C G Jung Society of Melbourne Master Library Spreadsheet January 2014 AUTHOR TITLE CALL NUMBER ABE, Masao (ed) Zen Life, A: D T Suzuki Remembered 1104 ZEN ABRAHM, Jerimiah (ed) Reclaiming the Inner Child 1459 REC ACHTEREBERG, Jeanne Imagery in Healing: Shamanism and Modern Medicine 888 ADAM, Leonhard Primitive Art 974 ADLER, Alfred Understanding Human Nature 1 ADLER, Alfred Neurotic Constitution, The: Outlines of a Comparative Individualist Psychology and Psychotherapy 820 ADLER, G and JAFFE, A (eds) C G Jung Letters: Vol 1 1906-50 (copy 1) 118 CGJ ADLER, G and JAFFE, A (eds) C G Jung Letters : Vol 2 1951-61 119 CGJ ADLER, Gerhard Studies in Analytical Psychology 2 ADLER, Gerhard Living symbol, The 520 ADLER, Gerhard Dynamics of the Self 701 ADLER, Gerhard (ed) Success and Failure in Analysis 3 ADLER, Gerhard (ed) Current Trends in Analytical Psychology; Proceedings of 1st International Congress of Analytical Psychology 428 ADLER, Gerhard and JAFFE, Aniela (eds) Selected Letters of C G Jung 1032 ALBRIGHT, C Peter and ALBRIGHT, Elizabeth ParkerMind (eds) Body and Spirit; The Journey Toward Health and Wholeness 895 MIN AMMAN, Ruth Healing and Transformation in Sandplay 1247 Analytical Psychology Club of New York, The Carl Gustav Jung 1875-1961, A Memorial Meeting NewYork December 1961 492 CAR ANDREAS-SALOME Freud Journal, The 652 ANTHONY, Dick et al (eds) Spiritual Choices: The Problems of Recognising Authentic Paths to Inner Transformation 1122 SPIR ARBERRY, A J Sufism: An Account of the Mystics of Islam 832 ARGUELLES, Jose A Transformative Vision, The: Reflections on the Nature and History of Human Expression 684 ARGUELLES, Jose-Miriam Mandala: The Background and the Psychology 367 F ARNOLD, Edwin Song Celestial or Bhagavad Gita 4 S ARRAJ, James and Tyra Jungian Psychology Resource Guide, A 779 ARROYO, Stephen Astrology, Psychology, and the Four Elements 545 ASPER, Kathryn Inner Child in Dreams, The 1191 ASSAGIOLI, Roberto Act of Will, The 5 ASSAGIOLI, Roberto Psychosynthesis: A Manual of Principles and Techniques 6 AVENS, Robert Imagination is Reality: Western Nirvana in Jung, Hillman, Barfield and Cassirer 90 AXLINE, Virginia M Dibs: In Search of Self (copy 2) 1393 S AXLINE, Virginia M Dibs: In Search of Self (copy 1) 793 S AZIS, Robert C G Jung's Psychology of Religion and Synchronicity 840 C G Jung Society of Melbourne Master Library Spreadsheet January 2014 BABCOCK, Winifred Jung-Hesse-Harold: The Contributions of C G Jung, Herman Hesse & Preston Harold to a Spiritual Psychology 1012 BACHELARD, Gaston Psychoanalysis of Fire, The 722 BACHOFEN, J J Myth, Religion, and Mother Right - Selected Writings 593 BAIGENT, Michael, LEIGH, Richard and LINCON, HenryHoly Blood and the Holy Grail, The 1146 BAIRD, Diedre Jung: A Biography 1310 BAKER, Caroline Reclaiming the Dark Feminine - The Price of Desire 1222 Methods of Treatment in Analytical Psychology: Presentations from the 7th Congress of the International BAKER, Ian (ed) Association for Analytical Psycholgy 1462 MET BAKHTIAR, Kakeh Sufi - Expressions of the Mystic Quest 1158 F BANCROFT, Anne Twentieth Century Mystics and Sages 1148 BANCROFT, Anne Zen: Direct Pointing to Reality 1064 F BARRE, Weston La Ghost Dance, The: Origins of Religion 1144 BATESON, Gregory Steps to an Ecology of Mind: A Revolutionary Approach to Man's Understanding of Himself 1044 BATESON, Gregory and MARY, Catherine Angels Fear - An Investigation into the Nature and Meaning of the Sacred 1119 BAUER, Jan Alcoholism and Women: The Background and the Psychology 381 BAYNES H G Analytical Psychology and the English Mind, and Other Papers 8 BAYNES H G Mythology of the Soul: A Research into the Unconscious 9 BECK, Charlotte Joko Everyday Zen, Love and Work 1102 BEEB, John (ed) Money, Food, Drink, Fashion and Analytic Training 582 MON BEGG, Ean Cult of the Black Virgin, Tbe 1027 BEGG, Ean Myth of Today's Consciousness 1040 BENNETT E A Meetings with Jung: Conversations Recorded During the Years 916 BENNETT E A What Jung Really Said 1946-61 14 BENNETT, E A C G Jung (copy 1) 10 BENNETT, E A C G Jung (copy 2) 416 BENOIT, Hubert Zen and the Psychology of Transformation: The Supreme Doctrine 867 BENOIT, Hubert Interior Realisation, The 1125 BERGER, Peter L Sacred Canopy, The: Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion 987 BERRY, Patricia Echo's Subtle Body: Contributions to an Archetypal Psychology 770 BERRY, Patricia Dream of the Earth, The 877 BERTINE, Eleanor Human Relationships: In the Family, In Friendships etc. 12 BETTELHEIM, Bruno Uses of Enchantment, The: The Meaning and Importance of Fairytales 570 BETTELHEIM, Bruno Freud and Man's Soul 685 C G Jung Society of Melbourne Master Library Spreadsheet January 2014 BILIMORIA, Pursottama Yoga, Meditation and the Guru: Critical Reflections on the Australian Scenario 875 BIRKHASER, Peter Light from Darkness: The Paintings of Peter Birkhauser 470 BIRKHASER-OERI Sibylle Mother, The: Archetypal Image in Fairy Tales 695 BISHOP, Peter Greening of Psychology, The: The Vegetable World in Myth, Dream and Healing 1248 BLACKMER, Joan Dexter Acrobats of the Gods, Dance and Transformation 1352 BLACKNEY, Raymond Meister Eckhart: A Modern Translation 456 BLY, Robert Iron John: A Book About Men 1085 BLY, Robert and WOODMAN, Marion Maiden King, The: The Reunion of Masculine and Feminine 1334 BODANIS, David Body Book, The: A Fantastic Voyage to the World Within 826 F BOKER, Christopher Tao of Psychology: Synchronicity of the Self 278 BOLEN, Jean Shimoda Goddesses In Everywoman: A New Psychology of Women 921 BOLEN, Jean Shimoda Gods in Everyman 1366 BOOKER, Christopher Seven Basic Plots, The: Why We Tell Stories 1387 BORD, Janet and Colin Earth Rites 1145 BOSNAK, Robert Little Course in Dreams, A 1242 BOSNAK, Robert Dreaming with an AIDS Patient 1243 BOSNAK, Robert Tracks in the Wilderness of Dreaming 1244 BOYD, Arthur and PORTER, P Mars 728 F BRADLEY, John Yanyuwa Country: The Yanyuwa People of Borroloola Tell the History of Their Land 853 F BRADWAY, Katherine Villa of Mysteries: Pompeii Initiation Rites of Women 479 S BRADWAY, Katherine et al Sandplay Studies: Origins, Theory, Practice 272SAN Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field: a New Paradigm for the Human Being in BRANNAN, Barbara Ann Health Relationship and Disease 881 F BRANSTON, Brian Lost Gods of England, The 739 BRANSTON, Brian Gods and Heroes from Viking Mythology 663 F BREAUX, Charles