ll Shree Swaminarayan Vijaytetram ll Shree Janmangal Kathasar: Shree Janmangal - Its Divine Essence Published with the due blessings of: H.H. Acharya Maharaj 1008 Shree KoshalendraPrasadji Maharajshree, Shree NarNarayan Dev Desh Diocese, Ahmedabad In loving memory of our great Saint: Late Brahmanishtha Sadguru Mahanta Shastri Swami Shree DharmaJeevandasji Printed and Published by: Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Bhuj – Kutch India Mahanta Purani Swami Dharmanandanadasji Samvat 2074 First English Edition Date: 09/05/2008 Vaishaakha Suda 5 3000 Copies Friday Available at: Shree NarNarayan Dev, Kothar Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Bhuj – Kutch. 3700001 This English Edition of the Scripture ‘Shree Janmangal – Its Divine Essence’ from Gujarati to English is Sponsored by: (London Residents) Late Father Gorasia Valjibhai Gangji - Wife Dhanbai, Son Gorasia Laljibhai Valji - Wife Premilaben, Grandson Arjanbhai Lalji - Wife Kantaben, Kerai Navinbhai Harji - Wife Kasturben, Bhanderi Meghjibhai Khimji - Wife Kantaben, Kerai Ravjibhai Meghji - Wife Manjulaben, Granddaughter Meenabai Lalji Gorasia, along with SaankhyaYogi Shyambai Arjan Hirani (Mirzapur) Printed by: Shree NarNarayan Printing Press, Shree Swaminarayan Mandir, Bhuj – Kutch India CONTENTS Preface Preface Introduction Intro The name of Shree Hari guides one to auspiciousness. It is a wing directing one to eternal bliss. Intro Shree Hari’s name only, is worthy of chanting. Intro Mantra (1) Aum Shree Shree Krushnaaya Namah 1 Wed the soul with Supreme Shree Hari. 1 Mantra (2) Aum Shree VaasuDevaya Namah 2 Shree Hari is in every atom and every particle. 2 Mantra (3) Aum Shree NarNarayanaya Namah 3 One performing penance should remain a great distant apart from females. 3 Mantra (4) Aum Shree Prabhave Namah 4 Mantra (5) Aum Shree Bhakti-dharmaatma-jaaya Namah 5 The fruit of devotion is Bhagwan. 5 Mantra (6) Aum Shree Ajanmane Namah 6 Serve in a humble manner. 6 Mantra (7) Aum Shree Krushnaaya Namah 7 Krushna is a heart stealer. 7 Mantra (8) Aum Shree Narayanaya Namah 8 "Oh Prabhu! We belong to a Master." 8 Mantra (9) Aum Shree Haraye Namah 9 “I have the remarkable eye-drop.” 9 Mantra (10) Aum Shree HariKrushnaaya Namah 10 The sacred soil of Khudaa is certainly in this place. 10 Mantra (11) Aum Shree Ghanshyamaya Namah 11 He washed away the dirt within the heart. 11 Mantra (12) Aum Shree Dhaarmikaaya Namah 12 Righteousness is the core of Prabhu’s heart. 12 Mantra (13) Aum Shree Bhakti-Nandanaaya Namah 13 Devotion is the highest of all means. 13 Mantra (14) Aum Shree Bruhad-vrata-dharaaya Namah 14 “You will understand when the age of youth arrives.” 14 “I will also observe the vow of celibacy.” 14 Mantra (15) Aum Shree Shudhdhaaya Namah 15 The sinful became pure. 15 Mantra (16) Aum Shree Radhakrushna-eshta-daivataaya Namah 16 When does one become enlightened with understanding? Through the saint’s divine explanations. 16 Mantra (17) Aum Shree Maroot-suta-priyaaya Namah 17 Mantra (18) Aum Shree Kaalee-bhairavaa-dhyati-bheeshanaaya Namah 18 “None shall fear – I am present.” 18 Mantra (19) Aum Shree Jitendriyaaya Namah 19 Entertain them towards Bhagwan. 19 Mantra (20) Aum Shree Jitaharaay Namah 20 If affection arises, Bhagwan feels hunger. 