ASMSU Exponent · Friday, March 1, 1996 · VOL. 89 NO. 41 '-'pries, supporters discuss issues roundingMSU's diversity plan want to and should recruit more mrnonry students because a campus should be a microcosm of" the larger communit\·. But on the other hand, you should not Ix recruiting students if you can't offer 'diem the sarisfac­ ority group charges that .\1ontana State has tO!') educational experience that all uruvers1tics should co promote mulricuJrural di\'ersu:y on offer." the past fi\'e yea.rs. Charlotte Mock, a Black Smdt·m Uruon memocr, l>l, .\1SU was required by law co formulate belie\·es this position on .Malone's pan indicates a lack Ian co promote mulricuJrural diversity and of desire ro ha\·e minorin srudcnc; on campus. mmonty paroapaoon on campus. TIUs ''It'simrrhetoric," Mock said. "Because c\·crythmg fi\'e-year mark of the plan. they said has a negaove undertone." mg to Charles Jackson, Black Student Yarnell said the issue ofrecrumng black students 1s ·idem, the adminisrrarion has not followed complex because of demographics L th its promi.se Consequently, members of ""We don't have a large black smdem population Student Union msogared two meeangs living m Montana, which means that we have to recruit em Mike Malone, Vice Provost for Stu­ our-of-state students," Yarnell said. ''There are great s Alan Yarnell and Dean ofStudenrs Rolf cosrs invoh·ed with that, and you get mro the question of schol~hip money available (and) financial aid ck Student Union claims to represenr all available." rs, although some studenrs feel pressured However, Jackson said some scholarships, ltke the 1on)mous. MBRS, which is designated nationally for all minority e~ ofthe Black Student Un.ion compiled a srudenrs srudying science, are ofiered exclusively for account of the problems some black Native Americans at MSU. experiencing at MSU and potential solu­ The Black Student Union also would like to sec ed problems include, but are not linuted more education about black issues implemented at the ollment levels of black studenrs, low uni\•ersity. TIUs could include guest speakers, m­ noon rates, lack of a "safe zone" for black services for facuJty members and a class or classes d a lack ofsensiovitv to black issues on the devoted to black issues. However, Malone 1s not ers, srudenrs and community members. com'inced that these efforts will impro\·e the experience essmg the issue ofa "'safe zone," the Black of black srudents. uon has asked for an area equipped with ''I think we have to be realisoc about the C.\tem ro utcrs, a printer and seating. Jackson whim you can actually change deeply rooted percep­ s 1s essenoal for black students because tions and biases that people have and there 1s no >t tcel safe gomg downtown. Jackson also quesoon that they have them," Malone said. "I wa:. • 'am·e Amencan studenrs already have a rather shocked to hear some ofthe things smdent:s said - zone" in V\'ilson Hall. abouc the interactions smdenrs described on the cam­ he admirustracion and members of the pus and off the campus." -nt Druon agree that making the educa­ "Simply beca~e you're educarcd doesn't mean encc posmvc for black srudent:s on cam- vou'll kill stereotypes or racial pre1udice; you hope you stcp in addrc.'>Smg the issue and should be will," Yarncll said. photo by Willow Joines x:fore heavilv rccruiong other black stu­ Neverd1elcss, Mock believes the WU\'crsity should Bundled up against the return of winter Katie Anderson surveys land for a cnd MSG surveying class. i~ a balancing here," Malone said. "\Ve ~cc Plan page 8 ntana State set to close 11th Avenue for construction the utilities tunnel. are molJabk "This tunnel that we're «It won't have a major effect. What we found in 1994 when They find the pumng underground 1s a utility we did the center of the campus- which is also a highly traveled easiest route \·en· runnel and it will be 8 feet by 10 quickly. We'll · en you thought the feet tall and it will carry the pedestrian area- the students are moldable." ha\·e maps posted "' ~s were over, Mon­ campus steam Imes and commu­ -Bob Lashaway, director of facility services and aux1bry affairs on the bullenn ts continuing its nications systems, water and hoards and rwo or •n season. utilities," Lashaway said. fieldhouse, Campus Theaters " It won't have a major three pedcsman pathways at all ling to Bob Lashaway, While the road closure will and Musuem of the Rockie~. effect," Lashawav said "Vl'hat ttmcs dunng comtrucnon. Fac1hry Services and allow the runnels to finally be However, Lashaway said