I, " , . .. , t; . f f t I • Bringing AfricaSouth Vol.2 No.169 Tuesday Septernber.11 TRE AE Top official's sons involved STANLEY KATZAO IN a dramatiC turn of events·yesterday , the second s~n of high­ ranking prison official Major Theodor KJeynhans was charged in the Windhoek magistrate's court with treason or, in the al­ ternative, conspiracy against the Namibia,. government. Christiaan Kleynbans, 23, of Ministers, ~feke~unye Pohamba House No 2, 'Windhoek Prison of Home Affatrs and Peter Plot, appeared yesterday with Meushihange of Defence; as well Robin Montgomery, ~5, of D-2, as the phosphorous grenade at­ Leutweinbof flats. tack on the offices of The Namib­ Neither of the two men were ian. granted bail. Their case was post­ The short hearing yesten:hlY was poned until September 17 when presided. over by Magistrate Nick they, along with six other young Hendriks and took place in a whites, will be tried for a number packed C court, demonstrating of serious offences, including theft the keen public interest in the and illegal possession of arms. case. The prose cuter was MM . Tfie arrests of the eight young Gantsho. men, some German- .and others Shortiy before the arrival of the Afrikaans-speaking, comes in the two men, Advocate Gerrit Berleer, wake of crack police worle in track­ acting for Christiaan Kleynbans, ing down a vast quantity of stolen objected to the .taking of photo­ arms and <unmunition, most of graphs in court as. had happened which were found at the homes.of in the case of the first six. Magis­ the first six accused. trate Hendriks upheld his request. The arrests also followed a Escorted by CII> members, the number of incidents, including two accused showed no signs of massive rums thefts from the police emotion at all as they entered the amlOury in Windhoek as well a,s do,ck and during their brief ap­ TWO more young men, arrested in connection with the huge arms haul by the Namibian Police, from the Luiperdsvallei military pearance in court. base; unknown gunmen opening appeared in the Windhoek magistrate's court yesterday. Above: Robin Montgomery and Christiaan fire on two Namibian Cabinet CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 Kleynhans pictUred arrivhlg at court yesterday. Photograph: John Lieben~rg. TransNamib ties up copper deal FormerSwapo-D man in court for.'s4ooting' TRANSNAMIB has concluded fully .be renewed as an ongoing Namibia. its first cross-border agreement . agreement. .Uys disclosed tha! at President's plane with Zambian Copper Mines A Swakopmund company, TransNamib' s board had agreed, for transporting their copper to Roadrunners, will also take part i~ principle, to change the name ONE of,several" men accused of fIr- was granted bail of Rl '000 and the Namibia. in the deal and will share the of Namibia's national airline from ing at the ,Plane of Namibian Pr,esi­ . case was postponed until September profits with TransNamib. Namib Air to Air Namibia. The dent, Sam Nujoma, appeared in the 26. Engombe, was the chief whip for The agreement, which provides . The first load of copper was board had requested management Ondangua magistrate's court on Fri­ Andreas Shipanga' s S wapo-D in the for transporting} 000 lonnes of being loaded in Zambia yester­ to draw up a pwposal for the day. National Assembly pf the 'interim copper ftom Zambia by road to ' day. name change and to ensure that According to NBC news, Imman­ . government. Grootfontein and from there to TansNanlib MD Francois Uys the cost did not exceed Rl,5 mil­ uel Engombe is said to have shot at Engombe was a member of Swapo, Walvis Bay from where it will be said an agreement' with Air Zim­ lion. the J>resident's plane. with an auto­ but left the organisation in 1976 during shipped, is valid until March 31. babwe and Zambia was also bemg The'management muscalsb try matic rifle when President Nujoma the •• Sbipanga rebellion". Engombe The agreement is the first to finalised. It involves the intro­ and have the plan ' for the name was on his way to Nan'iibia Day cele­ was released on R 1 000 bail and the ha ve been signed with an SADCC duction of regional flights · be­ change ready by November next brations.at OngUlumbashe, northern case was postponed until September . landlocked country and will hope- tween Zimbabwe, Zambia and year. Namibia, on August 26. Engombe 25 for further investigation. 