Diocese of Alaska The Right Reverend Nikolai Bishop of Sitka,Anchorage, and Alaska Diocesan Chancery PO Box 210569 Anchorage, AK 99521-0569 Office 907-279-0025 Fax 907-279-9748 Delivery Address 7718 Old Harbor Ave. Listings Diocesan Parish Anchorage, AK 99504 Email [email protected] Archimandrite Isidore, Chancellor Email [email protected] Diocesan Council Web Site Bishop Nikolai, Chair www.dioceseofalaska.org Archimandrite Isidore, Chancellor V. Rev. Chad Hatfield, Seminary Dean Institutions Minadora Jacobs, Secretary SS. Sergius and Herman of Valaam Chapel Spruce Island, AK Members V. Rev. Michael Oleksa, Rev. Ivan Gumlickpuk, St. Herman Seminary Patrick Pletnikoff, Anna Andrew, Katherine Bourdukofsky 414 Mission Road Kodiak, AK 99615 Metropolitan Council Representatives Archimandrite Isidore Outreach Alaska Minadora Jacobs 2421 Perry St. Wichita, KS 67204 OCA Department of Evangelization Protecting Veil of the Theotokos Community Diocesan Consultant PO Box 211271 V. Rev. Chad Hatfield Anchorage, AK 99521-1271 OCA Department of History and Archives St. Yakov Center for Orthodox Christian Learning Diocesan Consultant Soldatna, AK Ms. Minadora Jacobs Russian Orthodox Museum OCA Office of Communications Corner of 6th and A Streets Diocesan Consultant Anchorage, AK 99501 907-278-7257 Rev. Innocent Dresdow Publications The North Star, quarterly diocesan publication Seminary Star, Publication of St. Herman’s Seminary 2007 Sourcebook & Church Directory 39 Diocese of Alaska Diocesan Parish Listings Diocesan Parish Anchorage Deanery Rt. Rev. NIKOLAI, Rector Rev. Dn. Andronik Kashevarof, V. Rev. John Zabinko, Dean PO Box 210569 Attached 6724 E. 4th Ave. Anchorage, AK 99521-0569 PO Box 961 Anchorage, AK 99504 Office 907-279-0025 St. George Island, AK 99591 Home 907-859-2235 Home 907-333-9723 V. Rev. John Zabinko, Dean 6724 E. 4th Ave. Mrs. Anna Jarlson, Choir Director Adak Anchorage, AK 99504 St. Innocent Church (1996) Home 907-333-9723 Chenega Bay Adak, AK Archimandrite Isidore (Brittain) Nativity of the Theotokos Church PO Box 210569 (1986) Mailing Address: c/o V. Tutinkoff Sr. Chenega Bay, AK 99574 PO Box 2101 Anchorage, AK 99521-0569 Adak, AK 99546 Office 907-279-0025 Mailing Address: c/o Mrs. Mary Kompkoff Serviced by: Anchorage Deanery Clergy Rev. Hieromonk Yakov (Nicolai), Attached PO Box 8002 Chenega Bay, AK 99574 Anchorage c/o 6724 E. 4th Ave. Anchorage, AK 99521 Rev. Peter Chris, Priest-in-Charge Protecting Veil of the Home 907-830-0137 Theotokos Orthodox 8320 Henry Cir. Community (1996) Rev. Andrew T. Kashevarof, Attached Anchorage, AK 99507 Home 907-274-4252 PO Box 211271 4543 San Roberto Anchorage, AK 99521-1271 Anchorage, AK 99508 Mrs. Mary Ann Kompkoff, Reader Office 907-274-8001 Home 907-332-8641 Home 907-573-5133 Fax 907-274-8001 Rev. Sergius Nauman, Attached Eklutna Village Mother Capetolina (Buterin) PO Box 30 Homer, AK 99630-0030 St. Nicholas Church (1870) St. Alexis Mission (2003) Home 907-235-3223 HPO Box 671035 5801 Arctic Blvd. Chugiak, AK 99567-1035 V. Rev. Paul Merculief, Retired,Attached Anchorage, AK 99518 H 10120 Betula Dr. Serviced by: Anchorage Deanery Clergy Rectory & Mailing Address: Anchorage, AK 99507 8000 Summerset Dr. Home 907-522-4614 Fairbanks Anchorage, AK 99518 Protodn. Daniel Charles St. Herman Church (1975) 