day in September, brings another pair Uniform Marriage laws Sought. AMERICANISM PREVAILS of holiday?. I CHICAGO, November 7..The Luth- Christmas falls oil Saturday, which of America has AT HOLY NAME MEETING will stive an extra day to recover from eran Brotherhood 33LIFEMEMBERS the effects of the big eats. New Year adopted resolutions favoring a consti- day of 1921 also falls on Saturday. tutional amendment making uniform Rev. Father McAllister Pays The only holiday of 1920 that does marriage and divorce laws. The Prot¬ not fall on Saturday, Sunday or Mon¬ estant Episcopal and Congregational Tribute to Society Members.Bev. day, thus bringing two holidays to¬ churches and the Woman's Home Mis¬ ENROLL Is MYCLUB of the Methodist Edward Mag-rath Also Speaks. gether, Thanksgiving, which, of sionary Society Epls- course, always is observed on the last copal Church already have taken such Patriotism and Americanism were Thursday In November. action. to Little Difficulty Feared in Se- on top last night at the meeting of "Pledged Qualify" the Holy Name Society of Holy Fourteenth St. at New York Ave curing 100.Committee Trinitj, held In their new hall In Georgetown. * Victor Storr Hours, 8:30 a.m. to p.m. Goods Is Appointed. The Rev. Father McAllister. O. P.. Exclusively of St. Dominic's rectory was the Of the life memberships in the City- principal sreaker. He declared that Club, which are limited to 100. no fewer the present chaotic conditions and than thirty-nine have been applied for, the trend toward radicalism can be Mr. Goldheim Talks according to an announcement made to¬ successfully combated only by th" stalwart men whose motto is always day by club officials. It is believed, in law and order. ' view of this fact, that there will be He said the Knights of Columbus A wonderful stock of "Wh ere are Goldheim s Suits different? little difficulty in obtaining the full 100. had made a wonderful record for t These life, or perpetual memberships, rightful living and this was due greatly to the fact that from the rank jas they are termed, cost $1,000. footwear "Value and file of the Name and -q uality," have Holy organiza¬ girls' The tiled boys' following applications tions they secured men who by their J* replied Mr. Gold- for life memberships: lteid S. Baker, allegiance to God and country gave entire third floor is devoted to ' Emile E. \V. C. Our Berliner, Bradford, C. to the world a keen conception of * "Value and Calhoun. W. G. Carter, William S. vvV'Jj Corbv, John Dolph. James A. Drain, what it is to be a. true Catholic man. the sale of Juvenile Footwear. An are empha- Horace Dulin. Harry S. Evans. William He urged the men to keep close to quality J. C. F. J. Arthur Fini- the lines of the Holy Name organiza¬ immense stock and an as¬ Eynon, Fadeley, nor less unsurpassed v- sized in every one of g.in, G. W. Forsberg. J. II. Hanna, tion. which meant no more tleorge W. Harris, Samuel R. Harris, J. than that exacted from every member sortment. /" 'M. these splendidly I'hilip Herrmann. Lewis Holmes. Stan- of the church. not <>t the lev H. Horner, Thomas E. Jarrell, Ru- The Rev. Edward Magrath. R. F., However, it is the size jdolph .Jose, M. M. Kallman. George P. also spoke in an earnest manner, ex¬ Select Your .>tock or assortment that makes Rich*N /y|'tailored.suits. Killian. 1". W. Mackenzie, E. P. Mertz, horting all to live up to the principles ! iff"There's a cer- Frank I'. Milburn, John H. Miller. H. of the organization. so popular with mothers of boy* and K of satisfac- I A. Polkitiliorn, S. J. Prescott. Cuno H. Considerable business'was transact¬ Christmas f /|l':frjp'a tainty Rudolph. Charles W. Semmes. James ed, and reports were submitted from skirls. \ m Sharp, L. M. Stabler, J. W. Staggers, the quarterly meeting held recently M /¦ fflUH ¦ tion.a freedo E. 1*. Stock, T. L. Townsend, John L. at Alexandria. Va. It is rather the character of the doubt Weaver and J. A. Whitfield. ftfjL 11 ¦ from.usual and Footwear we sell and the service we that Value of Such Memberships. VICTROLA of ¦ m misgivings HOLIDAYS NEXT'YEAR provide for correct fitting- growing ifi I 'ill makes for confi- Appointment of the committee to | | assume charge of the enrollment of WILL COME IN PAIRS NOW feet. Vif ^¦¦P donee. these members was made only yestcr- We'll deliver it when are Only those shoes that conform t<> day by J. A. Whitfield, president of you 1 ¦ i» tlM «#¦ B "F i n e tailoring:, All in 1920 Fall on Sun¬ the natural foot are shown here.the- the cluh. Such members are exempt. Saturday, readv for it. 1 fine fabrics give ex- from all club dues. The only charge day or Monday, Except Thanks¬ best made footwear to be had. ^ y /..41 apa.lnst them as long as they remain very 1 1 2 pression t o these members is a quarterly war tax of giving Day. fitted Sjfiojf- S Jl.HO. Holders of such memberships properly by palient, painstaking 1I clothes. may transfer them at will, either to Next year's holidays, with a single sales people. members of their families or to out- exception, will come in pairs, through ROGERS IL siders, the of the | |"Double-breasted | provided approval an odd freak of the calendar in which board of governors be obtained. At I models are year figures. When holidays fall 1313 F //i, popular the death of a life member the organ- leap I nil I1 now . g r a c e f u 1 ization will pay $1,000 to his estate. on Sunday the following Monday Is 81/ The necessary fee may be paid in full observed, while a Saturday holiday is Wholesale and Retail IV young men's models at the start, or. if preferred, in in- followed by another oft day.Sunday. I tjM | bailments.$250 accompanying the ap¬ Cf 1 and semi-conserva- plication and $250 additional on Jan¬ Washington's birthday, February uary 5, February 5 and March 5 next. 22, occurs next year on Sunday and 1001 F St., Corner Tenth .1.I" tive effects for | "in a financial t?cnse the life mem- will be observed Monday. The same II bership is a good investment and a| Is true of Memorial day. May 30, and older men. Priced at $30.00 to $65.00." 'good asset." said President Whitfield! of July 4. Labor day, the first Mon- MiBiiiiiniwiiiiinnHitiiiiiHiiiiiiyMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyyHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii today. "Such a membership becomc3' an investment on a par with any other 6 per cent investment. But its grcat- est value is its civic value. It is a great privilege to bo one of the hun¬ The Right Kind of Gloves dred whose support makes the financ¬ ing of the City Club a (certain success." Mocha Gloves in with embroidered Circular letters regarding the limit¬ gray, ed number of life memberships have and spear backs. been sent to the 1,500 members of the club. Most of the life membecs, it is Buckskin Gloves, with embroidered and expected, will be recruited from those already enrolled in the organization. spear backs. Applications should be addressed to [George W. Harris, chairman of the Cape Outseam Gloves, in gray, tan and committee on perpetual membership, WE ARE NINE be acted in the OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL and wiH upon order in cordovan, with spear and embroidered backs. which they are filed. At the first meet¬ lined Auto Gloves as well. ing of the committee thirty applica¬ Heavy tions were filed. Nine since then have Hats\ spccial lot, the newest of felt been presented. shapes: conservative: a regu- ifrO.UUCC HH Committee Members. lar $7.00 value Members of the perpetual member¬ ship committee are George W. Harris, chairman; John Dolph, first vice chair¬ man; Charles W. Semmes. second vice chairman; Ross P. Andrews, Clarence A. Asplnwall, Reid S. Baker, H. Clif¬ ford Bangs, Dr. J. R. Biggs, E. W. Bradford, Barry Bulkley. W. G. Carter. A. A. Chapin. H. King Corn- well, T. C. Dulin, Frank II. Edmonfls, Harry S. Evans, C. F. Fadeley, J. Arthur Finigan, Isaac Gans, E. C. Graham. J. H. Hanna, E. D. Hathaway. .T. Philip Herrmann. Stanley Horner, E. II. Johansen, George P. Killian, W. J. Kim Lambert, H. H. Levi, A. J. May, Dr. E. I'. Mertz. F. P. Milhurn, J. H. Miller, This II. T. H. A. Wonderful Offterdinger, Polkinhorn. Joseph John Poole, S. J. Prescott, Cuno H. Goldenberg Rudolph, George P. Sacks, Leon Ul- man, Sidney West and F. P. Wilcox. 8TH STREETS- PENN.AVE.&E The general work of the committee ] will be directed by a managing commlt- I tee composed of G. W. Harris, chairman ; TWO GREAT John Dolph, Charles W. Semmes, W. J. Ej'non, F. W. Mackenzie and E. L. Player.Brand- SALES OF Stock. The club's building committee, on its recent tour of four cities for sugges¬ $25 COATS tions as to club methods and facilities, discovered that life memberships were a not be re¬ not only highly prized by members but Such sale Avill New.88-Ncte * were regarded by club officials as only peated this season, so do not temporary financing expedients. The miss it. \Vfe have taken from tendency at most of the clubs, there¬ fore, is gradually to reduce and even¬ our stock of Women's and tually to eliminate the life member¬ from ships. Such a policy naturally < jihances Misses' Coats, right the value of the memberships- It is not at all a and and that 10 the unlikely Guaranteed Years regular $35.00 $40.00 will be similar policy lines.and you are to have pursued by tho.
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