FOR ROUGH STONE & GRAVEL QUARRY LEASE IN PATTA LAND (Prepared Under Draft Minor Mineral Concession Development Rules, 2010 & as per the amendment under Tamil Nadu Minor Mineral Conservation Rules, 1959, Rule 41 & 42) LEASE PERIOD: 5YEARS LOCATION OF THE APPLIED AREA EXTENT : 2.25.46Ha S.F.No :1141/2A , 1141/2B, 1141/4B, 1142, 1144/4 & 1131/8B2 VILLAGE : KATCHAIKATTI TALUK : VADIPATTI DISTRICT : MADURAI STATE : TAMIL NADU APPLICANT THIRU.S. ANANTHASIVA, S/O.SUNDARAPANDIAN, DOOR NO.551, K.K.NAGAR, ALAVANDAN, MADURAI – 625 020. PREPARED BY M.DEEPA ALANKAR, M.SC., RECOGNIZED QUALIFIED PERSON RQP/MAS/152/2000/A DINDIGUL-624 404. Sl. No. Description Page No. 1.0 Introduction 8 2.0 Executive Summary 10 3.0 General Information 11 4.0 Location 12 5.0 Geology and Mineral Reserves 13 6.0 Mining 17 7.0 Blasting 19 8.0 Mine Drainage 21 9.0 Other Permanent Structures 21 10.0 Employment Potentials & Welfare Measures 22 11.0 Environment Management Plan 23 12.0 Mine Closure Plan 26 13.0 Any Other Details Intend to furnish by the Applicant 27 1 ANNEXURES Sl. No. Description Annexure No. 1 Copy of Precise Area of Communication letter I 2 Copy of FMB II 3 Land documents III 4 Copy of VAO Letter IV 5 Photo Copy of the Applied area V 6 Copy of ID Proof VI 7 Copy of RQP Certificate VII 2 LIST OF PLATES Sl. No. Description Plate No. Scale 1 Location Plan I 1:1,00,000 2 Key Map II Not to Scale 3 Mine Lease Plan III 1:1000 4 Surface Plan IV 1:1000 5. Geological Plan V Plan-1:1000 Hor1:1000,Ver- 6. Cross Section of Geological Plan V-A 1:500 Year wise Development and Production Plan 7 VI Plan-1:1000 &Section Cross Section of Yearwise Development and 8 VI-A Plan-1:1000 Production Plan 9 Mine Closure Plan and section VII 1:1000 Hor1:1000,Ver- 10 Cross Section of Mine Closure Plan VII-A 1:500 11 Mine Layout and Land Use Plan VIII 1:1000 12 Village Map/Environment Map IX 1:5000 13 Satellite Map X 1:10,000 3 CONSENT LETTER FROM THE APPLICANT The Mining Plan in respect of Rough Stone & Gravel quarry lease over an extent of2.25.46hectaresof Patta Land in S.F.No. 1141/2A, 1141/2B, 1141/4B, 1142, 1144/4, 1131/8B2 of Katchaikatti Village, Vadipatti Taluk, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu State has been prepared by Shri. M.DEEPA ALANKAR, M.SC., Regn.No RQP/MAS/152/2000/A. I request the Assistant Director, Department of Geology and Mining, Madurai District to make further correspondence regarding modifications of the Mining Plan with the said Recognized Qualified Person on this following address. M.DEEPA ALANKAR M.Sc., RQP/MAS/152/2000/A Sirugudi Post, Natham Taluk, Dindigul District - 624 404. I hereby undertake that all modifications so made in the Mining Plan by the Recognized Qualified Person may be deemed to have been made with my knowledge and consent and shall be acceptable to me and binding on me in all respects. Place: Madurai Date: Signature of the Applicant 4 Thiru.S.Anantha siva, S/o. Sundarapandian, Door No.551,K.K.Nagar, Alavandan, Madurai District. DECLARATION The Mining Plan in respect of Rough Stone & Gravel quarry lease over an extent of 2.25.46 hectares of Patta Land in S.F.No. 1141/2A, 1141/2B, 1141/4B, 1142, 1144/4, 1131/8B2 of Katchaikatti Village, Vadipatti Taluk, Madurai District, and Tamil Nadu State has been prepared with my consultation and I have understood the contents and agree to implement the same in accordance with the Mining Laws. Place: Madurai Date: Signature of the Applicant 5 M.DEEPA ALANKAR M.Sc., RQP/MAS/152/2000/A Sirugudi Post, Natham Taluk, Dindigul District - 624 404. CERTIFICATE This is to certify that, the provisions of Minor Minerals Conservation and Development Rules, 2010 (MMCDR) have been observed in the Mining Plan for Rough Stone & Gravel quarry lease over an extent of 2.25.46 hectares of Patta Land in S.F.No. 1141/2A,1141/2B,1141/4B,1142,1144/4,1131/8B2 of Katchaikatti Village, Vadipatti Taluk, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu State applied by Thiru.S.Anantha siva. Wherever specific permission / exemptions / relaxations or approvals are required, the Applicant will approach the concerned authorities of State and Central Governments for granting such permissions etc. Place: Dindigul Certified Date: Signature of Recognized Qualified Person. M.DEEPA ALANKAR, M.SC., RQP/MAS/152/2000/A 6 M.DEEPA ALANKAR M.Sc., RQP/MAS/152/2000/A Sirugudi Post, Natham Taluk, Dindigul District - 624 404. CERTIFICATE Certified that, in preparation of Mining Plan for Rough Stone & Gravel quarry lease over an extent of 2.25.46 hectares of Patta Land in S.F.No. 1141/2A, 1141/2B, 1141/4B, 1142,1144/4,1131/8B2 of Katchaikatti Village, Vadipatti Taluk, Madurai district, Tamil Nadu State for Thiru.S. Anantha siva, covers all the provisions of Mines Act, Rules, and Regulations etc made there under and whenever specific permission are required, the Applicant will approach the Director General of Mines Safety, Chennai. The standards prescribed by DGMS in respect of Mines Health will be strictly implemented. Place: Dindigul Certified Date: Signature of Recognized Qualified Person. M.DEEPA ALANKAR, M.SC., RQP/MAS/152/2000/A 7 MINING PLAN FOR ROUGH STONE & GRAVEL QUARRY Over an extent 2.25.46 Ha of Patta Land in S.F.No. 1141/2A,1141/2B,1141/4B,1142,1144/4,1131/8B2, of Katchaikatti Village, Vadipatti Taluk , Madurai District, Tamil Nadu State. 