Royer et al. 2006) have shown that much of the NO3 in surface waters of the Midwest doi:10.2489/jswc.69.4.292 comes from land used for corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.) production. These same studies indicate that one of the primary pathways for NO3 to enter surface Cover crops in the upper midwestern United waters is through subsurface drains (tiles) that are common across the midwestern States: Simulated effect on nitrate leaching Corn Belt (Zucker and Brown 1998). Thus, it is not surprising that the area within the with artificial drainage Mississippi River Watershed, identified by Goolsby et al. (2001) as the primary source R.W. Malone, D.B. Jaynes, T.C. Kaspar, K.R. Thorp, E. Kladivko, L. Ma, D.E. James, J. Singer, X.K. of NO to the Gulf, is the same area where Morin, and T. Searchinger 3 corn production on artificially drained lands is prevalent. Abstract: A fall-planted winter cover crop is an agricultural management practice with multi- A dual challenge associated with reducing Copyright © 2014 Soil and Water Conservation Society. All rights reserved. ple benefits that may include reducing nitrate (NO3) losses from artificial drained agricultural NO3 in the environment is the increasing Journal of Soil and Water Conservation fields. While the practice is commonly used in the southern and eastern United States, little demand for corn and soybean required to feed is known about its efficacy in midwestern states where winters are longer and colder, and an increasing world population that is more artificial subsurface drainage is widely used in corn–soybean systems (Zea mays L.–Glycine prosperous with higher per capita meat con- max L.). We used a field-tested version of the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) sumption (Godfray et al. 2010). Thus, improved to simulate the adoption of cereal rye (Secale cereale L.) as a winter cover crop and estimate its agricultural management systems must increase impact on NO3 losses from drained fields at 41 sites across the Midwest from 1961 to 2005. food production without degrading the envi- The average annual nitrogen (N) loss reduction from adding winter rye ranged from 11.7 to ronment (Chen et al. 2011). The following 31.8 kg N ha–1 (10.4 to 28.4 lb N ac–1) among four simulated systems. One of the simulated issues complicate this challenge, and cover treatments was winter rye overseeded (aerial seeded) into a no-till corn–soybean rotation at crops may be part of the solution: simulated main crop maturity (CC2). On average, this treatment reduced simulated N loss in • improved N fertilizer management alone, drainage by 20.1 kg N ha–1 (17.9 lb N ac–1) over the sites compared to systems without winter such as improving synchrony between –1 –1 rye (NCC2), from 47.3 to 27.2 kg N ha (42.2 to 24.3 lb N ac ). Adding spring tillage to this fertilizer application and spatial and tem- 69(4):292-305 treatment and killing the rye earlier (CC3) reduced simulated N loss from 57.3 (NCC3) to poral variability in crop demand, will not –1 –1 34.4 kg N ha (30.7 lb N ac ). Replacing the corn–soybean rotation with continuous corn reduce NO3 losses from drained fields and spring tillage reduced simulated N loss from 106 (NCC4) to 74.2 kg N ha–1 (CC4) (94.6 sufficiently to meet water quality goals to 66.2 lb N ac–1). Adding a winter rye cover crop reduced N loss more in the continuous (Dinnes et al. 2002; Shanahan et al. 2008); corn system despite earlier spring termination of the winter rye and slightly less N uptake by • increased use of N-fertilizer will be www.swcs.org the rye possibly because of more denitrification. Regression analysis of the RZWQM vari- required under nearly all possible scenar- ables from these sites showed that temperature and precipitation during winter rye growth, ios to meet increasing world-wide cereal N fertilizer application rates to corn, and simulated corn yield account for greater than 95% demand (Cassman et al. 2003); and of the simulated site-to-site variability in NO3 loss reductions in tile flow due to winter rye. • soil N depletion has recently been Our results suggest that on average winter rye can reduce N loss in drainage 42.5% across reported in the Midwest partly due to the Midwest. Greater N loss reductions were estimated from adding winter rye at sites with warmer temperatures and less precipitation because of more cover crop growth and more soil Rob W. Malone, Dan B. Jaynes, Tom C. Kaspar, N available for cover crop uptake. Dave E. James, and Jeremy Singer are research scientists at the USDA Agricultural Research Key words: best management practices—hypoxia—nitrate—Root Zone Water Quality Service (ARS) National Laboratory for Agricul- Model—subsurface drainage—water quality ture