PAGE 12 DETROIT EVEN'INC, TIMES (THOSE CHERRY rhursday, November 2rt, IM2 Heitor llurrv. Dairy Penalized •/ s *IVA Complete Radio Programs for 1 oday Furniture Club Two Days Left to Win 'Plane-o-Graph', So Get •uuoat Klloeyrlaa Thi* program has been wjn 7*o FTMBOLI FRIDAY AFTERNOOX WWJ *BO given The Detroit Tune* b> of Busy and fend in Your Letter CKLW the stations herein luted. Baukhag* Talking. *OO NOON 22,000 For Violation r>—Drama 12:00 WXYZ— WWJ—Guiding Light-ft Raises wear vvtT R SI 11*0 M—Muateal Ts the pre*ent*flone a* i ,9’JR—Kate Smith Fpcaks. N*ws and mu*ic. CKLW—QuI-t Sanctuary. WXY'/ 1370 K—Religion*. scheduled are not on the WWJ Music. WEXlyNewscast W'CAR—Son* Rental. WJI.R 1400 T Talk air the fault lie* with the KLW- BBC Neus. WJBK—Polish ladles' hr.-V WXYZ- Ntwi A.c V—Variety, WKXI. 1340 elation* and not The W'CA R— News. 1 :18 t. 91. WJLB—KoIk tnniii W/BK 1490 Detroit T mes. Ace "EXL—Parade i f Band* Rationing l*VXYZ—New* Wiß—Mv Perkin* D. Sugar W JLB—Tropical 1 M Buy Mood* WWJ Navy. It P. To Man the Bomber :WEXL Hawaiian mel"dtea CKLW— H ippy Gang V. WJR—Pepper Young D. VVJHK—Name That S^ng. VVXYZ—Edw. WWJ Betty CnK'kcr T <jow p THURSDAY AFTERNOON j MacHugh-M. In !tt fr«t rrack- n on 12:18 P. M. WEXL- organ Hymns. i Kl W- Rhythm Preparing for its 'Buy a the OP VV'JR—Big Sister D. WP Alt-- Pont tar S<hoU. Michigan manufacturer. A 1:341 P. 91. W’XYTSp—Eari Bomber" 1 .«« r. ; p. melody, VVVV'J —Store news Tanner-M war bend campaign, the today revoked the t uht of M. so m. WJBK—New*: rhythm* WJR—Vic and Sade b. WJLB—Hilltop WJR—Wa love and learn. | ’KLW—Dance WWJ —gi phlsticat*-M. harmony. WJK—l.if* B»«uUful-D. 4:19 P. M. W'CaK—Luncheon Club-M. Furniture flub of Detroit an- Librrtv Dairy (.'nmptny. WWI S«inn lt-M. WWJ—Guiding Light -I>. WWJ -nteiia Pallas TV VVCAR—Ssmphony Melody. I i.o f W guiet | Grandy a\enut to tv < vr r id- j OK LW’—National CKLW eanctuary, 4JKLW—News, matinee. VVXYZ Vicki Vickee-M WXYZ—New* A« r W.JR —David Harum-D. nounces today subscriptions al- WEAR bong Recital. W< WJLB Victory Volunteer*, WJLH—lnterratioral WWJ- Mary Marlin D augar in it WCAII-Nfwi. Matin** M, 'AR Mui music the niamf.n *i:t • c : WJIJI—FoIk Song* WJLB—Uncle Nick * Hour WEXL—Walts Time-il. WEXL— Music CKLW—New* Ace ready have totaled $122,000 WXVZ Baukhag* talkins WJBK—Music. cream. VVJ t.H—Proof of Pu<l<lin|. WEXL- Parade of Banda. VVKXL—HeIp Wantcd-D. t 48 P 91 WXYZ- Makebelleve ball The drive P. 9|. < WOAR-Nrvn Ace will formally begin W Nrwaraat 7:48 r. 94. P. \|. 12:30 WJR—Thr The action wm the fir*t of i KXl.—¦ WJR l'*].