Map of Boroondara's biodiversity corridors, biogeographical zones and biologically significant sites. Koonung Creek Corridor 3 4 BALWYN 2 6 5 8 NORTH 18 Yarra River 18 7 Eastern Freeway Map of Boroondara's biodiversity corridors, Corridor Glass Creek 9 35 Corridor biogeographical zones and biologically significant10 sites. 58 36 Bulleen Road 1 Doncaster Road MapMap of Boroondara's 1: Boroondara’s biodiversity biodiversity corridors, corridors, 40 Hyde Park KEW 11 39 Corridor 34 Balwyn North Corridor biogeographicalbiogeographical zones zones and and biologically biologically significant significant sites.sites EAST 33 Studley 41 32 Koonung Creek Corridor Park 3 57 Kew 12 Corridor4 37 38BALWYN 31 2 Belmore Road Studley Park Road 6 5 8 High StreetKoonungKEWNORTH Creek Corridor PrincessStreet 3 18 Yarra River 7 BALWYN 18 Glass Creek4Eastern Freeway Cotham Road Corridor 42 54 9 35 Corridor HAWTHORNBALWYN 2 Whitehorse Road 6 5 BalwynRoad 10 8 13 43 NORTH 58 56 53 36 BulleenEAST Road 1 18 44 Yarra River 18 7 Eastern Freeway Barkers RoadDoncaster Road 55 40Corridor Hyde Park KEW14Glass Creek 11 9 Corridor CorridorChurch Street 34 Balwyn North Corridor 10 39 35 DenmarkStreet CANTERBURY EAST4833 46 58 Studley 41 36 15 Bulleen Road 1 32 47 57 45 52 Park Doncaster Road CanterburySURREY Corridor 40 KewHyde Park KEW 11 12 39 CorridorCorridor 37 34 BalwynBurwood North Corridor Road HILLS EAST38 33 31 Belmore Road WarrigalRoad Studley Park Road 51 Canterbury Road Studley 41 32 Park High Street KEW 57 HAWTHORN KewPrincessStreet 16 BurkeRoad 12 Corridor 37 Cotham Road BALWYN 42 38 31 Belmore Road Riversdale Road Studley Park Road 54CAMBERWELL HAWTHORN Whitehorse Road Camberwell Road Riversdale Road 27 High Street KEW BalwynRoad 53 Outer Circle Corridor 13 PrincessStreet 43 56 EAST 44 BALWYN17 31 CothamBarkers Road Road 42 GlenferrieRoad 55 28 14 Whitehorse Road 54 Back Creek Church Street HAWTHORN BalwynRoad DenmarkStreet CANTERBURY 53 Corridor 13 48 43 EAST 56 15 46 44 49 47 45Barkers Road 55 52 14 50 CanterburySURREY Corridor Church Street DenmarkStreet Burwood Road CANTERBURY HILLS Willison Wattle Park 48 WarrigalRoad 15 46 Corridor 47 45 1952 51 Canterbury Road Corridor HAWTHORN Canterbury Corridor 20 Toorak Road GardinersSURREY Creek Corridor 29 BurwoodLEGEND Road HILLS 16 BurkeRoad WarrigalRoad Major CorridorsRiversdale Road CAMBERWELL 51 Canterbury Road GLEN IRIS HAWTHORN Camberwell Road Riversdale Road 27 21 Creek Corridors Outer Circle Corridor 16 17 BurkeRoad 31 30 RiversdaleLinear Corridors Road Ashburton Creek GlenferrieRoad CAMBERWELL Riversdale Road 27 28 (small creeks, disused railCamberwell Road Back Creek Corridor lines, walkways) 31 Outer Circle Corridor Corridor 22 17 49 High Street GlenferrieRoad Stepping Stone Corridors 28 (links between parks 50and reserves) Back Creek 23 Corridor ASHBURTON 49 Willison Wattle Park 30 Biodiversity Encouragement areas Corridor (where19 you 50can help by planting) Corridor 20 Toorak Road Roads Gardiners Creek Corridor 29 LEGEND Willison Wattle Park 26 Corridor 19 Freeway Corridor 25 Major Corridors 20 Toorak Road Gardiners Creek Corridor 29 GLEN IRIS 24 LEGEND 21 Creek Corridors Biogeographic zones 30 Major Corridors AshburtonGLEN