CONTENTS Page EDITORIAL & COMMENTS coo o oooooooco o 0 0 o c 0 o 0 o o 0 0 0 o o Q o COLLECTOR’S ITEM 9OO 0 0 0 0 o 00 9 000000 Q O 0 O o Q O o o Q Q 0 o C o & Q O Q o 8-9 SCIENTIFICOMICOLUMN„ Don Markstein 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 o o o o 0 9 0 0 0 o 10 A REFERENCE HUGO? o Mark Owings o o 0 0 9 o 0 o O 0 0 0 o 0 o o o 0 O o 11 NEW BOOKSp Joanne Burger o 0 o o 0 0 o o o c 0 0 0 0 c o o o 0 0 6 o o 12 & 26 POTPOURRI o o e o o o 0 O000O000000 o o o o o 0 0 0 o o o o o o o o 12-14 BRITISH SCIENCE FICTION BOOK CLUBb (Elyas? Inclosed) The Edo and Herman Stowell King o O € O o 0 o o o o O 0 D 15 COLLECTION AND ANTHOLOGY CHANGES, An Addenda George Fergus 0 oooooooooooooooo o o o o o V 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 MERVYN PEAKE , A CHECKLIST 0 Leslie■Sklaroff Q 0 o o o o 0 0 0 17-19 WALTER WENTZ WANTLIST o o 0 0 o © o o o e o o o o o o o c o 0 0 o o o o o n o 20-21 David Malone Tradelist o o 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o o O 0 o o o O 0 G 0 O 22-23 CARD O O O Q 0 FRITZ LEIBER 0 0-0 0 0 O Q O 0 O O o 0 o 0 d 0 c o 0 o o o O 0 0 C 0 0 23 CONCERNING THE BURGE PORTFOLIO 0 Glen Brock o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 24 FINDING OLD SCIENCE FICTION BOOKS AND MAGAZINES 0 Joanne Borger ooeoooooouooo coooooooooopoo o o o c o o o 0 o o 25-26 YOU EVER HAVE ONE OF THOSE DEALS?, Walter Wentz O O O 0 0 O O 0 O 0 27-29 THE PRICE OF FANZINES, Ed Cox 0 ti 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o O o o 0 0 C o O 0 O 0 0 G 30-33 PARA DOX OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 o 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 o o 34 THE SERIES INDEX CHECKLIST 0 o 0 e 0 o o o 0 o 0 o o o O Q o o o o o o o o o o 34-46 MAXFIELD PARRISH*e Stephan R o Sanderson 0 O 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 47-50 ED COX SELLS MAGAZINES 0o0 O O e © o 0 O 0 O D 0 O 0 O O C O O G 51 POTPOURRI II eocoocooocooo GOOOCOOCCOO o o 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 © O V 0 0 V o 52-53 ^Copyright 1968 by Chimera Publications 0 Stephen R Sanderson Except as noted, contents are Copyright c 19690 by Co Wo Brookso Jr DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF Harold Palmer Piser 1894-1969 Cover art by Alexis Gilliland NFFF APRILs 1969 nw .M r-®. •»•* *»• *»■- •»•• . <*M« •-». »..W ew* ar* »»». «•;« nw h» «n« <*3* av » r^«- wr« *-*r> ■a.* «n u»» ran A publication of the Purple Mouth Press,, 713 Paul Street^ Newport Newsn y Virginia9 23605 ~ For th© National Fantasy Fan FederationP — *.o— >*>™ -»«™ £3itarxxn~Chlef«»» B •*-Ned 4raa Brocks <», —11CB „ Comics Editor - Don Markstein Honorary Expert « Wark Owings Assistant Typer and New Books Editor » Joanne Burger OWIUUMU-WApulooios. ■»nc»»^M»av.vaM>%>»iiswiM»«r.«Mi & Explanationslju^anut r~- *», Mark Twain is supposed to have said “Never explain and never apolo­ gize » your friends don°t care and your enemies won°t believe you!" but I guess I should say a few word3o0t. I intended to get this out the first of the years but it took all of January to answer the mail that came while I was home for Christmas,, And then there was more« And the strike held up the British SF Book Club inclosures8 about which more later0 None of the delay8 at any late,, can be blamed on anyone but me„ I decided to get the work on the Series Index far enough along so that I could include a checklist to it in this issus0 This Index now fills three boxes of filo cards and the checklist will probably fill about eight pages of this issue0 The Hannes Bok Illo Index still awaits some help with the old fanziness Otherwise it is about as complete as I can make it. Much thanks to Joanns Burger for typing ths articles,. Now if I could just get someone to type ths rest of itooo Perhaps I could put it on tape and send it to Joanna to typo ■» sha°s head of the Taps Bureau! COMMENTS on the mail - New Members have addresses printsdn JIM ASHE sends some info on how he offsets his CINDERB which I haven°t seen