REVIEW Small-angle scattering for structural biology—Expanding the frontier while avoiding the pitfalls David A. Jacques and Jill Trewhella* School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences, The University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia Received 23 December 2009; Revised 17 January 2010; Accepted 19 January 2010 DOI: 10.1002/pro.351 Published online 21 January 2010 proteinscience.org Abstract: The last decade has seen a dramatic increase in the use of small-angle scattering for the study of biological macromolecules in solution. The drive for more complete structural characterization of proteins and their interactions, coupled with the increasing availability of instrumentation and easy-to-use software for data analysis and interpretation, is expanding the utility of the technique beyond the domain of the biophysicist and into the realm of the protein scientist. However, the absence of publication standards and the ease with which 3D models can be calculated against the inherently 1D scattering data means that an understanding of sample quality, data quality, and modeling assumptions is essential to have confidence in the results. This review is intended to provide a road map through the small-angle scattering experiment, while also providing a set of guidelines for the critical evaluation of scattering data. Examples of current best practice are given that also demonstrate the power of the technique to advance our understanding of protein structure and function. Keywords: Small-angle scattering; neutron scattering; X-ray scattering; protein structure; protein complexes; structural modeling; SAXS; SANS; contrast variation Introduction information has been understood for over 80 years.1 The small-angle scattering of X-rays from macromo- The earliest biological small-angle X-ray scattering lecules in solution and its relationship to basic shape experiments, performed in the 1950s, necessarily used easily purified proteins such as hemoglobin and ovalbumin. Although data interpretation at that Abbreviations BME, b-mercaptoethanol; CD, circular dichroism time was restricted to relatively simple parameters, spectropolarimetry; Dmax, maximum linear dimension; DTT, dithi- othreitol; EM, electron microscopy; HSQC, heteronuclear single such as radius of gyration, it was believed even then quantum coherence; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; Rg, ra- that the most important application of small-angle dius of gyration; SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacryl- scattering would be to the study of biological macro- amide gel electrophoresis; TCEP, tris(carboxyethyl) phosphine. molecules.2 In the 1970s and 1980s, the molecular *Correspondence to: Jill Trewhella, Building G08, Butlin Ave, biology revolution and advances in instrumentation University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. E-mail: jill. saw some growth in applications of the technique. A [email protected]. significant advance in this period was in the use of Grant sponsor: Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery small-angle neutron scattering with contrast varia- Project; Grant number: DP09984536; Grant sponsor: Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) tion to characterize the shapes and dispositions of Postgraduate Research Award. components within bimolecular complexes. Neutron 642 PROTEIN SCIENCE 2010 Published by Wiley-Blackwell. VC 2010 The Protein Society contrast variation revealed that DNA was wrapped scattering experimenter, so that they may avoid around the outside of nucleosome core particles pro- potential pitfalls as the biological applications con- viding an understanding of how DNA was packaged tinue to expand into new territory. in chromosomes3 22 years before the first high-reso- lution crystal structure of the nucleosome appeared.4 The Basics of Small-Angle Scattering Through the 1970s and 1980s, two groups, Engel- It is important for the small-angle scattering experi- man and Moore and coworkers, and May et al., used menter to have a basic understanding of the under- neutron contrast variation to systematically map the lying physics of the technique to avoid being misled. positions of protein and RNA subunits within the We therefore provide a short description of the ribosome leading to a comprehensive map of the 30S essential elements here. subunit5 and a partial map of the larger 50S subu- X-rays and neutrons have properties of plane nit.6 It would take another 8 years before the first waves, that is, amplitude and wavelength, and as high-resolution crystal structure of the large subunit they pass through matter, secondary wavelets are of the ribosome would appear.7 generated by interactions with individual atoms, With the sophistication and, at the time, unique and the resulting coherent scattering can construc- nature of these experiments, the main challenge lay tively or destructively interfere. The diffraction pat- in data interpretation, and experts in theoretical and terns from proteins in crystals that are exploited in computational methods were required for data analy- crystallography are the result of such interference, sis and modeling. These difficulties have largely been between wavelets scattered by atoms within protein overcome by the ready availability of powerful desk molecules that are regularly spaced in the crystal top computers and the development and continual lattice. Small-angle scattering arises from the coher- improvement of data interpretation and modeling ent secondary wavelets that are scattered by atoms tools; today the most widely used is the ATSAS suite within a single molecule, and as a result it is of programs from the Hamburg EMBL (European Mo- observed for molecules in crystals or in solution. lecular Biology Laboratory) group led by Svergun and Although small-angle solution scattering is often coworkers8 as it has been developed explicitly for described as a low-resolution technique (as it does structural biology applications and is readily down- not provide information on atomic coordinates), it is loaded from the web complete with user manuals. more appropriate to describe it as a technique capa- These developments have made small-angle scatter- ble of providing high-precision information with ing accessible to the broader structural biology com- respect to size and shape.9 It is the rotational aver- munity. Consequently, the scope of questions that can aging of the molecules in solution that limits the in- now be answered by small-angle scattering is growing formation content of small-angle scattering more rapidly, and its potential application to biology has than the resolution limits of the experiment. Indeed, never been greater. although crystallographers refer to resolution in As yet, no community-accepted criteria or stand- terms of the highest angle data measured, as it is a ards have been agreed to for the publication of measure of the smallest distances between scatter- small-angle scattering data. In the case of crystallog- ing centers that can be resolved, the small-angle raphy and NMR, the pressure to develop such stand- scattering specialist will refer to the resolution lim- ards grew as the techniques became more widely its more often in terms of the smallest angles for used, and so the development of broadly accepted which data can be measured as it is this resolution standards must also evolve as the use of small-angle limit that determines the longest distances that can scattering continues to grow. As small-angle scatter- be characterized by the data. This effect is a direct ing yields data that are inherently one-dimensional, result of the reciprocal nature of the scattering data and the user invariably is looking to support a with respect to real space dimensions, and the condi- three-dimensional model, overinterpretation of the tion for the minimum angle required to characterize data will always be a risk if not given careful consid- a scattering particle with a given maximum dimen- eration. Importantly, the absence of quality control sion is given below. in sample characterization and data reduction can To interpret scattering data in terms of accurate mislead the experimenter. In this review, we structural parameters, the scattering signal must be describe the small-angle scattering experiment, its measured from a sample of monodisperse, identical range of application, and the necessary quality con- particles. Sample preparation is therefore a critically trol measures. A particular emphasis is given to the important step [Fig. 1(A)] and will be discussed importance of standards for demonstrating sample more completely later. quality, and the power of other biophysical and bio- Although there are several technical challenges chemical methods in providing constraints for mod- associated with the development of small-angle scat- eling that will reduce the likelihood of overinterpre- tering instrumentation, schematically the experi- tation of the scattering data. It is intended that this mental setup is relatively simple [Fig. 1(B)]. A review be a guide to the nonspecialist small-angle highly collimated X-ray or neutron beam is used to Jacques and Trewhella PROTEIN SCIENCE VOL 19:642—657 643 Figure 1. Roadmap through the small-angle scattering experiment. 644 PROTEINSCIENCE.ORG Small-Angle Scattering for Structural Biology illuminate the sample, usually a protein or macro- protein. The P(r) profile is sensitive to the symme- molecular complex in solution (typically >1mg try and domain structure within proteins and as mLÀ1 in 5–30 lL for X-ray
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