE25286 [10] GSE17256 [8] GSE20577 [12] GSE13149 [25] GSE21576 [10] GSE25257 [6] GSE10965 [8] GSE17266 [59] GSE5334 [19] GSE33726 [48] GSE4926 [12] GSE15580 [14] GSE13526 [6] GSE27159 [8] GSE20954 [14] GSE1986 [17] GSE12730 [24] GSE5041 [8] GSE41759 [14] GSE9763 [20] GSE6285 [24] GSE29648 [10] GSE13874 [14] GSE18281 [33] GSE34765 [6] GSE9038 [24] GSE18660 [10] GSE10871 [32] GSE16874 [12] GSE19076 [12] GSE45618 [6] GSE35160 [6] GSE9443 [24] GSE39621 [51] GSE7897 [60] GSE31972 [6] GSE4535 [6] GSE11201 [18] GSE22005 [23] GSE9441 [36] GSE11358 [8] GSE4323 [6] GSE52542 [9] GSE28559 [30] GSE42264 [26] GSE17794 [44] GSE8295 [16] GSE30160 [6] GSE42601 [6] GSE11386 [15] GSE2019 [12] GSE47196 [6] GSE55356 [6] GSE17796 [39] GSE57543 [6] GSE30855 [6] GSE35734 [6] GSE16925 [15] GSE15624 [12] GSE14344 [6] GSE8249 [46] GSE41084 [6] GSE38224 [12] GSE32265 [6] GSE7333 [6] GSE27114 [6] GSE8726 [7] GSE19181 [6] GSE7424 [8] GSE3861 [6] GSE13071 [15] GSE10913 [6] GSE31744 [8] GSE10176 [6] GSE37975 [8] GSE33308 [10] GSE7694 [12] GSE25767 [6] GSE6210 [12] GSE51608 [6] GSE29318 [9] GSE48790 [8] GSE53951 [10] GSE16679 [8] GSE7767 [6] GSE6591 [15] GSE20302 [12] GSE52357 [8] GSE2250 [18] GSE17985 [8] GSE35396 [24] GSE31598 [12] GSE4193 [8] GSE6998 [32] GSE54653 [6] GSE4749 [6] GSE36336 [6] GSE19272 [30] GSE14481 [12] GSE15772 [8] GSE43381 [26] GSE54785 [6] GSE15155 [12] GSE35785 [10] GSE49346 [6] GSE12454 [13] GSE20372 [6] GSE27811 [9] GSE56777 [8] GSE36384 [12] GSE32598 [11] GSE9338 [42] GSE33770 [8] GSE23923 [8] CEM+ CEM GSE10528 [6] GSE23398 [7] GSE19885 [9] GSE34902 [6] GSE6065 [100] GSE23119 [9] 0.0 GSE21836 [8] GSE22006 [19] GSE19729 [14] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE7764 [10] GSE23182 [12] GSE50603 [12] GSE55855 [6] GSE8828 [6] GSE24121 [9] 0.2 GSE19979 [6] GSE8044 [6] GSE22841 [12] GSE46875 [10] GSE52474 [154] GSE37658 [6] GSE38335 [9] GSE10813 [12] GSE9725 [16] 0.4 GSE23600 [10] GSE50824 [19] GSE51385 [8] GSE22927 [38] GSE18326 [8] GSE35091 [11] GSE11259 [9] GSE51628 [15] GSE43620 [8] 0.6 GSE7069 [8] GSE11723 [9] GSE19204 [6] GSE19657 [21] GSE42103 [9] GSE28093 [6] GSE42018 [8] GSE31208 [8] GSE35219 [6] 0.8 GSE51365 [28] GSE1983 [6] GSE17879 [6] GSE16684 [6] Score 6.15 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.20 6.22 6.24 6.28 6.30 6.32 6.34 6.34 6.37 6.49 6.50 6.51 6.61 6.64 6.65 6.67 6.79 6.91 6.92 6.96 6.99 7.06 