Indian Journal of Chemistry Sect

Indian Journal of Chemistry Sect

Indian Journal of Chemistry Sect. A: Inorganic, Bio-inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical VOLUME 42A NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2()03 CONTENTS Papers OD 1\1000ll1er 2 163 Forlllation of complex three-dimensional inorganic open-framework structures from secondary building units MI,O 1 D Ladder 3 D Channel Struclures AmJnc6/ I ~:~~ "N""'" C N R Rao 1 D Linear Chains ----... 3 D' 2D- 2175 The bioinorganic chemistry of copper Some results on synthetic mod eling of J sel ec ted nUlllber of copper proteins/enzymes are described. OH2 (histidine)N,,' /N (histidine) 9 (aspartate) /CU ......... N~ _ 'zn _ N (histidine) (histidine)N \ 0 l ___ R N I\lukhel'jee I.::::::::::J N (histidine) 2185 Synthesis, crystal structure and nuclease activity C9 of bis(dipy.-idoquinoxaline)copper(l) perchlorate Pattubala A N Reddy, Bidyut K Santra, Munirathinam Nethaji & Akhil R ChakraYaJ·ty* C2 2191 Elcctmnic interactions in meso ferrocenyl porphyrin and its metal de.-ivatives Sunriararaman Venkatraman, Viswanathan Prabhunlja, Rajneesh Mishra, Rajccv Kumar,Tavarekere K Chandrashekar"', Wcijie Teng & Karin Ruhlandt Senge 2 156 1267 Rcnctions of 1,3.5-benzcnetricarboxyli c acid with The change of th t: aux ili ~ lr y li gand (e) in Iil e l 'e ~ Il"li"n Z n(ll) ion in thc IlI"esence of added aminI's: between 1,3j-bt:nezenetricarboxyli c aciJ (13) ~1Il(J Isolation and struetul-e detennination of zinc di valent zin c (A) results in the is() lation o/" tilrel' di lll'l"cni coordination polymers with tctrahedral and types of ex tended so li ds with th e eompm,itiulls A 13('. ,\/i octa hedral zinc ccntres orBC. Oi vya Krishnamurthy & Ramaswamy MurugaveV' 1177 Studies on biodahedl-a l dirhcnium(lI) complex cations that contain nitrilc li gands including the structural chanlcterization of [RezeIJ(II-dppmh (CO)(eNXyl)(NCCsH 4N)]O"SCFJ David A Kort, N Oastagiri Reddy, Phillip E Fanwick & Richard A Walton* 11iU Synthes is, chaJ'actcl'ization, electroche-mistry Two novcl tetrGn li c lear rut hcniulll( II ) cO l11 pk,\es ha \'l' a nd photophysical studies of tetnlJluclear bcen syntilesised by the reaction o f two Ill'\\' 'Pdl'l'l", ruthenium(Il) complexes with two new spacers cOl ll ~ linin g four I.IO-phenanthro line uni ts as cll' nlll" 'ei'o containing fOUl- I, I O-phenanthroline u nits as and ('is- IRu(bPY)2e ll1 as bui lding block, Ek l lrt)chcl11il' ~d donol' and spectroscopi c studies show that th ere is wcak llI" no int erco ill ponent e lectroni c cO llllllun ication bet\\ een Ill l'I~i1 cent ers, Both th e complexes ex hibit strong 11IIIlil1c,l"l'l1n: at rool11 te l11perature: the ir el11 ission lill: timcs h ~I\"l' heCI1 dete rillined by laser fla sh photolysis t:xperiIllClll" Parimall'aul*, Bcena Tyagi & I' Nataraj"n* 12~ (l Synthesis and formation of dinuclem' mixed­ valent complexes of ruthcnium and osmium bddgcd by 2-(2-pydmidyl)bcnzil1lidazolatc i\lasa-aki lIaga *, i\·Jasahide