1989 V/Wagen Citi Golf 1300L, Radio, 30 1989 Honda Ballade 150 16V, Airconditioner, radio/ OOOkm .......... ,.. ........................................................ R18 250 tape....................••••...•. ;·•.............. ~ ••..... '....•. ..: ....... R30·900 1988 Toyota CoroUa 1.6 -GL 16V, Airconditioned, SPES BONA MOTORS 1988 Isuzu KB24 2300 P/UP & Canopy......... R21900 . 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R23 500 LIBERIA , n . o Doe killed in orgy YOUR DAlLY GUIDE TO EVENTS WORLD-WIDE of rebel·violence MONROVIA, Liberia: President Samuel Doe was killed after a Johnson broke away, Charles Tay­ JOHANNESBURG: A Putco bus was set alight in Moletsane, Soweto, on lor's National Patriotic Front, an­ Monday afternoon, but no one was injured, according to SA Police liaison weekend shoot out with rebel forces, the US government and other sources said Monday. nounced Monday it would only stop officer for Soweto Lt Govindsamy Mariemuthoo. fighting and take part in peace talks No arrests were made and it was not known how the bus was set alight, he US State Department sources, who Other rebels stayed at the head­ after the West African force with­ added. asked not to be identified, said US quarters to hunt down any Doe aides drew. He confirmed 37 people had died in unrest violence in the township since officials regard the reports as reli­ who had escaped. They slaughtered "Their mission has failed, and a Friday and 300 people had been treated at Baragwanath Hospital at the able and consider them confirmation dozens of them. A total of 64 people prime example is the capture of Doe weekend. of Doe's death. The British Broad,­ died in the fIghting. by the Prince Johnson group right in o hhese, 80 people were treated Jor gunshot wounds. Although he could not casting Corporation, quoting witnesses On Monday, Johnson's men con­ their headquarters," Tom W oewiyu, say how many of the patienis were unrest victims, I1 Mariemuthoo said the who came to the Liberian capital tinued the hunt, killing an unknown whom Taylor calls his defense min­ overall figure was about one third higher than nornlal weekend casualties from the camp, 'reported that Doc's number of people loyal to Doe. People ister, said in a telephone interview treated at tpe hospital. mutilated body is on display there. loyal to the president were negotiat­ from Burkina Faso. He has been The situation in the township was tense, but quiet late on M~nday, he added. , Johnson telephoned the BBC to ing with the West African task force shuttling between eight West Afri­ say he had captured Doe in a battle for the evacuation by ship of rela­ LUSAKA: Zambian trade unions will seek more pay to offset consumer price can nations, trying to persuade their Sunday because Liberia's leader of tives of Doe holed up in his Israeli­ increases that followed a recent 50 per cent hike in the cost of fuel, the official leaders to get the West African troops 10 ye;lrs was trying to flee the coun­ built mansion. to withdraw. ' Tim~s ofZ,ambia reported on Monday. '~As a result Qfthe increase in the price try, possibly on a ship of a West Johnson has annou'nced that he of fuel the prices of all other goods have gone up, so affiliates should disregard "They have failed to be a peace African task force sent to end the would run Liberia until an interim all (current) agreements and begin negotiating afresh," said Newstead Zimba, force," said Woewiyu. "We are saying eight-and-a-half-month-old war. govenmlent would be installed un­ - --secretary-general of-the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions. Zimba tol,d the to them a small hame is better than a , Doe was captured when he emerged der a peace plan proposed by the Times that employers should be flexi,ble enough to avoid workers resorting to big shaem. Honorably withdraw and from his fortified clifftop mansion Economic Conmlunity of West Afri­ strikes which. could paralyse the country's industrial sector. Zambia, which let us go back to the tabel, let the real under heavy escort to pay an un­ can States, which sent troops to iinported its oil from Kuwait before the invasion of the tiny Gulf state by Iraq parties negotiate an end to all the scheduled visit on the West African Monrovia on August 24.
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