Coastal Carolina University CCU Digital Commons The hC anticleer Student Newspaper Kimbel Library and Bryan Information Commons 12-3-1999 The hC anticleer, 1999-12-03 Coastal Carolina University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.coastal.edu/chanticleer Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation Coastal Carolina University, "The hC anticleer, 1999-12-03" (1999). The Chanticleer Student Newspaper. 378. https://digitalcommons.coastal.edu/chanticleer/378 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Kimbel Library and Bryan Information Commons at CCU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The hC anticleer Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CCU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Coastal Tuneline Dr. Bob bre ground for the Student Center Dec. 6 1977. See age 4-5 all dream B Briann eagh rand Jen Coffin The Chanticleer Coa taJ Carolina h to ee it fi t The fundrai in f; tbalJ team in tion'n the a I 0 2 3. On dne day, ov. 10 1999, Pr i- dent onald Ingle and Fred Dubard chair­ man of the Bo d ofth Tru t ann un ed that th univer ity i actively pur uing the nece ary fund to rna -e football a reality at Co tal. In April 1998. a fe ibility tudy wa conducted, with 1,275 out of tudent "If ju t a bunch of in upport of a football team. ork, but nothing orth ''The addition of football will help the happening corne ea y,' aid university with vi ibility and bring the com­ Blank. munity on to the campus ' aid Dave Blan ., The current occer ta­ Director of Athletic . dium will be torn down and Tuition i expected to increa e 75 to a new tadium with a 80 for tuden in order to maintain the foot­ fieldhou e will be built in i ball team. According to Ingle, the tudent place. The tadium will run fees will not be rai ed until there i a ub­ parallel to High ay 544 and stantial amount of fund e tabli hed for the will have a eating capacity program and an official tart date has been of around 5,000 although made. the plan allow for further The Advi ory Board for the program ad}lition to expand to a offers guidance to the university. In addi­ 20,000 eat tadium. The tion to Ban. ard m m r inc ude fi i l'n lu th Art Baker, coach at USC. Dick Sheridan. retired coach, Van ewman, marketing pe­ ic ,as well a eight room. ciali t WjJ1ie Jeffrie coach at S.C. State office and a medi al room. Fi her DeBarry, coach at the Air Force When funding ha been e­ Academy and Buddy Sa er former Direc­ cured it will take an e timat d I to 20 tor of Athletic at CCU. month to build the tadium, hich ill al 0 'It' an opportunity to include people in lude a pr box and a ybo. who have a tie to th area and know about Coa tal' ompetition ha not en football" aid Blank about the Advi ory decided, ho\\ e er, the 1i ely opp nent Board. include Lib rty Elon. and Charle ton Vo eto ew soror ty a By Eleanor Lloyd The d i ion to den the int re t group For The Chanticleer i unclear. J ime Hilliard pre id nt 0 On ov.l0 1999, a orority intere t Sigma Sigma i rna. "d' group w denied the right to begin an ther need the ororit, ho e er orority at Coastal Carolina Uni e ity. are low and not all of th The deci ion a made during a t tal qu t ." Panhellenic meeting which i a Currently, there are thr national governmental body repre enting Greek oronu at CCU that are pr nt und r th ife. The inte ted group con i ted of more Panhelleni A iati n. Gamma Phi Beta than 20 young women and the group hoped ha a total chapter iz of 4 m mb r t to tart a new rority that better fit their conclu ion f f rmal member hip need in the Greek life sy tern. recruitment. Phi Sigma Sigma ha 50 The deci ion to vote on the intere t member and Sigma Sigm Si m h 3. group wa voted on la I year when the The total chapter ize et b Panhell ni i group first approached Panhellenic. a total of 50 member for ea h ororit). According to Panhellenic pre ident and According to th ational P nh lIeni member of Phi Sigma Sigma Terri Con titution manual of information the Gilmore, la t year the vote wa moved to Green Bo . and th Coa tal Panhellenic exten ion and the vote never went through. A i tion Con titution b th recomm nd The case was voted on thi year and the that exten ion of a orority h uld cur group was denied. Under the Panhellenic when all chapter are t or clo to to I vote each ororily mu t hav three quota. The e ten ion i r f; rrin to delegate pre nt in order to complete the orority intere t group vote. colonized. Page 2 • Friday, Dec. 3, 1999 Chanticleer . » community service projects that Chanticleer Calender Coastal sponsored, such as the Remembering Leukemia Walk, Aids Walk, and Senior Art Show already completed foreign language you may be eligible. flood relief effort. Sig Eps are • Dec. 6-12 There are only 3 requirements. continually a major supporter of Jessica Johnston, art studio major, Coastal Athletics. Sigma Phi Josepb Zangari First, you must have A's in two will have art work on display in courses above the 1 0 1 level. Epsilon once again leads the race When I found out recently that my friend and teammate Joe the gallery in Admissions Second, you must have a teacher for the Directors Cup which goes Building. Admission is free. Fo{ recommendation and third, you to the student group that excels in Zangari had died, I was shocked and hurt. I had known'Joe for over more information, call 349-2700. must have 3.0 or higher. If you intramural athletics and two years when he had come to Coastal to play baseball. Despite Commencement meet these requirements contact sportsmanship. We have won being one of our bes!.hitters his freshman year, Joe had injuries which walk-through your foreign language professor or championships in the fall softball sidelined him for most of his sophomore year. I think that is the point . tournament, flag football Division • Dec. 7 Dr. James Blackburn in the Prince when I learned the most about Joe as a person. Even though he wasn't I, water-polo, pickle ball, and A walk-through for the Building. The deadline to contact able to play, he was always very spirited, never getting down on himself. badminton. We want to thank all • Commencement Committee will your professor is Friday, Feb. 4. He was up for every game, cheering more than anyone else on the of our student leaders for the 1999- be Dec. 7 at the Forum Theater. team each time. It would have been easy for Joe to isolate himself and 2000 school year for representing Meet in front of the Singleton Gamma Phi Beta Sig Ep in a positive way. We want get down about his own injury, but his concerns were always more Building at 10:15 a.m. For more • News to especially thank Pete Green for with the team. I know I and other teammates will miss his call of information, call Debbie Conner at The sisters of Gamma phi Beta the great job that he is doing as "heeeeeerrre we goooooooo!" to start each game. We also will miss 349-2568. are proud announce the SGA president. We wish all his energy and humor on and off the field that made him so special. Commencement celebration of our Founder's Day students a safe and happy holiday There is not a game I will play the rest of my career at Coastal that I on Nov. 11. This was the 125th • Dec. II season and hope that all won't be thinking of him. You will always be remem~red Joe as a anniversary for Gamma Phi Beta. December Commencement will organizations have a prosperous loyal teammate and respected friend by me, and you will be greatly We honored our sorority by be at 10 a.m. Dec. 11 at The new year. missed. Forum Theater, Fantasy Harbor. inviting our local alumni to a Mike Benton -Kit Kadlec potluck dinner and ceremony. We Sigma Phi Epsilon, President Phi Sigma Sigma would also like to recognize Pi Winter Formal • News Kappa Alpha's Founder's Day, which was on Nov. 11 as well. The ladies of Phi Sigma • Dec. 3 Sigma have had a busy month. Nov. 5-7, we journeyed to The African American The Writing Center We painted pumpkins and Sunset Beach, North Carolina for Association will hold its Winter brought them to a local nursing our annual fall retreat. A big Formal from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. ... because writers need readers. Friday, Dec. 3, 1999 at Williams­ home for Halloween. thanks to Megan Coker, our { ::::- One Nov. 14, we initiated Membership Education Vice Brice Gymansium in the small - our new members.
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