MSU we found in 199.4 when we J1J They'll move 1n locanon but iffam, South 11th completed, it may cause some doesn't anticipate any problems the cenccr of the campus­ we'II keep them open so we can lose Monday for the problems for residents who aside from minor 111conve- whICh 1s also a highly traveled of construction of often use the road to acces~ the pedestrian- area the students sec Construction page 3 Fcatt..1res Sports Friday: Cloudy with scattered Student Doctor Bobcats beat showers. High in the 30s. I want to Idaho; will play suck your for Big Sky title Saturday: Drier with a high near 40. blood! Saturday. Page 10 Page 13 2 Page Fnda\', March 1 , 1996 · ASMSU Exponent Jeremy Fritz and l(ristin Sondeno focus on communica Jerenw Fntz and Knsun council, 1. Long Range Planning desire for the pres1denc\·. member of Montana's School to the po:.mon of prcs1 Sondeno ,\·am to reach out and Committee. 3 .~Assis~am Dean\ "Th i~ past year, I sened as Work adnsorv board. The knowl­ opportunity to better touch Montana State students edge and experience has dn,·cn "'Succes:. is ne\'er c if elected for me to mY goal of be­ failure 1s ne\'er fiml,' I President and "Our team will focus on using premier com­ ing A :\ISL' presi­ quote as meaning al\\ l) \'ice President dent~ get better and never :.t pr in ASMSL' munication and effective tcam\\·or1'. to set J ondeno also has your goals," Fnrz said 1 Boch see positive relat10nsh1p bet\\ een the administra­ im·ol\·emenc 1n the \·ear, Knmn and I ha\e the primary FFA, along with work­ ~ve want to accomplish. problem with tion, fa.cult), ASMSU and the student body. V\re ing as a page for the have leader~h1p, enth the university offer leadership, enthusiasm and a vision that legislature and as a the vision to take ~1onta 1s the absence leadership camp coun- to another le\'el of ex of communi­ will take MSU to another level of excellence." selor. want to make a positive 1 cation on all levels of che "These positions have played this school. I want Mona school. -Jeremy Fritz(left) and Kristin Sondeno(right) a part in developing my leader­ to be better wheQ I lea "'We feel there 1s a lack of ship skills," Sondeno said. "Thls when I got here. Most commun1Cation between all as­ council, 4. Dean's and Director's Assistant Pro-Tempore for ASMSU summer as a counselor, I took on tantly, education is nor~ pects of Montana Scace Univer­ board, 5. Professional groups \\Te Senate," Fritz said. "I was a Mon­ the responsibility of affecting books and gaining knoWIJ sity," Fritz and Sondeno said. "To feel that a students' voice should tana State FFA officer as well as many high school kids lives. I it's abouc people, cul r resolve this communication prob­ be heard and that ASMSU should Montana's National FFA officer can­ would now like to take on the periences and a garcwt lem we would like co see active act on ic.~ didate in 1994. The past two sum­ responsibiliry of ASMSU vice future. Do I wane to be student participation on these According to Fritz, his expe­ mers, I was a camp counselor at a president." commmees/boards: 1. Faculty nence in leadership gave him the leadership camp. Currently, I am a According to Fritz, he sees Brad Dubeau and Craig Richesin campaign on experien• Past knowledge and expen­ mg to Dubeau. penence necessary to do a quality an experienced direction of lead­ a ting process for studcote ence, coupled with a genuine con­ "I've been involved with Sen- job as President of ASMSU." ership to the vice presidency," One of the biggest cern for students are the tools ate for two Richesin said. for the candidates is dca Brad Dubeau and Craig Richesin y e a r s Dubeau believes the Board of Regents. promise to bring to the ASMSU h i s Richesin said he felt conf administration. "Being in ASMSU this past year has provided ~ could work with the R Dubeau, running for presi­ us with insight on how ASMSU administration forthe help the students of MS dent, and currently serving as presi­ "Dealing with the R1 ASMSU vice president, said his works, plus how ASMSU networks on campus." dency be vital in the upcoDll I experience will allow the chang­ lie in Richesin said. "With d mg of administration to occur -Brad Dubeau(left) and Craig Richesin(right) the re­ Fee and the Legislatiitt easily. lation­ coming up, the sruda:ll "We feel that we can bring ships team who arc experienc the students experience and, along n o '"' , " he has developed ing with the system ... E with that, a smooth transition," Dubeau said.
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