Ishizuya, Tomokazu KaneslIgi, Tomona Yutaka, M = Ru and as Uaisuke Sakiyal1la, Joel-g Fces & Wolfgang Kaim 2 15 7 2300 Supramolecular encapsulation of anions in a copper(l) complex o Saravanabharathi & A G Samuelson* 2307 Effect of supramolecular aggregation on coonlination in cobalt(I1) complexes of 2-imidazolidone Larry R Falvello*, Eva M Miqueleiz & I\lilagros Tomas 2316 Binding of nitrate anion in a supramolecularly A mono-deri vati zed cryptand upon ac idifica ti on \\'itll constructed mact-ocycle dilute nitric ac id, afford s a supraillolec ularl y co nstr uL'll:d Illacrocyc le w hich acc ept s two nitrate ani ons in the cavity. Pritalll Mukhopadhyay, R J Butcher & Pat-imal K Bharadwaj* 2320 Rcgioselective fusion of aromatic di-amines to coordinated 2-(phenylazo)pyridine_ An approach Co" I Diamines Q N H to the synthesis of new ligands with large ~ N= N N denticity b, ,j ArCHO H N Kunal K Kamar, Pm-tim Majumdar, Alfonso Castiiieiras & Sreebrata Goswami':' 2327 New azoiminato complexes of bivalent platinum: Syntheses, chat-acterisation and structure Nilkamal Maiti & Surajit Chattopadhyay':' 215 8 2332 Dicationic dihydrogen complexes of iron with [1" II fi;;l almost 1110 Fe-llz-Hz back-bonding P" I 'Y)' ~-I HBF;Ei,D ( ; re::' BF, p' l "' moO, Ill, Ill, - J\CR - R=O I, lb + ( 11,0 1, 11> O'I.o1,G1, 3h O~;(}l 4b C. I ' ~ 5b 1>0~C'"I ~0~ 6h H V Nanishankar, Munirathinam Nethaji & Balaji R Jagirdar* 2339 Synthesis and characterization of Reacti on of Na2 PdCI4 with Me2NCH2CH,SH,HCI in 2-dimethylaminoethylthiolate complexes of methanol afford s a trimeri c co mplex [Pd CI palladium(II) and platinum(I1) (SCH 2CH 2NM e2)h Treatment of lM 2C1 , (M-Clh(PR,), [ (M = Pd or Pt ) with Me2NCH2C H2SHHCI ill Lh e presence of NaH CO, yie ld s compl exes of the type [MCI (SCH2CH 2NM e2)( PR, )l n (n = I or 2) Cl t4) /' \. CI2S) C1131 , \. I ' CI1S) C~~4) ~__ , C(12) _ I Ct23y' /t1261 \. CIl DI \. ,,/ \ " , ~: (27) 5 Ct11) / C( 22) , • .,...-- CI)7, CIlI / ; '" / ',,- C(16) ~ el)S) \ CI3) \ , ::-- , -: /'Pd ~ CI211 C(19) C12) \ N " CI C12C1 Sandip Dey, Vimal K Jain*, Axel Knoedler & r C( 4) Wolfgang KaiIn* 23-t4 Synthesis, characterization and structural studies of metal complexes based on dmit, dmt and tbs ligands. Crys tal structure of [PPNlIAu(dmithl.CH,CN Kochurani, K Kandasamy, H B Singh*' & Babu Varghese 2159 2352 Cobalt(Il) and cobalt(lII) complexes with Syn th esis. structure and ph ys ical propcrti es uf N-( aroy 1)-N' -(picoli ny lidene)h yd razines. Spin- mononuclear cobalt(ll)/(III) complexes con tain ing N-IO, crossover in the cobalt(Il) complexes coordination sph eres asse mbled via pyridine- imine ­ am ide donor tridentate liga nd s are desc ribed. Therma lly induced spin-crossover phenomenon is obse rved in the coba lt(lI) complexes. ~() / + ~ o ~ N ------~N?