YOUR HOSPITAL NEEDS YOUR HELP AND NEEDS IT NOW! AYERAOE OAILT CIBOtllATIOM for the Meath of April, U88 WEATHER Ponvaat of |i. ». Weather Barean, 6,124 Hartford M«nber of tiw AodH iia m ljrB trr l| m lb Fair and continued cold tonight Boreaa of CtronlalleM Surttiitg and Friday, probably light froot to- MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM night. VOL. LVII., NO. 190 (CUaaUled Adverttaliig oa Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS House of Refuge in Besieged a ty BRAZIL DICTATOR ,8- llAMOY IS TAKEN OVER BY JAPAN; HOUSE DEFEATS PLAN RUSHES TBIALS TO U.S.FmACT PUNISH FASCISTS TO TURN RELIEF RULE American Sailors Patrol Ko- Over 500 In Jail, 12 Were langsn Idand As Thon* OVER TO THE STATES Kifled In Attempted Re- LATE NEWS sans Of Refugees Pour In DICTATOR IMPO.SSIBLE, ^ volt; Details Of The Plot FLASHES! From The Captured City. CHA.MBEKL.\I.\ A.SiSZlKl-h Republicans Proposed Td CABINET ASKED London, May 12.— (API—"j Learned By The PoBce. am no dictator,” Prime Minister D. 8. KEEPS POUCY Decentralize Authority By Shanghai, May 12— (A P l-A m er- Neville Chamberlain told a rally Washington, May 12 _ (AP) — ABOUT DELAYS lean bluejackets today patrolled the of Conservativ'e party women to- Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, May 12.— The American government adheres day. Placing Funds In Handf to Its policy of non-recognitlon of small International Settlement on lA P)—Brazll'a strong man Presi- "I would not be doing my duty ronque^ed territory despite the post- Kulangsu Island, off the South IN PB M U enO N dent, Oetullo Vargaa, Invoked full t l^ of Great Britain and France at If I did not attempt to give the China coast, as thousands of refu- Of Bi-Partisan Boards; military and police action today to UfMeva In favor of recognizing lead both in direction and pace Ethiopia, Secretary of State Hull gees and soldiers poured In after to the various activities of the wipe out forever Fascist Green- aaM today. Japanese naval forces captured British Labor Wants An Ex- government,” he said. Would EHminale Polhkt. zhtrta, whose three and one-half nearby Amoy. hour rebellion failed because they “Our policy remains absolutely "But If the government's unchanged,” the secretary said at The Japanese reported complete policies did not meet with the did not know the government palace occupation of Amoy Island, Includ- planation Of The Empire’ waa without a garrison within Its his prcM conference. He took the approval of the country we could Washington, May 12.— (At*) walls. unusual step of authorizing direct ing the city of Amoy, Important not retain office for a week." port 600 miles south of Shanghai. —The House beat down todsy Police, with SOO of the rebels al- quotation. t Warplane Program; Says • • • All foreigners were said to be safe a Republican attempt to tum ready In Jail, spread through the dty. searched every suspected Faa- killed at PRIMARY At the same time the Japanese the administration of relief reported new gains on the Shan- clat'e home, made more arrests and ^ ersburg, Tenn., May 12—(AP) The Sitnation Is Muddled. —A f o ^ r deputy sheriff was shot tung front, where fully a dozen col- over to the states. The stand- found evidence the revolt waa well TBEASUBY SEES ing vote was 106 to 39. planned but without coordinated eX' to death and a deputy sheriff criti- P” Pf™t*'>"® to care for 38 Americana In Amoy, China, umns were moving steadily toward cally wounded near here today In a flghtlng between Invading Japanese naval forces and the Lunghai railway against "stub- I ecutlon. London. May 12.— (A PI—Prime The first amendment to ths The rebels made their attack yes- r w over a bitterly contested county defending Chinese troopa.-ts the U. S Consulate, pictured above. It Is born” resistance. $3,054,000,000 lending-spend- primary. In charge of Vice-Consul Leland C. Altaffer. On the left wing of this 65-mlIe Minister Nevdile Cliamberlaln’s (^b- terday morning against President BEYENUES DBOP ing bill, offered by Represen- Vargas’ palace, the residence of the The slain man was Identifled by front, the Japanese asserted they Inet today faced an angjy Parlia- the m ^rtaker who took charge of had occupied Langtzehu, south of tative Bacon (R „ N. Y .), was chief of staff of the army, and other ment demanding an Immediate ex- strategic points—but they lacked tiM t ^ y , as Luther Hinson, 52. The Tancheng and only three miles from planation of Great Brltaln’p mud- the minority proposal for da- sheriff’s office said James Rlgglna, FOBiraVEAB the one vital piece of Information the Lunghai. and said the CWnese dled warplane production program. centralization of relief. It