2180 Goldstream Rd. V. Rev. Michael Oleksa, Rector 501 Izembek Cir. Fairbanks, AK 99709 Home 907-646-4086 Anchorage, AK 99508 Home 907-333-4352 Rectory 907-458-0525 Rev. Peter Chris, Assistant Priest Mailing Address: Box 80971 8320 Henry Cir. Rev. Hierodn. Panteleimon (Erickson), Fairbanks, AK 99708 Anchorage, AK 99507 Attached Home 907-274-4252 3421E. 42nd #301 Rev. Mikel Bock, Rector Anchorage, AK 99508 Home 907-458-0525 St. Innocent Cathedral (1967) Home 907-646-2304 H401 Turpin St. Subdn. Patrick Pletnikoff, Starosta Anchorage, AK 99521-5407 Protodn. George Nelson, Attached Home 907-457-1349 Office 907-333-9723 6853 N. Mission Cir. Wasilla, AK 99654 Mailing Address: PO Box 210547 Home 907-373-3350 Anchorage, AK 99521-5047 40 The Orthodox Church in America Diocese of Alaska Lime Village Rectory & Mailing Address: Eek SS. Constantine and Helen Church 650 E. Eden Ct. St. Michael the Archangel Church Lime Village, AK 99668 Wasilla, AK 99654 (1958) Eek, AK 99578 Serviced by: Rev. Leonty Johnston Rev. Christopher Stanton, Rector Home 907-357-9693 PO Box 9127 Serviced by: V. Rev. Nicholai Larson Nikolai, AK 99691 PO Box 6048 Home 907-293-2331 Napaskiak, AK 99559 Bethel Deanery Home 907-737-7415 Nikolai V. Rev. Phillip Alexie, Dean PO Box 6544 Mr. Michael Wassillie, Reader St. Peter the Apostle Church (1915) Atmartluaq, AK 99559 General Delivery PO Box 9127 Listings Diocesan Parish Home 907-527-5027 Tuntutuliak, AK 99680 Nikolai, AK 99691 Rev. Leonty Johnston, Rector Atmartluaq Kasigluk Home 907-293-2331 St. Herman of Alaska Church Holy Trinity Church (1953) (1974) Kasigluk, AK 99609 Palmer Atmartluaq, AK 99557 Rectory & Mailing Address: PO Box 193 St. Raphael of Brooklyn Mission Kasigluk, AK 99609 (2005) Mailing Address: PO Box 6544 Palmer, AK Atmartluaq, AK 99559 Rev. Yakov Steven, Rector PO Box 193 Mailing Address: c/o Diocese of Alaska Serviced by: V. Rev. Phillip Alexie PO Box 6544 Kasigluk, AK 99609 PO Box 210569 Home 907-477-6900 Anchorage, AK 99521 Atmartluaq, AK 99559 Home 907-527-5027 Serviced by: Anchorage Deanery Clergy Kongiganak Mr. Moses Pavilla, Reader St. Gabriel Church Telida Home 907-553-5526 Kongiganak, AK 99559 St. Basil Church Bethel Serviced by: V. Rev. Martin Nicolai Telida, AK 99691 St. Sophia Church (1968) PO Box 8057 Serviced by: Anchorage Deanery Clergy 541 3rd Ave. Tuntutuliak, AK 99680 Bethel, AK 99557 Home 907-256-2505 Tyonek Mailing Address: PO Box 2991 Kwethluk St. Nicholas Church (1891) Bethel, AK 99557 Tyonek, AK 99682 St. Nicholas Church (1935) Box 92 Rev. R. George Berezkin, Rector Rev. Peter Chris, Priest-in-Charge Kwethluk, AK 99621 PO Box 2806 8320 Henry Cir. Bethel, AK 99559 Anchorage, AK 99507 Rev. Alexander Larson, Rector Home 907-543-7187 Home 907-274-4252 Home 907-757-6807 Rev. David Ogan, Rector Rev. Steven Epchook, Attached Wasilla PO Box 1347 #337 PO Box 154 St. Lazarus Mission Bethel, AK 99559 Kwethluk, AK 99621 HWasilla, AK 99654 Home 907-543-2273 Home 907-757-6950 Meeting at: Sacred Heart RC Church Rev. Dn. Yakov Fisher Sr., Attached old chapel Box 27 1201 Bogard Rd. Kwethluk, AK 99621 Wassila, AK Home 907-757-6223 2007 Sourcebook & Church Directory 41 Diocese of Alaska Diocesan Parish Listings Diocesan Parish Kwigillingok Dillingham Deanery Serviced from: St. Michael Church (1975) V. Rev. David