List of Registered Pesticides TT

List of Registered Pesticides TT

TRINIDAD TOBAGO LIST OF REGISTERED PESTICIDES UPDATED MARCH 2014 Types of Pesticide Formulations: AMMENDMENT (0001-1527) Insecticides - I Herbicides - H Fungicides - F Rodenticides - R Fumigants - Fu Plant Growth Regulator - PGR Insect Growth Regulator - IGR Insect Repellants - RP Biocides - B Avicide - Avi Larvicide - Larv Molluscicide - Mollusc. REG. NO. NAME ACTIVE INGREDIENT % A.I. FORM CLASS Status MANUFACTURER TYPE PR 0001 Dipel 2X Bacillus Thuringiensis 6.4 Wettable Powder IV C Abbott Laboratories/USA I PR 0002 Gesaprim 500 FW Atrazine 50.0 Paste IV C Syngenta Ltd. (Novartis)/Switzerland H PR 0003 Gesapax Combi 500 FW Atrazine/Ametryne 25.0/25.0 Paste IV C Syngenta Ltd. (Novartis)/USA H PR 0004 Bop Insecticide Tetra. /d-Alle. /Perm. /Dichlorvos 0.1/0.1/0.02/0.5 Aerosol IV C Mc Bride Caribbean/Barbados I PR 0005 Daconate MSMA 35.41 Liquid III C Syngenta Ltd. (Zeneca)/USA H PR 0006 Daconate 6 MSMA 48.3 Liquid III C Syngenta Ltd. (Zeneca)/USA H PR 0007 Daconil 2 787 W-75 Chlorothalonil 75.0 Wettable Powder IV C Syngenta Ltd. (Zeneca)/USA F PR 0008 Dacthal W75 DCPA 75.0 Wettable Powder IV C Syngenta Ltd. (Zeneca)/USA H PR 0009 Bravo 500 Chlorothalonil 40.4 Liquid IV C Syngenta Ltd. (Zeneca)/USA F PR 0011 Acme Agri Hi-Dep Broad Leaf 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid 38.6 Liquid II C PBI Gordon Corp. /USA H PR 0013 Rizolex 50 WP Tolclofos-Methyl 50.0 Wettable Powder IV C Sumitomo Chemical Co. /Japan F PR 0014 Nomolt Teflubenzuron 15.0 Liquid IV C BASF (American Cyanamid)/Colombia I PR 0015 Saprol Triforine 19.0 Liquid IV C BASF (American Cyanamid)/USA F PR 0016 Storm Flocoumafen 0.005 Solid - Block IV C BASF (American Cyanamid)/England R PR 0017 Gramoxone Super Paraquat 20.0 Liquid Ia C Agroinsumos/Guatemala H PR 0018 Gramocil Paraquat/Diuron 20.0/10.0 Liquid Ia C Agroinsumos/Guatemala H PR 0019 Fusilade 2000 Fluazifop-p-Butyl 12.5 Liquid IV C Agroinsumos/Guatemala H PR 0020 Reglone Diquat 20.0 Liquid II C Agroinsumos/Guatemala H PR 0021 Karate 2.5 EC Lambdacyalothrin 2.5 Liquid IV C Syngenta Ltd. (Zeneca)/UK I PR 0022 Actellic 50 EC Pirimiphos-Methyl 50.0 Liquid IV C Syngenta Ltd. (Zeneca)/UK I TRINIDAD TOBAGO LIST OF REGISTERED PESTICIDES UPDATED MARCH 2014 PR 0023 Primicid 50 EC Pirimiphos-Ethyl 50.0 Liquid IV C Syngenta Ltd. (Zeneca)/UK I AMMENDMENT (0001-1527) PR 0024 Klerat Wax Blocks Brodifacoum 0.005 Solid - Block IV C Syngenta Ltd. (Zeneca)/UK R PR 0025 Klerat Pellets Brodifacoum 0.005 Solid - Pellet IV C Syngenta Ltd. (Zeneca)/UK R PR 0026 Kudos Permethrin 25.0 Liquid II C Wellcome/England I PR 0027 Furadan 5 G Carbofuran 5.0 Granule Ib C FMC Corporation/USA I PR 0028 Hyvar X Bromacil 80.0 Wettable Powder IV C Du Pont/USA H PR 0029 Benlate 50 DF Benomyl 50.0 Granule IV C Du Pont/USA F PR 0030 Krovar IDF Bromacil/Diuron 40.0/40.0 Granule IV C Du Pont/USA H PR 