LESSON NOTES Advanced Audio Blog S1 #1 Top 10 Turkish Tourist Destinations: Hagia Sophia CONTENTS 2 Turkish 2 English 3 Vocabulary 4 Sample Sentences 5 Cultural Insight # 1 COPYRIGHT © 2013 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TURKISH 1. Ayasofya 2. Ayasofya Türkiye'nin stanbul ilinde yer almaktadr. Tarihi süreçte bu bina, Ortodoks bazilikas, Katolik katedrali ve cami olarak kullanlmtr. Bina M. S. 360 ylnda inaa edilmi ve o günlerde Konstantinapol'ün Yunan Patriyarkal katedrali olmutur. 1200'lü yllarda 60 yl boyunca Kataloliklerin katedrali olmu ancak 1453 ylnda bir camiye dönütürülene kadar tekrar bir Ortodoks kilisesi olarak kullanlmtr. 1931 ylnda halka açk bir bina haline gelmi ve dört yl sonra da bir müze olmutur. 3. Baz uzmanlar, yapnn mimarisinin Bizans dönemi izleri tadn ve kubbenin stanbul'un en ünlü manzaralarndan biri olduunu belirtmilerdir. Bu yap, neredeyse bin yl boyunca dünyann en büyük katedrali olmutur. 4. Kubbeye ek olarak Ayasofya, ayrca pek çok sayda kutsal emanet ve mozaiiyle bilinmektedir. Müzeyi ziyaret edenleri muhteem bir ikonostaz karlar, ve bina ayrca Pergamon'dan gelen küllerin sakland iki kaseye ev sahiplii yapar. Binann içindeki dier etkileyici eserler, Mermer Kap,sa, Meryem ve dier pek çok aziz ve hükümdarn tasvir edildii mozaiklerdir. Pek çok mozaik, 1930 ylndaki restorasyonda harcn bir bölümü dökülürken ortaya çkmtr. Restorasyon süreci, binann tarihsel dönemde hem Hristiyanlar hem de Müslümanlar için bir ibadet yeri olduundan oldukça enteresan geçmitir. Bunun sonucunda birbiriyle çelien inanç unsurlarnn simgeleri ortaya çkmtr. 5. Kültürel Miras - Ayasofya binasnn imdiki hali, 300'lü yllarda inaa edilen yapdan orijinal hiçbir ey ihtiva etmemektedir. Bina iki kez yklmtr, bunlardan ilki ayaklanmalar srasnda, ikincisi ise Nika syan srasnda olmutur ve bugün ayakta olan yap, 500lü yllar döneminde yaplm olandr. Jüstinyen mevcut yapnn inaasn üstlenmitir ve açl konumasnda "Ey Süleyman! Seni yendim!" demitir. Binann kubbesi bir depremde ciddi ekilde hasar görmü, daha sonra orijinal kubbeden daha salam olabilmesi için deiik bir ekilde inaa edilmitir. ENGLISH 1. Hagia Sophia CONT'D OVER TURKISHCLASS101.COM ADVANCED AUDIO BLOG S1 #1 - TOP 10 TURKISH TOURIST DESTINATIONS: HAGIA SOPHIA 2 2. Hagia Sophia is located in Turkey in the city of Istanbul. In its history, the building has been an Orthodox basilica, a Roman Catholic cathedral, and a mosque. The building was first dedicated in 360 AD, and in those days, it was Constantinople's Greek Patriarchal cathedral. It became a cathedral for Roman Catholics for about 60 years in the 1200s, but it was changed back to an Orthodox church after that until 1453 when it was converted to a mosque. In 1931 it became a secular building, and then four years later it was turned into a museum. 3. Some experts hail the structure as the epitome of architectural work from Byzantine times, and the dome is one of the most famous views from Istanbul. For almost a thousand years, it was the world's largest cathedral. 4. In addition to the dome, Hagia Sophia is also known for the numerous holy relics and mosaics. An incredible iconostasis greets visitors to the museum, and the building is also home to two lustration urns that came from Pergamon. Other impressive features inside the structure include the Marble Door and numerous mosaics depicting Jesus, Mary, and various saints and rulers. Many mosaics were revealed during a restoration of the building done in the 1930s when some of the plaster was removed. The restoration process was especially interesting because of the building's history as both a Christian and Muslim place of worship. This resulted in the display of iconic works of art from both faiths, which contradict each other. 5. Cultural Heritage-The current state of Hagia Sophia doesn't contain any architectural elements from the original building which was built around 300 AC. The building has been demolished twice, the first one during the riots and the latter during Nika rebellion. The building we see today was built during 500 BC. Emperor Justinianus undertook the construction of the building. Upon the completion of the building, he said- "Solomon, I have surpassed thee!"