REPUBLIC OF BURUNDI MFADC-MAGAZINE Nr 109 of 22th January Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation 2021 Trade on the menu of telephone conversations between the Bu- In this edition: page rundian President and his Kenyan and Tanzanian counterparts Trade on the menu of telephone conversa- but that his visit was post- poned due to the Coronavirus tions between the Bu- 1 rundian President and pandemic. They also ex- his Kenyan and Tanza- changed greetings for the nian counterparts year 2021. Gitega: ruling party holds interfaith prayer On January 17, 2021, H.E. of thanksgiving 2 Evariste Ndayishimiye recei- ved on the phone his counter- he Senior Advisor in charge of The President of the part from the United Republic of Tan- Communication at the Presiden- Senate receives in au- T zania, H.E. Jonh Pombe Magufuli. cy of the Republic of dience the President of 3 the Court of Auditors Burundi issued on Mon- day, January 18, 2021, a press release on the The Government wel- exchanges that the Pre- comes the contribution 6 sident of the Republic of the Catholic Church in the development of had with his counter- the country parts. Press conference held According to this state- by the Minister of For- eign Affairs and Devel- ment, the President of Their conversation focused on the bi- opment Cooperation, the Republic of Burundi, H.E. Evariste 6 lateral relations which are "naturally" His Excellency Ambas- Ndayishimiye spoke on the phone with good. The two leaders agreed to work sador Albert SHINGIRO, his counterpart of the Republic of Ke- on the achievements of closely together to strengthen peace nya, H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta. Their ex- the Ministry for the 2nd and security in the region and the term of 2020-2021. changes focused on subjects related to development of both countries in all cooperation and development, particu- areas, including trade. Athletics: Venuste larly in trade matters. During the tele- Niyongabo appointed phone dialogue, H.E. Kenyatta informed executive Member of the 13 (Source: ABP-Infos 12130) World Olympians Asso- the President of Burundi that he had ciation expressed interest in visiting Burundi Page 2 MFADC-MAGAZINE Nr 109 of 22th january 2021 The Head of State calls on everyone to engage in a merciless fight against Covid-19 hand washing is first and foremost in these measures. “Myself, I wash my hands before touching anything”, he said, then asked the population to do the same. Breast- feeding women, he asked to wash their hands before touching their babies and to avoid touching them in the nostrils or in the mouth so as not to contaminate them. For people who suspect they have Covid-19, President Ndayishimiye urged them to rush to testing centers and take the drugs properly, arguing that care is free. Gree- tings of any kind including shaking hands or hugs must stop because touch is the main source of contamination, he Burundian Head of State, H.E Evariste recalled the Burundian Head of State, before raising awa- T Ndayishimiye, called on the population to step up reness about wearing masks as another means preven- a gear to face the Covid-19 pandemic. He launched this tion of this scourge. The fight against Covid 19 requires call during the mass celebrated in the parish of Murayi allaying fear, from which everyone must fully and vigo- on Sunday January 17, 2020, in the commune of Gihe- rously engage in it, while rolling up their sleeves in the ta, in the province of Gitega (center of the country). day-to-day work, each as their own. United, there is no doubt that the country will be able to defeat Covid-19 in The Head of State took this opportunity to thank the less than two months, according to the Head of State. Almighty for his protective eye. He embarked on the resumption of the Covid-19 pandemic, lamenting that it He did not fail to call on all farmers to get actively invol- has grown because of the irresponsibility of some ved in agriculture for the second cropping season in or- people who have taken this scourge lightly. He asked der to have a large production. everyone to do battle with such behavior and to strictly follow the related preventive measures recommended (Source: www.abpinfos.com) by health providers. For the Burundian Head of State, Gitega: ruling party holds interfaith prayer of thanksgiving country. This prayer began with a Mass which was celebrated at Christ the King Cathedral by the Archbishop of Gitega Monsignor Simon Ntamwana. The mass saw the partici- pation of the high authorities from the CNDD-FDD inclu- ding the President of the Republic, H.E Evariste Ndayis- himiye, the Representatives of the political parties appro- ved in Burundi and many others. In his homily, the Archbishop of Gitega, Mgr