DOCUMENT RESUME ED 021 677 RC 002 569 INDIANS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Bureau of Indian Affairs (Dept. ofInterior), Washington, D.C. Pub Date 68 Note- 16p. Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (GPO: Available from- Superintendent ofDocuments, U.S. Government Printing 1968/0- 287- 680, 115) EDRS Price MF- 50.25 HC Not Availablefrom EDRS. ECONOMIC Descriptors-*ACCULTURATIOR *AMERICAN INDIANS, CULTURAL BACKGROUND, *HISTORICAL REVIEWS, DISADVANTAGEMENT, *ECONOMIC PROGRESS,FEDERAL AID, FEDERAL LEGISLATION, MODERN HISTORY, *UNITED STATESHISTORY Identifiers-*Cherokee Incians, North Carolina A brief historical review of theCherokee Indians from themid-sixteenth century to modern day depicts anindustrious tribe adverselyaffected by the settlement movement only to make exceptionaleconomic advancementswith the aid of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Civic pride andself-leadership among the CherokeeIndians in North Carolina has resulted in increasedemployment, industrial development,education, social welfare, and a thriving tourist business.Pictures and maps addsignificance to the material presented. (SW) U.S. DEPARTMENTOFFICEHEALTH, OF EDUCATION EDUCATION &WELFARE THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRODUCEDORIGINAIM6 IT.EXACTLYPOINTS AS RECEIVEDOf VIEW ORFROM OPINIONS THE PERSONPOSITIONORSTATED DOOR1146. NOT ORGANIZATIOBPOLICY. NECESSARILYREPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE Of!EDUCATION LVs, 4 "IMyfromwhich will help whencelift made comethup mine heavencometh from eyes and mythe unto earth."help.Lord, the This passage from the Bible hasPsalms (Translationparticular 121:1-2 meaningfrom the Cherokee) to the Eastern Band of Chero- mountainousrefugeeskeesremoval Alwaysin North nowof the antraet Carolina,number industrious tribe in western to 6,000 whose Oklahoma. people, Northpeople ancestors the Carolina who That Cherokees took live was of refugeon more in todaythe 1838. thaninCherokee are the The563500 engaged mountains descendants Indian acres. in much duringReservationa theof forced thosesame manufacturingoccupationstourists each asyear. theirplants Theyfellow established are Arikericans. anxious on to the welcome reservationThey farm,even more. andmanage cater their to about forests, five work million in 1 1271:MAZTS 01' NOR.= C.8.1%.0LIZT.S. southernCherokeeTHE Alleghenies Indians INDUSTRIOUS had for beenseveral strongly CHEROKEEScenturies entrenched when De in Soto thedislocation,selves(includingAs the to an19th that intensivethey century of still the had stocktaking.presentbegan, about theReservation). 43,000 Cherokees Despite squarewar, subjected Butmiles disease, they of them- real-land and ofperouthpenetratesightedand North Alabama. diversifiedthem andthe AppalachiansSouth in They 1540. people, Carolina, were By occupying thethey farmers, Virginia, time found whitewhat growingthe Tennessee, areCherokees traders now corn, the beganGeorgia, abeans, States pros- toamongwhiteprimitiveized both man. them, societythe With they futility the toembarked dealconsiderable of warwithupon andthe aidnew,athe period of inadequacy strongerwhiteof recoverymissionaries one of of their andthe warriors,kets.ceremonialsquash, They melons, defending were masks also and and their hunters,tobacco. wooden lands fishers, againstbowlsThey traders,and wereIndian weaving artists, andenemies sometimes fine carving north bas-ofinAmerica'srebuilding The1820,government tribe established Indians. thatformed with was a firstthe 32-member to Cherokee advancea Cherokee unicameral Nation,them National to a therepublicanlegislature, Council top rank formwithand, of smallpox,begantionalandThe south. wayto18th encroach appearedof century life. uponEarlydrastically in 1738, theirin the killing altered rich1700's, lands. half the land-hungry theCherokees' A tribe. new settlersenemy, Fromtradi-principalforofits law capital40 yearsfollowed chief, at toNewbe the in leaderEchota, 1827.first of Executive Georgia. thewhom Cherokee was Apower constitutionthe Nation. great was Johnvested and Ross, code in a 2thetheirwar1756 tribe with homes, until was colonists. the crops,forced century'sand toMilitary give livestockend,up Cherokees defeatsmuch were of cost heavily itswere bestthem sporadically damaged;land. many lives; and atplishmentthemselveslabaryInvention by duringSequoyah a andliterate developmentits briefpeople. led to"golden the oftribe's aage;" complete most the Cherokees notable Cherokee accom- made syl- )1' inwhiteAmericanSequoyah, the tribe,trader Indian, onewas and ofaa hunterwas Cherokeethe bornmost and in womanbrilliantfur Tennessee trader of igures untilmixed about permanently in blood. 