Saint Mother Teresa Parish St. James Church Rectory 496 Terrace Boulevard • Depew, New York 14043 Telephone: 7166832746 • Fax: 7166833121 • Email: [email protected] Faith Formation: 7166832746 • Cemetery: 716-683-5031 • Convent: 55 Westfield Ave. 716-685-1114 Our Vision Statement Website “to be a blessing to one another.” www.BMTDepew.org Pope John Paul II Our Mission Statement Masses at Our goal is to bring people St. James Church together to Christ with the help of our patron saint, Saint Mother Teresa. Saturday Our current mission is to 4:00 p.m. give life to our new parish. Our strategy is to help all parishioners, especially our Sunday younger members, to discover 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. their own personal calling and to share their talents and graces by becoming Holydays socially connected and 12:10 p.m. a blessing to one another. Contacts: New Parishioners Pastor: Rev. David Richards, 6836522 You are more than welcome in our Parochial Vicar: Rev. Aaron Kulczyk Catholic Community. Please call the rectory to register. Seminarian: John Callahan Deacon: John Hendricks Trustees: Robert Ruhland and Kenneth Eschberger Baptisms Please call the rectory to schedule a Business Office: Janet Corda, Ext. 200 PreBaptismal class. Ceremony at your Parish Secretary: Sandra King, Ext. 201 pleasure, during or after Mass. Faith Formation Office : Debbie Pirog, CRE, Ext. 208 Marriages Faith Formation Secretary: Jessica Damian, Ext. 207 Please consult with the pastor at least six Building & Grounds: Dale Earsing, Ext. 210 months before anticipated date. Music Director: Susan Loniewski, Organist Contemporary Music Ensemble Director: Barbara Struebel Confessions Caring and Sharing Ministry: Janet Corda ext. 200 By appointment only. Prayer Shawl Ministry: Beth Bauer, 6815844 Cemeterian: Deacon John Hendricks, 6835031. Rectory Office Hours Letters of Recommendation MondayWednesdayFriday: 9:00 AMN2:00 PM Issued to registered parishioners who TuesdayThursday: 10:00 AMN2:00 PM support their church and have received If the rectory is closed, please leave a message. It will be answered in a timely manner. the Sacrament of Confirmation and are Thank You for your kind understanding. in a valid marriage if married. Page 2 St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish Mass Intentions for the Week Sunday, August 8, 2021NNineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 AM Laurie Richeal req. by Jim Donacik 11:00 AM Daniel and Gloria Saskowski req. by Saskowski family Monday, August 9, 2021NWeekday 7:00 AM NO Communion/Prayer Service 8:30 AM NO MASS Tuesday, August 10, 2021NSaint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr 7:00 AM NO Communion/Prayer Service 8:30 AM NO MASS Wednesday, August 11, 2021NSaint Clare, Virgin 7:00 AM NO Communion/Prayer Service 8:30 AM NO MASS Thursday, August 12, 2021 NWeekday 7:00 AM NO Communion/Prayer Service 8:30 AM NO MASS Friday, August 13, 2021NThe Transfiguration of the Lord 7:00 AM NO Communion/Prayer Service 8:30 AM NO MASS Saturday, August 14, 2021NSaint Maximillian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr 4:00 PM Sandra Pelino req. by husband, Tony and family Sunday, August 15, 2021NThe Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:30 AM Ted and Rita Janiszewski req. by Janiszewski family 11:00 AM Elaine Domino req. by husband, Art and family “OUR WEEKLY GIFT TO GOD AND PARISH” Second Collection COLLECTION FOR JULY 31/AUGUST 1 This weekend, our parish will take up a special collection for the Retired Diocesan Priests’ Medical Benefits. Your Weekly $ 5,350.00 generous donation will be greatly appreciated! Loose $ 479.47 Upon This Rock We are happy to announce that because of your Youth $ 3.00 faithfulness we have received a check in the amount of $8,847.81 from the Upon This Rock Foundation. Thank Building & Grounds $ 546.00 you for your continued payments for your pledge. This helps our parish greatly. “MANY THANKS FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION” OLP Parish Pop Up Market... Every Monday through August 30 from 4:307:30 PM in the church parking lot, 129 Laverack Ave., Lancaster. Each week featuring different food trucks, vendors and entertainment for people of any age. All are welcome! Benefit Club Raffle Winner/Week #14 Congratulations to Eileen Dawson, ticket #279, winner of $35.00 for the fourteenth week of the Benefit Club drawing. Bulletin Insert Tickets are still available for purchase by calling Doreen Please be sure to read a letter from Seminarian John Morabito (6846025) or Sandy King at the parish rectory. Callhahan regarding his time spent here at Saint Mother Teresa Parish along with his email to correspond with him while he is at the seminary in Baltimore. August 8, 2021 13Session “Griefsharing” Support Group Our Lady of Pompeii Catholic Church! If you’ve experienced the death of a loved one, or know someone who has, please consider joining us on October 20, 2021 at 6:30 PM in our Ministry Center, 129 Center, 129 Laverack Ave., Lancaster, NY. A different DVD will be shown on two Wednesdays of each month on how to cope with Grief and Loss. Coffee, sweets and an informal discussion will Paul tells us what we must do: “Get rid of all bitterness, all follow! COME JOIN US FOR THE FIRST SESSION! passion and anger, harsh words, slander, and malice of every Www.olpparish.com or call Sister Joyce to register!! 