20 Mantra (21) Aum Shree Tivra-vairagyaay Namah 21 Mantra (22) Aum Shree Aastikaaya Namah 22 “You yourself be the lawful judge.” 22 Mantra (23) Aum Shree Yogeshvaraay Namah 23 “What desire do you have?” 23 “Now you should perform Prema-Yoga.” 23 Mantra (24) Aum Shree Yoga-kalaa-pravrutaye Namah 24 Gradually, the heart flourishes with devotion. 24 Mantra (25) Aum Shree Ati-dhairya-vate Namah 25 Only the patient ones can achieve fame. 25 Mantra (26) Aum Shree Gnaanine Namah 26 Bhagwan is the donor of knowledge to intelligent entities. 26 Mantra (27) Aum Shree Parama-hansaaya Namah 27 Wherever there is bliss, Bhagwan resides. 27 Mantra (28) Aum Shree Teertha-krute Namah 28 The contrast between a pilgrimage and a tour. 28 Mantra (29) Aum Shree Tairthi-kaarchitaaya Namah 29 The community of Kutch is valued to be full of virtues. 29 Now the most interesting performance will be encountered. 29 Mantra (30) Aum Shree Kshamaa-nidhaye Namah 30 “Dear Devotees! Today, we have become victorious!” 30 Clemency is the beautification of power. 30 Mantra (31) Aum Shree Sado-nidraaya Namah 31 Shreeji Maharaj has performed the deed of awakening the public. 31 Mantra (32) Aum Shree Dhyaana-nishthaaya Namah 32 Meditation is a highly fundamental performance of devotion. 32 Mantra (33) Aum Shree Tapah-priyaaya Namah 33 The definition of satvik penance is peculiar. 33 Mantra (34) Aum Shree Sidhdeshvaraaya Namah 34 “Therefore, surrender yourself unto Him.” 34 Mantra (35) Aum Shree Svatantraaya Namah 35 Prabhu’s support is Supreme. 35 Mantra (36) Aum Shree Brahma-vidhyaa-pravartakaaya Namah 36 Spiritual knowledge is true wealth for the heart. 36 Satsang is a school for the attainment of the Supreme Being, Shree Hari. 36 Mantra (37) Aum Shree Paakhando-chchhedana-patave Namah 37 Treachery is not a relative to the humankind. 37 Mantra (38) Aum Shree Sva-svaroopa-chala-sthitaye Namah 38 “I have strong faith upon my Guru.” 38 He clearly understood the matter of reality. 38 Mantra (39) Aum Shree Prashaanta-moortaye Namah 39 Paramatma is a soul’s resting place for attaining tranquility. 39 Mantra (40) Aum Shree Nirdoshaaya Namah 40 Prabhu pardons the faults of His dear devotees. 40 Mantra (41) Aum Shree Asura-gurvaadi-Mohanaya Namah 41 “This Attendant is extremely civilised.” 41 Mantra (42) Aum Shree Ati-kaarunya-naynaay Namah 42 Only Bhagwan is apt to be preserved in the eyes. 42 Mantra (43) Aum Shree Udhdhavaadhva-pravartakaaya Namah 43 One who controls the mind is a true Saint. 43 The Guider to the pathway of devotion has arrived. 43 Mantra (44) Aum Shree Maha-vrataaya Namah 44 Take time out for the chanting of Supreme Shree Hari’s divine name. 44 Mantra (45) Aum Shree Saadhu-Sheelaaya Namah 45 Conduct only earns ones level of prominence. 45 Service without the essence of humbleness. 45 Mantra (46) Aum Shree Saadhu-vipra-prapoojakaaya Namah 46 “Oh Saints! You are My charming appearance.” 46 Mantra (47) Aum Shree Ahinsa-yagna-prastotre Namah 47 The time of death for one with a deficient mentality is very near. 47 Mantra (48) Aum Shree Saakaara-brahma-varnanaaya Namah 48 This narration is worth understanding. 48 Mantra (49) Aum Shree SvaamiNarayanaya Namah 49 He composed a unique awe-inspiring mantra. 49 The divine name ‘Swaminarayan’ is a precious pearl. 