~V Suhramanya Gupta Sreerama, N ~ I 0 Dharavath Shyamraj, Satyanarayan Pal & U Co------ Samudranil Pal* 2359 Magnetic and spectroscopic studies of A so ft ferrom ag netic material hav ing th e nllliccular ferricenium tetrabromofeITate(lH), formul a. CIO H JtJ Fe, Br-l' ha s bee n characterized Iw [Fe(CsHs) 2l +[FeBr-I]'". a soft ferromagnet and its magneti c susce ptibility. EP R and M ciss hauer iodo analogue spectroscopies . The corresponding iodo de ri v'lli q: \\ a, ~ 100 " - ~ ...... ._... ,...... \ r . \ 99 .~ 98 .~ 97 J ....E 96 ~ '" 95 100.0 99.5 99.0 98.5 9 8 .0 97.5 97.0 K Padmakumar", T Pradeep, J Ensling, P Giitlich & P T Manoharan* - 6 - 4 -2 o 2 6 2371 Synthesis and structure of the macrocycle Sy nthes is and structure of th e novel m:lcrocyclic [(OCHlCEt2CHlO){P(N-t-BuhP}]Z compound [(OCH2CEt2C H20 ) { P(N-I-Buh P} J2 from th e reaction of the cyclodiphos pha za ne with HOCH2CEt2CH20H. is report ed. The interillecii'lt e (OCH2CEt2C H,O){ P(N -I-Bu)2PCI} 2 has bee n identi fied by NMR spec troscopy. Praveen Kommana, K V P Pavan Kumar & K C Kumara Swamy* 2 160 2376 Ligand driven assembly of II monoorganooxotin The reac lions of Il-BuSn(OH)2C1 w ilh ,'aI"l OU, cage from the reactions of organotin precursors phosph onale ligands affords th e letranuclea r Ot'ga nooxo­ with phosphonatc ligands lin cJge r ( Il - BlISn hO(Ol P ( O I - I )-I- BlI } ~ b ill g()od y i.: ld s, I-Bu I-Bu OH 1-10" I I/. A P I' A II -Bu 0/ X "0 11 -I3 L 11 0, B 0 --~\5"/ \ s,,1/- o J> Oi l ,/. ~ ------- 0.----- ~ " >/ I' ° ° P,_ 1-13u""""--- >< \ / I- i)" 1-1311_ / IX 1 ~/ - B li P 1 - 1-16B\ o~ _______ 0____ /o/B\)JJ O--Sn Sn--( ' 11 -I3U/\ \ 1\ ""'1I-1I11 ° ~ '-/ 0 ~p/ ""'- 1'0\ Vadapalli Chandrasekhar* & 11 0/ I 1"e)JJ Viswanathan Baskar f-l3u I-Btl 2382 Ab-illilio molecular orbital studies on the structural isomers of C,.silH~ r ~, /S,~ H ' C~ H EluvlIthingal D Jemmis*, Ralllalllllrthy Sanldha, AllIaran Saieswari & Elalllbalassery G Jayasrec 2392 Effect of cross-linking on catal)'tic performance The catalysls ( I ) ancl (2) have been (b,igllCLi b) of polystyrene supported platinum cal"bonyl anchoring Pl I5(CO),;02- onto th e ailline f'u nctionali Y I, clusters and 89'0 cross-linked polystyrine re sin, via anion exchan ge and th e effec t or cross- linking on their catalytic perforll1Jnces scru linized, C 1-1 ~ W El, ('J - (' H 2 \ - EI , ('I /7777h7777T//T/T/777/77/ /77 /,lA77/77777777'" Functionali zed 5,5% or 8% chiorolllclhyialed divinylbenzene cro ss- linked pol ystyn.:ne jN" I " "«0.,,, I ." C H1 WEI,1 IPI15(COhol" EI ,WCH, I-lillladri Paul, Sumit Bhaduri* & /77)/7777T/// ///7/7/////77~ ~/777T Goutam Kumar Lahiri* ( 2) 2 161 2398 Ruthenium-catalyzed .-ing-c1osing metathesis on Alkene-termin ated tethers have bee n a"embkd ~ l roul1d a alkene-tethered Fischer carbene complexes Fi scher carbene moiety by C-alkylati on of th e C(-c~: r h()11 or N-alkylati on of amin o carbene cO lllpl e xe~ by a )1 ha ,c­ transfer catalyzed procedu re. Small or mediulll-,izcd. pendant. fu sed or spirocycli c rin gs have th cn bccn forill ed. ~ NH 2 ------~ Ethe r, DOG Oebasis Hazra &. Amitabha Sarkar* 2-t06 Osmium mediated decarbonylation of aldehydes and ketones.

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