THE USE ÀI{D IIANAGE}IENT OF PESTICIDES BY FEDERAL DEPÀRT}IENTS À}¡D CROVNN CORPORÀTIONS IN MANITOBA By Michele E. Taylor A Practicum Submitted In Part.ial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree, Mast,er of Natural Resources Management Natural Resources Institute The University of Manitoba $ rtr $lÍnnipeg, Manitoba, Canada ¡ May, 1983,.' a3i: ¡¡¡1.!!iilÎiÀ' {. ¡ ¡¡ tt /,'\'i\ ABSTRA T The objective of this projest was to discover and catalogue information concerning the use of pesticides by the federal gÞvernment and Crown coryorations in l'lanitoba. The information gathered from a questionnaire included the types and amounts of pesticide products used, target pests and methods of application. Also collected was information on procedures for the storage' transportation and disposal of pesticides. The project also received opinions from federal users of pesticides on the effecÈiveness of labelling. Thirty-nine on-site interviews were conducted with representatives of feder- aI departments and Crown corporat.ions. In examining the actual use, storage and disposal of pesticides by the federal government it was discovered that there is a lack of: uniform procedures in purchasing pesticides. 2 uniform policies for storage and disposal of pesticides. 3 supplernental information to educate users in pesticide handling. 4 training for employees vùro apply pesticides. 5 assessment in justifying pestícide use. ll- ÀCKNOI{LEDGEMENTS I wish to thank the foltowing people, who served on my com¡nittee, for their advice and assistance: Mr. Hamish C.R. Gavin, Director, Environmental Protection Service, Ivlanitoba District, Environnent Canadat Pr. G.R. Barrie tr{ebster, Profes- sor, pesticide Research Laboratory, Department of Soil Science, Universitlz of Manitoba; and I{r. Carl B. Orcutt, Director, Environmental Control Services, Government of l4anitoba. In addition I would like to thank lvlrs. Linda Loev¡en, Weeds Supervisor, Int,erlake Vleed Control District, for her careful editing and thoughtful comments on d.raft nanuscripts. Final1y, I express gratitude to the Faculty and Staff of the Natural Re- sources Institute for their guidance during the last two years. l_ l_ l_ CONTENTS ABS9RACT 1I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .111 Chapter pa9e I. INTRODUCTION a .1 The RoLe of Environment Canada .1 The Regulation of Pesticides .3 Agriculture Canada .3 Environment Canada .3 Fisheries and oceans Canada .4 The Federal Interdepartmental Committee on Pesticides .5 The Pesticide Inventory .5 II. LITERÀTURE REVIEW a a a . 11 Introduction . 11 Historical Perspective . 11 Fungicides . , 14 Insecticides .16 Herbicides . co Benefits of Chemical Pesticide Use . 35 Alternatives to Extensive Chemical Pest Control .38 a a a a a a 50 Introduction . 50 Contact Route 51 Record of Information 52 Determination of Users I{ithin the Federal Government 53 IV. REST'I,TS ÀND DISCUSSION a a a a a a 71 Int.roduction . 71 Agency Results 72 Agriculture Canada . 72 Food Production and Inspection . 72 Anima1 Health Division . 73 Brandon Research Station . 74 Glenlea Research Station . 76 ìitorden Research Station 77 Portage La Prairie Research Substation 7A !ùinnipeg Research Station . 79 Summary BO Atomic Energy of Canada BO .tv Canad.ian National RailwaYs 82 Canadian !Ùheat Board . 83 Canadian International Grains Institute a4 Department of Regional Economic Expansion 85 Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration 86 Environment Canada . e7 Canadían Vfildlife Servíce 88 Parks Canada . 