Report of Overseers of the Poor 242 REPORT of the OVERSEERS of the POOR [1910

Report of Overseers of the Poor 242 REPORT of the OVERSEERS of the POOR [1910

Report of Overseers of the Poor 242 REPORT OF THE OVERSEERS OF THE POOR [1910 Report of the Overseers of the Poor BANGOR, ME., March 15, 1910. To his Honor the Mayor and Gentlemen of the City Council, Bangor, Me.: The Overseers of the Poor of Bangor, Maine, herewith submit their annual report: RECIEPTS Appropriation $21,000 00 For support of persons at the Alms House.... $147 00 For support of Insane 1,495 25 For support of paupers of other towns 913 90 For support of State paupers 863 74 From products of City Farm 2,103 70 $5,523 59 Total receipts $26,523 59 Showing overdrawn $961 15 DISBURSEMENTS Expenses at City Farm and Almshouse $10,726 68 Expenses for Outside Poor 16,758 06 Total expenses $27,484 74 Cost of wood at Almshouse. $804 38 Cost of coal at Almshouse. 530 85 Cost of wood for outside poor 569 37 Cost of coal for outside poor. 120 86 Total cost of fuel $2,025 46 Wood furnished to outside poor .164 cords Wood on hand 250 cords Paid for support of Insane $9,948 34 Less collected for same 1,495 25 Net cost of insane $8,453 09 1910] CITY OF BANGOR 243 The expense of support of the insane is more than last year by $1,213.85. We have paid out more for fuel this year than last by $424.44, but as we have not delivered so much wood to Outside Poor, we have more wood on hand this spring than last spring by 50 cords. For more detailed account we refer you to reports of J. G. Fenno, Supt. of City Farm and Almshouse and Wm. H. Brad- ford, Secretary of board of Overseers. Yours truly, WM. H. THOMPSON, JAMES GIBBONS, WM. H. BRADFORD, Overseers of the Poor. Bangor, Maine. Receipts and Expenditures RECEIPTS Appropriations $21,000 00 Received for support of persons at Almshouse. $147 00 for support of insane 1,495 25 for support of paupers of other Towns. .. 913 90 for support of State paupers 863 74 for sale of products of farm 2,103 70 $5,523 59 $26,523 59 Amount overdrawn 961 15 $27,484 74 244 report of the overseers of the poor [1910 EXPENDITURES Outside Poor. Provisions $2,050 61 Support, nursing, etc 1,718 02 Fuel 690 23 Dry goods 39 98 Clothing 38 11 Boots, shoes 103 40 Medical attendance 39 00 Medicine 32 71 Other Towns 491 69 Support of Insane 9,945 34 Removal of paupers 113 50 Burials 34 00 Postage 9 00 Telephone 52 47 Salaries of 3 Overseers 1,400 00 $16,758 06 Almshouse and City Farm. Provisions 2,438 16 Dry goods 145 20 Clothing 28 82 Boots, shoes 59 86 Medical attendance 11 00 Medicine 171 03 Fuel 1,335 23 Grain 850 37 Labor 3,293 24 Burials Repairs and improvements 462 69 Blackshmithing 76 40 Furniture 97 19 Seeds and dressing 331 85 Tools and stock 154 97 Insurance 568 67 Postage 2 00 Salary of Superintendent 700 00 $10,726 68 Total $27,484 74 1910] city of bangor 245 Itemized List of Expenditures W. H. Thompson, Overseer of Poor, salary $ 400 00 A. K. Rollins, same, part of year 9 67 James Gibbons, same, balance of year 390 33 W. H. Bradford, same, Secretary 600 00 $1,400 00 EXPENSES AT ALMSHOUSE J. G. Fenno, Sup't, salary $ 700 00 J. G. Fenno, paid for labor and sundry 4,182 44 J. N. Towle & Co., grain 267 44 I. A. Barstow, same 126 90 A. R. Hopkins Co., same 