0031 Lannate Methomyl 90.0 Powder Ib C Du Pont/USA I PR 0032 Vydate L Oxamyl 24.0 Liquid Ib C Du Pont/USA I PR 0033 Velpar Hexazinone 90.0 Powder III C Du Pont/USA H PR 0034 Velpar L Hexazinone 25.0 Liquid IV C Du Pont/USA H PR 0035 Lannate L Methomyl 24.0 Liquid Ib C Du Pont/USA I PR 0036 Elsan 50 EC Phenthoate 50.0 Liquid II C Nissan Chem. /Japan I PR 0038 Banrot 40% WP Etridiazol/Thiophanate-Methyl 25.0/15.0 Wettable Powder IV C Scotts/USA F PR 0039 Anthio 33 Formothion 33.0 Liquid II C Syngenta Ltd. (Novartis)/Switzerland I PR 0040 Ekalux 25 EC Quinalphos 25.0 Liquid II C Syngenta Ltd. (Novartis)/Switzerland I PR 0041 Evisect S/ Evisect 50 SP Thiocyclam 59.5 Wettable Powder III C Syngenta Ltd. (Novartis)/Switzerland I PR 0042 Trimiltox Forte Mancozeb/Copper Salts 25.0/46.9 Wettable Powder IV C Syngenta Ltd. (Novartis)/France F PR 0043 Thuricide HP Bacillus Thuringiensis 3.2 Wettable Powder IV C Syngenta Ltd. (Novartis)/Switzerland I PR 0044 Ethrel 480 Ethephon 39.9 Liquid IV C Bayer Cropscience/France PGR PR 0046 Rovral Flo Iprodione 25.0 Liquid IV C Bayer Cropscience/France F PR 0047 Ronstar 25 EC Oxadiazon 25.0 Liquid IV C Bayer Cropscience/France H PR 0050 Sevin 85 S Carbaryl 85.0 Wettable Powder II C Bayer Cropscience/USA I PR 0052 Mocap 10 G Ethoprophos 10.0 Granule II C Bayer Cropscience/USA I PR 0053 Aqua Reslin Super Permethrin/Bio-Allethrin/P. Butoxide 10.87/0.15/11.07 Liquid IV C Aventis Environmental Science/England I PR 0054 Manzate 200 DF/Manzate 75 DF Mancozeb 80.0 Wettable Powder IV C Griffin LLC/USA F PR 0055 Rampage Cholocalci Ferol .075 Solid IV C Bell Laboratories Inc./USA R PR 0056 Lasso Alachlor 45.1 Liquid III C Monsanto Co. /USA H PR 0057 Roundup Glyphosate 41.0 Liquid IV C Monsanto Co. /USA H PR 0058 Machete Butachlor 60.0 Liquid IV C Monsanto Co. /USA H PR 0059 Direx 4L Diuron 40.0 Liquid IV C Griffin Corporation/USA H PR 0060 Kocide 101 Copper Hydroxide 77.0 Wettable Powder III C Griffin Corporation/USA F PR 0061 Quintox Cholecalciferol 0.075 Pellets IV C Bell Laboratories Inc./USA R PR 0062 Supona Chlorfenvinphos 20.0 Liquid Ib C BASF (American Cyanamid)/Colombia I PR 0063 Belmark Fenvalerate 10.0 Liquid II C BASF (American Cyanamid)/Colombia I TRINIDAD TOBAGO LIST OF REGISTERED PESTICIDES UPDATED MARCH 2014 PR 0064 Fastac 5 EC Alpha-Cypermethrin 5.0 Liquid IV C BASF (American Cyanamid)/Colombia I AMMENDMENT (0001-1527) PR 0065 Fendona SC Alpha-Cypermethrin 5.8 Liquid IV C BASF (American Cyanamid)/France I PR 0066 Previcur N Propamocarb 72.2 Liquid IV C Bayer Cropscience/Germany F PR 0067 Dicarzol Formetanate 25.0 Soluble powder Ib C Bayer Cropscience/Germany I PR 0068 Mitac Amitraz 20.0 Liquid IV C Bayer Cropscience/Germany I PR 0069 Cooper Smoke Generator Permethrin 14.2 Powder IV C Bayer Cropscience/England Fu PR 0070 Arsenal Herbicide Imazapyr/Isopropylamine 22.6/5.0 Liquid IV C BASF (American Cyanamid)/USA H PR 0071 Herbadox 