1760,the annals Hethe grewcrippled son of of theup a languagemethodCherokee,primers.Sequoyahin a hunting invented Bysystem learnedthe 1821 accident.only far without heto casebeyond readhad in Althoughdevised whiteand American the write Easternprompting. a system byhe Indian Bandstudyingnever ofSequoyah recordsto writing attendedCherokees mission-school of suitablecarried a writingse living his to ETHNOLOGY.)SMITHSONIANin Butthe IOW.the tribe, OFFICEHe alreadydied or inANTHROPOLOGY, Mexkoliving in at greatly the BUREAU age reduced of 83.OF AMEMCAN space,(PHOTO: was forpletelygoldinroadsfaced removal in with removing Georgia,of settlersintenxified was intensified. onthe was theIndians. threatsadded edge aWithByofto growing Clerokee its1830 theland. removaldiscovery sentiment To territory, the had continuing in for become1828the com- cry of anteesExodusnationalThe Cherokees'was policy. and lost inthe struggle December rrail for of protection1835, Tears with under the signingFederal ofguar- an Ares the$5agreement million.Mississippi under The inTreaty which exchange of the New entire for Echota land tribe there hadwould notand move been payment beyondnegoti- of3 411111111111111111111111111110- calledokeesThebersated Government,byof resistedin officialsthe to tribeandround for of however, up2the years,most the Cherokee entire of butconsidered the Federalpopulation Nationonly tribe wouldit troops binding. for by not were removal.a few Theaccept finally mem-Cher- it.Town,intheirandans his asgave history. own landownersWolf them name. Town,Since the untilHe namesYellow North divided 1866, they CarolinaHill,Thomas thestill and lands have: did Big bought not into Cove.Bird recognize landsfive Town, (Thedistricts, for PaintIndi-them first fourthtoeven14,000 ThereIndian today, diedCherokees followed territory isduring remembered the inbegan the whattragic terrible the is astime now800-mile-long "The hardships in Oklahoma. CherokeeTrail of and Tears."journey history sufferingAlmost onwhich,About one-foot ofProtectionthreeto Theretire. are tribe namesTheir was and ofhard-hit lands, RecognitionCherckee heldwhen clans.)in illness Thomas' and name,age caused were Thomas threat- TreatytryWebster,wasthe 6-month-longthat deplored of great "ThereNew wrongby Echota.") isordeal.many a stronghas Americans been(The and done Government'sgrowing of tothe the feeling day. Cherokee removal Said in the Daniel by actioncoun- thetheened1875,ofsured. Indian Government when Toa constitution safeguardAffairs his creditors intervened, was their was made sued, interests adopted that trusteeand Cherokee it further, wasso of the Cherokeenot theCherokeesholdings until Commissioner 1874, lands. were couldwhen as-In andpassin ThusAtNorth hidbefore the Cherokeeas Carolinatime fugitivesit was of the in cametribal someinexodus, the tojurisdiction measure mountains.an about end. regained.Two1,000 over Struggling generations Cherokees its inherited for wereresisted homes land toweretitleFederaltransactappoint to to the Government).businessadvancerepresentatives Qualla withtducation, Reservation theIn toUnited 1876, settle hold and States theyanvarious outlyingagricultural were (the mattrrs immediategranted tracts fair,with(present formal aims andthe 4ple.helpThomasand Forofficialto a the50 white yearsEasternacceptance, trader, he Cherokees was Col. the to William beCherokee owe intimately their Holland refugees existence connected Thomas. turned as a withpeo- ToforInteriorCherokee1882.A Government A tolaw holdings). investigate of the agent same and was year report appointed authorized to Congress for the the Secretary aCherokees plan of of set- the in r- *neat for all differences existing amongCherokee Indiansthroughout counties in the south-east-central part of the theNationbodyeast North awl of inthe west. CarolinaOklahoma, tribe, In had 1866, Cherokees, dissolvedand a wereSupreme connectioninnot refusing recognizedCourt decisionwithto move asthe a Cherokee heldseparatewith that theRockinghamLasterPersonState.coastal Tribe," areasSo-calledCounty; and in RoanokeNash thesurvivors"submerged" northeast, Counties. Island; o: the andgroups Nonemixed-bloods Machapunga unidentified of are these the calledIndiansCubans groups Tribe "The re- ofin nation.Cherokees.west,attemptsSince and The1889 to determined settleCourt's the Eastern claims decision the Band with political of wasthe CherokeesCherokeedefinitive: status hasof Nation operatedtheit ended Eastern in un- theallvisingceivesInstruction special agency at servicesRaleigh, isthe from NorthState the Carolina. FederalSuperintendent Government. of PublicSuper- derActtribe.In State of 1925, Congress, Charter by petition empowering title toof Cherokeethe tribal them councillandsto conduct was and transferredbusiness following Ls anto a Mooney,andCherokee Jackson a cabin great Counties, homeAmerican of North the ethnologist 1880's Carolina. on ofQualla Photographerthe time Reservation, and an was authority SwainJames
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