Journey into Consciousness: The Chakras, Tantra and Jungian Psychology 1038 BRIFFAULT, Robert Mothers, The: The Matriarchal Theory of Social Origins 231 BROADRIBB, Donald Dream Story, The 650 BROME, Vincent Jung, Man and Myth 15 BROUGH, Beth Alzheimer's With Love 1280 BROWN, Joseph Epes Sacred Pipe, The: Black Elk's Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux 365 BROWN, Norman O Hermes the Thief: The Evolution of a Myth 486 BROWN, Norman O Facing Apocalypse 669 BRUNNER, Cornelia Anima as Fate 1076 BRYANT, Christopher Jung and the Christian Way 409 C G Jung Society of Melbourne Master Library Spreadsheet January 2014 BUBER, Martin Eclipse of God 232 BUBER, Martin I and Thou 477 BUHRMANN, M Vera Living in Two Worlds: Communication Between a White Healer and Her Black Counterparts 639 BURGERS, Helena Sabina Euridice Leonardo Da Vinci's Psychology of the Twelve Types 1084 Western Mysticism: The Teaching of Augustine Gregor and Bernard on Contemplation and the Contemplative BUTLER, Dom Cuthbert Life 16 CALVINO, Italo Castle of Crossed Destinies, The 765 CAMPBELL, Joseph Hero with a Thousand Faces, The 32 CAMPBELL, Joseph Masks of God, The: Primitive Mythology 33 CAMPBELL, Joseph Masks of God, The: Creative Mythology (copy 1) 73 CAMPBELL, Joseph Masks of God, The: Occidental Mythology 572 CAMPBELL, Joseph This Business of the Gods 915 CAMPBELL, Joseph Masks of God, The: Myths to Live By 1161 CAMPBELL, Joseph Masks of God, The: Oriental Mythology 1184 CAMPBELL, Joseph Masks of God, The: Creative Mythology (copy 2) 1185 CAMPBELL, Joseph Power of Myth, The 1367 CAMPBELL, Joseph Historical Atlas of World Mythology - Vol 11; Way of the Seeded Earth Part 1: The Sacrifice 1009 F Historical Atlas of World Mythology - Vol 11 Way of the Seeded Earth Part 2: Mythologies of the Primitive CAMPBELL, Joseph Planters - The Northern Americas 1010 F Historical Atlas of World Mythology - Vol 11; Way of the Seeded Earth Part 3: Mythologies of the Primitive CAMPBELL, Joseph Planters - Middle & Southern America 1011 F CAMPBELL, Joseph Way of the Animal Powers, The: Historical Atlas of World Mythology - Volume 1 540 F CAMPBELL, Joseph Inner Reaches of Outer Space, The 630 F CAMPBELL, Joseph (ed) Man and Transformation: Papers from Eranos Year Books Vol 5 488 CAMPBELL, Joseph (ed) Mystic Vision, The: Eranos Year Books 720 CAMPBELL, Joseph (ed) Spirit and Nature: Selected Papers from Eranos Yearbooks 814 CAMPBELL, Joseph (ed) Portable Jung, The 1163 POR CAMPBELL, Joseph et al (eds) In All Her Names: Explorations of the Feminine in Divinity 1305 INA CAPRA, Fritjof Tao of Physics, The (copy 1) 518 CAPRA, Fritjof Tao of Physics, The (copy 2) 1162 CARDINAL, Marie Words to Say It, The: An Autobiographical Novel 763 CARLSON, Kathie In Her Image: The Unhealed Daughter's Search 1029 CAROTENUTO, Aldo Secret Symmetry, A (copy 1) 626 CAROTENUTO, Aldo Spiral Way, The, A Woman's Healing Journey 771 C G Jung Society of Melbourne Master Library Spreadsheet January 2014 CAROTENUTO, Aldo Eros and Pathos: Shades of Love and Suffering 896 CAROTENUTO, Aldo To Love to Betray 1228 CAROTENUTO, Aldo Secret Symmetry, A (copy 2) 1240 CAROTENUTO, Aldo Vertical
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