POM TOWIVSEND PO. Box 1180 . Port Townsend, Washington 98368-4624 Administration: (360)385-0656 operations: (360)g8s-23s5 Fax: (360)385-3988 Port of Port Torvnsend 1't Monthly Meeting Agenda Wcdnesday, March 12r2014,1:00 PM Port Commission Building 333 Benedict Street, Port Torvnscnd, WA I. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance II. Approvalof Agenda III. Consent Agenda A. Approval of Meeting Minutes - February 26,2014. ........1-3 B. Resolution No. 606- 14 - Autholizing Sale of Abandoned Vessels, . .4 C. Operations Reports - February 2014.. ......,.5-8 D. Approval of Warrants ry. Public Comments (not related to Agenda) V. Second Reading (Action ltems) A. Goldstar Lease Assignment .....9-12 B. AWOS, ....13-14 C. Communication Consultant Contract. .......,,15 D. EngineeringConsultantContractUpdate, .,.,,..,....16 VI. First Reading (Discussion Only) A. Puget Sound-wide Marina Survey. ............1'7 B. December2}l3DraftFinancials.. .....18-41 VIL Potential Immediate Action Items (unanimous Commission approval required) VIIL Staff Comrnents IX, Public Comments X, Commissiouer Comments XI. Next Meeting: Wedncsday, March 26,2014 at 5:30 PM, Port Commission Building, 333 Benedict Street, Port Torynsend, WA XII. Executive Session: A. Real Estate, pursuant to RCW 4230.110(b) XI[. Adjournment e-mail: [email protected] website: www. portofpt.com PORT COMMISSION MEETING- February 26,2014 commission Building, 333 The porl of Porl Tornmsend commission met in regular session at the Benedict Street, Port Tolvnsend, WA. Commissionet's - Tucker, Clinefeltel and Hanke Executive Dit'ector - Crockett DePutY Director - Pivarnik Auditor - Khile AttorneY - Lake Minutes - Nelson I. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Tucker called the meeting to o¡der at 5:30 PM' II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mr.. Crockett announced that the Port attorney would be ariving late, but will provide an update on a Litigation matter', with possible action during the Executive Session' Commissioner Clinefelter moved to approve the Agenda as presented' Commissioner Hanke seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous vote. ilI, CONSENT AGENDA: Commissioner Clinefelter discussed conecting infonnation or-r the environmental fee distribution, repofied in the Febluary 12, 2014 rninutes. After further clarification, Commissionel Tucker stated the rninutes reflect what was discussed and changes should be made at a different meeting. A. Approval of Special Public Workshop Minutes - February 10,2014 Approval of Public Workshop Minutes - February 12,2014 Approval of Meeting Minutes - Febluary 12,2014 B. Resolution No. 605-14 - Delegation of Authority C. Approval of Warrants Warrant #052541through #052556 in the amount of $59,013.70 for Payroil and Benefits Warant #052557 through #052585 in the amount of $i03,440.44 for Accounts Payable Electlonic Debit to Union Bank in the amount of $3,660.00 for Washington State Combined Excise Tax for Jamnry 2014 Commissioner Hanke moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Commissioner Clinefelter seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous vote. IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Not related to aeenda) (4:51): Bill Putney. local pilot. handed out an email he received fi'om pilot Eric Taylor requesting all Comn.rissionels attend the April Jefferson Co. Pilots Association meeting where Lany Crockett presents his "State of the Port" talk. He aiso would like the Commissioners to consider reinstating and sponsoring the "Airport Days" festival, Mr. Crockett added he would discuss this at the April meeting with the pilots. Ron Hayes. small boat owner and Puget Sound Anglers (PSA) member. stated he and the PSA group suppoft the Port moving forward with the grant application for engineering and permitting of a second boat ramp. Jerry Jotnson, secretary of East Jefferson Puget Sound Angle¡s. stated the PSA membels sttppolt the adclitional boat ramp 110% and he has a petition that culrently has 170 signatures showing their supporl. informed they are currently gatheling lodging, tax numbers and other figures to assess what kind of income is genelated by activities such as fishing. The Chamber is happy to work with the Porl ancl other local businesses on this. Pete Lansley. owner of Port Townsend Foundry, expressed that he does not like healing of boat ramp expansion plans. He said this study has been going on fol'twenty yeals. He woulcl like to see culLent ramps maintained and for the Port to look at other ramps and oppoltunities rathel than adding another rarnp. V. SECOND READING (Action ltems'): A. ComlnunicationConsultant Selection(25:511: Mr. Crockett amounced that Commissioner Tucker and senior staff iúelviewed all thlee of the candidates who submitted packets. He asked the Commission fol authorization to enter into contl'act negotiations with the top choice. Pol t Commission lVleeting - F-ebr uary 26, 201 4 Page 2 rnove forrvard CornlniSsioner Tuckcr moved to authorize the Executivc Director to with contract negotiâtions with the first choice consultant' Commissiouer