Askoak, Dean Koliganek and New Stuyahok Kwigillingok, AK 99622 PO Box 533 Iguigig Dillingham, AK 99576 Serviced by: V. Rev. Martin Nicolai Home 907-842-5470 St. Nicholas Church PO Box 8057 General Delivery Tuntutuliak, AK 99680 Igiugig, AK 99613 Home 907-256-2505 Aleknagik Holy Resurrection Church (1938) Serviced by: Rev. Daniel Askoak Napaskiak Aleknagik, AK 99555 PO Box 54 Nondalton, AK 99640 St. James Church (1935) Mailing Address: Napaskiak, AK 99559 Mr. Pavla (Bob) Andrew Contact Person: Ms. Mary Olympic V. Rev. Nicholai Larson, Rector PO Box 98 PO Box 4006 PO Box 6048 Dillingham, AK 99576 Igiugig, AK 99613 Home 907-533-3208 Napaskiak, AK 99559 Serviced by: Dillingham Deanery Clergy Home 907-737-7415 Kokhonak Clarks Point Nunapitchuk SS. Peter and Paul Church St. Innocent Enlightener of Alaska Kokhanok, AK Presentation of the Theotokos Mission (1988) Church (1946) Clarks Point, AK 99569 Mailing Address: c/o Fr. Daniel Askoak Nunapitchuk, AK 99641 PO Box 54 Serviced by: Dillingham Deanery Clergy Nondalton, AK 99640 Mailing Address: PO Box 122 Nunapitchuk, AK 99641 Dillingham Serviced by: Rev. Daniel Askoak PO Box 54 V. Rev. Phillip Alexie, Rector St. Seraphim of Sarov Church Nondalton, AK 99640 PO Box 6544 (1828) Atmartluaq, AK 99559 PO Box 533 Koliganek Home 907-527-5027 Dillingham, AK 99576 St. Michael the Archangel Church Quinahak V. Rev. David Askoak, Rector (1870) Home 907-842-5470 Orthodox Mission (2006) PO Box 5037 Koliganek, AK 99576 Egegik Quinahak, AK Transfiguration of Our Lord Rev. Ivan Gumlickpuk, Rector Home 907-596-3507 Serviced by: V. Rev. Nicholai Larson Church PO Box 6048 Egegik, AK 99579 Rev. Dn. Prokopy Kapatak, Attached Napaskiak, AK 99559 PO Box 57 Home 907-737-7415 Ekuk Dillingham, AK 99576 St. Nicholas Chapel (1908) Home 907-596-3423 Tuntutuliak General Delivery St. Agaphia Church Ekuk, AK 99576 Levelock Tuntutuliak, AK 99680 Protection of the Virgin Mary Serviced in Summer by: Church (1937) V. Rev. Martin Nicolai, Rector Dillingham Deanery Clergy PO Box 8057 Levelock, AK 99625 Tuntutuliak, AK 99680 Ekwok V. Rev. David Askoak, Priest-in-Charge Home 907-256-2505 St. John Church PO Box 533 General Delivery Dillingham, AK 99576 Ekwok, AK 99580 Home 907-842-5470 42 The Orthodox Church in America Diocese of Alaska Naknek Kenai Deanery Rev. Michael Fredericks, St. Anna the Mother of the Rev. Daniel Andrejuk, Dean Priest-in-Charge Theotokos Church (1996) PO Box 141872 PO Box 5564 Naknek, AK 99633 Anchorage, AK 99514-1872 Port Graham, AK 99603 Home 907-333-2103 Home 907-284-2204 V. Rev. Michael Trefon, Rector Office 907-240-1888 PO Box 48002 Kenai Chignik Lake, AK 99548 Anchorage Holy Assumption of the Virgin Home 907-845-2288 Mary Church (1846) St. Tikhon of Moscow Mission Kenai, AK Newhalen (2003) Anchorage, AK Transfiguration of Our Lord Rev. Thomas A. Andrew, Rector Listings Diocesan Parish 1106 Mission Rd. Church Meeting at: Russian Orthodox Museum Kenai, AK 99611-8017 PO Box 225 605 “A”St Home 907-283-4122 Newhalen, AK 99606 Anchorage, AK V. Rev. Macarius Targonsky, Rev. Daniel Askoak, Priest-in-Charge Mailing Address: c/o Fr. D. Andrejuk Retired,Attached PO Box 54 PO Box 141872 Nondalton, AK 99640 Anchorage, AK 99514-1872 PO Box 3427 Kenai, AK 99611 New Stuyahok Rev.
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