1 Greg or! o us J Bill Li ley Return to MAB z‘-4 HIGHLIGHTS OF ACTIVITIES AND REPORTS OF AND TO THE STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE THE STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 Governing Board of Colorado State University, Fort Collins Fort Lewis College, Durango University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo February 1980 1 I 11 rJ J TO: MEMBERS, STATE BOARD OF AG YCULTURE FROM: Eugene T. Petrone Executive Director SUBJECT: Secretary' s Report to the Board I am pleased to transmit, for your review, the Highlights of the Activities and Reports of and to the State Board of Agriculture. It should be noted that these highlights are not inclusive of all actions taken by the Board in the ful- fillment of its governing responsibilities. However, it is hoped that they will provide you with an opportunity to re- view and assess your actions for calendar 1979; be used as a resource document for planning and establishing Board goals and objectives; and lastly, provide a comparison with your last annual report. STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE 1979 EDMOND F. NOEL JR DR JEAN C. GRAHAM JOHN F STEGNER ROBERT L. BEERS PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FORMER SBA PRESIDENT JOHN D FUHR, DVM BEVERLY J. HADDON THOMAS T. FARLEY JOHN STENCEL III DR. ROY L. MEEK DR. DONALD L. JAMES DR A. LEON BRIGHT FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE CSU FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE FLC FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE USC RICHARD Y. FLETCHER CHARLIE ISGAR EUGENE T. PETRONE DR. J. R. HEHN STUDENT STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE CSU SECRETARY TREASURER REPRESENTATIVE FLC DR A. R CHAMBERLAIN DR. REXER BERNDT GERALD F CADUFF DR. ALAN P LOVE PRESIDENT CSU AND PRESIDENT PRESIDENT PVCC ACTING PRESIDENT USC PRESIDENT SBA SYSTEM FORT LEWIS COLLEGE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page GENERAL INFORMATION 1 BOARD POLICY ACTIONS 2 BOARD ACTIONS REGARDING DISPOSITION AND ACQUISITION OF LANDS, EASEMENTS, RIGHTS- OF- WAY AND LEASES 18 CSU - SPECIAL REPORTS 24 CSU - PROGRAM REPORTS 33 BOARD ACTIONS REGARDING FACULTY - CSU 35 BOARD ACTIONS REGARDING STUDENTS - CSU 38 USC - SPECIAL REPORTS 40 USC - PROGRAM REPORTS 43 BOARD ACTIONS REGARDING FACULTY - USC 45 BOARD ACTIONS REGARDING STUDENTS - USC 48 FLC - SPECIAL REPORTS 50 FLC - PROGRAM REPORTS 51 BOARD ACTIONS REGARDING FACULTY - FLC 56 BOARD ACTIONS REGARDING STUDENTS - FLC 57 PUEBLO VOCATIONAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE 59 SBA SYSTEM PROGRAM REPORTS 62 SBA COMMITTEE REPORTS 63 SELECTED REPORTS - GUESTS AND GENERAL SUBJECT MATTER 68 SPECIAL REPORTS - BOARD MEMBERS 74 SECRETARY' S REPORTS 77 GENERAL INFORMATION CHANGE OF OFFICERS The Board, by unanimous action, elected Mr. Edmond F. Noel, Jr. as President and Dr. Jean Graham as Vice President of the State Board of Agriculture. Mr. John F. Stegner was appointed the third member of the Executive Committee. CHANGE IN MEMBERSHIP During calendar year 1979, seven new members of the Board were seated. Gubernatorial appointments included Mr. Thomas T. Farley ( former Legis- lator and Minority Leader of the House in the Colorado General Assembly) and Mr. John Stencel III ( CSU alumnus and currently President of the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union). Non - gubernatorial appointments include: Dr. A. Leon Bright, USC Faculty Representative; Mr. Stephen Sielsky, USC Student Representative; Dr. Donald L. James, FLC Faculty Representa- tive; Mr. Richard Y. Fletcher, FLC Student Representative; and Mr. Charlie Isgar, CSU Student Representative. CHANGES IN PRESIDENTS The Board accepted the resignations of Dr. Richard Pesqueira, USC President, effective August 31, 1979, and Dr. A. R. Chamberlain, CSU President, effective December 31, 1980. Dr. Alan Love was appointed Acting President of USC September 1, 1979, and Dr. Charles 0. Neidt will become Acting President of CSU March 1, 1980. MEETINGS The Board met officially on ten occasions. BOARD POLICY ACTIONS i SPECIAL COMMITTEE SBA - LEGISLATIVE POLICY COMMITTEE Created a Legislative Policy Committee as a Special Committee of the Board. Appointed to the Committee were: Dr. John Fuhr, Dr. Jean C. Graham, Mrs. Beverly Haddon, Mr. Edmond F. Noel, Jr. and Mr. John Stencel III. COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE PRESIDENT PESQUEIRA Created a Committee consisting of the eight voting members of the Board, to evaluate President Pesqueira. PUBLIC RECORDS STATUTE As directed by the Board, Assistant Attorney General Joseph Gold - hammer prepared legislation to amend the public/ open records statute. The Secretary had the bill printed ( S. B. 350) and found sponsors and co- sponsors in both houses reflecting bipartisan support. After further discussion of the bill, the Board, by consensus action, requested the Secretary to have the bill quietly die in committee. GROUNDS AND PROCEDURES FOR TERMINATION OF FACULTY POSITIONS Granted to each of its institutions the prerogative of expressing the respective faculty positions on S. B. 51, which addresses present statutory provisions dealing with grounds and procedures for Termina- tion of Faculty Employment at State Institutions of Higher Education. LOW DEGREE PRODUCING PROGRAMS - FLC Granted authority to FLC to communicate its report on " A Review of 2- Degree Programs of Low Priority" to the CCHE. Given the mission of FLC, the Board felt that the information sought is inappropriate to the mission of FLC and its viability. PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ACCEPTANCE OF BID Accepted the bid submitted by the Prudential Insurance Company of America, and that the General Faculty medical, life and accidental death insurance fringe benefit programs for CSU and FLC be under- written by that company effective March 1, 1979, the expiration date of the contract with the insurance carrier. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: ETHICS - APPROVED Approved the following amendment to its Code of Ethics: If, after review of the Code, you believe that the discharge of your Board or institutional duties has/ has not resulted - or may result - in a conflict of interest, you must advise the Ethics Committee of the Board, in writing ( through the Office of the Secretary, Fort Collins, Colorado), to that effect by April 30 of this year. In advising the Ethics Committee of an actual or possible conflict, you must provide sufficient detail for it to be fully understood." If no actual or potential conflict exists, a brief statement to that effect will suffice. EMPLOYEES SEEKING PUBLIC OFFICE Adopted the following policy for employees running for public office, who are employed by the SBA institutions and agencies: 3- Employees of the institutions governed by the State Board of Agriculture should seek approval of the Board before running for public office." PVCC: RENAMING THE TWO- YEAR PROGRAM AT USC Approved formalizing the name of the two- year institution separated from the University of Southern Colorado. Effective July 1, 1979, it is to be the PUEBLO VOCATIONAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE. CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION PLANS TRANSMITTED TO CERT Approved a policy requiring that all capital construction program plans ( for institutions governed by the State Board of Agriculture, be transmitted to the CERI, with the request for their guidance and counsel in areas of energy efficiency. COMPLIANCE PROGRAM AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REVISION - CSU Approved a revised affirmative action compliance program containing one major change - the addition of a student affairs component sec- tion - to assist in monitoring and the identification of deficiencies with respect to students. ELECTION OF OFFICERS OF THE SBA By unanimous action Mr. Edmond F. Noel, Jr. was elected President of the SBA and Dr. Jean C. Graham Vice President. President Noel appointed Mr. John F. Stegner as the third member of the Executive Committee. Mr. Eugene Petrone was re- elected Secretary to the Board and Dr. J. R. Hehn Treasurer. The Board then, by unanimous vote, elected Dr. John D. Fuhr as the Board' s Advisory Member to the CCHE and Mrs. Beverly Haddon as the Alternate. 4- AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES AND PROCEDURES OF THE SBA Abolished its present Standing Committees and voted, in their place, Institutional Committees on CSU, USC, FLC and PVCC. President Noel made appointments to the following committees, without designation of Committee Chairpersons: Committee on USC and PVCC: Dr. John D. Fuhr, Mr. Thomas T. Farley and Mr. Edmond F. Noel, Jr. Committee on FLC: Mr. Robert L. Beers and Dr. Jean C. Graham. Committee on CSU: Mr. John F. Stegner, Mr. John Stencel, III and Mrs. Beverly Haddon. At a subsequent meeting President Noel announced the following Chair- persons: CSU Institutional Committee - Mrs. Haddon; USC and PVCC Institutional Committee - Mr. Farley; FLC Institutional Committee - Mr. Beers LOW PRODUCTIVITY DEGREE PROGRAMS - USC Approved for submission to the CCHE, the report on low productivity degree programs at USC, and by this same motion requested Dr. Louise Allen, Academic Vice President, to cost out the degree programs. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OBLIGATION - USC AND SBCCOE Recommended to the Trustees of State College Consortium that PVCC be obligated annually for a net payment of $ 78, 360 toward redemption 5- of the 1972 bonds issued/ refunded under the auspices of the State College Housing System, this payment to be a static amount paid as required for the life of the bonds ( 19 years). V. Dr. Caduff, Acting President of PVCC, and Mr. William McGregor, Deputy Director of the Division of Community Colleges, agreed to recommend to the State Board of Community Colleges and Occupational Education on the action item - that PVCC will be obligated annually for $ 78, 360 ( net), this to continue through 1995- 96 ( under the assumption that reserve funds can be used to make the 1996- 97 and 1997- 98 payments). RESIGNATION OF RICHARD E. PESQUEIRA, PRESIDENT, USC Unanimously accepted the resignation of Dr. Richard E. Pesqueira as President of the University of Southern Colorado. USC REPORTING RELATIONSHIP Changed the USC reporting relationship by having the USC report directly to the Board, effective July 1, 1979. ALL INSTITUTIONS: STAFFING PATTERNS Salary increases for employees whose salary is $ 38, 800 or above, were conditionally approved pending the Governor' s veto of Foot- note 85C to the Long Appropriations Bill, other Executive and/ or Legislative interpretations or directives, or other discretion exercised by the Board.
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