pwe that could have carried them to at M, was oriticaily wounded. Rig. were In ‘’full flight.” Thlj Is the A two-way revolt against the ginss brother, John, si. and a by- KEMP’S COUNSEL A H A C K S posed to set up bi-parttsap least momentary success. nearest they have approached the government’s handling of the vital J. Alberto Lins De Barroa, former slander were wounded slightly. vital east-west railroad In their five- air defen.ves stemmed from the La- Experts Declare New Tax boards to handle relief funds charge d’affaires who helped defend months drive. bor opposition, which planned to and to require states to put up LE.ARY’S whereabouts the President’s palace, toid about It GRAND JURY PROCEDURE Two C3ilneae divisions fighting at make political capital out of to- 25 cents for every $1 contrib- today. 1*— (API—The Matowchen. flve miles northwest of day’s debate, and the uneasy Con- Program Will Bring In 50 Had No Oarrtzon. “ 10 today that Tancheng, were said to have been servatives themselves, who hoped uted by the Federal govent- •T believe the attackers did not Daniri J. I^ r y , former comptroller "almost annihilated.” the government could allay their l$lh’on Dollars Less Than ment. know the palace waa completely of the city of Waterbury who has Claims Methods Of Scenes on Kulangsu Island as distrusts with adequate explana- Under that arrangement. without an Internal garrison, other- not answered a week-old subpoena Parkway SELASSIE’S PLEA Cfliinete civilians and soldiers sought tions. wlae they would have advanced Into for him by the Grand Jury Bacon said, “ more and more refuge were dazeribed as almllar to Air Minister Viscount Swlnton In They Had relief money would reach the the palace Instead of flghtlng In the probing Waterbury municipal af- those In Shanghai’s International the House of Lords and Deputy Air gardens." he said. Probers Were niejal;: HEARD BY LEAGUE Settlement last August Minister Earl Wlnterton In the people in actual need.” ‘The truth la the President’s life l^ t Numerous Refugees Ckimmona were assigned the task Washington, May 12.— (AP) — “ By this plan,” he said, ^ws was In Imminent danger.” m ^th, but has not hern seen there Lays Groundwork For Ap- !___ While the Island, ordinarily popu- of facing the battering ram of Vargaa, with bia dark-eyed 23- during the past week. Final Congressional approval of the believe we will go a long wsy yoar-old daughter, Donna Alzyra, lated by 250 foreigners and 40,000 sweeping charges focussed on one TTie A d v ^ te reported Leary had Chinese, was reported quiet, the fact—Britain's ' need for more new tax program left Treasury of- toward eliminating politics in and only flve othera were Inside * “ -hour visitor there, several peal To Highest Court. Exiled Emperor Too III To planes. relief and relief in politics.” ready to fight off the attackers from great influx of refugees presented flclals today with prospects of about hut that a tborongh aa laerzaatng______ _ problem.^______ _It_____ waa__ to Lord Bwlnton's own poUUeal life Wood rum’s Opinion. palace wtndowa. but flghtlflg out- 85.830.000. 000 ravenue la tha bUIWhUa but ccmnafllnK that side apparently convinced the rebels mL*?***** *" Con>os Christl Bridgeport, May 12— (AP)— A~i - ^eak bs ffit Sbdement htfp control the.:roCuSN6 U>d eafq-|^""B ^ balance beoauae o( ths year than tbay bad anticipated. failed to disclose his presence guard American property that the!*H*gatlon that ho was re- Original estiraates provided fdr they faced a strong body of defend- tnera, since the subpoejui wm tseoed broadside attack on the Grand .Jury | ers. Arriving reinforcements saved united States . bluejackets landed sponsible for the delays to produc- 86.330.000. 000 revenue to the bll, but hy toe Grand Jary, procedure employed In the Merritt I Read To The Delegates. from the Gunboat Asheville. tion and that the air ministry rum (D., Va.) said It would be In- the palace and the attackers capitu- • • • one Federal expert declared the advisable "to change the machin- Parkway investigation and now be- The United States destroyer Ed- should be headed by a member of lated. BRITISH SHIP BU.MBEU lower level of business and the re- ery” to this fashion during a time Vargaa, bis position as dictator ing used in the Waterbury investi- sall left Shanghai this afternoon en the (Commons and not the House of sultant declne In corporation profits of “emergency.” London. May 12.— ( A I* )_ O hw- Lords. apparently strengthened. Invoked gation waa launched In Superior Geneva. May 12—(A P )—Ethi- route to the south (3ilna coast for would reduce that fl,^re.
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