|i<r 4:80 Morgan N>w»; December 7, James Stein, WJBK —P' liah Ladira' Mr, Young-D. WWJ—Lorenzo Jones O. V.TR—Helen Trent-D. WWJ Brktty-T. WJLB IntrrOiPilf' L chair- -atior. l,: hymn*. VV VV - kind for violation o' WWJ—Churi'h Cungit J News CKLW- Thi-y Tell Me P man. said, continue 1:18 V. M. CKLW Rhythm CKLW Kht.moa New* v ' and until Michigan according ma'inee. WCAR—Charlie Cook M CKLW- Ace v To be anni'iiro ed 31:1A P. M. v regulations in pateP Carter program. birthday, February twin Mi P*rkm* O Wt'aK Front progtam. WXYZ— Monk* T. WEXL—Musical VV.IR—-Editor’* ;Lincoln 12. P«'.;l ,1. a !- WJLB—HiHtnp harmony. VVKXL—Musical rtanuhter. to M. O I/'afy. ;nit> WW.I Man ft* Navy N LB Luni tie' nmu l< 'MI M WWJ—Ma Pl< dge- o! $500,001) t 8:0«l I*. M, 4 19 i WF’.XI,— Muejeai | P Perkina-D. are nought m:r cha r r( laijoninc. CKI W Harm Uarik V. M PKLW- Rhythm matlnrr istrator in ce D, WWJ—Wuider Brown-D. ' WJR—Doctor Malone-D from mcmlx rs and their WXV7 Nfwi Arr WTR—David Hamm WJBK—LutPcheon melod WWJ- I.ght nf World-D. WCAR— Mich. Roilndup-V’ custom- Hr accused The company of nr hurm WWJ— Mary Marlin-L>. WCAR—Victory t'aml. WEXI. Ortan i • M F m CKI.W New*. WEXL—Hitter Buatntaa. ers. t'KI.W New* Are. WXYZ—News Ace. * l .(lur - illegal transfer of J.C*'* |>otinri< of I Ml P M VYJT. c4al Bunday D. Wt • H Vrr* »• M V4‘'AH—New* Arr. im< r m S VI yjgjtf - WJR Vic P I WWJ Commentary. VVXYZ—Vincent Dr" M WJR -In Hnrmony-D «n<l Sari* WXYZ Makebelieve 1,«l! VV VVJ—VV'hi-n (Jtrl Marne* 48 WWJ Sophtainr ata-M W.11.8 New*. CKLW—Muncale. VV 11.8 r, older 91. Indie* WWJ Pepper Yoting-D Lost on Two Ships A. D Kuegsegg* • chit f enforce, Intermerro. CKLW—N«w* Ace. ' v i ; WC Alt Svmphon> m*lo«1v. WEXL— Newaraal. vn R Hen im bat WEXL*—Nrwsca*!. WJLB Milady’* Matinee VVCa R—New s. tie announced. VV; AN EAST COAST attorney t r Michigan, v WXYZ-- r*nn v* Cornell. New*; Melody, WXYZ—To JH K Music WEXL Music L'. t Lot < PORT. Nov. mant VVJHK WXYZ- fait*pot Quis. WJ LB—Treasury parartt :< WJLH—lnternat'l 8:18 7 18 T 9f t:4t P. 20 the oi mum*. P. V*. VVJ LB New n WJBK Mountain Pete M. M. I INS i Loss of 46 seamen WtXLr- Nfw* of nav>. WJR—Editor'* daughter, VVKXL—P.hyttim Rh*p*ody WJR—J..we J..ru-.n-n W IP. Muirtt* men ]£44. , »* Irom two The companv does an nnm.nl i-¦ r. Lonely WJ—Happin. right-D. Cnited Nations 1:18 I*. M. WWJ- Ma I’erklna-D WJBK News Ace m WW J Women-D. W mer- dal*v business of apj v^natrly CKI.W Rh.thm matine* CKI.W Detroit Turn* CKLW Mciodv Time • imi P. K| chant '•hips sunk in the OoMhery* * Atlantic WJR —Tli* 0 W'i'aß—Mich. roundup-V. 8:18 P. M. Feature