7.07 7.16 7.42 7.44 7.98 8.40 8.55 8.98 9.32 1.0 Notes Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:14.Predicted1049.SelectedDatasets:Strength:0.2 CEM 1,Geneset"[G]MHCclassIproteincomplex",Page2 Serpina3n Cyp27a1 Themis2 S100a13 Psmb10 Ms4a6d Hsd3b7 S100a1 Tyrobp Akr1c6 Ptpn18 P2ry13 Adssl1 Ube2l6 Fcer1g Clec7a Cxcl10 Mpeg1 Tcirg1 Parp9 Oasl2 Fcgr1 Itgam Isg20 Gbp3 Gbp7 Gbp6 Cd86 Dtx3l Cd53 Stat6 Lpxn Lcp1 Tap1 Lyz2 Ctsd Ctsb Ctsh Pilra Ctss Ccl6 Ccl9 Pld4 Fgl2 Mlkl Ang Tlr2 Hck Tlr1 Ifit1 0.0 1.0 GSE5891 [6] GSE30488 [52] GSE45619 [6] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE43899 [12] GSE28389 [20] GSE24793 [8] GSE21137 [16] GSE23895 [18] GSE15794 [6] GSE38831 [7] GSE6223 [13] GSE19194 [14] GSE13103 [8] GSE29241 [6] GSE9330 [8] GSE18460 [16] GSE51213 [16] GSE15872 [18] GSE38074 [39] GSE33134 [31] GSE40260 [6] GSE5298 [8] GSE4029 [10] GSE23925 [6] GSE32386 [13] GSE34423 [40] GSE26299 [108] GSE22381 [12] GSE16675 [72] GSE16496 [102] GSE13753 [10] GSE6837 [8] GSE18586 [9] GSE3554 [6] GSE8039 [32] GSE14395 [24] GSE19616 [16] GSE42548 [29] GSE7342 [12] GSE43242 [10] GSE25286 [10] GSE17256 [8] GSE20577 [12] GSE13149 [25] GSE21576 [10] GSE25257 [6] GSE10965 [8] GSE17266 [59] GSE5334 [19] GSE33726 [48] GSE4926 [12] GSE15580 [14] GSE13526 [6] GSE27159 [8] GSE20954 [14] GSE1986 [17] GSE12730 [24] GSE5041 [8] GSE41759 [14] GSE9763 [20] GSE6285 [24] GSE29648 [10] GSE13874 [14] GSE18281 [33] GSE34765 [6] GSE9038 [24] GSE18660 [10] GSE10871 [32] GSE16874 [12] GSE19076 [12] GSE45618 [6] GSE35160 [6] GSE9443 [24] GSE39621 [51] GSE7897 [60] GSE31972 [6] GSE4535 [6] GSE11201 [18] GSE22005 [23] GSE9441 [36] GSE11358 [8] GSE4323 [6] GSE52542 [9] GSE28559 [30] GSE42264 [26] GSE17794 [44] GSE8295 [16] GSE30160 [6] GSE42601 [6] GSE11386 [15] GSE2019 [12] GSE47196 [6] GSE55356 [6] GSE17796 [39] GSE57543 [6] GSE30855 [6] GSE35734 [6] GSE16925 [15] GSE15624 [12] GSE14344 [6] GSE8249 [46] GSE41084 [6] GSE38224 [12] GSE32265 [6] GSE7333 [6] GSE27114 [6] GSE8726 [7] GSE19181 [6] GSE7424 [8] GSE3861 [6] GSE13071 [15] GSE10913 [6] GSE31744 [8] GSE10176 [6] GSE37975 [8] GSE33308 [10] GSE7694 [12] GSE25767 [6] GSE6210 [12] GSE51608 [6] GSE29318 [9] GSE48790 [8] GSE53951 [10] GSE16679 [8] GSE7767 [6] GSE6591 [15] GSE20302 [12] GSE52357 [8] GSE2250 [18] GSE17985 [8] GSE35396 [24] GSE31598 [12] GSE4193 [8] GSE6998 [32] GSE54653 [6] GSE4749 [6] GSE36336 [6] GSE19272 [30] GSE14481 [12] GSE15772 [8] GSE43381 [26] GSE54785 [6] GSE15155 [12] GSE35785 [10] GSE49346 [6] GSE12454 [13] GSE20372 [6] GSE27811 [9] GSE56777 [8] GSE36384 [12] GSE32598 [11] GSE9338 [42] GSE33770 [8] GSE23923 [8] CEM+ CEM GSE10528 [6] GSE23398 [7] GSE19885 [9] GSE34902 [6] GSE6065 [100] GSE23119 [9] 0.0 GSE21836 [8] GSE22006 [19] GSE19729 [14] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE7764 [10] GSE23182 [12] GSE50603 [12] GSE55855 [6] GSE8828 [6] GSE24121 [9] 0.2 GSE19979 [6] GSE8044 [6] GSE22841 [12] GSE46875 [10] GSE52474 [154] GSE37658 [6] GSE38335 [9] GSE10813 [12] GSE9725 [16] 0.4 GSE23600 [10] GSE50824 [19] GSE51385 [8] GSE22927 [38] GSE18326 [8] GSE35091 [11] GSE11259 [9] GSE51628 [15] GSE43620 [8] 0.6 GSE7069 [8] GSE11723 [9] GSE19204 [6] GSE19657 [21] GSE42103 [9] GSE28093 [6] GSE42018 [8] GSE31208 [8] GSE35219 [6] 0.8 GSE51365 [28] GSE1983 [6] GSE17879 [6] GSE16684 [6] Score 4.95 4.96 4.96 4.97 4.97 4.99 4.99 4.99 5.03 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.12 5.15 5.17 5.19 5.21 5.21 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.30 5.32 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.47 5.48 5.48 5.52 5.56 5.58 5.59 5.66 5.68 5.68 5.70 5.71 5.73 5.74 5.75 5.76 6.03 6.03 6.09 6.10 6.12 1.0 Notes 5430435G22Rik Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:14.Predicted1049.SelectedDatasets:Strength:0.2 CEM 1,Geneset"[G]MHCclassIproteincomplex",Page3 Adamdec1 Tnfrsf13b Tnfrsf1b Alox5ap Nckap1l Slc37a2 Slc11a1 Cyp4v3 Rnase4 H2-Ab1 S100a4 Gsdmd Parp12 Rnf213 Col5a3 Pyhin1 Mocos Nucb1 Oas1a Selplg Anxa4 Abcc3 Wdfy4 Fxyd1 Agmo Erap1 Fcgr3 Il15ra Ifi204 Nnmt Nlrc5 Oas2 Cd84 Bag3 Cd14 Phyh Slfn2 Sdc4 Tspo Tap2 Ly6a Ccr1 Ctsc Ncf4 Ifih1 Aif1 Xdh Tlr4 Clu 0.0 1.0 GSE5891 [6] GSE30488 [52] GSE45619 [6] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE43899 [12] GSE28389 [20] GSE24793 [8] GSE21137 [16] GSE23895 [18] GSE15794 [6] GSE38831 [7] GSE6223 [13] GSE19194 [14] GSE13103 [8] GSE29241 [6] GSE9330 [8] GSE18460 [16] GSE51213 [16] GSE15872 [18] GSE38074 [39] GSE33134 [31] GSE40260 [6] GSE5298 [8] GSE4029 [10] GSE23925 [6] GSE32386 [13] GSE34423 [40] GSE26299 [108] GSE22381 [12] GSE16675 [72] GSE16496 [102] GSE13753 [10] GSE6837 [8] GSE18586 [9] GSE3554 [6] GSE8039 [32] GSE14395 [24] GSE19616 [16] GSE42548
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