(referring to King Solomon's temple in Jerusalem). The dome of the building had been severely damaged in an earthquake, which then was reconstructed in a different way, aiming for a more robust structure. VOCABULARY TURKISHCLASS101.COM ADVANCED AUDIO BLOG S1 #1 - TOP 10 TURKISH TOURIST DESTINATIONS: HAGIA SOPHIA 3 Turkish English bazilika basilica cami mosque Ortodoks Orthodox Patriyarkal Patriarchal Halka açık Secular Simge/⇥z Epitome Yıkama Lustration tasvir depict SAMPLE SENTENCES Bazilika, hürmet ve ibadet edilen bir Müslümanlar dua etmek için camiye yerdi. giderler. “The basilica was a place of reverence “Muslims go to the mosque to pray.” and worship.” Ortodoks inançları, asırlar geçtikçe Medeniyet, kökü boyunca oldukça de⇥i⇤im gösterdi. patriyarkaldı. “The orthodox beliefs were gradually “The civilization was largely patriarchal in changed throughout centuries.” its lineage.” Katedralde, fuarlar ve pazarlar gibi halka Azizlerin, genellikle iyili⇥in ve açık etkinlikler de mevcuttu. do⇥rulu⇥un simgesi oldukları bilinir. “The cathedral complex contained several “The saints are generally considered to be spaces set aside for secular purposes, the epitome of goodness and such as fairs and bazaars.” righteousness.” TURKISHCLASS101.COM ADVANCED AUDIO BLOG S1 #1 - TOP 10 TURKISH TOURIST DESTINATIONS: HAGIA SOPHIA 4 Yıkama adetleri toplulu⇥un ayinlerinin ⌅mparatoru tasvir eden heykel onu daha önemli bir parçasıydı. az saygın göstermi⇤ti. “Lustration rituals were central to the “A sculpture depicting the emperor group’s liturgy.” showed him in a less than flattering way.” CULTURAL INSIGHT Ayasofya binasının ⇤imdiki hali, 300lü yıllarda in⇤aa edilen yapıdan orijinal hiçbir ⇤ey ihtiva etmemektedir. Bina iki kez yıkılmı⇤tır, bunlardan ilki ayaklanmalar sırasında, ikincisi ise Nika ⇥syanı sırasında olmu⇤tur ve bugün ayakta olan yapı, 500lü yıllar döneminde yapılmı⇤ olandır. Jüstinyen mevcut yapının in⇤aasını üstlenmi⇤tir ve açılı⇤ konu⇤masında "Ey Süleyman! Seni yendim!" demi⇤tir. Binanın kubbesi bir depremde ciddi ⇤ekilde hasar görmü⇤, daha sonra orijinal kubbeden daha sa⌅lam olabilmesi için de⌅i⇤ik bir ⇤ekilde in⇤aa edilmi⇤tir. Build It Up, Tear it Down The Hagia Sophia structure that exists today contains nothing of the original building from the 300s. The building was destroyed two times—once during riots and a second time during the Nika Revolt—and what stands today is the structure that was erected during the 500s. Justinian is credited with the current structure, and after it was built, he supposedly proclaimed, "Solomon, I have outdone thee!" An earthquake severely damaged the dome of the building, which then had to be rebuilt using a different construction in order to make it stronger than the original dome. TURKISHCLASS101.COM ADVANCED AUDIO BLOG S1 #1 - TOP 10 TURKISH TOURIST DESTINATIONS: HAGIA SOPHIA 5 LESSON NOTES Advanced Audio Blog S1 #2 Top 10 Turkish Tourist Destinations: Cappadocia CONTENTS 2 Turkish 2 English 3 Vocabulary 3 Sample Sentences 4 Cultural Insight # 2 COPYRIGHT © 2013 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TURKISH 1. Kapadokya 2. Kapadokya, baca eklindeki kayalklaryla kolaylkla tannan Türkiye’de bir bölgedir. Bu ekiller milyonlarca yl önce bölgede bulunan eski yanardalarn patlamas sonucu oluan tortul kayalk kalntlarnn birikimiyle olumutur. Zamanla bu patlamalar kayalklar andrm ve bugün Kapadokya’nn kendine özgü olan minarelerini ve kolonlarn oluturmutur. 3. Kapadokya’da yerleimler, evlerin ve kiliselerin kayalarn içine doru oyulduu Antik Rom allar dönemine kadar uzanr. Bu oyuk evler bugünlerde insanlarn, o çadaki yaantlar gözlemlemek için ziyaret ettii bir turizm yeri olmutur. Göreme Açk Hava Müzesi, turistler için Türkiye’nin en ünlü yerlerinden biridir. Müzenin, Kapadokya’nn kayalklarna doru oyulmu otuzun üzerinde apeli ve kilisesi bulunmaktadr. Bu kiliselerin birkaçnn duvarnda inanlmaz freskler vardr. Bu fresklerden bazlarnn tarihçesi 9. yüzyla kadar uzanr. 4. Göreme’deki kayalklarn içine gömülü alt büyük kilise bulunur. Bunlardan en büyüü 1980'li yllarda restore edilen Tokal Kilise’dir. Dier kiliseler ise; Elmal Kilise, Azize Barbara Kilisesi, Ylanl Kilise, Karanlk Kilise ve Çarkl Kilise’dir. Çarkl Kilise'de, Kudüs’teki Göe Yükseli Kilisesi’ndekiyle ayn olduu düünülen iki ayak izi bulunmaktadr. ENGLISH 1. Cappadocia 2. Cappadocia is a region in Turkey that is easily recognized by its hoodoos. These rock formations were formed over millions of years ago by the consolidation of sedimentary rocks created by the volcanic out-spurts. Over time, these rock formations eroded until they became the famous chimney shaped trademarks of Cappadocia. CONT'D OVER TURKISHCLASS101.COM ADVANCED AUDIO BLOG S1 #2 - TOP 10 TURKISH TOURIST DESTINATIONS: CAPPADOCIA 2 3. Earliest human settlements in Cappadocia date back to the Ancient Roman Period when shelters and churches were carved into these rock formations. These carved settlements now are a tourist draw as people visit the area to see what life was like so far back in history. The Gerome Open Air Museum is one of Turkey's most well-known destinations for tourists. The museum includes over 30 chapels and churches that have been carved right out of the rocks at Cappadocia. Some of these churches even have incredible frescoes on the walls inside of them. Some of those frescoes date back to the ninth century.
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