Creek IRIS Linear Corridors Yarra Floodplain 21 (small creeks, disused rail Corridor Creek Corridors T h lines, walkways) Gardiners Creek Floodplain Key22 to significant 30sites Gardiners Creek Corridor Kew Residential Services Redevelopment Linear Corridors Ashburton Creek High Street U Burke Road South Reserve, Glen Iris i Willsmere Estate, Kew (small creeks,Stepping disused Stone rail Corridors Grassy Undulations CorridorB Winfield Road Reserve, Balwyn North V Nettleton Park Reserve, Glen Iris j River Red Gum at 83 Walpole St, Kew (links between parks and reserves) 23 lines, walkways) Yarra Bend Park 22 HighC KoonungStreet Creek Reserve, Balwyn North W Eric Raven Reserve, Glen Iris k River Red Gum at 10-12 Gellibrand St, Kew D KoonungASHBURTON Creek East of Bulleen Rd,30 Balwyn North X Dorothy Laver Reserve, Glen Iris l Xavier College, Kew SteppingBiodiversity Stone Corridors Encouragement areas Upper Valleys E Y m (links between(where parksyou can and help reserves) by planting) 23 Freeway Golf Course, Balwyn North & Bulleen Ryburne Avenue Reserve & Neighbouring Tree Kellett Reserve, Kew ASHBURTONF Yarra Flats, Balwyn30 North Z Clifford Close Reserve, Ashburton n Hilda Crescent, Hawthorn BiodiversityRoads Encouragement areas Significant sites* G Burke Road Billabong, Kew East 26 8 Markham Reserve, Ashburton o Grace Park’s Yellow Gums, Hawthorn (where you can help by planting) H Kew Golf Club 9 South Surrey Park, Surrey Hills p Lennox St Rail Reserve, Hawthorn Freeway National significance I Greenacres Golf Course, Kew25 East : Back Creek – Riversdale Rd to Cornell St q St James Park, Hawthorn Roads J 24 26 ; r State significance Willsmere Park, Kew East Back Creek – Toorak Rd to Denman Av, Camberwell John Gardiner Reserve, Hawthorn East FreewayBiogeographic zones K Chandler Park,25 Kew < Rail Reserve – Burwood Station to Alamein Station s Cato Park, Hawthorn East Regional significance L Yarra Bend Park, Kew = Outer Circle Railway Corridor t Canterbury Gardens’ River Red Gum, Canterbury Yarra Floodplain 24 Biogeographic zones M River Retreat Reserve, Kew a Outer Circle Linear Park at Asquith Street, Kew u John August Reserve, Balwyn Local significance Gardiners Creek Floodplain Key to significant sites T GardinersN VictoriaCreek Corridor Bridge Escarpment, Kew & Hawthorn hbKewStradbroke Residential Park, Services Kew East Redevelopment v Beckett Park, Balwyn Yarra Floodplain Sites with significant trees U BurkeO RoadPridmore South Reserve, Park Riverbank, Glen Iris Hawthorn icWillsmereKew High Estate, School KewWoodland w Maranoa Gardens, Balwyn Grassy Undulations P d x Gardiners Creek Floodplain Key to significantB Winfield sites Road Reserve, Balwyn NorthT Gardiners CreekV Nettleton Corridor ParkYarra Reserve, Bank Reserve, Glen Iris Hawthorn h Kew Residentialj ServicesRiverHays Red Paddock, Redevelopment Gum at Kew 83 Walpole East St, Kew Belmont Park, Canterbury C Koonung Creek Reserve, Balwyn North W Eric RavenQ Riverbank, Reserve, Glen Fairview Iris Park Area, Hawthorn keRiverKilby Red Park Gum Stud, at 10-12Kew East Gellibrand St, Kew y Deepdene Park’s River Red Gums, Balwyn Yarra Bend Park * As identified in the Inventory andU Burke Road South