330 E Pendimethalin 33.0 Liquid III C BASF (American Cyanamid)/USA H PR 0072 Abate Temephos 1.0 Granule IV C BASF (American Cyanamid)/USA I PR 0073 Cypertick Cypermethrin 10.0 Liquid III C Intersol Ltd. /Trinidad I PR 0074 Champion WP Copper Hydroxide 77.0 Wettable Powder IV C Agtrol Chem. Prod. /USA F PR 0076 Target Asulam-Na 40.0 Liquid IV C Rhone Poulenc/USA H PR 0077 Aliette Fosetyl-Al 80.0 Wettable Powder IV C Bayer Cropscience/France F PR 0078 Asulox 40 Asulam-Na 40.0 Liquid IV C Bayer Cropscience/England H PR 0079 Diuron 80 WP Diuron 80 solid IV C Bayer Cropscience/England H PR 0081 Cuprosan 311 SD Maneb/Zineb/Copper Oxychloride 10.0/10.0/30.0 Wettable Powder IV C Bayer Cropscience/France I PR 0082 Drat Chlorophacinone 0.25 Liquid II C Bayer Cropscience/France R PR 0083 Demon EC Cypermethrin 24.0 Liquid II C Syngenta Ltd. (Zeneca)/USA I PR 0084 Demon TC Cypermethrin 24.0 Liquid II C Syngenta Ltd. (Zeneca)/USA I PR 0085 Demon WP Cypermethrin 40.0 Wettable Powder II C Syngenta Ltd. (Zeneca)/USA I PR 0086 Torpedo Permethrin 24.0 Liquid III C Syngenta Ltd. (Zeneca)/USA I PR 0087 Anvil 5 SC Hexaconazole 5.0 Liquid IV C Syngenta Ltd. (Zeneca)/UK F PR 0088 Basudin 600 EC Diazinon 60.0 Liquid II C Syngenta Ltd. (Novartis)/Colombia I PR 0089 Dual Gold 960 EC Metolachlor 96.0 Liquid III C Syngenta Ltd. (Novartis)/Colombia H PR 0090 Buctril M Bromoxynil/MCPA 28.1/28.1 Liquid II C Bayer Cropscience/England H PR 0091 Actril DS Ioxynil/2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid 10.0/60.0 Liquid II C Bayer Cropscience/England H PR 0092 Konk Flying Insect Killer Pyrethrins/P. Butoxide 1.8/10.0 Aerosol IV C Air Guard Control Inc. /USA I PR 0093 Konk I Flying Insect Killer Pyrethrins/P. Butoxide/Dicarboximide 0.974/1.95/3.21 Aerosol IV C Air Guard Control Inc. /USA I PR 0094 Scipio EC Cypermethrin / Ethion 1.6/60.0 Liquid II C Bayer Cropscience/France I PR 0095 Cercobin Liquid Thiophanate-Methyl 50.0 Liquid IV C Bayer Cropscience/France F PR 0096 Derosal Suspension 500 g/L Carbendazim 50.0 Liquid IV C Bayer Cropscience/Colombia F PR 0097 Excel Super 120 g/L Fenoxaprop-p-Ethyl 12.0 Liquid IV C Bayer Cropscience/Colombia H PR 0098 Hostathion 40 EC Triazophos 40.0 Liquid II C Bayer Cropscience/Colombia I PR 0099 Basta Glufosinate-Ammonium 20.0 Liquid IV C Bayer Cropscience/Colombia H PR 0100 Fish Aerosol Tetramethrin/Cyphenothrin/d-Allethrin 0.18/0.15/0.12 Aerosol IV C Omni Products Ltd. /Trinidad I PR 0101 Protox Aerosol Tetramethrin/Allethrin/Cyphenothrin 0.15/0.15/0.15 Aerosol IV C Omni Products Ltd. /Trinidad I TRINIDAD TOBAGO LIST OF REGISTERED PESTICIDES UPDATED MARCH 2014 PR 0102 Buctril Bromoxynil 22.5 Liquid II C Bayer Cropscience/England H AMMENDMENT (0001-1527) PR 0103 Azatin EC Azadirachtin/Neem 3.0/27.0 Liquid IV C Agridyne/USA I PR 0104 Miral 10 G Isazofos 10.0 Granule III C Syngenta Ltd.

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