49 Mantra (50) Aum Shree Svaamine Namah 50 He is the ‘Swami’ of many millions of universes. 50 Mantra (51) Aum Shree Kaala-dosha-nivaarakaaya Namah 51 For true devotees, Kaliyug is not an obstacle. 51 Mantra (52) Aum Shree Sat-shaastra-vyasanaaya Namah 52 Nityanand Swami speaks and Shree Hari oscillates. 52 Prabhu has an addiction for Satshastras. 52 Mantra (53) Aum Shree Sadhyah-Samadhi-sthiti-kaara-kaay Namah 53 “Give us divine darshan of our Ishtadev.” 53 Mantra (54) Aum Shree Krushna-Acharyaa-sthaapana-karaaya Namah 54 “I shall accept your service in your presence.” 54 Mantra (55) Aum Shree Kaula-dvishe Namah 55 Shreeji Maharaj came to the rescue. 55 Mantra (56) Aum Shree Kali-taarakaaya Namah 56 They become liberated and furthermore they liberate others. 56 ‘Where did such nuisance arise from?’ 56 Mantra (57) Aum Shree Prakaasha-roopaaya Namah 57 Mantra (58) Aum Shree Nirdambhaaya Namah 58 He cooked delicious sheero made with a lot of ghee. 58 Mantra (59) Aum Shree Sarva-jeeva-hitaavahaaya Namah 59 “My dear sons… everyone is not the same.” 59 Mantra (60) Aum Shree Bhakti-samposhakaaya Namah 60 Where devotion resides, Bhagwan resides. 60 Reside within our hearts. 60 Mantra (61) Aum Shree Vaagmine Namah 61 Use speech in the equivalent manner as ghee. 61 Mantra (62) Aum Shree Chatur-varga-fala-pradaaya Namah 62 A human becomes absent-minded in worldly pleasures. 62 The exhaustion of innumerable births had faded away. 62 Mantra (63) Aum Shree Nir-matsaraaya Namah 63 Bhagwan also performs worship to Saints. 63 This mantra puts one into thought. 63 Mantra (64) Aum Shree Bhakta-varmane Namah 64 ‘My Beloved has arrived.’ 64 He saved the demolition of the house. 64 Mantra (65) Aum Shree Budhdhi-daatre Namah 65 “Give us a smack so we can enjoy.” 65 Mantra (66) Aum Shree Ati-paavanaaya Namah 66 He benevolently thought of the good of others. 66 Mantra (67) Aum Shree Abudhdhi-hyate Namah 67 “Oh Father! The bananas are very sweet.” 67 Mantra (68) Aum Shree Brahma-dhaama-darshakaaya Namah 68 Take part in His service. 68 Mantra (69) Aum Shree Aparaa-jitaaya Namah 69 “I do not possess any such miraculous herbal roots.” 69 “Swaminarayan, Swaminarayan, Swaminarayan.” 69 “I came to seize You, but instead, I have been protectively seized myself.” 69 Prahlaadji had been defeated. 69 Mantra (70) Aum Shree Aasamudraanta-satkeertaye Namah 70 Mantra (71) Aum Shree Shrita-sansruti-mochanaaya Namah 71 We must apply the strength in order to float. 71 Mantra (72) Aum Shree Udaaraaya Namah 72 Only then, harmony pervades in worldly social life. 72 Mantra (73) Aum Shree Sahaja-aanandaaya Namah 73 There are five Kosha (branches/divisions) in our mortal body. 73 If you do not want to be beaten by illusion, surrender upon Sahajanand. 73 Mantra (74) Aum Shree Saadhvee-dharma-pravartakaaya Namah 74 He beautifully taught the moral ways of living for female ascetics. 74 This narration is one to be pondered upon by Sankyayogi Bais. 74 He satisfied the female society. 74 Mantra (75) Aum Shree Kandarpa-darpa-dalanaaya Namah 75 Illusion is excessively colossal. 75 “Oh Prabhu! Please pardon me.” 75 Mantra (76) Aum Shree Vaishnava-kratu-kaarakaaya Namah 76 You should all continue Yoga yagna.
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