Restorative justice and policing Information pack October 2014 Contents 3 Introduction 4 The facts on restorative justice 6 Questions and answers on restorative justice and policing 10 Implementing restorative justice in a police force 12 Restorative justice on the ground 13 Repairing the Harm 14 Vandalism in Warrington 16 The black community youth forum 18 Dan’s story 20 Callum’s story 22 Training in restorative justice 23 Becoming an accredited practitioner 24 Further reading “This information pack is an invaluable resource which should be read and used by every police force. It will help forces looking to introduce or increase their use of restorative justice by providing valuable case studies, examples of best practice and useful information about training and accreditation. This will help to ensure that every victim in England and Wales can access restorative justice wherever and whenever they need it.” Garry Shewan, Greater Manchester Police ACPO Lead on Restorative and Community Justice 2 Restorative justice and policing information pack Introduction This information pack has been developed by the Restorative Justice Council (RJC) to assist police forces in their provision of high quality restorative justice. The RJC is the independent third sector cent reduction in reoffending and significant membership body for restorative justice. Our cost savings to criminal justice agencies and the role, with Ministry of Justice support, is to taxpayer. Restorative justice also has the support promote access to high quality restorative justice of the public. A recent poll found that 88 per cent for all victims of crime across the country. The of people believe that victims of crime should information contained in this pack is intended have the right to meet the offender. to help your force deliver safe, effective The use of restorative justice within police restorative justice. forces in England and Wales is increasing at a Restorative justice is a victim focused resolution significant pace but it is developing at varying to crime. It empowers victims by giving them levels across different forces which can present a chance to meet or communicate with their a confusing picture. In some forces restorative offender to explain the real impact of the crime. provision is patchy, whereas in other areas it It also holds offenders to account for what they is more developed, with the police involved in have done and helps them to take responsibility multi-agency partnerships with other statutory and make amends. Restorative justice can be and voluntary sector organisations to deliver used for both adults and young offenders and for restorative justice. any type of crime. It is not, as often portrayed, a This pack provides information for all forces, soft option, and can be used at all stages of the from those hoping to introduce restorative justice criminal justice system from out of court disposals to those who have extensive experience and wish to alongside a custodial sentence. to ensure that their use of restorative justice is Building confidence in justice and meeting carried out to the highest standards. We hope you the needs of victims are central to the role of find it useful. If there is further information that the police. Restorative justice can help to deliver you would like to see included in future editions, this. Government research has established that or you have any comments, please do not hesitate 85 per cent of victims are satisfied with their to contact us. experience of restorative justice. The study also Jon Collins showed that restorative justice leads to a 14 per Chief Executive Officer, RJC Restorative justice and policing information pack 3 “It is clear that, £1/£8 For every £1 spent on delivering restorative justice, up to £8 can done well, be saved in lowering the cost of restorative justice reoffending. £400 cannot be done A 2010 report found that using a Youth Restorative Disposal was £400 to (or even for) cheaper than using a reprimand. victims, it must be 180 One vulnerable victim made 180 calls to police over nine months. One restorative justice meeting resolved done with them” the issue. Garry Shewan, ACPO Lead on Restorative and Community Justice 85% 33% 78% 89% 78% 85 per cent of Only 33 per cent 78 per cent of In Northern 78 per cent of crime victims who of victims felt victims would Ireland, 89 per victims in Cheshire have been through traditional criminal recommend cent of victims felt restorative restorative justice justice met their restorative justice who attended a justice was a better were satisfied with needs. to others. victim offender way of dealing with the process. conference with a crime. young offender were satisfied with the conference outcome. “Restorative justice face to face meetings mediated by police officers…improved perceptions of the criminal justice system, including the police” Home Office 4 Restorative justice and policing information pack Victims say: “We’ve got to stop being patronising and start being “It was so liberating to have a voice, and to know he’d have to listen to imaginative what I was saying” about victims” “It gives you closure. People are never Mike Barton, Chief Constable, Durham the way you imagine them to be” Constabulary “For me, restorative justice turned the tables and I don’t feel like a victim any more. I’m in control now” 14% Offenders say: Restorative justice reduces the frequency of reoffending by 14 per cent. 80% 80 per cent of offenders who took part in restorative justice conferences thought it would lessen their “Nothing prepared me for it. I think the likelihood of reoffending. main fear was looking into the eyes of the people that I’d stolen from. I even had nightmares over it, I was that worried” <25% “That [restorative justice] was my turning Less than a quarter of offenders given a Youth Restorative Disposal or Adult point. When I realised what effect Restorative Disposal by the police in Bracknell have reoffended. my crimes had on other people, I felt ashamed and embarrassed” Restorative justice and policing information pack 5 Restorative justice and policing What is restorative justice? them to come to terms with their intervention to be considered as a Restorative justice empowers experience and move on. restorative justice activity. The four victims by giving them a voice. It standards are: gives victims the chance to meet or Does restorative justice work? 1 The offender must take communicate with their offenders Research has shown that restorative responsibility. to explain the real impact that the justice has a positive impact on 2 The victim, community or other offence had on them and potentially both victims and offenders. The affected party must be involved. receive an explanation and an government funded a £7 million, 3 There must be a structured process apology. It also holds offenders to seven year research programme into that establishes what has occurred account for what they have done and restorative justice which showed that and what the impact has been. helps them to understand the impact 70 per cent of victims chose to take 4 There must be an outcome that of their actions, take responsibility part in face to face meetings which seeks to put right the harm that and make amends. led to 85 per cent victim satisfaction has been caused or an outcome rates. 78 per cent said that they that makes other reparation that What are the ultimate goals of would recommend restorative may not be directly related to the restorative justice? justice to other victims (only 5 per original case. Restorative justice ultimately aims to: cent would not). The research also • repair the harm caused by crime showed that face to face meetings What forms can restorative • empower victims by giving them reduced the frequency of reoffending justice take? a voice by 14 per cent. Restorative justice activities can take • encourage offenders to take many forms including: responsibility for their offence and In terms of reoffending, how does • Informal use of restorative justice: take action to change restorative justice compare to other Restorative justice techniques can • reduce crime criminal justice interventions? be used informally in day to day Restorative justice consistently work by police officers to deal Isn’t restorative justice soft outperforms traditional criminal with low level crime and antisocial on crime? justice processes alone across behaviour. To be considered Restorative justice is not soft on a range of offence categories of restorative, actions must include crime – offenders often say they varying types and seriousness. No communication taking place found it much harder to face their other intervention tested in the between victim and offender to victim than to go to court. Meeting same way as restorative justice has establish what has happened, who the victim face to face and hearing demonstrated such a substantial has been harmed and what can be about the impact of their actions effect on reoffending. done to repair the harm caused. frequently brings about a real sense • A victim offender conference: of remorse and desire to change. This What are the standards for a police This involves a formal face to is the power of a restorative justice intervention to be considered as face meeting between victim and meeting. restorative justice? offender led by a trained facilitator Restorative justice is about far To avoid confusion, ACPO’s – police officers can be trained more than an offender apologising Restorative Justice Guidelines to this level. Supporters for both to their victim for a low level crime, and Minimum Standards sets out parties can also attend, usually and many victims find that it helps four minimum standards for an family members. 6 Restorative justice and policing information pack • A community conference: This work for victims of rape and families or persistent criminal offences.
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