108 59 Pomona Grange Co., same 100 57 H. F. Bailey Co., same 127 44 W. A. Jennison, same 66 36 A. H. Thaxter Co., same 41 02 C. Hayward & Co., groceries 227 55 T. R. Savage Co., same 283 69 Thurston & Kingsbury, same 128 26 A. Chapin Co., same 187 65 C. P. Gallagher & Co., same 153 24 G. I. Wescott & Son, same 102 04 Swift & Co., provisions 358 99 W. A. Bean, same 80 48 T. F. Gallagher, same 132 90 O. A. Fickett, same 77 84 Armour & Co., same 22 50 Sterns Lumber Co., wood 700 00 Stickney & Babcock Coal Co., coal 552 11 Hincks Coal Co., same 99 60 A. Jones Sons, fish 176 08 Adams Dry Goods Co., dry goods 124 82 A. L. Freese, same 14 94 Amounts carried forward $7,375 56 $1,400 00 246 report of the overseers of the poor [1910 Amounts brought forward $7,375 56 $1,400 00 G. W. Stevens, same 3 05 Sawyer Boot & Shoe Co., boots and shoes 127 81 J. A. Robinson & Co., clothing 42 11 Standard Clo. Co., same 4 00 J. Waterman Co., same 11 45 R. B. Dunning & Co., farm supplies 31 97 W. F. Chick, seed 67 71 Vermont Machine Co., cream separator 70 00 Morrison Bros., fertilizer 108 00 Swift Lowell Co., same 147 64 Edward Jordan, harness supplies 70 C. F. Dwinal, veterinary 16 00 E. D. Salley, blacksmith 11 70 Rice & Miller Co., hardware 50 15 N. H. Bragg & Sons, same 36 Haynes & Chalmers Co., same 2 75 Morse & Co., lumber 19 05 Hodgkins & Fiske Co., matting, etc 18 05 Chandler & Co., repairing chairs 2 10 Fairbanks Bros., plumbing 10 20 C. E. Dole, lighting supplies 45 90 Woodly Soap Co., soap powder 11 52 Bangor Ice Co., ice 28 95 H. K. Mulford Co., drugs 6 24 C. Sweet Co., same 109 78 East Side Pharmacy, same 2 00 C. A. Fowler, same 2 40 Buckley Drug Co., same 3 23 Eastern Me. Gen. Hospital, use of ambulance. 22 50 Sanitas Co., disinfectant 16 50 Worrell Mfg. Co., same 55 14 Blake, Barrows & Brown, insurance 95 39 J. W. McClure & Son, same 171 12 Pearl & Dennett Co., same 206 76 Tyler, Fogg & Co., same 95 40 J. L. Cosmey, stove repairs 15 40 Wood & Bishop Co., tinware 14 03 Penobscot Mach. Co., iron work 37 49 Amounts carried forward $10,137 27 $1,400 00 1910] city OF bangor 247 Amounts brought forward $10,137 27 $1,400 00 Union Iron Works, same 65 37 A. Kelley Carriage Co., same 16 25 Ward & Clough, masonry 51 25 W. N. Sawyer, same 22 01 $10,982 88 EXPENSES OUTSIDE OF ALMSHOUSE City Treasurer, paid for support of paupers, etc. $1,828 52 Eastern Me. Insane Hospital, care of insane paupers 8,794 76 Maine Insane Hospital, same 1,040 58 Town of Unity, support of paupers 22 00 Town of Van Buren, same 14 03 Town of Millinocket, same 23 00 Town of Monmouth, same 162 03 Town of Hampden, same 29 15 Town of Patten, same 4 05 Town of Medway, same 10 65 Town of Mt. Desert, same 7 00 City of Portland, same 4 40 City of Waterville, same 80 13 City of Bath, same 3 60 City of Rockland, same 29 90 Mrs. F. M. Scribner, same 72 50 A. Hunt Estate, funeral supplies 14 50 J. T. Kelleher, same 15 50 R. E. Hathorn, burial of pauper 4 00 C. E. Clark, groceries 128 25 T. J. Daly & Co., same 80 50 J. E. Foley Co., same 5 00 J. F. Fleming, same 409 82 Mrs. B. Goldsmith, same 6 00 R. Hickson Sons, same 169 00 F. S. Jones & Co., same 220 25 J. G. James & Co., same 20 00 D. Matheson & Son, same 82 21 J. F. O'Connell, same 116 50 C. D. Page, same 85 75 Amounts carried