683 kind.” What are the prejudices and hurts that you cling to? Who have you been unable to forgive? Do you put down others or 6522 ext. 103 spread tales about them? Do you feel your words are justified Anniversary Mass because, after all, they are “bad” people? What do you need to The Diocese of Buffalo and the Office change in your attitudes and behaviors? of Pastoral Ministries wishes to honor couples who will observe their 50th, In today’s gospel, Jesus says “I am the living bread come 60th and 70th wedding anniversaries down from heaven. Whoever eat this bread will live forever.” and recognize the beauty of their What a great promise! There is a great true story of a miracle faithfulness, sacrifice, challenges and involving the Eucharist. It is called the Miracle of Lanciano. comforts in daily married life. Couples who are celebrating There was a Franciscan priest in the year 700, who doubted this special anniversary are invited to a special Mass at St. the real presence in the Eucharist and he prayed to God for Joseph’s Cathedral on Sunday, October 24th at 10:30 AM. faith. The Eucharist changed into globules of flesh and blood. During the Mass couples will renew their marriage vows. Since that time, doctors have studied this miracle. The Following Mass, photos will be taken in the Lady Chapel, amazing thing besides the miracle itself, was that no matter located to the left of the main altar. If you would like to how they weighed the globules, whether it was one of the five attend, please call Sandy or Jan at the parish rectory by globules, or any combination, including all of them Friday, October 1st to register. combined, they always weighed the same. I believe this A Note of Thanks happened to show the oneness of the body of Christ. We all Our parishes wishes to extend a sincere THANK YOU to eat of the one bread we are called to be one. We share in each the Officers and members of the Ladies Sodality that other’s sufferings and joys. In fact, St. Thomas Aquinas said dedicated their time and talent in preparing a beautiful that in heaven the joy of one person would increase in reception for Seminarian John Callahan. Please know how proportion to the joy of the whole because each person will grateful we are to have all of you! A job well done. love the other as themselves. This means that if someone receives a higher level of glory in heaven, we won’t struggle Question: with envy because we will be as happy for that person as if it What is a transitional deacon? were ourselves! In Dante’s Paradisio, Dante says that in Answer: heaven souls will have vessels a certain size at first, but then There are two types of deacons in the church. Both are they will continually open more and more to god’s love for members of the clergy. Both have the same liturgical role. all eternity, so no matter what level were at, we will be Both have the service of the community as their primary work. continually growing in joy and love. Of course, we don’t One is called a permanent deacon, usually a married man have to accept Dante’s theory but an incident that my sister ordained as a deacon with no intention of becoming a priest. read about in a village in Medjugorje, seemed to confirm his They preach, baptize, witness marriages, conduct funeral perspective. She said a woman in the village had a vision of services, and look after the needs of the poor. They also visit the sick and take Communion to them, although they cannot her dead mother and saw that she was beautiful and happy. celebrate the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. They Then, five years later, she again saw her mother, but this time might also assist the pastor in his administrative duties. she was even more beautiful and even happier! She had Permanent deacons are usually well known and respected in grown in God’s love. What does all of this mean for us? their communities and have roots there. Well, I believe it means that the more we love and are one A transitional deacon is one who functions as a deacon for a with the body of Christ, the more we will be happy and period of time prior to ordination as a priest.
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