1.0 INTRODUCTION: 1. Thiru.S. Anantha siva, S/o. Sundarapandian, Door No.551, K.K.Nagar, Alavandan, Madurai District has applied for the grant of Rough Stone & Gravel quarry lease of Patta Land in S.F.No. 1141/2A, 1141/2B, 1141/4B, 1142, 1144/4, 1131/8B2 of Katchaikatti Village, Vadipatti Taluk, Madurai District and he has received the precise area communication letter from District Collector vide Rc.No. 762/2017- Kanimam dated 10.10.2017 to produce Environmental clearance of the above said area. 2. Accordingly, Mining Plan is Prepared Under rule 41 & 42 of Tamil Nadu Minor Mineral Conservation Rules, 1959 by incorporating the conditions imposed in the precise area communication letter and by incorporating all the details proposed in the letter no. SEIAA-TN/Minor Minerals / 2012 dated 17.09.2012 of State Level Environmental Impact Assessment Authority. 3. Geological Reserves is estimated as 677640m3 Mineable Reserves is estimated for Roughstone = 351750M3 and Recoverable Reserves = 344714 M3 and Rough Stone Production =183250 for 5 Years and Gravel Reserves = 36954M3 for 3 years after leaving necessary safety distance. 4. Environmental parameters, There is no interstate boundary around 10Kms radius. There is no wild life animal sanctuary within 1Kms radius form the project site area under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. Therefore the project seeks clearance only from State Level Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), under B2 Category. 5. Environmental measures to be adopted shall be, Dust Control at source while drilling and blasting, 8 Dust suppression at loading point and transport haul roads, Noise Control in blasting, control of fly rock missiles and vibration by doing peak particle velocity with in standard as prescribed by the DGMS and MOEF. Unnecessary land degradation should be avoided or damaged land should be reclaimed or rehabilitated. Avoid uneven rat hole mining and follow scientific and systematic mining by safe bench system of open cast mining. Mining near major fracture zones if any should be avoided to control ground water fluctuation in the adjacent agricultural lands. Emission test of vehicles should be in stack to maintain minimum emission level of flue gases. Noise level should not exceed 80db and the vehicles should use only permitted Air Horn while on road near residential areas. Safety zones as prescribed by the Department of Geology and Mining from adjacent infrastructures should be strictly adhere to. And any other conditions as stipulated by the concerned authorities should be followed to protect the environment. 9 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: a. Name of the Village : Katchaikatti b. Name of the Union : Vadipatti c. The total Mineable Reserves for Roughstone : 351750m3 The total mineable Reserves for Gravel : 36954m3 d. The proposed quantity of reserves for Roughstone : 183250 m3 for 5Years Gravel : 36954 m3 for 3Years e. Total extent of the area : 2.25.46Ha f. Period of mining : 5 years g. Depth of mining : Mining is proposed 17m depth from the ground level. h. Average production : 36650m3/year i. Method of mining / level of mechanization : Opencast, Semi-mechanized Mining with a bench height of 5m and bench width of 5m is proposed. j. Types of Machineries used in the quarry : i) Compressor with jack hammer ii) Excavator k. Cost of the Project a. Cost towards Land & Infrastructure Rs. 8,50,000/- b. Operational Cost Rs. 7,00,000/- c. EMP Cost Rs. 3,25,000/- l. The area applied for lease is bounded by four : Toposheet No. 58J/4 corners and the coordinates are Latitude : N 10˚05’17.59” Longitude : E 78˚00’31.02’’ SL.No Four corners Latitude Longitude 1 North East : N 10˚5’20.75” E 78˚0’31.51’’ 2 South East : N10˚5’15.42” E 78˚0’29.18’’ 3 North West : N10˚5’20.54” E 78˚0’34.14’’ 4 South West : N10˚5’14.74” E 78˚0’31.62’’ 10 3.0 GENERAL INFORMATION: 3.1 a. Name of the Applicant : Thiru.S.
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