This is the accounting office where books for Sigma This room has a luscious pink carpet but is Kappa and the auditing for the college chapters is tively unfurnished at this time. It will probably handled. used as additional sleeping space when needed. Sigma Yappa ~ Centra/ 0/fice (}rowd ol!arger and more &aut;/ul Anyone who hasn't seen Sigma Kappa's Cen­ street. Indianapolis also provides national head­ tral Office within the past few months is in for quarters for Alpha Omicron Pi, Delta Upsilon, a surprise. Sigma Alpha Mu, and several professional fra­ Anyone who has never seen it is in for a ternities: Alpha Kappa Psi (business), Phi treat. Epsilon Kappa (physical education), Alpha Chi Central Office has had a much-needed facelift­ Sigma (chemistry), and Phi Delta Chi (phar­ ing, its first since its purchase fourteen years macy). ago. During the past 14 years, Central Office had When Sigma Kappa moved its national head­ undergone only necessary maintenance. For the quarters to 3433 Washington Blvd. in June, most part, the English-style stucco, brick, and 1?56, it moved into a largely residential district. half-timber building had remained as it was Smce then, several other national sororities and when it was first purchased. fraternities have located their permanent head­ Fourteen years ago, Central Office provided ~uarters in the surrounding area, as have several ample space for all aspects of the sorority's busi­ msurance companies. ness. However, as Sigma Kappa has grown and Lambda Chi Alpha (with Sigma Kappa, the expanded, so did the paperwork and supplies. first ones in this area) and Alpha Gamma Delta When these began to overflow the basement area are across the street; Alpha Chi Omega and where they were stored, assembled, and shipped, Alpha Xi Delta are next to us ; and Tau Kappa and when the main floor office area also became Epsilon and Delta Tau Delta are just up the cramped for space, it became apparent that the SUMMER 1970 building was overdue not only ~or some re­ To the right of the front entry hall is the modeling, but also for some expansw~. office of the staff member who types correspon­ Thus, in February, 1969, the proJect began. dence for the secretary-treasurer. Again, there is For 11 months, until January 1970, the Ce~tral the rich red carpet, and off-white walls and Office staff worked under what were at ttmes white drapes. The office is furnished. with the chaotic conditions. You've heard of organized secretary's desk, a brown and gray stnped sofa, confusion? The staff became quite adept at two occasional chairs, an end table, and a lamp. dodging workmen and their materials,. and try­ The secretary-treasurer's office is just beyond. ing to think and be heard above poundmg ham­ In this room the carpet is gray. The gold and mers and buzzing and whining power tools. white patterned walls, the "quince" (pale yel­ The finished product, however, makes it all low) curtains, and the orange, gold, and brown more than worth while. sofa complement each other tastefully. Besides the main desk and working area, there are a Add Two Rooms for Service glass-enclosed display cabinet, two yellow chairs, a white marble end table and lamp, and a gold­ Besides remodeling the first and second floors, framed mirror. Pictures on the wall behind the two rooms were added on the main floor-one secretary-treasurer's desk further emphasize the for membership files, and one for assembling soft color scheme. Beyond the secretary-treas­ and shipping. All the walls are now covered urer's office is the accounting office area. This is with attractive-looking vinyl, much more prac­ where the books for more than half our college tical and durable than ordinary wallpaper. Ceil­ chapters are audited, and where much of the ings were lowered throughout the main floor. financial business of the sorority is handled. An These not only are equipped with improved olive green carpet flecked with brown and gold, lighting fixtures, but they're soundproofed with off-white walls an three sides and a flowered acoustical tile. Carpeting on all the main floors gray and green pattern on the other, and metal also helps to reduce noise. This, along with soft desks and files sprayed a soft green lend them­ music coming over the intercom system, provides selves to an overall pleasant atmosphere. a very pleasant working atmosphere. The entry hall is carpeted in a rich red, which Every Sigma Has a Card is strikingly emphasized by the white walls and To the right of the auditing office is one of ceiling. To the right of the front entrance are the new rooms (formerly a porch), the room in two chairs and an end table. Attractive pictures which membership files are kept on each are tastefully placed on the walls. To the right every Sigma Kappa since 1874. This room of the side entrance there is a large copper and also where the countless address changes brass coat of arms on the wall. Under this is a handled, and where the sorority's mailing list table topped with inlaid marble, on which is a kept as up-to-date as possible. The same green maroon suede guestbook with the coat of arms carpet extends into this room, and the walls are on the cover. This was given by Alice Hersey the same off-white on three sides, with the Wick when Central Office first moved to Wash­ fourth side being striped with soft beige, green, ington blvd. L. G. Balfour gave the Sigma and gray. The desks and files in this room are Kappa knocker on the front door then, also. sprayed the same shade of light green, to those in the adjoining office. Archives Room for History On the other side of the auditing office, across To the left of the front entry hall is the the back hall, is the life membership and Cen· archives room, in which Sigma Kappa's history tennial Fund records room, where files are and heritage are preserved. The carpet is red, of all Sigma Kappa life members, of those the walls are a light gray, and the drapes are have made partial payments, and where m~~mt>er· white. In the middle of the room is a large table. ship card equipment is placed. A green and On the table is a specially-made triangular dis­ color scheme predominates in this room. play case, in which are preserved old pictures carpet combines both colors, as does one and documents. There are comfortable chairs which is blue, green, and gray striped. The with white leather cushions and backs along the walls and the drapes are a grayish green. walls, and the lower right wall is lined with room the files are sprayed a soft but bookshelves which contain many other records blue. of the sorority, including all TRIANGLES from The back hall, which has a tile floor and the first edition in January, 1907. On the walls white walls, leads to the other room which are displayed pictures of the past national presi­ added. This room has a gray tile floor . dents of Sigma Kappa. yellow walls. There is a delivery entrance wttb SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE The membership files are in this office, and the The life membership records and equipment for changes in them are handled by the employees based making the membership certificates is housed in here. this area, as well as the Centennial Fund files. In the large new room added to the back of the the second floor is a kitchenette for employees. building, the general correspondence files are kept This was formerly a bathroom. and all mailings are prepared. The upstairs lounge for employees opens The bedroom is used by national officers who may off the kitchenette. be visiting or by traveling secretaries who often work in Central Office for periods of time. a large overhead door for large materials. There Next to the employees' lounge is a spacious is also a dumbwaiter to facilitate bringing sup­ room which the Central Office staff refers to as plies up from the basement. the "pink room," since the walls and drapes are Supplies are still stored in the basement, and a soft pink, and there is a thick, richer pink multilithing is done there, but with the addi­ carpet on the floor . A pair of silver candlesticks tion of the back room, there is now ample work­ and a silver tray decorate the white mantel. ing and storage space in both areas. In this Since the fireplace is not presently being used, its room, materials which are to be sent to college opening is covered with a lavender and maroon and alumnre chapters are assembled and shipped. wooden replica of Sigma Kappa's banner. When The room includes a stencil machine, a postage Council decides what use they wish to put this machine, a photocopy machine, sealing and col­ room to, it will be further furnished. lating equipment, and several other pieces of To the left of the "pink room" is a guest office machinery. Correspondence files are also room for the use of visiting national officers. kept here. The walls and drapes are pink, and the carpeting Central Office's second floor had never been is gray. The room is furnished with twin beds, redecorated, but looks quite elegant now. To the an end table, an easy chair, a chest of drawers, left of the side entrance is the white stair rail and a desk.
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