lately, I have considered offset for my zinosp but I will oro'»> bably use it cnlyB if at all, on the Bok Index and such* JEREMY BARRY worries about his dittoed CBs fading awayo While ditto will fade in a strong light, I have a ten-year-old copy of Ttt'I G ILLOS­ TRATED in which all the colors a® still bright and strong, Jeremy still wants JUNGLE STORIESr, cheap. VERN BENNETTp in a letter dated Junsr'68ff promises some material from the old fanzine FANTASY MAGAZINEIt’s only been nine months5 hs will probably send it any day now? DAIN1S 9ISENIEKS writes that a Leslis Sklaroff in Scotland is preparing a bibliography on Mervyn Peake. I have been in touch with Mr Sklaroff, and he was kind enough to send me ths info he hasB which appears in this issue, Mr Shroff is looking for US first editions of PeakG°s workss if anyone has any they want to part with. GERALD SISHOPs IB Marlborough Rd« Exeters DevonB Englands is now head of the BSFAGs Checklist Foundation, and issues his own zine Bibliofile to a select few. He is helping with the research on the series and on Mervyn Peaks, A trade arrangement between CB and his CF is being worked out. JOHN *aLuER y 63u Dorv^x? Queoeu? C^n^ua?, x.- .-» >i<crbu tfiontMt?.*, who is intorasted in a numbar of rare old pulps - THE SPIDERf SECRET AGENT X, PHANTOM DETECTIVE,, BLACK BAT„ THE ®2ARft G-MEN„ JUNGLE® and SHEENA0 I referred him to Fred Cooky but apparently Fred is swampso as I have been, Keep trying Jahn... Try Andy Zerbee 3154 Dupont St., 0 Montgomery, Ala. RICHARD BLACKBURN writes that he is alienated from society® talks funny® and wears weird clothes - he’s in the Navy... It inhibits his collect® ing too, You might find some good stuff in foreign ports though8 Rich­ ard. Even if it isn’t right in your line of interest^ you could ship it back for storage and trade it after you got out. GLEN BROCK® Box 10885® Atlanta? Ga® 30310® did out cover lastish and sends in an ad on the Jerry Burge artfolio for this issee - I hope it’s still available! Glen works one of the two largest used-book places in Atlanta RICK BROOKSpWho has moved to Box 5465? Milwaukee8 Wis - 53211? sends in the answer to the question about Farmer’s "Beast of the Fields” - it finally appeared as the pb DARE. ED BRYANT says he is still there# though fafia. JOANNE BURGER? demon typists tapists and femmefan extraordinaire,, may have her New Books column in here somewhere,, if she hasn’t given up on me altogether, She offered to do the Cartier index too - see under Corrick. She also sends in seme series indexes. She has an article in here too,,, If many CB members wore as active? I would have to publish every month! ffl R BURGESS in Spokane is not a member? but is with something called the "Sign of Four", They apparently intend to issue a list of some sort on living sf authors,, but I have heard no more about it. He didn’t date his letter so I don’t know how long ago this was8 though less than a year? of course, JACK CHALKER of Mirage Press sends in assorted info? icluding that the NECROMOMICON is CIA Manual 100—13... Soma Mirage Press books are mentioned later. FRED CLARKE writes that he wants an index of all comics published as tia-ins with movies - address 7470 Diversey? Elmwood Park? Ill? 60635 10M COCKCROFT? the Tom Cockcroft? sends in much useful info on Bok® Fergus’ anthology index? Lovecraft’s Portuguese translations® and Arthur Machen. He also promises a checklist to the magazine illos of Elliott Dold. JACK CORDES sends in some Sok info? and asks about an index to a pulp called THE GH05T/TKE GREEN GHOST - I think I referred him to Fred Cook. You might fry Andy Zerbe too0 Jack - see under "John Albert” above. Jack also answered ths question about Farmer’s "Beast .of the Fields" - he asked Farmer himself! WALT COLE sends a Xmas card.,, JIM CORRICK is supposed to bo indexing the Cartier illos - I can’t com­ plain though after the pile of series indexes he has send in over ths last couple of years.
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