8B Fisheries and oceans Canada 91 Health and Welfare Canada ' ' 92 National Defence 93 Canadian Forces Base Portage la Þrairie 94 Canadían Forces Base Shilo . 95 Canadian Forces Base WinniPeg 97 Canadian Forces Base Beausejour ' ' 98 SummarY 98 Solicitor General 99 RoYaI Canadian Mounted Police 99 Stony Mountain - Rockwood Institution 99 Transport Canada 100 Churchill AirPort 101 St. Andrews Airport ' 102 Vùinnipeg International AirPort 103 Summary 104 Veterans Affairs . 104 VIA RAiI . 105 Summary of Pest.icide Purchases and Storage ' ' 106 Summary of Labelling Questions . 108 Summary of Storage Practices 111 Summary of Disposal Practices 111 a a a 189 v CONCTUSIONS À}TD RECOM},1ENDÀTIONS a a a a Appendix pa9e A. SPECIFIC TERMS FOR PESTICIDES 9 B. DEFINITIONS . 46 c. INVENTORYMANUAL.. .. 56 D. PESTTCIDE INVENTORY QUESTIONNAIRE (SAMPI,E ONLY). 65 E. TNFORMÀTION ON CARDS A, B A}ID C 68 F. CONFIRMÀTION LETTER (SAMPLE ONLY) 69 G. LEGISLATIVE REVIET^I . 196 H. INFORMATION REQUIRED BY APPLICANTS FOR REGISTRATION (sEcrroN 9 (2) OF THE PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS REGULATIONS) 234 I LABELLING REGULATIONS 236 ,J DEGREE OF RISK AND CATEGORY OF HAZARD SYMBOLS 241 K A REGULATION DECLARING CERTAIN VüEEDS TO BE NOXIOUS WEEDS I]NDER THE NOXIOUS VüEEDS ACT 242 L CONTACTS 245 v LIST OF TÀBLES TAbIE page CI.ASSIFICATION OF INSECTICIDES BY CHET"IICAL COMPOUND 16 2 CLASSTFICATION OF HERBICIDES BY CHE¡{ICAL COMPOUND 29 3 AGRICULTURE CANADA, ANIMAL HEALTH BRANDON' TOTAL PESTICIDE USE 112 4 AGRICULTURE CANADA, BRANDON RESEARCH STATION, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE 113 5 AGRICULTURE CANADA, GLENLEA RESEARCH STATION, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE . 116 6 AGRICULTUPE CANADA, ¡IORDEN RESEARCH STATION' TOTAL PESTICIDE USE . 117 7 AGRICULTURE CANADA, PORTA@ I,A PRAIRIE RESEARCH SUBSTATTON, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE 120 I AGRICULTURE CANADA, WINNIPEG RESEARCH STATION, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE 121 9 AGRICULTI'RE CANADA, TOTAL HERBICIDE STOR.AGE 122 10 AGRICULTURE CANADA, TOTA], INSECTICIDE STORAGE 124 11 AGRICULTURE CANADA, TOTAL FUNGICIDE STORAGE 126 12 ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADA LTD, WHITESHELL NUCLEAR RESEARCH ESTABLISH}4ENT, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE 127 13 ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADA LTD, WHITESHELL NUCLEAR RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, TOTAL PESTICIDE STORAGE 128 14 CANADIAN NATIONAI RÀILWAY, TOTAI, PESTICIDE USE 129 15 CANADIAI{ NATIONAI RAILWAYS, TOTAL PESTICIDE STORAGE 131 16 CANADIAN WHEAT BOARD, !{INNIPEG, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE 132 17 CANADIA}.1 INTERNATIONAÍ, GRAINS INSTITÜTE, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE 133 18 PRÀIRIE FARM REHÀBILITATION ADI"IINISTRATION' BRANDON, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE . 134 19 PRAIRIE FARI{ REHABILTTATION ADMINISTRATION, TOTAL INSECTICIDE STORAGE . 135 20 PRAIRIE FARM REHABILTTATION ADMINISTRATION, REGINA, TOTAL HERBICIDE USE ON PASTURES IN MANITOBA 136 VI LIST OT TABLES TabIe page 21 ENVIRONMENT CANADA, CANADIAN !{ILDLIFE SERVICE, TOTAL HERBICIDE USE . 137 22 PARKS CANADA, LOWER FORT GARRY' TOTAÍ, PESTICIDE USE 138 23 PARKS CANADA, RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK, TOTAL PESTICTDE USE . 139 24 PARKS CANADA, TOTAL PESTIC]DE STORAGE 140 25 FISHERIES AI{D OCEANS, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE 141 26 FISHERIES AND OCEANS, TOTA], PESTICIDE STORAæ 142 27 HEALTH AND I{ELFARE CANADA, MEDICAL SERVICES BRANCH, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE 143 2A DEPARTMENT OF NATTONAL DEFENCE' CFB PORTA@ I,A PRÀTRIE, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE . 144 29 DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE, CFB SHILO, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE . 146 30 DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE, C.F.B. WINNIPEG' TOTAL PESTICIDE USE . 148 31 DEPARTI\'IENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE, CFS BEAUSE,JOUR, TOTALPESTICIDEUSE .... .. 150 32 DEPART¡4ENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE, TOTAL HERBICIDE STORAGE . 151 33 DEPARTI4ENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE, TOTAL INSECTICIDE STORAGE 152 34 DEPARTI.,TENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE, TOTAL OTHER STORAGE 154 35 SOLICITOR GENERAL, R. C.M. P. T¡IINNIPEG HEADQUARTERS, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE 155 36 SOLICITOR GENERAL, ROCKWOOD INSTITUTION, TOTAL PESTTCIDE USE. 156 37 SOLICITOR GENERÃL, ROCKT,{OOD INSTITTITION, TOTAL HERBICIDE STORAGE . 158 38 SOLICITOR GENERAL, ROCKÍ^IOOD INSTITUTION, TOTALINSECTICIDESTORAGE .... 160 39 SOLICITOR GENERÃL, ROCKWOOD INSTITTIfTON, TOTAL OTHER STORAGE 161 40 TRANSPORT CANADA, CHVRCHILL AIRPORT, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE . 162 vii LIST OF lrÀBLES TAbIE page 41 TRÀNSPORT CANADA, ST. ANDREV'TIS AIRPORT, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE 163 42 TRÀNSPORT CANADA, WINNIPEG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, TOTAL PESTICIDE USE . 164 43 TRANSPORT CANADA, TOTAI PESTICIDE 165 "O** 44 VETERANS AFFAIRS, DEER LODGE HOSPITAL' TOTAL PESTICIDE USE 166 45 VIA RAIL, TOTA], PESTICIDE USE 167 46 HERBICIDES PTIRCHASTÐ AND STORED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERN¡4ENT' TNCLUDTNG CROVTN CORPORATTONS AND CONTRASTORS, 1982 168 47 INSECTICIDES PURCHASED Al{D STORED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERN¡'IENT, TNCLUDTNG CRO$rN CORPORATTONS AlqD CONTRJ\CTORS, 1982 174 48 FI'NGICIDES PURCHASÐ AND STORED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, TNCLUDTNG CROWN CÐRPORATTONS AND CONTRAqTORS, 1982 . 180 49 OTHER PESTICIDES PURCHASED AND STORED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, TNCLUDTNG CROI{N CORPORATTONS A}rD CONTR.ACTORS, 1982 . 182 50 RESPONSES TO QUESTION 1 ON LABELLING: HOW WOULD YOU RÀTE THE LABELLING INSTRUCTIONS VÍITH REFERENCE TO: 184 51 RESPONSE TO QUESTTON 2 ON LABELLING: THE SYII{BOLS INDICATING THE DEGREE OF RTSK AI\TD HAZARD ON THE I,ABEL HELP ME TO USE THE PRODUCT SAFH,Y . 185 52 RESPONSE TO QUESTTON 3 ON LABELLING: THE PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS . C 185 53 STOR.AGE INVENîORY RESULTS 186 54 DISPOSAL INVENTORY RESULTS 1A7 VlJ-I CHAPTER I INTRODUC'IION 1.1 THE ROLE OF ENVIRON¡4ENT CANADA The duties and responsibilit.ies of the Minister of the Environnent are de- fined in Part III of the Government Orqanization Act.1 The definition in- cludes aII matters over which the Partiament of Canada has jurisdiction, not by law assigned to any other department of the government, relating to the preserva- tion and enhancement of the quality of the natural environment, renewable resources, \^¡ater and teteorology. Also included in the ltfinisterts res¡nnsibíli- tíes are enforcement of rules and regulations made by the International Joint Commission as far as they relate to the natural environment, and the co-ordina- tion of the policies and prograrns
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