Hanl<e seconded the motion' Motion carried by unanimous vote' staff Mr, Crockett infolmed that Comrnissio nefeltel, Tilçe I-lillman ancl seniol I{e askecl for' inter.vier,ved the top four engineet'ing candidates who lesponded to the RFQ He added authorizatior.r to move folwalcl with contlact negotiatiolls u'ith their top choice plocess can get tliat hiring an engineeling fir'm soon is very important so that the long permit going for the point Hudson Jetty project. Commissioner Clincfelter moved to authorize the Exccutive Director to begin coltract negotiations rvith the first choice engineel'ing canclidate' Comrnissioner Hanke seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanirnous vote, Mt. Crockett adde¿ he expects to present the negotiatecl contlacts at the next Comtnission meeting. VI. FiRST READING (Discussion Onlv): None None VIIi. STAFF COII4MENTS (29:15): that to ansr,vel qrÌestiolls on the AWOS at the ailpolt, the Port does not expect to hear results on a grant a\ ¡ard f1'om the FAA ur.rtil June 01' July, A pledicted -__flyeu1gexplainedtime line wouÌd have the system í¡stalled at the end of the yeal. Thett the application process stafis for tlie FCC license. Estimated cost is $400K, withg0o/o FAA funding. Commissionel Clinefeltel asked why in initial discussions the cost was arouud S100K. Ml. Pivarnik answeled that in older to qualify lol FAA funcling, JefÎelson Co. International Ailport is required to have a system compliant with FAA standards. Mr. Clockett statecì he wonlcl attend the PDD and RC&D meeting along with Comtnissioner' Tucker'. Mr. Ci-ockett added he will host the Highet' Ecl Meeting tomolrow, and on Friday molnir.rg, lie will host a meeting with the marine tlades who palticipated in tl.re Seattle Boat Show, to cliscuss how it went and shat'e ideas for next yeal', He added the show cost the Port $i2K-¡ this year to parlicipate. Last, Mr'. Crockelt reported that rnaline tlades business owrler Joe von Volkli asked him to give a "State of the Por1" talk to the Polt Townsend Marine Trades Association next Wednesday. IX, PUBLIC COMMENTS (38:24): Vigo Anderson, on behalf of the Norlhi¡,est Maritime Center ancl Wooden Boat Foundation extended a Letter cornmending Assistant Halbormaster, TelLy Khile, for his assistauce with the 2013 Wooden Boat Festival. Bill Putnev offeled advice that when the Port submits its intent to install the AWOS, the Poft could apply fol the FCC iicense at the same time, cutting clown on the long plocessing time. LIe also said he attended the Northwest Aviation show in Puyallup and burrped into Mr'. Crockett. He wolrld like to see the Port of Port Townsend's plesence at the shou,, lepr:esentir.rg Jeffelson County Intelnational Ailport, alongside othel Ports. Pete Langle), explessed his disappointment that the Porl financially suppolts the local El)C, who suppolts the Northwest Malitime Centel, who sells ploducts florr China in their' chandlery, which puts iocals out ofbusiness. X. COMMISSIONERCOMMENTS(46:37): Cotnmissionel Clinefelter asked if heaclway has been made in the rnatrix fol pliolitizing capital ancl maintenance plojects. Mr'. Crockett replied that this will be an item on the Malch 12,2014 Public Worksl.rop agenda. In legalds to Ml. Langley's conments on the EDC, Comrnissionel Clinefeltel said since the Port suppolts the EDC, his statement is inportant to hear'. Commissionel'Hanke also looks folward to seeing the matlix. He addecl that he remembeled discr,rssing a weekend retleat to discuss matters such as the matrix and the budget, and would like to see this happen. He also stated he attended the PRTPO meeting. He was impressed with Goldon Neilson's comments, He also discussed how they ale using the "fieight argurnent" in funding Flighway 101 projects since it is a freight highway, Port Commission Meeling-February 26, 2014 Page 3 the Commissioner Tucker said he pelfomed an exelcise backing a boat trailer in where futur.e boat ramp would be to oheck out logistics and things went well. He also stated he and Mr. Crockett attended a Department of Commerce awards cel'elnony Bay where the Port received the Governor's "Smafi Cornmunities" award fol tb'e Mystery Management Plan and the Port Townsend Bay Management Plan involving buoy realignment helping to presewe shellfish beds' Last, he discussèd ú. pirt Enelgy Lunch meeting he attended where a discussiou was held on turning waste into energy. Hè added that PUD ald County Commissioners come from neighboring counties, enabling discussion on project collaboration' Next Pubiic Workshop will be held Wednesday, lar Meeting at 1:00 PM in the Port Comrnission Building, 333 Benedict Street, Port Townsend, XII. EXECUTIVESESSION: Th. t"g"trt r"r"on recessed into Executive Session, aÎ 6:26 PM to discuss Litigation, duration of twenty-five minutes with possibÌe action, pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(Ð. The Executive Session began once the audience departed, aI 6:32PM- Ar 6:56 PM, Ml. Crockett checked for any members of the public waiting outside for reconvening ofthe regular meeting.
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