Simon he ruling CNDD-FDD party organized a three-day Ntamwana invited the Burundian authorities to protect the T interfaith prayer of thanksgiving from January 21 entire population without distinction. He also called them to 23, 2021 in Gitega province, the political capital of the to imitate Jesus Christ in his love to lead the country well, Page 3 MFADC-MAGAZINE Nr 109 of 22th january 2021 to be the light and to serve as a model. After Mass, be held in Gitega on January 24, 2021 to elect the new the solemn opening ceremonies of this interfaith leaders of the Party. prayer of thanksgiving continued at Gitega aero- drome. In his speech for the occasion, the Head of State H.E As reported by the Deputy Secretary General of the Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye asked CNDD-FDD activists CNDD-FDD party Honorable Joseph Ntakarutima- to always connect their souls to God for the benefits na, the interfaith prayer of thanksgiving is organized that he has not ceased to grant them from the armed at the beginning of each new year to thank the Lord struggle until present. The Head of State asked the for the blessings he grants to the country. He then Bagumyabanga to keep the promise that God must wished the members of the CNDD-FDD party and take pride of place in the CNDD-FDD party. the President of the Republic, also a member of this party, every success during this new year of 2021. H.E. Evariste Ndayishimiye also asked the Bagumya- He called on the population to respect the barrier banga to observe the fast during the 3 days of the measures to fight against the threatening COVID19 prayer of thanksgiving to establish a sincere rela- the world. tionship with God. He invited them to ask forgiveness The Deputy SG of the CNDD-FDD Honorable Jo- and to pray a lot so that the next extraordinary con- seph Ntakarutimana said that his Party has always gress of the CNDD-FDD takes place in peace and that been guided and protected by God during its jour- the new leader of this Party is a man worthy of the ney of struggle for democracy until it came to power. name. He invited all the Bagumyabanga to combine their efforts to contribute to the construction works of the Regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, the President of the buildings of the Altar of the Alliance in Gitega which Republic deplored the slackening of the implementa- is about to be completed. tion of the barrier measures which led to the reap- The Honorable Joseph Ntakarutimana ended his pearance of this pandemic in the country. He then invi- remarks by specifying that the prayer of thanksgi- ted the Burundian population to redouble their vigilance in order to eradicate this pandemic. ving is organized to prepare the conduct of the ex- (Source: www.rtnb.bi) traordinary congress of the CNDD-FDD which will The President of the Senate receives in audience the President of the Court of Auditors Senate, Mr. Gaby Bugaga, declared to the press that the President of the Court of Auditors came to present his warm congratulations to the President of the Senate for the confidence that the people have, placed in him, through the Senators, to lead the Upper House of Par- liament. "Mr. Ndaye has engaged with the functioning of the institution of which he is at the head," said Bugaga, adding that he explained that the Court of Accounts is he President of the Burundian Senate, Hono- responsible for the analysis of the budget law and the T rable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, received in a preparation of the state budget execution report. closed session on January 19, 2021, the President of the Court of Accounts, Mr. Élysée Ndaye. At the However, no such report has been submitted to parlia- ment, according to Mr. Ndaye. end of their exchanges, the Spokesperson of the Page 4 MFADC-MAGAZINE Nr 109 of 22th january 2021 Faced with this shortcoming, the President of the In addition, the President of the Court of Auditors re- Senate recommended working with the Ministry in ferred to gaps in the law governing this institution, ex- charge of Finance to remedy the situation. Con- plaining that the Court is carrying out investigations on cretely, indicated, Mr. Bugaga, the President of the the execution of the state budget. He lamented the lack Senate recommended "to produce the report of of a jurisdiction within him to try those who have been execution of the budget before the adoption of the involved in embezzlement. To fill this gap, the Presi- budget law which follows". dent of the Senate suggested that he submit a bill to the Council of Ministers which, in turn, can send it to The President of the Court of Auditors took good Parliament for adoption.
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