forward $12,374 05 $12,382 88 248 report of the overseers of the poor [1910 Amounts brought forward $12,374 05 $12,382 88 E. F. Spencer, same 189 00 Staples & Griffin, same 146 83 N. W. Whitman, same 69 09 C. F. Willis, same 5 00 W. H. Blake, same 9 00 W. W. Doane & Co., same 10 00 F. L. Frank & Co., same 23 00 Fisher & Crocker, same 93 18 Frank Koram, same 13 00 G. I. Swett, same 5 00 Lord Bros., same 4 00 E. F. Piper, same 9 01 C. C. Speed, same 5 00 Gallagher Bros., same 3 02 S. Rudman, same 10 00 W. G. Ayer, same 4 00 S. H. Robinson & Son, same 22 00 Mrs. M. Bernstein, same 10 00 C. F. Winchester, same 28 00 Miller & Webster Co., shoes 9 83 J. F. Angley & Co., wood 3 50 Sterns Lumber Co., same 700 63 N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co., service 49 41 C. H. Glass & Co., printing 9 00 J. H. Bacon, same 3 00 E. F. Dillingham, stationery 12 74 Sunshine Ribbon Co., typewriter ribbons 3 00 J. P. Bass Pub. Co., advertising 3 00 Bangor Pub. Co., subscription 6 00 W. S. Purington, M. D., professional services. 26 50 H. A. King, M. D., same 6 00 Dan'l McCann, M. D., same 6 00 H. J. Milliken, M. D., same 33 00 W. P. McNally, M. D., same 3 00 J. B. Thompson, M. D., same 22 00 H. H. Crane, M. D., same 21 00 G. L. Hilton, M. D., same 6 00 G. M. Woodcock, M. D., same 6 00 Amounts carried forward $14,968 $321,2382 88 1910] city of bangor 249 Amounts brought forward $14,968 32 $12,382 88 E. R. Mansfield, M. D., same 11 00 E. B. Sanger, M. D., same 11 00 G. R. Campbell, M. D., same 2 50 J. F. Starrett, M. D., same 6 00 $15,101 82 $27,484 70 250 report of the overseers of the poor [1910 List of Property at City Farm, February I, J910 5 horses 1 cider press 12 cows 1 grub hoe 2 two-year-old heifers 4 hand hoes 1 one-year-old heifer 6 potato diggers 1 bull 3 garden weeders 14 hogs 1 winnowing machine 17 shoats 1 hay cutter 45 hens 3 horse rakes 2 sets double harnesses 1 four-row sprayer 3 single harnesses 1 barrel spray pump 1 set lead harnesses 1 manure spreader 3 horse collars 3 hand rakes 1 set hames 2 drag rakes 1 whip 2 garden rakes 10 horse blankets 2 horse forks and rigging 4 storm blankets 20 hay and manure forks 3 leather nets 2 bush scythes and snathes 4 sursingles 2 hose reels 2 sleigh robes 250 feet two-inch hose 1 plush robe 50 feet garden hose 4 bells 3 plows 7 halters 1 sulky plow 1 street halter 3 harrows 3 currycombs 2 horse hoes 2 brushes 1 cultivator 1 single straight sled 1 farm roller 1 double straight sled 1 bench vise 2 double wagon sleds 1 anvil 2 double jiggers 1 stone hammer 1 single jigger 1 jackscrew 3 hay racks 3 lawn mowers 2 dump carts 2 carriage jacks 2 sleighs 3 sets blocks and falls 1 pung 4 short-handled shovels 1910] city of bangor 251 1 express wagon 6 long-handled shovels 1 riding wagon 1 turf spade 1 carriage 1 garden fork 4 sets whiffletrees and chains 4 pickaxes 2 pole yokes 5 ice picks 3 pole chains 4 crowbars 3 spread chains 1 sprinkler 1 bridle chain 1 stone drag 2 sets lead rigging 1 stump liook 7 stone chains 1 grindstone 2 seed sowers 7 ladders 4 wood saws 1 hay knife 2 cross-cut saws 3 grass hooks 5 axes 7 wheelbarrows 1 cant-dog 1 Robbins potato planter 3 pipe wrenches 1 Hoover potato digger 3 pairs ice tongs 3 mowing

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