Highliiut WCAR—B. American Wav w iR —New* WWJ Morcan Bent's T WWJ TuitU. Faces was disclosed toda\ hy $369 000. UI Xl,—Mutual frtogram. Ufs. 1 00 I- VI WXYZ TTi'tween B-'kcnd* WWJ Rackatage wife D survivor* CKT.W Ttii v T. I) CKLW Turf Club-T. Rhythm Testimony <*'toher 11 It Mr 8 ;Hl* P. M. WJR—Life Betiuttful-D. WEXL—Me ,dy in we a R—New*. VVKXL Muniral poyiani. W'IR —ln Harm-aij D. WOAI M j WJHK Xcsv* melody mat SVXTZ- emTi sTfD7h>r TT said Bruno C. Nam, manager of IYTT7 r.h> !hm HRevTcw ' H f \i. WWJ—Pepper Young-P, CKLW—National New* 7 3d I*. 91 WJLB New* W > Maline* W.ll.B—This Is Ft. Wayne tram Up On the Liberty Dairy, had transferred W R Or. St a JLB Milady WCAR -New*. Maunci M. WJR—Wr I vc and W> XL Neua*t Wake Time! \hob a r I Yount Inn* VVKXL—I Love a Parade. WJBK Me dv mitin*r. uithoJt a ra'ion certificate. «KXt VVVV .1 L.ight Of World-P. 3 48 I*. M. 9.30 I*. M. With sugar to CKLW Srwr WWJ—Just P>aln BUI-D. Our Automatic poiihus of Michael We A R— New* WJR New* WWJ Happin*** Rig>o CKLW Supcrman-D Ablams. head of Lhe Ciown icc WJT.B On|(l*ri mfort *». P. V'ii torv VVKXL—Miair p'"gram. VVC.AIi ''USlriess Pilot and Pupil Land, Given for Men W’KXl,— Dance C’ompam. N*war nt VVXYZ—Da> In review. Crflßm ’JI. B ; ftf WJRK Tr*a»ury 4:00 P. M. Philco RADIO CLOCK Ruegsegger that ii„ Parari*. W I R— Thankigivlng WJLH -Gems of Tiel"d> said Abtams’ 1:18 P. M. Canteen. WEXI, liesign for Dance company rrarv.d j mmi a frozen WJR Joyr* J rflan-P WWJ Backstage Wife P WJBK—Sfuc, of Llfe-V. Unhurt, Wayne Airport WWJ Lonely women-P in Palmer Pk. At product distributed b\ Nnru's or- >1 CKLW —Walter Compton-T 8:49 P. 91. JOHN TTON I’RKSTON FOSTER CKLW—In hla. k A whit* W'CAR—News. VV Wt h root Pag* Farrell. A student pilot .nnd hi* n- Nearly 1.600 person* attended ganization. WCAR—B Ameriran w«< WXYZ- Club matlnee-V CKI.W Co:.,* Kl.uml.M nir P<' it tnr in- t :irt> >mi \»ant tr> get up. W* Xt, -Melofly i n Rhythm WJLB—New* muate, VVevP. structop lie t' . and Music were held t’.tiatat<*< *.i\* «rrur*t* aervlna The Liberty Dairy manufacture* . a aernr from "Thunder Birds ’ at the Fox . m*lorty. unmjurctl todav Thnnksgiving Eve dance WJHK -Naw*. WEXL—Newra*t. mime. WXYZ—Capt. Mtdntght-D You v i >f nf ;<• ’ e'-ej with mind not bv - « other affected after they made a forced landinu it th<' Wayne County Airport for i’ reet It a i OP* KATE ANV the ruling l (Enrollment Blank on Bane .1.1) the war your knowledge will keep men stationed their lUIMII•< im • ('i "ti • fn s >r 'e radtn on the Palmer Park ynlf course.
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