Reserve, Glen Iris i Willsmere Estate, Kew Grassy Undulations B Winfield RoadD Koonung Reserve, Assessment Creek Balwyn East Northof indigenousof Bulleen Rd, Flora BalwynV Nettleton North ParkX Reserve,DorothyR Laver GlenScotch Iris Reserve, College, Glen Hawthorn Iris j River Red Gumlf at Xavier83Victoria Walpole College, Park, St, Kew KewKew (72 River Red Gums some centuries old) z Bundy Tree on Belmore Rd, Balwyn North Upper Valleys E and Fauna of Boroondara (2006) Y S Yarra River, Hawthorn and Kew mg Boroondara General Cemetery, Kew 4 Leigh Park, Balwyn North (no sig rating) Yarra Bend Park C Koonung CreekFreeway Reserve, Golf Balwyn Course, North Balwyn North &W BulleenEric Raven Reserve,Ryburne Glen Avenue Iris Reserve & Neighbouring Treek River Red Gum at Kellett10-12 Gellibrand Reserve, KewSt, Kew D KoonungF CreekYarra East Flats, of Bulleen Balwyn Rd, North Balwyn North X Dorothy LaverZ Reserve,Clifford CloseGlen Iris Reserve, Ashburton l Xavier College,n KewHilda Crescent, Hawthorn Upper ValleysSignificant sites* E Freeway GGolf BurkeCourse, Road Balwyn Billabong, North &Kew Bulleen East Y Ryburne Avenue8 Markham Reserve &Reserve, Neighbouring Ashburton Tree m Kellett Reserve,o KewGrace Park’s Yellow Gums, Hawthorn F Yarra Flats,H BalwynKew Golf North Club Z Clifford Close9 Reserve,South Surrey Ashburton Park, Surrey Hills n Hilda Crescent,p HawthornLennox St Rail Reserve, Hawthorn SignificantNational sites* significance G Burke RoadI Billabong, Greenacres Kew Golf East Course, Kew East 8 Markham Reserve,: Back Ashburton Creek – Riversdale Rd to Cornell St o Grace Park’s qYellowSt JamesGums, HawthornPark, Hawthorn H Kew GolfJ Club 9 South Surrey; Park, Surrey Hills p Lennox St Railr Reserve, Hawthorn State significance Willsmere Park, Kew East Back Creek – Toorak Rd to Denman Av, Camberwell John Gardiner Reserve, Hawthorn East National significance I GreenacresK GolfChandler Course, Park, Kew Kew East : Back Creek< – RiversdaleRail Reserve Rd to – CornellBurwood St Station to Alamein Stationq St James Park,s HawthornCato Park, Hawthorn East J ; r State significanceRegional significance WillsmereL Park,Yarra Kew Bend East Park, Kew Back Creek= – ToorakOuter RdCircle to Denman Railway Av, Corridor Camberwell John Gardinert Reserve,Canterbury Hawthorn Gardens’ East River Red Gum, Canterbury K ChandlerM Park,River Kew Retreat Reserve, Kew < Rail Reservea – BurwoodOuter Circle Station Linear to Alamein Park at StationAsquith Street, Kews Cato Park, Hawthornu John East August Reserve, Balwyn RegionalLocal significance significance L Yarra BendN Park,Victoria Kew Bridge Escarpment, Kew & Hawthorn= Outer Circleb RailwayStradbroke Corridor Park, Kew East t Canterbury Gardens’v Beckett River Park, Red Gum, Balwyn Canterbury M a u River RetreatO PridmoreReserve, KewPark Riverbank, Hawthorn Outer Circlec LinearKew Park High at School Asquith Woodland Street, Kew John August Reserve,w Maranoa Balwyn Gardens, Balwyn Local significanceSites with significant trees N b v Victoria BridgeP Yarra Escarpment, Bank Reserve, Kew & Hawthorn Hawthorn Stradbroked Park,Hays Kew Paddock, East Kew East Beckett Park,x BalwynBelmont
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