and the Environment in Ames, Iowa. Kelly R. Thorp is a research agricultural engineer at the USDA ARS Arid Land Agricultural Research Center in Maricopa, Arizona. Eileen J. Kladivko A fall-planted “winter” cover crop is an and contributes to hypoxia, loss of biodi- is a professor in the Department of Agronomy agricultural management practice with versity, and habitat degradation in coastal at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. multiple benefits that may include reduc- ecosystems (Galloway et al. 2003; Gruber Liwang Ma is a soil scientist at the USDA ARS ing nitrate (NO ) losses from artificially and Galloway 2008; Canfield et al. 2010). Agricultural Systems Research in Fort Collins, 3 Colorado. Xenia K. Morin is an associate dean drained agricultural fields, which could Excessive NO3 in the Mississippi River has in the School of Environmental and Biological help reduce the hypoxic zone in the been identified as a leading cause of hypoxia Sciences at Rutgers, The State University of New Gulf of Mexico if implemented on a large in the northern Gulf of Mexico (Rabalais et Jersey in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Timothy scale in the midwestern United States. al. 1996; EPA SAB 2007). Numerous studies Searchinger is an associate research scholar at Anthropogenic perturbation of the global at the field and watershed scale (David et al. the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton Univer- nitrogen (N) cycle is of increasing concern, 1997; Jaynes et al. 1999; Goolsby et al. 2001; sity in Princeton, New Jersey. 292 JULY/AUGUST 2014—VOL. 69, NO. 4 JOURNAL OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION soil N loss through tile drainage, which corn–soybean systems across the Midwest Eight 30.5 × 42.7 m (100 × 140 ft) plots may be exacerbated with trends of higher using one soil, such as the biofuel potential of were included in the experiment. Four plots grain yields and flat fertilizer N rates winter rye (Secale cereal L.) (Baker and Griffis included rye as the winter cover crop, and (Jaynes and Karlen 2008; Gentry et al. 2009; Feyereisen et al. 2013). four were a control treatment without win- 2009; Liu et al. 2010). Here, we (1) use a field tested version of ter rye. Corn was planted in late April to Fall-planted cover crop is a promising RZWQM to simulate both a control treat- mid-May of even years, and soybean planted method for substantially reducing NO3 ment with no cover crop (NCC) and a cover in early to mid-May of odd years from 2000 contamination from artificially drained agri- crop treatment (CC) using fall-planted win- to 2005. Split applications of fertilizer were cultural fields in the Midwest (Kaspar et ter rye for 45 years (1961 to 2005) at 41 sites spring applied in corn years at 235 to 247 al. 2007; 2008; 2012). Nitrate leaching is across the midwestern United States and (2) kg N ha–1 (210 to 220 lb N ac–1). A 7.6 cm reduced by cover crops because N-uptake use regression analysis to quantify the most (3 in) diameter corrugated drainage pipe was occurs in the fall and early spring, which important meteorological and management installed 1.2 m (4 ft) below the soil surface reduces soil NO3 susceptibility to leaching. factors contributing to the simulated CC in the center of each plot. Flow rates in the The N sequestered by the cover crop is effect on N loss in drainage. We simulate drainage pipes were measured and composite then released during residue decomposition both NCC and CC under four field man- samples from each plot collected for analysis and becomes available to subsequent crops agement combinations of spring tillage or of flow-weighted NO concentration on a 3 Copyright © 2014 Soil and Water Conservation Society. All rights reserved. (Wagger et al. 1998; Kessavalou and Walters no tillage, winter rye overseeded early in weekly or shorter basis. Soybean and corn Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 1999; Logsdon et al. 2002; Li et al. 2008). the fall or planted after the main crop har- yield were determined and grain samples Other benefits of winter cover crops vest later in the fall, and continuous corn or were collected at harvest for protein and total include erosion control, tile flow reduction, corn–soybean rotations. We use a geographic N content. Above ground winter rye shoot improved infiltration, and increased soil information system (GIS) to interpolate the dry matter was collected before spring ter- organic matter (Kaspar and Singer 2011). N reduction potential from using cover crops mination and analyzed for N content. Cover crops may improve the hydrology of across the Midwest based on the results from Model Testing and Initialization.
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